Were the Dallas Shootings a Hate Crime?

Apparently one of the shooters told police negotiators that he "hated white people," and his objective was "to kill white people and cops."

Does this qualify as a hate crime?

How would Obama or the media respond if the situation was reversed?

Well, yes, of course it was a hate crime, but the shooter is already dead. So do they charge dead guys?
They charge the three who are alive.
Yes it was. And it was purely stated as such.

If there is any truth to this this you could possibly call it an act of terrorism.

Just announced on the radio. They know his name but won't release it. Makes me wonder if he has a Muslim name....

Edit: His name was Mika Johnson. Definitely not Muslim so I dunno why the radio host refused to release it.
I heard his name earlier, it didn't sound Muslim but who knows.

People that use guns against the government are sick fucks in most cases.
Somehow the AP put that bit of information out and yet not the race.

Well, the fact that they did not put out the race only means what we all think it means.

Oh, but they were sure quick to not only put out the information of the cops that killed those two BLACK GUYS, but they were all too happy to put out the video.

Anderson Cooper interviewing men in tight dungarees from baton Rouge.

Of course not one CNN truck reporting from Chicago with 60 shootings.

Could you imagine if it was a white man that shot 60 negros in Chicago and 5 of them died?!

We are fucked. You all ready? It is a war going on folks. The liars on the left verses those of us on the side of truth.

With a little luck he's a Republican. Who listens to Rush and watches Fox news.

Yes, I suppose you would think that lucky since almost invariably these dumb shit violent assholes are liberals. As this one will prove out to be as well.

SIck fuck.
As the military becomes more diverse, military integrity will become less and less important.
Just announced on the radio. They know his name but won't release it. Makes me wonder if he has a Muslim name....

Edit: His name was Mika Johnson. Definitely not Muslim so I dunno why the radio host refused to release it.

Sad. The previous shootout with police in TX was a vet too.
No, only b/c hate crimes laws are stupid.

I agree. However, if a white man went on a shooting spree and killed blacks because "I hate black people and want to kill them," would it not be labelled a hate crime?

And btw.....the little fucker who shot up that church is Charleston committed a hate crime at least as I understand the definition. Either way the little shit should fry, just like the folks involved in the Dallas shooting.

According to the law this should be classified as a hate crime. My personal objections notwithstanding. These murderous assholes will get their comeuppance and deserve every punishment the law allows.
Isn't killing a police officer already a capital crime? It used to be.
Just announced on the radio. They know his name but won't release it. Makes me wonder if he has a Muslim name....

Edit: His name was Mika Johnson. Definitely not Muslim so I dunno why the radio host refused to release it.
We really don't know what religion he was. He could be a Christian (Christian name, Christian turned Muslim) or even a Catholic. We don't know. His picture showed him with a fist in the air. Does that give us a clue to his politics?

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