Were we not promised indictments…

Maybe if we had a DOJ that wasnt as corrupt as the 3 you just mentioned, there would be action, but alas, there are Marxists/Democrats that ARE above the law. And you fuckers let it happen. Dumbass sychophant...

You are the ones who want to corrupt the DOJ. Durham found no evidence of any crimes. There are right wing Republicans that are attacking this country. You are a threat to this country.
This story has been completely debunked! You said nothing about Trump kissing Putins ass in Helsinki, so you can shut your fucking mouth now!
No it hasn’t. It’s actually being proven more and more by the day. Trump not doing what YOU idiots wanted to Putin (even though he was tougher on him than any of you morons) is a sad deflection attempt. So you need to shut your fucking mouth. And get ready to cry some more when the next bunch of evidence comes out.
Illegally acting as an unregistered foreign agent, making deals benefitting our enemies resulting in said enemies payong the Bidens money...

References to Biden receiving money from foreign nations and / or businesses...


Evidence of crimes has been found...

Information / evidence that could be used to compromise the President has been found.

Aside from Bunter's laptop tbe Dept of the Treasury, IRS, and at least 12 Banks have provided evidrnce of corruption, crime, and activity that - if not implicates Presidrnt Biden directly exposes the entire criminal Biden family.

Also, I do not prescribe to the laughable liberal defense of Joe Biden of how it is perfectly fine if China, Russia, Romania, Ukraine,Burisma, etc... gives every Biden family member EXCEPT JOE BIDEN millions its perfectly ok and is no threat to compromise him or harm the US.
There have been leftist posters here trying to claim Joe doesn’t know what his own wife and children are doing. And that he has no idea how all that money got to him. They truly are that desperate.
There have been leftist posters here trying to claim Joe doesn’t know what his own wife and children are doing. And that he has no idea how all that money got to him. They truly are that desperate.
...at the same time claiming this is perfectly acceptable.
No it hasn’t. It’s actually being proven more and more by the day. Trump not doing what YOU idiots wanted to Putin (even though he was tougher on him than any of you morons) is a sad deflection attempt. So you need to shut your fucking mouth. And get ready to cry some more when the next bunch of evidence comes out.
What evidence? Where is it? Trump didn't do shit to Putin!
Yes, the Hillary Hoax has been proven.

Yes, NO EVIDENCE against Trump has been proven.

Yes, the false coup investigation never should have begun.

Yes,Obama, Biden, and Democrats have been proven to be traitors.

And the only ass-kissing that has gone is yours of the Democrat Traitors.

7 years
No crime
No evidence
No witnesses
No convictions
HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of crimes by the Traitors / FBI

Its over.

Remain in denial
Stay ignorant
I don't care
Hilarious, fuckup

The Hillary what has been proven?

In regard to the former 1-term fuckup, where do we start?

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