What Americans Were.....sigh....

Anyone who thinks that the Republicans have always been conservative, or that the Democrats have always been liberal, has no grasp of history at all. Read up on Theodore Roosevelt (R) sometime. Or on Grover Cleveland (D).

On the slavery issue, the Republicans were liberals. On the same issue, while not all Democrats were conservative, all conservatives were Democrats unless they were some right-wing extremist party. Party and ideology are not the same thing.

And there is it:

Liberal = good.

Conservative = bad.

This is the basis for your whole view of history. And it's ludicrous.
Oh, you mean childish insults like "Conservatives have always approved of some people exercising control and domination over other people"?

No, I mean insults hurled specifically at another poster in lieu of an argument. That amounts to a confession that you don't have an argument.

What you just quoted is simply calling it like it is.
Anyone who thinks that the Republicans have always been conservative, or that the Democrats have always been liberal, has no grasp of history at all. Read up on Theodore Roosevelt (R) sometime. Or on Grover Cleveland (D).

On the slavery issue, the Republicans were liberals. On the same issue, while not all Democrats were conservative, all conservatives were Democrats unless they were some right-wing extremist party. Party and ideology are not the same thing.

And there is it:

Liberal = good.

Conservative = bad.

This is the basis for your whole view of history. And it's ludicrous.

You are encouraged to list the contributions of of Conservatives to our society
And there is it:

Liberal = good.

Conservative = bad.

LOL close, but not quite.

Liberal = for the common person.

Conservative = for the wealthy, powerful elite.

Which of those is "good" or "bad" is a value judgment. Naturally I do think that being for the common people is "good" while being for the wealthy, powerful elite is "bad," because I'm a liberal. That doesn't mean conservatives are guilty of EVERY evil, or that something is "conservative" merely because it's also bad. It has to be a specific KIND of bad.
[Shrug.] You know your opponent has lost when he has nothing left to offer but childish insults.

Your surrender is graciously accepted.
True. One only need consider the source, as well.

Support for civil rights is out of touch?

Well, that explains a lot about you.

Of course, you didn't even read it.

The republican ‘support’ of civil rights is inconsistent at best.

The sections on abortion and homosexuality, for instance, are classic examples of conservative authoritarianism and the right’s efforts to stifle dissent.
Anyone who thinks that the Republicans have always been conservative, or that the Democrats have always been liberal, has no grasp of history at all. Read up on Theodore Roosevelt (R) sometime. Or on Grover Cleveland (D).

On the slavery issue, the Republicans were liberals. On the same issue, while not all Democrats were conservative, all conservatives were Democrats unless they were some right-wing extremist party. Party and ideology are not the same thing.

And there is it:

Liberal = good.

Conservative = bad.

This is the basis for your whole view of history. And it's ludicrous.

You are encouraged to list the contributions of of Conservatives to our society

Which is an argument to many fall for. Conservatives don't make "contributions" in the form of positives that you can count up because that is exactly what we don't want.

The SCOTUS under FDR stood their ground until he came up with his court packing scheme. I consider their efforts to be a contribution. They were keeping the fed out of peoples lives. They were protecting the constitution.

GWB was not a conservative. He crapped out NCLB. They should shove it back up his ass (and they should dig up Ted Kennedy and shove it up his too).

Anyway.....they don't make contributions...they keep others from making unwanted contributions......if they are conservatives.

Thanks for playing.
And there is it:

Liberal = good.

Conservative = bad.

LOL close, but not quite.

Liberal = for the common person.

Conservative = for the wealthy, powerful elite.

Which of those is "good" or "bad" is a value judgment. Naturally I do think that being for the common people is "good" while being for the wealthy, powerful elite is "bad," because I'm a liberal. That doesn't mean conservatives are guilty of EVERY evil, or that something is "conservative" merely because it's also bad. It has to be a specific KIND of bad.

You are one of the most self-serving morons I have seen post on this board.

Liberals at the federal level are not for the common person. They are the tool of special interests.

Crapping out posts about the wealthy is hysterical. The 1% were not the ones who kicked your ass in 2010.
And there is it:

Liberal = good.

Conservative = bad.

This is the basis for your whole view of history. And it's ludicrous.

You are encouraged to list the contributions of of Conservatives to our society

Which is an argument to many fall for. Conservatives don't make "contributions" in the form of positives that you can count up because that is exactly what we don't want.

The SCOTUS under FDR stood their ground until he came up with his court packing scheme. I consider their efforts to be a contribution. They were keeping the fed out of peoples lives. They were protecting the constitution.

GWB was not a conservative. He crapped out NCLB. They should shove it back up his ass (and they should dig up Ted Kennedy and shove it up his too).

Anyway.....they don't make contributions...they keep others from making unwanted contributions......if they are conservatives.

Thanks for playing.


Conservatives are the party of "Go fuck yourself"
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March 22.1775, Edmund Burke took the floor of the British Parliament, and explained why his country should seek reconciliation with the Americans, asserting that the colonists derived their ideas about freedom and resistance from their Protestant Christianity.

They were Protestants “of that kind which is most adverse to all implicit submission of mind and opinion,” and their dissent from the Anglican Church not only favored liberty, it was “built upon it.”
Edmund Burke, “The Speech of Edmund Burke, Esq,; On Moving His Resolution for Conciliation with the Colonies,” p.15-17.

