What a Second American Civil War Could Look Like

For sure they excuse obvious malicious wrong doing by Democrat pols in the White House and/or Congress et al when they full force attack any chance to accuse, blame, implicate somebody who disagrees with them.

But I shudder to think what would happen if civil war broke out in the USA. The carnage would be horrendous and, if those with the most guns and/or the most passion seize or retain control of the government, I am pretty sure none of us would be happy with the government we would likely get.

Democrats have put us in a terrible position to accept their Stalin tactics for sure. They are holding a gun to their hostage's head (The USA) and promising to shoot if we fight back. We're at the point of fight back or sacrifice our liberty to the mob
StillBorn said: No I'm not kaz, YOU are, I'm not YOU ARE, you ARE. I'm not, YOU are.

Proving you are exactly what I said, MAGA man. But there there, little guy, there there


Are you saying that is a direct quote? Or just making shit up?
StillBorn said: No I'm not kaz, YOU are, I'm not YOU ARE, you ARE. I'm not, YOU are.

Proving you are exactly what I said, MAGA man. But there there, little guy, there there

Here is every post I have made in this thread. This makes it obvious that you are lying, dancing around the topic, and unable to admit you lied. Nowhere are the things you claim I said. Which is why you couldn't quote me.

“If it does happen, and I pray it does not, I think you will be surprised how many Democrats have guns and shoot them well. I go shooting with a group of friends about once a month. Depending on who shows up, we typically have 10 or 15 people at the range. 3 of us regulars are conservatives.”

“Ok, then the rightwing lunatics who start the war can die at the hands of women. The end result is the same.
And mainly it is because, while plenty of people dislike liberals they will not be willing to go to war over such political ideology.”

“I would fight in the courts. I would present actual evidence that could not be ignored.
But I would not start a war pitting American against American.”

“I never said it was a new idea.
Also, the number of people willing to go to war and kill fellow Americans over Trump's allegations is too low to do anything but make a mess and get put down.”

“Not what I said. But an accurate assessment of your plan.”

“No where in my posts did I say it was my country and you should give it to me peacefully. So that is bullshit.

If anything I have said it is OUR country. And we rule it via the ballot box. Leave the bullets where they are.

My point has never been that the civil war is inevitable. In fact, I think it will never happen outside of a few lunatics trying to start something. But if it starts, it will be ugly for both sides.”

“Either post my quote saying that or admit you lied. Easy choice.”

“Yes, I do see how that works. That is why I favor the ballot box over the bullet box.
And it is OUR country. Yes, you have a say in what happens. If you don't get your way, will you start shooting?”

“More dancing, but still not posting a quote from me.

Your interpretation of what I have said is either laughably inaccurate or just made-up bullshit. I'll let you decide.

As for your claim of what I would say if it were a genuine request, I would not say "...this is what I meant by it", since I said nothing remotely resembling what you claim I did.”

“Where have I said "give up your rights peacefully"?? Please quote it. Or admit you just made the shit up.”

“He seems to be enjoying inventing what I have said.”

“Oh, just FYI, I have never been a registered democrat. And I have only voted for one democrat for president, and I have been voting since 1978.”

“No you didn't. You probably went back to find a quote and realized I didn't say what you claimed. So now it is either run from the convo or admit your mistake. I see what your choice is.”

“I have one set of standards for all of us. And you just have lies.
See you later, Liar bitch.”

“Are you saying that is a direct quote? Or just making shit up?”
StillBorn said: No I'm not kaz, YOU are, I'm not YOU ARE, you ARE. I'm not, YOU are.

Proving you are exactly what I said, MAGA man. But there there, little guy, there there


Now that I have proven you a liar, you can go hide.

I am done placating assholes.
  • Thanks
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I'm not the one unable to track the convo. That's you.

Democrats have put us in a terrible position to accept their Stalin tactics for sure. They are holding a gun to their hostage's head (The USA) and promising to shoot if we fight back. We're at the point of fight back or sacrifice our liberty to the mob
In all things though we have to be smarter than they are. (Which isn't that hard actually.) Again if just let the mob mentality and anger control us, we will accomplish nothing and do great damage to our very justifiable cause. How we fight back it as important as doing it. If we don't understand that there will just be more things like the J6 riot that give them cause to call us rabble and 'insurrectionists' and use whatever means they want to destroy us.

They allow their own to riot. But not us.

They hold the power. We don't.

We have to be smart.
In all things though we have to be smarter than they are. (Which isn't that hard actually.) Again if just let the mob mentality and anger control us, we will accomplish nothing and do great damage to our very justifiable cause. How we fight back it as important as doing it. If we don't understand that there will just be more things like the J6 riot that give them cause to call us rabble and 'insurrectionists' and use whatever means they want to destroy us.

They allow their own to riot. But not us.

They hold the power. We don't.

We have to be smart.
We are smart, we aren't rioting...and mob mentality is thinking we can't take action if the ppl who are the problem don't agree.
We don't require approval from the criminals, thugs and offal.
We have had other threads like this in the past, however, never before do I think that this now is a possibility....Right now, the left is trying harder than ever to keep Trump off the ballot....So, deep is this desire that they are throwing caution to the wind, and openly showing their fascist side....It really seems like there is nothing we can agree on anymore...

So, what I am seeing is that we have a clear crossroads to deal with....Put Trump back in and the left will explode with their intent on destroying this nation, keep him from running, and the right will see this as the last nail in the coffin of freedom...So, my question to the board, is what do you think the spark will be?
It will look like the last one. The disgruntled morons will lose in disgrace and whine about it forever more.
You have neither sense nor means to do more than cause civil unrest.
That's exactly what the party of slavery said the last time they tried to keep a Republican off the ballot. It's what the nazis said, too.
The nice thing about evil is that it never learns from its mistakes.
I have said this before, but I'll say it again, this kind of crap has been blowing up on chat sites, debate forums and the like, since the mid 1990s. Not once have they actually stepped up and done anything. No sieges, no gunfights, no standoffs with the military. Other than that lunatic taking over a bird sanctuary and then needing snacks, nothing has happened.

And it won't.
Most on the Left are clueless when it comes to making things or growing food.
They exist as consumers mostly, and parasites of the economy and society mainly.
Between their ignorance and stupidity they think that a violent insurrection can occur yet the grocery stores and fast food joints will remain open and stocked.
The Left fails to realize that their insurrection of Summer of 2020 lasted as long as it did due to patience and tolerance of the Right. Which was close to exhaustion when the Leftist students and teachers quit to return to school.
You must not remember or have learned about the tumult of the civil rights and anti-war eras.
Far more crazy than a single summer.
We are smart, we aren't rioting...and mob mentality is thinking we can't take action if the ppl who are the problem don't agree.
We don't require approval from the criminals, thugs and offal.
The vandalism, breaking and entering, assault that happened on J6 was not smart. It was done by a relative few and was not done by those attending the protest, but it was done and it was stupid stupid stupid dumb. Did those doing it feel justified? Maybe. Maybe not. I think many may have just been useful idiots to Democrat operatives. But they served the President miserably and set back the Patriot movement so far we have not recovered yet.

If we Patriots are not smarter than that we will lose regardless of the righteousness of our cause.

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