WH TRIPLES-Down on Division, Insulting Mlions of Americans - Does Biden REALLY Think This is A 'Winning' Strategy?

The Biden administrationcontinues ots Divisive War Against Millions of Americans.

It's like Niden and his administration came down with the same mental illness Crist came down with in Florida, telling Fl voters, 'if you voted for DeSantis I don't want your vote'.

Biden seems intent on completely driving away millions of voters by doing exactly what he, his DOJ & FBI attempted to do with parents - brand them as domestic terrorists and threats.

The problem is Democrats - especially Biden - needs all the votes they can get and can't afford to drive any away.

The majority of Americans believe Democrats and Biden have the country headed in the wrong direction, & 7 to 8 out of 10 former Biden voters say if they had known about Hunter's laptop they would not have voted for him.

This will NOT help.

I heard Trumpyboy is going to wait to announce his 2024 candidacy. Probably after the 2022 midterms. Any clue why?
I heard Trumpyboy is going to wait to announce his 2024 candidacy. Probably after the 2022 midterms. Any clue why?
The midterms have nothing to do with him, and he knows if the focus of the midterms are the Democrats failures, crimes, failed policies, Inflation, etc... Democrats will get hammered. They can't run on their miserable records.
The midterms have nothing to do with him, and he knows if the focus of the midterms are the Democrats failures, crimes, failed policies, Inflation, etc... Democrats will get hammered. They can't run on their miserable records.
That isn't the answer. But it does have some significance regarding them. Any idea why? Be honest.
The Biden administrationcontinues ots Divisive War Against Millions of Americans.

It's like Niden and his administration came down with the same mental illness Crist came down with in Florida, telling Fl voters, 'if you voted for DeSantis I don't want your vote'.

Biden seems intent on completely driving away millions of voters by doing exactly what he, his DOJ & FBI attempted to do with parents - brand them as domestic terrorists and threats.

The problem is Democrats - especially Biden - needs all the votes they can get and can't afford to drive any away.

The majority of Americans believe Democrats and Biden have the country headed in the wrong direction, & 7 to 8 out of 10 former Biden voters say if they had known about Hunter's laptop they would not have voted for him.

This will NOT help.

So long as you back your arrogant ignorant lying scheming traitorous Orange Scumbag Con-Man you deserve all the brickbats that Sleepy Ol' Uncle Joe can throw at you.

It's time for the GOP to kick the Trailer Trash to the curb and let real, sane Republicans take back their hijacked party before the MAGA-ettes start wearing Brown Shirts.
So long as you back your arrogant ignorant lying scheming traitorous Orange Scumbag Con-Man you deserve all the brickbats that Sleepy Ol' Uncle Joe can throw at you.

It's time for the GOP to kick the Trailer Trash to the curb and let real, sane Republicans take back their hijacked party before the MAGA-ettes start wearing Brown Shirts.
Joe is tired of pussy footing around with the tards. I wish the Dems would sling some shit also. Fair game.
So long as you back your arrogant ignorant lying scheming traitorous Orange Scumbag Con-Man you deserve all the brickbats that Sleepy Ol' Uncle Joe can throw at you.


Thanks for that amusing triggered, highly emotional tantrum, snowflake.

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That isn't the answer. But it does have some significance regarding them. Any idea why? Be honest.
I gave you the answer. I can't help it if you 'Sallies' can't handle the truth.


WH TRIPLES-Down on Division, Insulting Mlions of Americans - Does Biden REALLY Think This is A 'Winning' Strategy?​

It just might be with a GOP leader like McConnell in office! Wait, our Fearless Leader is about to say something!

See the source image
Sit down, lightweight... you aren't up to the challenge.....
....but emotionally disturbed, TDS-suffering, easily-offended, 'mean tweet' triggered snowflakes like you who collectively run out to the streets and literally scream at the sky ARE?


Sit down, put your head between your knees, and take some deep breaths, Skippy. Your hyperventilating, highly emotional, triggered tantrum will pass in a minute.

laughing hilariously.jpg
Oh, Democrats are voting for Democrats. You can bet on that.

Yet tons of Obumma democrats switched to voting for Trump and now droves of democrats are fleeing states like California for redder states.

And now they have Fuck-up Biden who even Barry tried to unload.

Yep. Democrats are in deep doo doo.
The Biden administrationcontinues ots Divisive War Against Millions of Americans.

It's like Niden and his administration came down with the same mental illness Crist came down with in Florida, telling Fl voters, 'if you voted for DeSantis I don't want your vote'.

Biden seems intent on completely driving away millions of voters by doing exactly what he, his DOJ & FBI attempted to do with parents - brand them as domestic terrorists and threats.

The problem is Democrats - especially Biden - needs all the votes they can get and can't afford to drive any away.

The majority of Americans believe Democrats and Biden have the country headed in the wrong direction, & 7 to 8 out of 10 former Biden voters say if they had known about Hunter's laptop they would not have voted for him.

This will NOT help.

The only people who are mentally ill are Trump and his supporters. You fascists can't run on issues because Americans do not support your agenda. That is why you attack tyhe right to vote and use gerrymandering to make voting useless.
Trump isn't up for election in November...but Democratsxare desperate to make the majority of Americans believe he is - it's their only hope of surviving / winning. They sure can't run on their own or Biden's miserable record or failed policies.

His agenda and his assault on America is on the ballot. Vote for a Republican and rights will start disappearing.
The Biden administrationcontinues ots Divisive War Against Millions of Americans.

It's like Niden and his administration came down with the same mental illness Crist came down with in Florida, telling Fl voters, 'if you voted for DeSantis I don't want your vote'.

Biden seems intent on completely driving away millions of voters by doing exactly what he, his DOJ & FBI attempted to do with parents - brand them as domestic terrorists and threats.

The problem is Democrats - especially Biden - needs all the votes they can get and can't afford to drive any away.

The majority of Americans believe Democrats and Biden have the country headed in the wrong direction, & 7 to 8 out of 10 former Biden voters say if they had known about Hunter's laptop they would not have voted for him.

This will NOT help.

/———/ Try convincing the dead voters and Dominion ballot boxes that Joe is bad for America. They won’t listen.
The only people who are mentally ill are Trump and his supporters. You fascists can't run on issues because Americans do not support your agenda. That is why you attack tyhe right to vote and use gerrymandering to make voting useless.
/———/ Secure borders, low taxes, cheap plentiful fuel, fighting the woke BS, and stopping democrats run away spending aren’t issues?

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