West Virginia cadets fired for Nazi salute

While I despise everything Nazi, do they not have a right to express a view, particularly a "view" that was probably all a joke anyway? In other words, are offensive jokes covered under the 1st amendment?

West Virginia correctional cadets who gave Nazi salute in photo will all be fired
Good people on both sides. (sic)

And specifically NOT the nazis. So, why you lying?
Lying about what? By the way, KMA.
Classic prog-babble.
The problem is you are to dumb to figure it out.
Me? Any poor slub that wants to make a living being a freaking prison guard? Has my support and pity.
That sounds like just about the last job I would want to do.
I dont know Correll.

Prison guards have an awful lot of power over their prisoners.

I have done security work and the opportunity to 'go off' on someone occurs frequently, but I kept in m ind that no matter what the criminal law says, I could still be subjected to a civil trial via lawsuit.

So no matter how stupid and provocative some ape was, I held back to make sure they didnt cross the line and get physical with me.

If these guards have such poor judgement, would you want them guarding you fora few years?

Not me, bro.
A lot of these prisons are located in impoverished communities where there really aren't a lot of other opportunities.
Well, maybe they would do better as firemen?

No one that would pose in front of a camera giving a Nazi salute, especially these days, has the judgement to be in charge of other peoples lives on a daily basis.
...should have foreseen that such an expression would reflect badly upon their employer...

Their "employer" is the government, which is prohibited from banning speech.

Does the 1st amendment not apply to government employees?
You are free to express yourself and employers are free to fire you for doing something stupid. The morons got what they deserved.

So the government can fire employees for expressing unpopular views?
If they all get hired at Walmart and get together for a good old Nazi salute photograph in the store, They will again be fired, and rightly so.

Are government employees permitted to express unpopular opinions?
I definitely agree. The Hatch Act prohibits civil servants from indicating support for any partisan political group while on duty and in uniform.

That sounds contrary to the 1st amendment to me.
Losing their jobs is fine with me. They have demonstrated remarkably bad judgment.

Had they burned the American flag while calling for Trump's impeachment, that would have been fine, right?
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!
and if that doesn't happen, you get to blame it on darkies, gays and other types of people you hate.....you may even get to add in "the illegals stole the election" talk...it will be fun
If they are a legal voter I can't say anything. I can guarantee you, I won't wear a pussy hat. But you loons already got Trump elected. Lots of republicans that didn't vote for Trump last time. Are now!
50,000 people in 3 states got Trump elected.....

I understand dic suckers like you are not use to winning elections by both electoral college and general vote landslides.....but you are free to refer back the 2012 and 2008 for a frame of reference...
Too bad your lying ass can't prove that.
I can't prove that Trump just won by 50K votes across three states?? Ok, how about less than 80K?? Would that make you feel better???

Are you one of those dumb asses that believe Trump won both the electoral and popular vote? Really??

"A shift of fewer than 80,000 votes in three states (Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) — or 0.06% of 137 million cast -- [is what won Trump the presidency]"

Why voting matters: Supreme Court edition

That is NOT a landslide victory.....especially when you consider he ran against someone as hated as Hillary.....then in 2018, the GOP got whooped so bad that they were campaigning on protecting Obamacare.....

However ….you think trolling, lying and insulting 16 yr old autistic kids is the secret recipe to growing your party? Cool....that means you dic suckers shouldn't be complaining about everything all the time...
3 states lol
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!
and if that doesn't happen, you get to blame it on darkies, gays and other types of people you hate.....you may even get to add in "the illegals stole the election" talk...it will be fun
If they are a legal voter I can't say anything. I can guarantee you, I won't wear a pussy hat. But you loons already got Trump elected. Lots of republicans that didn't vote for Trump last time. Are now!
50,000 people in 3 states got Trump elected.....

I understand dic suckers like you are not use to winning elections by both electoral college and general vote landslides.....but you are free to refer back the 2012 and 2008 for a frame of reference...
View attachment 297513 3 states lol
I love it when bad things happen to stupid people

Hey everybody!
Wouldn’t it be funny if we all gave a Nazi salute?
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!
and if that doesn't happen, you get to blame it on darkies, gays and other types of people you hate.....you may even get to add in "the illegals stole the election" talk...it will be fun
If they are a legal voter I can't say anything. I can guarantee you, I won't wear a pussy hat. But you loons already got Trump elected. Lots of republicans that didn't vote for Trump last time. Are now!
50,000 people in 3 states got Trump elected.....

I understand dic suckers like you are not use to winning elections by both electoral college and general vote landslides.....but you are free to refer back the 2012 and 2008 for a frame of reference...
Yes, he won the election by 3 states....

Meaning if the counties in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania swung 80,000 votes in Hillary's favor, she would be president -- and you would have been posting your 234th post talking about how America needs a civil war or whatever butthurt you would have been into....
No, actually in November when Trump is reelected and gets a super majority in both houses. By 2024, Trump will turn the supreme court conservative! Watching your reaction then, will be hilarious! The best part is Pelosi and Schiff gave it to us! Wow!
and if that doesn't happen, you get to blame it on darkies, gays and other types of people you hate.....you may even get to add in "the illegals stole the election" talk...it will be fun
If they are a legal voter I can't say anything. I can guarantee you, I won't wear a pussy hat. But you loons already got Trump elected. Lots of republicans that didn't vote for Trump last time. Are now!
50,000 people in 3 states got Trump elected.....

I understand dic suckers like you are not use to winning elections by both electoral college and general vote landslides.....but you are free to refer back the 2012 and 2008 for a frame of reference...
Too bad your lying ass can't prove that.
I can't prove that Trump just won by 50K votes across three states?? Ok, how about less than 80K?? Would that make you feel better???

Are you one of those dumb asses that believe Trump won both the electoral and popular vote? Really??

"A shift of fewer than 80,000 votes in three states (Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin) — or 0.06% of 137 million cast -- [is what won Trump the presidency]"

Why voting matters: Supreme Court edition

That is NOT a landslide victory.....especially when you consider he ran against someone as hated as Hillary.....then in 2018, the GOP got whooped so bad that they were campaigning on protecting Obamacare.....

However ….you think trolling, lying and insulting 16 yr old autistic kids is the secret recipe to growing your party? Cool....that means you dic suckers shouldn't be complaining about everything all the time...
People love the perception of anything giving to them for free. Its human nature. And I have believed in votes being rigged for decades. In local elections and in blue cities especially spreading up to national votes from the same areas.

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