What Americans Were.....sigh....

1. When your idol PROVES what a turncoat he is, I understand you'd hope to spin it.

2. Is there any reason to believe that what you say is the real 'flexibility' since you state that "Obama has repeatedly indicated..."
Therefore, he'd have no reason to try to whisper the message..would he?

3. No...logic dictates that he was offering something so contemptible that the American public would find it revolting....and end his re-election bid.

In your heart of hearts you know the truth....maybe you always knew.

That's what David Mamet meant by "The Left must bear a Sisyphean burden having to suspend reason and accountability, in order to rationalize the positions that they claim to espouse."

Only you will know whether you can make the only judgment that an intelligent person can make, or if you are a Left-wing automaton.

I won't ask.

There are issues that are not best handled in election years. Reagan himself did not negotiate nuclear reductions until he won his second term

Now....what are we going to do about your man Romney declaring Russia to be our largest foe?

Just a harbinger of his foreign policy naïveté?

I have a very laid back attitude about most things, and politics specifically....

....but I was shocked, and, I admit, emotionally injured, hearing that open-mic admission.

I'm not over it.

So, I understand why you need to change the subject...but I'm not ready to do that.
Let's just leave it at that.

Be well.


Can I give you a hug?
To want to stop wasting public money on something that can't work as advertised, and exists mainly to funnel profits to defense contractors and secondarily to facilitate the possibility of a first nuclear strike (or at least delusions thereof), is hardly to be a traitor to one's country.

Bet you supported Obama Solyndra payback, didn't you?
Past and recent history say you're wrong.

Overarching government is anathema to individual liberty.

Whose liberty to do what?

I find conservatives seldom understand what the word "liberty" means. To conservatives, the word applies to the freedom to own slaves, more than to the freedom not to be one. Metaphorically speaking, of course (at least since the literal issue of slavery was settled in the 1860s).
You're a retard. Nobody wants to own slaves, you fucking idiot.

Good Gaea, but you're stupid.
To want to stop wasting public money on something that can't work as advertised, and exists mainly to funnel profits to defense contractors and secondarily to facilitate the possibility of a first nuclear strike (or at least delusions thereof), is hardly to be a traitor to one's country.

Bet you supported Obama Solyndra payback, didn't you?

Haven't studied it enough to know. The general idea of support for renewable energy, yes. That particular program (which is not limited to Solyndra -- if we could know ahead of time which companies are going to fail, wouldn't that be grand?), insufficient data.
To want to stop wasting public money on something that can't work as advertised, and exists mainly to funnel profits to defense contractors and secondarily to facilitate the possibility of a first nuclear strike (or at least delusions thereof), is hardly to be a traitor to one's country.

Bet you supported Obama Solyndra payback, didn't you?

Haven't studied it enough to know. The general idea of support for renewable energy, yes. That particular program (which is not limited to Solyndra -- if we could know ahead of time which companies are going to fail, wouldn't that be grand?), insufficient data.
He wasted half a billion dollars on something he was told would fail.

Obama is an idiot. Do you really want him making decisions about self-defense? He's guaranteed to fuck it up.
Yes. That explains why you used the present tense.

LOL no it doesn't. I guess you really don't know what a metaphor is. I guess I'll have to explain it.

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a description of one thing is used to mean another thing that is similar. It's comparable to a simile, except that in a simile the fact that one is making a comparison is expressly stated. For example, in talking about a politician who made a foolish statement on the campaign trail that hurt his chances of being elected:

Simile: "That statement was like falling flat on his face."

Metaphor: "He fell flat on his face."

Now, in regard to my use of "slavery," that was a metaphor for conservative approval of one person's exercising control or dominance or authority over someone else, e.g. employers over employees, or husbands over wives. It can also be a metaphor for conservative approval of one person or entity's economic exploitation of someone else, e.g. producers of consumers or lenders of creditors. These are similar to the control or economic exploitation of a slave by a master.

Conservatives have not LITERALLY approved of slavery since the end of the 19th century at latest. It's still a good metaphor for what they DO still approve of.
The mechanism for determining constitutionality is based on the assumptions that each branch agree of same as follows...
The Congress must feel the bill is constitutional or should not pass it.
The President must also assent or should not sign it...
And the Court should determine that the language of the Constitution forbids same, or
must find it constitutional....

