WH Press Secretary Psaki Refuses To Say If Biden Believes A 15 Week Old, Unborn Baby Is A Human Being

From a legal standpoint, NO - A 15 week old zygote is no more a human being than a freshly hatched tadpole is a frog.
Human beings have to be able to live and breath on their own - Independent of a host.

View attachment 504342
So, you think a newborn can live on his/her own?

what a dumbass.

It can breath on its own, and isn't entirely dependent on a host.
So yes ... DUMBASS
You said live on its own.

Prop one up in the corner and see how long it lives on its own, Simpleton.
From a legal standpoint, NO - A 15 week old zygote is no more a human being than a freshly hatched tadpole is a frog.
Human beings have to be able to live and breath on their own - Independent of a host.

View attachment 504342
So, you think a newborn can live on his/her own?

what a dumbass.

It can breath on its own, and isn't entirely dependent on a host.
So yes ... DUMBASS
So if a premature baby needs a ventilator to breath you are still good with killing it cuz it can’t breathe on its own.

You are one sick puppy.
It’a a Yes, No, or Not Sure answer for Mr Catholic.

Yes you make laws to protect the child.

No you don’t make laws to protect the child.

Not Sure you error on the side of life and make laws to protect what maybe a child.

You think a 15 week foetus could survive outside the womb? Stupid.

You should have a vasectomy and mind your own damned business.
Repubs only pretend to care about the unborn, we know damn sure they despise the living.

They don't give a shit about the baby once it's outside the womb. Then it's on it's own. Hungry? Fuck you. Want good schools in your poor neighborhood? Fuck you. Want a livable wage? Fuck you. Need healthcare? Fuck you.
And notice how quickly Republicans want to go to war with countries like Iran or Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of American soldiers will die? Fuck you.
This is the dumbest piss poor excuse for rational thought that I have seen today. (Just started on this thread however so it could get worse).
Wanting people to make good decisions does not equate to fuck you.

1) If you want kids, plan to have kids and plan to take fucking care of them. If you dont want kids, stop fucking without protection.
2) If you have kids and cant afford to school them, then you shouldnt have had kids. See number 1 above.
3) Arent making enough money to support all those kids? See fucking #1. Cant support yourself? Thats on you.
4) Cant afford healthcare? Stop smoking, drinking and being obese. And again, see #1.

The war comment is just idiotic. Doesnt deserve a response.

Why must democrats enable and encourage people to make poor decisions? Hooked on drugs? Here's a clean needle for you. Fat and unhealthy? Here's some free healthcare. Got drunk and got pregnant? We got you.

It's insane.
From a legal standpoint, NO - A 15 week old zygote is no more a human being than a freshly hatched tadpole is a frog.
Human beings have to be able to live and breath on their own - Independent of a host.

View attachment 504342
So, you think a newborn can live on his/her own?

what a dumbass.

It can breath on its own, and isn't entirely dependent on a host.
So yes ... DUMBASS
You said live on its own.

Prop one up in the corner and see how long it lives on its own, Simpleton.

For a few days? Yes, it could certainly live on its own.
From a legal standpoint, NO - A 15 week old zygote is no more a human being than a freshly hatched tadpole is a frog.
Human beings have to be able to live and breath on their own - Independent of a host.

View attachment 504342
So, you think a newborn can live on his/her own?

what a dumbass.

It can breath on its own, and isn't entirely dependent on a host.
So yes ... DUMBASS
You said live on its own.

Prop one up in the corner and see how long it lives on its own, Simpleton.

For a few days? Yes, it could certainly live on its own.
So you admit it can’t live on its own.
From a legal standpoint, NO - A 15 week old zygote is no more a human being than a freshly hatched tadpole is a frog.
Human beings have to be able to live and breath on their own - Independent of a host.

View attachment 504342
So, you think a newborn can live on his/her own?

what a dumbass.

It can breath on its own, and isn't entirely dependent on a host.
So yes ... DUMBASS
You said live on its own.

Prop one up in the corner and see how long it lives on its own, Simpleton.

For a few days? Yes, it could certainly live on its own.
So you admit it can’t live on its own.

Learn to read and get back to me :rolleyes-41:
I rob a baby of life every time I pull out, potentially. I brought them into this world and the law, our country, even the Supreme Court, agrees I can take them out up until a certain time and then you can only do it if there are medical reasons. Seems reasonable to me.
That's like saying I save a life every time I don't run over some old person in a cross walk.

I understand your point is rhetorical but with our ever growing understanding of fetal science
the time frame is pushed further back when we can see that the fetus is more developed
than previously thought at a younger stage of development.

