What An Honorable President Would Say

I am an American and I am not afraid in the least if Trump was forced to release his tax records. There are millions just like me that consider his tax records irrelevant.
One question, would tax records be irrelevant if Bill Clintonn Or Obama, or Hillary would have refused to release them? We are entitled to know EVERYTHING we can about a candidate for the presidency

The election is over, you lost, get over it.
No, it was a conclusion based on what they thought, No hard evidence was ever presented. It was politically motivated, the CIA doesn't typically make press releases.
The problem with your attempt at logic is that it is stupid...lol.
The intelligence agencies based their assessments on multiple sources of information both human and data...
yet without any sources you claim that all 17 agencies colluded to lie on trump and that it is politically motivated...
Don't worry, no one will ask for proof of your lunacy...
My link is proof moron. Do you want me to conduct my own investigation? Interview trump and Putin?
I claimed intelligence agencies colluded to lie about Trump? You didn't really say that.
You need professional help.

Sure, an article that claims 17 agencies said it....and yet none of them has showed you a thing , not one shred of evidence. You are a bright one, aren't you?
You obviously know nothing about how intelligence works. They can't betray their sources or the technology used to discover Russia was behind the hacking. I'll take the word of our nonpartisan heroes in the intelligence community. You take the word of a confirmed pathological liar.
Has anyone commented on just how shabbily Trump himself has treated our intelligence community. Once again, what would the righties have said if Obama had done this.
I'll own you too kid, you aren't up to any of this. You, like all Lefty's detest when your hypocrisy is revealed. The OP made a statement, and the tried to ward of all discussion but that which he wanted. Only stupid Liberals like you think that that is a good strategy ;)
Is it a good strategy to lie to Congress, or is that just fine with you?

Unlike you kid I want to see all the evidence, hearsay is only enough for children and emotionally stunted liberals.
No one will have you post a link to the Intelligence agencies using only "hearsay" as their sole purpose for their positions...also, intelligent folk also understand that "hearsay evidence" is used as a legal procedure in U.S. Courts and not in intelligence gathering...
Like I said...you aren't intelligent enough to be owning anyone, newbie.

Stick around kid, you'll get spanked in due time.
I "may" get spanked, but we both know you don't have what it takes to do the spanking...now try to get on topic, oh yeah, you have nothing.

There is no "topic", there is a hypothetical question and an attempt to control the narrative. I'm actually surprised Bumblebee keeps engaging me, I kick his ass (metaphorically) every time he does. It'll be your turn when we get a "real" topic.
One question, would tax records be irrelevant if Bill Clintonn Or Obama, or Hillary would have refused to release them? We are entitled to know EVERYTHING we can about a candidate for the presidency

The election is over, you lost, get over it.
No, it was a conclusion based on what they thought, No hard evidence was ever presented. It was politically motivated, the CIA doesn't typically make press releases.
The problem with your attempt at logic is that it is stupid...lol.
The intelligence agencies based their assessments on multiple sources of information both human and data...
yet without any sources you claim that all 17 agencies colluded to lie on trump and that it is politically motivated...
Don't worry, no one will ask for proof of your lunacy...
My link is proof moron. Do you want me to conduct my own investigation? Interview trump and Putin?
I claimed intelligence agencies colluded to lie about Trump? You didn't really say that.
You need professional help.

Sure, an article that claims 17 agencies said it....and yet none of them has showed you a thing , not one shred of evidence. You are a bright one, aren't you?
You obviously know nothing about how intelligence works. They can't betray their sources or the technology used to discover Russia was behind the hacking. I'll take the word of our nonpartisan heroes in the intelligence community. You take the word of a confirmed pathological liar.
Has anyone commented on just how shabbily Trump himself has treated our intelligence community. Once again, what would the righties have said if Obama had done this.
\Good lord dumbass, you don't remember what you guys did to Comey?
You can keep your doctor?
I did not have sex with that woman?
If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance?
I never emailed Hillary Clinton on her private email server and I never even knew about it?
The United States does not negotiate with Terrorists nor pays ransom for hostages?
How does that compare to 100 Trump lies in 30 days? Obama ran the most ethical Presidency in our lifetimes.
Not a single member of the Obama administration resigned in disgrace. We are about to have 2 in the Trump administration, one a month Trump.
That entire administration was a disgrace. Thank God that clown show is finally over.
The election is over, you lost, get over it.
The problem with your attempt at logic is that it is stupid...lol.
The intelligence agencies based their assessments on multiple sources of information both human and data...
yet without any sources you claim that all 17 agencies colluded to lie on trump and that it is politically motivated...
Don't worry, no one will ask for proof of your lunacy...
My link is proof moron. Do you want me to conduct my own investigation? Interview trump and Putin?
I claimed intelligence agencies colluded to lie about Trump? You didn't really say that.
You need professional help.

Sure, an article that claims 17 agencies said it....and yet none of them has showed you a thing , not one shred of evidence. You are a bright one, aren't you?
You obviously know nothing about how intelligence works. They can't betray their sources or the technology used to discover Russia was behind the hacking. I'll take the word of our nonpartisan heroes in the intelligence community. You take the word of a confirmed pathological liar.
Has anyone commented on just how shabbily Trump himself has treated our intelligence community. Once again, what would the righties have said if Obama had done this.
\Good lord dumbass, you don't remember what you guys did to Comey?
The guy who saved your ass one week before the election with garbage about Clinton
You can keep your doctor?
I did not have sex with that woman?
If you like your insurance you can keep your insurance?
I never emailed Hillary Clinton on her private email server and I never even knew about it?
The United States does not negotiate with Terrorists nor pays ransom for hostages?
How does that compare to 100 Trump lies in 30 days? Obama ran the most ethical Presidency in our lifetimes.
Not a single member of the Obama administration resigned in disgrace. We are about to have 2 in the Trump administration, one a month Trump.
The entire administration was a disgrace. Thank God that clown show is finally over.
Not a single person ever resigned in disgrace, Trump is already working on his second
So do you make $140 or $160 per week for professionally trolling?