Uh, oh.

And, Jeffrey Rosen, New Republic Magazine Legal Affairs Editor, suggested
Pro-Business Conservatives on the Court, represented by policies of the US Chamber of Commerce, strongly represented on the Roberts’ Court, where they won some 13 of 18 cases in which they filed a brief. Most business cases are unanimous or 7-2 decisions, vs those cases that deal with culture war issues.

These conservatives favored TARP, and he use of federal pre-emption (federal law to take precedence over or to displace a state law) for farm subsidies, healthcare cases. Based on this sentiment, a court which has embraced a broad vision of federal power, as found in regulation of medical marijuana, expect the Roberts Court to reject the pro-states rights view that would lead to the invalidation of the healthcare case.

Double uh, oh.

I would be so pleased to be wrong.....

I think you are going to pleased in this case.

I expect a 5-4 decision invalidating the individual mandate.
How about we plumb the depths of your stupidity...

....well beyond the jejune, you've reached down to the troglodyte level of abject and abysmal asininity.

As you can see, words don't quite fail me in assailing your jaw-dropping attempt to use RFK to excuse the arrogance of demanding other peoples hard-earned assets to support ones licentious lifestyle....

You are so ignorant that you use a Kennedy scion to support Fluke's absurd demands...and are unaware that Robert Kennedy's father had his daughter surgically 'altered' so that promiscuity would not stain the family reputation...

"In 1941, Joseph Kennedy, worried his daughter's mild mental retardation would lead her into situations that could damage the family's reputation, arranged for Rosemary to have a lobotomy. She was 23.

"Rosemary was a woman, and there was a dread fear of pregnancy, disease and disgrace," author Laurence Leamer wrote in his book "The Kennedy Women: The Saga of an American Family."
Retarded Kennedy sister dies at 86 - Democratic Underground
There are many rumors that he had her sterilized.

You would have been far wiser to have chosen Ted Kennedy, the poster child for profligacy...but then you wouldn't be 'you.'

Now, you buffoon, would you like to go on to state that Mother Teresa an Mahatma Gandhi also support Sandra Fluke????


And....'pound' goes with 'ounces,' and 'gallons' with 'quarts,' nincompoop.

And....use a dictionary to research the meaning of 'mendacity'....you will find that that term in no way applies to me.
You ignoramus.

What is really startling about the Kennedy story is the fact that Ted was far more severely mentally retarded than Rosemary. Had they lobotomized Teddy, NO ONE would have noticed the difference.
How about we plumb the depths of your stupidity...

....well beyond the jejune, you've reached down to the troglodyte level of abject and abysmal asininity.

As you can see, words don't quite fail me in assailing your jaw-dropping attempt to use RFK to excuse the arrogance of demanding other peoples hard-earned assets to support ones licentious lifestyle....

You are so ignorant that you use a Kennedy scion to support Fluke's absurd demands...and are unaware that Robert Kennedy's father had his daughter surgically 'altered' so that promiscuity would not stain the family reputation...

"In 1941, Joseph Kennedy, worried his daughter's mild mental retardation would lead her into situations that could damage the family's reputation, arranged for Rosemary to have a lobotomy. She was 23.

"Rosemary was a woman, and there was a dread fear of pregnancy, disease and disgrace," author Laurence Leamer wrote in his book "The Kennedy Women: The Saga of an American Family."
Retarded Kennedy sister dies at 86 - Democratic Underground
There are many rumors that he had her sterilized.

You would have been far wiser to have chosen Ted Kennedy, the poster child for profligacy...but then you wouldn't be 'you.'

Now, you buffoon, would you like to go on to state that Mother Teresa an Mahatma Gandhi also support Sandra Fluke????


And....'pound' goes with 'ounces,' and 'gallons' with 'quarts,' nincompoop.

And....use a dictionary to research the meaning of 'mendacity'....you will find that that term in no way applies to me.
You ignoramus.

What is really startling about the Kennedy story is the fact that Ted was far more severely mentally retarded than Rosemary. Had they lobotomized Teddy, NO ONE would have noticed the difference.