Public support for the rights of the unborn grow stronger year by year.
This issue will not go away and the dithering dotard Joe Biden is not helping things.
Who cares about public support. Bunch of guys and women too old to have kids. The only way to know if women support abortions is to allow them to have them when they get pregnant. You're making it harder for them.

We have 7 billion on this planet that is built for 5.
Repubs only pretend to care about the unborn, we know damn sure they despise the living.

They don't give a shit about the baby once it's outside the womb. Then it's on it's own. Hungry? Fuck you. Want good schools in your poor neighborhood? Fuck you. Want a livable wage? Fuck you. Need healthcare? Fuck you.
And notice how quickly Republicans want to go to war with countries like Iran or Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of American soldiers will die? Fuck you.
This is the dumbest piss poor excuse for rational thought that I have seen today. (Just started on this thread however so it could get worse).
Wanting people to make good decisions does not equate to fuck you.

1) If you want kids, plan to have kids and plan to take fucking care of them. If you dont want kids, stop fucking without protection.
2) If you have kids and cant afford to school them, then you shouldnt have had kids. See number 1 above.
3) Arent making enough money to support all those kids? See fucking #1. Cant support yourself? Thats on you.
4) Cant afford healthcare? Stop smoking, drinking and being obese. And again, see #1.

The war comment is just idiotic. Doesnt deserve a response.

Why must democrats enable and encourage people to make poor decisions? Hooked on drugs? Here's a clean needle for you. Fat and unhealthy? Here's some free healthcare. Got drunk and got pregnant? We got you.

It's insane.
1. If you want kids, plan to have kids and plan to take fucking care of them. If you dont want kids and you get pregnant get an abortion. Do the world a favor.
2. If you get pregnant and cant afford to school them, then you shouldnt have had kids. Agree. See point 1
3. Agree. See 1
4. Agree. See 1
First she should ask Biden that personal question.

Second, a human fetus born after just 15 weeks of gestation will not survive and become a baby human being.
It’a a Yes, No, or Not Sure answer for Mr Catholic.

Yes you make laws to protect the child.

No you don’t make laws to protect the child.

Not Sure you error on the side of life and make laws to protect what maybe a child.

You think a 15 week foetus could survive outside the womb? Stupid.

You should have a vasectomy and mind your own damned business.

You think "survive outside the womb" is the definition of life? Stupid.

You should have a sterilization and do the gene pool a favor. "You're a man so it's none of your business" is just another way of saying, "My arguments are so ignorant that I can only win debates if no one else talks."
Repubs only pretend to care about the unborn, we know damn sure they despise the living.

They don't give a shit about the baby once it's outside the womb. Then it's on it's own. Hungry? Fuck you. Want good schools in your poor neighborhood? Fuck you. Want a livable wage? Fuck you. Need healthcare? Fuck you.
And notice how quickly Republicans want to go to war with countries like Iran or Iraq. Hundreds of thousands of American soldiers will die? Fuck you.
We want choice in education to give minorities a chance you loons cannot have that. Got to keep them uneducated and on welfare for a vote. Just ask the Obama phone lady.
So you want to help the few who can do Charter School and in turn hurt the 80% who need public school got it.

What it looks like is you want to give rich people who send their kids to private schools tax breaks even if it means defunding public schools. Got it.
Charter schools would put competition against our public schools. If they can't keep up educating our kids, then they don't deserve our money.
Seems like we have a lot of charter schools opening close to poor communities. How come charter schools aren’t doing so good in upper middle class white communities that have decent public schools?

It seems lik you are looking at the poorest communities and sayin* that’s what public schools are like for all kids. Not true. I went to a Detroit public school and a metro Detroit public school. The metro Detroit school was good the Detroit school was not. Fuck charter schools. Why don’t we just mak Detroit public schools as good as the metro Detroit schools?

I moved out of Detroit in 4th grade. The counselor told my mother I basically learned nothing in 5 years except for what she taught me.
Everyone living was once a 15 week old baby

I have yet to see any Libtard say they support their mom having an abortion when they were conceived.

Typical Libtard double standards.
I wouldn’t have minded one bit if my mom aborted me. Do you know one person who has ever complained about being aborted?

Let me ask you stupid mother fuckers a question. Would you like it if every couple that had sex got pregnant? Isnt that what sex is for? Gods a stupid dick. He should have made it so if you have intercourse you get pregnant every time. Then we would know no5 to fuck. We would just 69
It’a a Yes, No, or Not Sure answer for Mr Catholic.

Yes you make laws to protect the child.

No you don’t make laws to protect the child.

Not Sure you error on the side of life and make laws to protect what maybe a child.

The question was a trap attempting to wedge Biden. He's too smart for that.

Apart from.that, how is that relevant to running the country?

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