What Americans Were.....sigh....

No, it's not, you moron. It's a shitty metaphor used by people unable to think for themselves -- like you.

I touched a nerve, evidently. ;)

Conservatives have always approved of some people exercising control and domination over other people. The archetype of this sort of thing was slavery, which remains a pretty good metaphor for all forms of it.

If you think I'm wrong about this, you need to do something a little more rational in rebuttal than foam at the mouth, which is all you've done so far.
No, it's not, you moron. It's a shitty metaphor used by people unable to think for themselves -- like you.

I touched a nerve, evidently. ;)
No, I just get tired of morons lying about conservatism.
Conservatives have always approved of some people exercising control and domination over other people. The archetype of this sort of thing was slavery, which remains a pretty good metaphor for all forms of it.
Wow. What a dumbass.

From its inception the GOP has ALWAYS been about, first, ending slavery, then assuring civil rights for all.

This is indisputable. Yet, there you are, stupidly disputing it.

If you think I'm wrong about this...
I KNOW you're wrong about this.
...you need to do something a little more rational in rebuttal than foam at the mouth, which is all you've done so far.
You get what you deserve. If you think obvious horsehit requires anything more, you're quite mistaken.

You know, your default mode.
And conservatives were the ones who struggled to free the slaves and maintain the union.

So irritating.
Slave owners in this country were democrats, you nitwit.

You make a statement like that and call someone else a ‘nitwit’?

Otherwise, I don’t know if I’d go so far as to use a slavery metaphor, but it is true that conservatives perceive the ‘working class’ as deserving whatever misery they experience, if one subjugates himself to the will of an employer, and his livelihood is dependent upon that subjugation.
And conservatives were the ones who struggled to free the slaves and maintain the union.

So irritating.

Actually, conservatives of the day pushed for states rights and maintaining the status quo

But thanks anyway, your attempt at revisionism was refreshing
From its inception the GOP has ALWAYS been about, first, ending slavery, then assuring civil rights for all.

I said conservatives, not Republicans. In the beginning of the party, Republicans were liberals.

And you also need to put that in the past tense. In 1965, your statement as written would be true. In 2012, it's not anymore.

Here's another analogy, just as good, if the slavery one is distasteful.

When the king stops the barons from exploiting the peasants, the barons call it oppression, but the peasants call it liberty.

When the king helps the barons to exploit the peasants, or stands aside and lets them get away with it, the barons call it liberty, but the peasants call it oppression.

Conservatives are always on the side of the barons. Liberals are always on the side of the peasants. Conservatives talk as if it's the king who oppresses the peasants. It's not.
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From its inception the GOP has ALWAYS been about, first, ending slavery, then assuring civil rights for all.

I said conservatives, not Republicans. In the beginning of the party, Republicans were liberals.

And you also need to put that in the past tense.

Here's another analogy, just as good, if the slavery one is distasteful.

When the king stops the barons from exploiting the peasants, the barons call it oppression, but the peasants call it liberty.

When the king helps the barons to exploit the peasants, or stands aside and lets them get away with it, the barons call it liberty, but the peasants call it oppression.

Conservatives are always on the side of the barons. Liberals are always on the side of the peasants.
What kind of idiot history have you read...or had read to you? :lol:
What kind of idiot history have you read...or had read to you? :lol:

[Shrug.] You know your opponent has lost when he has nothing left to offer but childish insults.

Your surrender is graciously accepted.
But the Dems sure didn't like the idea of blacks with civil rights.

A comparison of the two parties' platforms through history.

History once again kicks leftism in the ass.

Good link

Shows how out of touch the Republicans remain
Support for civil rights is out of touch?

Well, that explains a lot about you.

Of course, you didn't even read it.

Read your whole link...pretty funny stuff Republicans support
Anyone who thinks that the Republicans have always been conservative, or that the Democrats have always been liberal, has no grasp of history at all. Read up on Theodore Roosevelt (R) sometime. Or on Grover Cleveland (D).

On the slavery issue, the Republicans were liberals. On the same issue, while not all Democrats were conservative, all conservatives were Democrats unless they were some right-wing extremist party. Party and ideology are not the same thing.
What kind of idiot history have you read...or had read to you? :lol:

[Shrug.] You know your opponent has lost when he has nothing left to offer but childish insults.

Your surrender is graciously accepted.

Oh, you mean childish insults like "Conservatives have always approved of some people exercising control and domination over other people"?

And yes, that was childish. Did you get that from Zinn's History For Children?

Come back when you've read some real history. And no, nothing you've read is real. It's leftist blather.

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