I can't believe how little the Left asks of their heroes....this slaughterer of a young girl, another one a rapist...the one in office a traitor....

All they have to do is yell 'I'm for abortion' and they win the lottery.
So to sum it up, the founding fathers & company were demanded big gov (namely Brittan) off their backs, then went on to solicit another big gov (France) to defend their mutual interests

They also instituted a living doctrine , based on a 3 branch system , from what i understand modeled after the indigenous Indian nations, which they wiped out in the next century

Seems they also sold the ideal of nation building to the aristo's first too, due mainly to the fact they had the most $$$ to loose to the Brits

and then they went around yammering about all men being created equal, yet equal rights took another 2 centuries to come to fruition

and you want these folks to be roll models for what PC?


So, you're on heavy drugs?

Or are you just mentally retarded?
perspective counts.......


American history was a story of cruel domination by the wealthy and privileged. The founding fathers ''created the most effective system of national control devised in modern times,'' Zinn stated. The Civil War was a conflict of elites, and World War II was fought not to stop fascism but to extend America's empire. The United States and the Soviet Union both sought to control their oppressed populations, ''each country with its own techniques.'' The Vietnam War was a clash between organized modern technology and organized human beings, ''and the human beings won.'' We have traveled a long way from the sophisticated ironies of the consensus historians

Yeah, there may have been one or two that didn't understand that Zinn was an utter moron with no integrity.

Thanks for clearing that up.
I laught at you guys who imagine that the Floundering Fathers believed the same things you do.


Clearly if you imagine that the FF's stood for those you don't know jackshit about American trade policy.

The contempt you of the left have for the founding fathers is only surpassed by the contempt you have for liberty.
Revisionist crapola.......

Each generation faces it's own challenges. Those challenges are met through either a liberal or conservative mindset. As each challenge is different, the chosen path for meeting it will change.

During the founding of this great nation, it was the liberal, or left wing that developed the complex strategy to form a new nation predicated on the equality of man.

Well, of course that is quite false, as the vast majority of what you post is.

There was little that one could even grasp as being "left wing." John Adams, with his Alien and Sedition act embraced the spirit of the left, directly assaulting the freedom of Republican papers to print opinion that criticized his administration. But Adams was no leftist - not in the way that Castro or Obama is a leftist.

Once again you offer absurdity as if it were factual and had merit. It does not.

Meanwhile, the conservatives of the day, who we like to call right wing, resisted those changes and maintained their loyalty to the monarchy.

Please show where Thomas Jefferson or George Mason were loyal to the monarchy?

Oh, you were just lying; I get it.

Kerry on.

Isn't history great when you don't change it to meet your 21st century agenda?

What experience would you have in that?

You're not quite Howard Zinn, but you're sure not honest, either.
Yes. That explains why you used the present tense.

LOL no it doesn't. I guess you really don't know what a metaphor is. I guess I'll have to explain it.

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a description of one thing is used to mean another thing that is similar. It's comparable to a simile, except that in a simile the fact that one is making a comparison is expressly stated. For example, in talking about a politician who made a foolish statement on the campaign trail that hurt his chances of being elected:

Simile: "That statement was like falling flat on his face."

Metaphor: "He fell flat on his face."

Now, in regard to my use of "slavery," that was a metaphor for conservative approval of one person's exercising control or dominance or authority over someone else, e.g. employers over employees, or husbands over wives. It can also be a metaphor for conservative approval of one person or entity's economic exploitation of someone else, e.g. producers of consumers or lenders of creditors. These are similar to the control or economic exploitation of a slave by a master.

Conservatives have not LITERALLY approved of slavery since the end of the 19th century at latest. It's still a good metaphor for what they DO still approve of.
No, it's not, you moron. It's a shitty metaphor used by people unable to think for themselves -- like you.

It's amusing how you consider yourself an intelligent human being. Because you're not.
I attack you daveboy 'cause you don't have ideas; the evidence that you do not is in the record; the body of your work is easily summerized: "libtards, ain't they awful".

Yeah, not so much.

Failure to faithfully recite party dogma as bequeathed by the hate sites is not evidence of a lack of ideas.

Quite the opposite.
It's understandable, though. He has to have all his ideas dictated to him.

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