'We're Reluctant To Do This'...But We Can't Let The Democrats Look Bad: This Is What Triggered MSNBC


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
'We're Reluctant To Do This'...But We Can't Let The Democrats Look Bad: This Is What Triggered MSNBC During Graham's Opening Remarks

'We're Reluctant To Do This'...But We Can't Let The Democrats Look Bad: This Is What Triggered MSNBC During Graham's Opening Remarks
5/2/2019 ~ By Matt Vespa
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) had a colorful introductory speech prior to the start of the hearing, where the Republican Senator dropped some f-bombs citing the Strzok-Page texts... Yet, it was Graham’s “No Collusion” remarks that prompted MSNBC (or MSDNC) to cut into the hearing for a “fact check” led by none other than the Godfather of fake news Brian Williams. You guys, the Democrats were going to look bad, so the network, which is wholly designated to keeping liberal blood pressures low, had to run interference on facts. The collusion narrative has been busted. It’s a myth (via NTK Network):
Yeah, the man who was suspended for months because multiple stories of his turned out to be fake news trash is the one who should be leading the “fact check.” This has as about as much credibility as Kim Jong-un’s state television.
So, yeah—this “fact check” was just another liberal tantrum. You guys lost. Trump is still president. And guess what AG Barr will remain at the DOJ. Does it hurt to suck this much?

Having been caught in a nearly three year long lie, the media’s response, like most congenital liars, is to double down. The media deserves the slow death in viewership they are achieving. Nothing like a "news" organization interrupting actual news to tell you why you shouldn't believe your lying eyes and ears. To think, for all this time I've been calling it "Propaganda."
What a sad state we've fallen to when national media are so consumed with putting out THEIR version of the "truth." That's why network news is in the crapper. Nobody trusts them anymore. It's easier to dismiss them nowadays with all the alternate forms of media you can consume news with. But the standards the media supposedly used to live up to and certainly don't now do not govern any of these new alternatives either. This is why Trump tweets. I get a little frustrated with him sometimes but I have to admit, Trump is WAAAAY ahead of the ballgame here. Rather than let the news media twist what he says, he just puts it out there. Often it isn't very refined. And ALWAYS the lame-stream media twist it anyway. But once he's put it out there he exposes them for having the contortion of hundred different ways to try to find the negative spin on it. In other words, Trump has put the corrupt media machines on the defensive consistently, and he's done this like no President before him.
"it's hilarious, seriously funny, that after 2+ years of the absolute hysteria on the left over " Russia! Russia! Russian COLLUSION" that NOW the Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Left if pretending they never mentioned the word, had no idea that anyone was looking for COLLUSION between the Trump campaign and Russia at all. Never occurred to them I guess. NOPE All this time what they were actually looking for was OBSTRUCTION of something or other.
It's time to open up a full investigation of the Obama DOJ & FBI and their involvement in illegal activities related to the Trump campaign and Presidency. CRIMES were committed!! Comey, Clapper, Brennan, McCabe, Ohr, Priestap, Strzok, Lynch and Obama better lawyer up real soon....
AG Barr has promised to investigate the investigators beginning with the FISA Court process.
The Dems are doing a damned fine job of looking bad all on their own.

Bunch of grand standing idiots.

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