Today, another March 22, this great nation is half filled with folks who demand that others pay for their chosen styles of life, their insurance, their leisure....who give up individuality and liberty for the embrace of the collective, the state.

What would Edmund Burke think of Americans today...and the poster child for the spoiled, full-of-themselves wastrels, Sandra Fluke?

November will tell if the other kinds of Americans are still around...I think they are.

Who was Edmund Burke?
The philosopher who is generally considered the father of modern conservatism.

The First Conservative Idiot who misrepresented America? :clap2:
You are encouraged to list the contributions of of Conservatives to our society

The Bill of Rights.

Standard Disclaimer: It's part of that constitution that you work so hard to get rid of...

No, actually conservatives were not allowed to sign it

They were still loyal to the king just like they are loyal to the one percent today

Conservatives do love their kings don't they?
No, actually conservatives were not allowed to sign it

Oh, I meant the US Constitution, not the Soviet one that you so love.

They were still loyal to the king just like they are loyal to the one percent today

I'm still awaiting evidence that Jefferson, Mason, et al. were loyal to the king?

I mean, you lie most of the time, so chances are that you're lying again.

Conservatives do love their kings don't they?

So, you're actually a conservative, posting as a leftist to discredit leftists through your incessant buffoonery, aren't you?
Rudy Giuliani conservative accomplishments:

"As Mayor, Rudy Giuliani has returned accountability to City government and improved the quality of life for all New Yorkers. Under his leadership, overall crime is down 57%, murder has been reduced 65%, and New York City - once infamous around the world for its dangerous streets - has been recognized by the F.B.I. as the safest large city in America for the past five years.
New York City's law enforcement strategies have become models for other cities around the world, particularly the CompStat program, which won the 1996 Innovations in Government Award from the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University. CompStat allows police to statistically monitor criminal activity on specific street corners as well as citywide, holding precinct commanders accountable for criminal activity in their neighborhoods. Because this data is updated constantly, it enables the police to become a proactive force in fighting crime, stopping crime trends before they become crime waves that negatively effect the quality of life for neighborhood residents.
When Mayor Giuliani took office, one out of every seven New Yorkers was on welfare. Mayor Giuliani has returned the work ethic to the center of City life by implementing the largest and most successful welfare-to-work initiative in the country, cutting welfare rolls in half while moving over 640,000 individuals from dependency on the government to the dignity of self-sufficiency. In addition, Giuliani has enacted a record of over $2.5 billion in tax reductions - including the commercial rent tax, personal income tax, the hotel occupancy tax, and the sales tax on clothing for purchases up to $110 dollars. In addition, hundreds of millions of dollars have been returned to the private sector as a result of the Mayor's aggressive campaign to root out organized crime's influence over the Fulton Fish Market, the private garbage hauling industry, and wholesale food markets throughout the City. These reforms, combined with the fiscal discipline which enabled the Mayor to turn an inherited $2.3 billion dollar budget deficit into a multi-billion dollar surplus, have led the City to an era of broad-based growth with a record 450,000 new private sector jobs created in the past seven years. As news of the City's resurgence has spread around the nation and the world, tourism has grown to record levels. "

Rudy Giuliani biography from Boycottliberalism.com
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Conservatives do love their kings don't they?

Kings, aristocrats, slave-owners, capitalists, and those at the top of the heap generally. Yes. That's what conservatism is all about in a nutshell.

Even though most are not allowed in the country club, they are satisfied that they are at least allowed to park cars
Even though most are not allowed in the country club, they are satisfied that they are at least allowed to park cars

You leftist prefer keeping them on work farms.


RW's vision for America.
Conservatives do love their kings don't they?

Kings, aristocrats, slave-owners, capitalists, and those at the top of the heap generally. Yes. That's what conservatism is all about in a nutshell.

Even though most are not allowed in the country club, they are satisfied that they are at least allowed to park cars

I think there are a number of reasons why those who aren't on the top of the heap would vote for the interests of those who are. Perhaps they've been convinced they have a realistic chance to get there, and want to maximize the pay-off. Perhaps they have self-esteem problems and are subordinating their own interests to those of their "betters." Perhaps -- and I think this is really common -- they get diverted into being angry at some made-up target, like a foreign enemy, or a minority group at home, or "the gub'mint."

All that's just theory, of course, but it's an interesting question, to be sure.
Kings, aristocrats, slave-owners, capitalists, and those at the top of the heap generally. Yes. That's what conservatism is all about in a nutshell.

Even though most are not allowed in the country club, they are satisfied that they are at least allowed to park cars

I think there are a number of reasons why those who aren't on the top of the heap would vote for the interests of those who are. Perhaps they've been convinced they have a realistic chance to get there, and want to maximize the pay-off. Perhaps they have self-esteem problems and are subordinating their own interests to those of their "betters." Perhaps -- and I think this is really common -- they get diverted into being angry at some made-up target, like a foreign enemy, or a minority group at home, or "the gub'mint."

All that's just theory, of course, but it's an interesting question, to be sure.

I think they religiously believe in trickle down. That if you keep throwing money at the wealthy.....eventually something will trickle down

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