WHAT An Arrogant SOB!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
"We’ve been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades. We’ve kind of taken for granted — ‘Well, people would want to come here’ — and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new businesses into America.""
Breitbart.tv » Obama: America’s ‘Been A Little Bit Lazy’

WHAT AN ARROGANT STUPID President and much less American!

A) He took an apology tour of the world!
B) We want to be your BEST customers!
C) He shuts down a pipeline that will ENSURE America OIL from Canada!

AND This >>>>ho.. President SAYS THIS???
Hell, you ain't been hungry since you won that belt!

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqjbwA8JDW4]Eye of the Tiger[/ame]
When you start out from hating, there's nowhere to go. It's like the boy who cried wolf. The President cannot do a single blessed thing right, so "Blah-blah-blah, me-me-blah, blah-blah-blah-blah, me-me-me."

He shouldn't have said that, he should have said that Americans are self obsessed, media sedated, mindless consumers who are easily led into voting against their best interests.
Son of a bitch!

Trying to bring more jobs to America. Doesn't he know he is supposed to fail?
For anyone who has travelled outside the US, you'll realize how much the Bush Administration alienated America's traditional allies, not to mention the rest of the world.

Obama may be under seige in his own country - but for most foreigners, he's the only sign of an "intelligent lifeform" amongst its current leadership!
"We’ve been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades. We’ve kind of taken for granted — ‘Well, people would want to come here’ — and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new businesses into America.""
Breitbart.tv » Obama: America’s ‘Been A Little Bit Lazy’

WHAT AN ARROGANT STUPID President and much less American!

A) He took an apology tour of the world!
B) We want to be your BEST customers!
C) He shuts down a pipeline that will ENSURE America OIL from Canada!

AND This >>>>ho.. President SAYS THIS???

Obama is the most unAmerican POTUS ever! He can drop fucking dead

What a fucking piece of shit AND he supports OWS!
"We’ve been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades. We’ve kind of taken for granted — ‘Well, people would want to come here’ — and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new businesses into America.""
Breitbart.tv » Obama: America’s ‘Been A Little Bit Lazy’

WHAT AN ARROGANT STUPID President and much less American!

A) He took an apology tour of the world!
B) We want to be your BEST customers!
C) He shuts down a pipeline that will ENSURE America OIL from Canada!

AND This >>>>ho.. President SAYS THIS???

Obama is the most unAmerican POTUS ever! He can drop fucking dead

What a fucking piece of shit AND he supports OWS!

You can and will drop dead. Isn't life grand?
"We’ve been a little bit lazy over the last couple of decades. We’ve kind of taken for granted — ‘Well, people would want to come here’ — and we aren’t out there hungry, selling America and trying to attract new businesses into America.""
Breitbart.tv » Obama: America’s ‘Been A Little Bit Lazy’

WHAT AN ARROGANT STUPID President and much less American!

A) He took an apology tour of the world!
B) We want to be your BEST customers!
C) He shuts down a pipeline that will ENSURE America OIL from Canada!

AND This >>>>ho.. President SAYS THIS???

Obama is the most unAmerican POTUS ever! He can drop fucking dead

What a fucking piece of shit AND he supports OWS!

You can and will drop dead. Isn't life grand?

Obama Fluffers, so predick-table
For anyone who has travelled outside the US, you'll realize how much the Bush Administration alienated America's traditional allies, not to mention the rest of the world.

Obama may be under seige in his own country - but for most foreigners, he's the only sign of an "intelligent lifeform" amongst its current leadership!

Pfft. There's a reason why Jimmy Carter is the most popular US president in nations OTHER than the United States and Reagan was among the least popular. Foreign nations love a POTUS that allows them to walk all over us. Regardless, I don't think Great Britain and Israel are particularly thrilled with Obama.
For anyone who has travelled outside the US, you'll realize how much the Bush Administration alienated America's traditional allies, not to mention the rest of the world.

Obama may be under seige in his own country - but for most foreigners, he's the only sign of an "intelligent lifeform" amongst its current leadership!

Pfft. There's a reason why Jimmy Carter is the most popular US president in nations OTHER than the United States and Reagan was among the least popular. Foreign nations love a POTUS that allows them to walk all over us. Regardless, I don't think Great Britain and Israel are particularly thrilled with Obama.

Good. Let them fend for themselves.
For anyone who has travelled outside the US, you'll realize how much the Bush Administration alienated America's traditional allies, not to mention the rest of the world.

Obama may be under seige in his own country - but for most foreigners, he's the only sign of an "intelligent lifeform" amongst its current leadership!

Pfft. There's a reason why Jimmy Carter is the most popular US president in nations OTHER than the United States and Reagan was among the least popular. Foreign nations love a POTUS that allows them to walk all over us. Regardless, I don't think Great Britain and Israel are particularly thrilled with Obama.
"Poor dear, there's nothing between his ears."
-British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher

"an amiable dunce"
-Clark Clifford (former Defense Secretary)

"...like reinventing the wheel."
-Larry Speakes (Reagan's former press secretary) describing what it was like preparing the President for a press conference, Speaking Out: The Reagan Presidency from Inside the White House

How ironic - Jimmy Carter lowered the federal debt/GDP ratio by 3.3% to its lowest level since 1945 (32.5%).

Ronald Reagan raised the federal debt/GDP ratio from 32.5% to 53.1% - up 20.7%.

What does the fact that a popular president like Reagan was considered to be mentally incompetent, even by his own friends and advisers, say about the gullibility of the America's conservatives. If the nation had had more Jimmy Carters and fewer Ronald Reagans, she wouldn't be facing the current debt crisis!

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Son of a bitch!

Trying to bring more jobs to America. Doesn't he know he is supposed to fail?

Well, if that is his goal--to bring more jobs to America--indeed he is failing. But that isn't his goal and indeed he is succeeding.

100,000 a month increase

What did the Republicans leave him with?

Oh yea.....losing 700,000 a month
For anyone who has travelled outside the US, you'll realize how much the Bush Administration alienated America's traditional allies, not to mention the rest of the world.

Obama may be under seige in his own country - but for most foreigners, he's the only sign of an "intelligent lifeform" amongst its current leadership!

Pfft. There's a reason why Jimmy Carter is the most popular US president in nations OTHER than the United States and Reagan was among the least popular. Foreign nations love a POTUS that allows them to walk all over us. Regardless, I don't think Great Britain and Israel are particularly thrilled with Obama.
How ironic - Jimmy Carter lowered the federal debt/GDP ratio by 3.3% to its lowest level since 1945 (32.5%).

Ronald Reagan raised the federal debt/GDP ratio from 32.5% to 53.1% - up 20.7%.

If America had had more Jimmy Carters and fewer Ronald Reagans, she wouldn't be facing this debt crisis!

presidents debt - Google Search

Reagan inherited a devastated economy, the worst since the Great Depression and transformed it in a single term; he dropped interest rates and unemployment and kicked the shit out of the USSR to boot.
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Son of a bitch!

Trying to bring more jobs to America. Doesn't he know he is supposed to fail?

Well, if that is his goal--to bring more jobs to America--indeed he is failing. But that isn't his goal and indeed he is succeeding.

100,000 a month increase

What did the Republicans leave him with?

Oh yea.....losing 700,000 a month

Obama's USA: 85% fully employed and only downgraded once.

Not bad. Not bad at all

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