Yeah I get it, you can do it from the comfort of home. Couldn't you make more using your God-given talents?

I expose you liars and traitors for the pure joy of it.
You'll all be gone soon anyway when the 25th amendment is invoked, Trump is impeached, or the fat fuck has a stroke and steps down.
This administration has all the hallmarks of the Reagan one where there were more of them indicted and convicted than any presidency in history.
The fish rots from the head and the stink is palpable.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.
LOL, you really want him to investigate who spilled the beans on all the DNC corruption? I say hell yeah! If the emails shaped the election it was the corruption, not the whistleblower.
Your world view is whacked and bizarre.
This is the first time a foreign power interfered with an American election but since they did it trying to get your pussy grabber elected, you think nothing should be done about it.
Wonder what you would say if a foreign power worked to get Hilllary elected. I'm sure you'd do a 180 turnaround.
Your hypocrisy is so easy to point out.

Not a single person ever resigned in disgrace, Trump is already working on his second

You terrorists have a weak hand. You've overplayed it and will be spanked.
sounds Nixonian. Whatever happened to him again?

Bill Clinton and Barack Obama both did far, far worse than Nixon.

No president will ever resign again. Nixon resigned because Goldwater piled on due to Nixon suggesting the IRS be used against political enemies. They didn't actually do it, the mere suggestion was beyond the pale.

Fuckign Obama actually did it, and you Stalinists PRAISED HIM for it.

The Sessions idiocy is just more shit flinging by you feral baboons. It has one purpose, to distract from Trump's brilliant speech, that left your fascist party stunned.
Your world view is whacked and bizarre.
This is the first time a foreign power interfered with an American election but since they did it trying to get your pussy grabber elected, you think nothing should be done about it.
Wonder what you would say if a foreign power worked to get Hilllary elected. I'm sure you'd do a 180 turnaround.
Your hypocrisy is so easy to point out.

Fucking Soros has been doing it for two full decades. You Stalinists serve an international cabal of bankers and corporations that are dedicated to eradicating the American republic. You are the foot soldier of the foreign power, betraying your own nation because you hate white people or some other moronic shit.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.
The obvious thing for Trump to say to libtards is "go fuck yourself". If he wants...I'll say it for him.
There will still be investigations whether you like it or not
Wasting time and money is what libtards do for a living. That's why they're in the minority everywhere.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.
The obvious thing for Trump to say to libtards is "go fuck yourself". If he wants...I'll say it for him.
There will still be investigations whether you like it or not
Wasting time and money is what libtards do for a living. That's why they're in the minority everywhere.
Speaking of wasting money, how many 10's or hundreds of millions will it cost the taxpayer for trump security? You whined about a yeary Obama trip to Hawaii?
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

So an honorable president would lie and say that the Russians hacked the election, waste tax money investigating that lie, and completely unrelated release his taxes...
Just because you want it to be a lie because it would help deflect that you were stupid enough to vote for a traitor, doesn't make it so...

I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump. I literally have no skin in this. I just follow the evidence. Of which you have none
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

So an honorable president would lie and say that the Russians hacked the election, waste tax money investigating that lie, and completely unrelated release his taxes...
Just because you want it to be a lie because it would help deflect that you were stupid enough to vote for a traitor, doesn't make it so...

I didn't vote for Hillary or Trump. I literally have no skin in this. I just follow the evidence. Of which you have none
Evidence will present itself once an investigation begins
LOL, this is atypical, albeit unintelligent tactic of the Left, make a statement and then try and control the narrative. Sorry punk, intelligent people want to see proof before deciding on guilt or innocence. Notice I said "intelligent", not Liberal.
So you can't address the Op and what an honorable president would do. Noted. You're scared shitless.

You can't "scare" me kid. As I said, intelligent people wait for the proof, lying partisan hacks make up their minds before they see any, and then try and control the narrative. Your cognitive abilities leave much to be desired son.
Your cowardice in not addressing what Trump should do is noted again.
My thread is about how Trump should call for investigations to find the whole truth but since he won't makes him look guilty.
Do you need a hooked on phonics course?

Trump should do whatever to remedy whatever problems the PROOF shows, nothing more, nothing less. You are an idiot.

Once again we already have enough evidence to find proof. Evidence comes first in order to find proof. A 5th grader knows that. You don't.

Probably because he graduated 5th grade.
Proof will soon come from Congressional and independent investigations. Hang on, its going to be a bumpy ride

LOL, sure thing child.

Oh indeed. The GOP controlled Congress is going to make investigating this non-issue their top priority...right after they hold the Impeachment hearing to appease the SJW Sore LoserXyrs for hiLIARY's Epic Loss.
Why is this a non issue? Maybe you are afraid of what will come out

Ah, so you've adopted the Guilty Until Proven Innocent standard.

To which the only proper response is: Hell No and Fuck Off.
You left a trace of Trump's cum on your chin. Better clean it off.

Poor little Soros Rumpswab. It's sad that you spend your time spewing Prog "posting points" for free. But I supposed that helps you fill up your spare time as an unemployable loser.
You can't "scare" me kid. As I said, intelligent people wait for the proof, lying partisan hacks make up their minds before they see any, and then try and control the narrative. Your cognitive abilities leave much to be desired son.
Your cowardice in not addressing what Trump should do is noted again.
My thread is about how Trump should call for investigations to find the whole truth but since he won't makes him look guilty.
Do you need a hooked on phonics course?

Trump should do whatever to remedy whatever problems the PROOF shows, nothing more, nothing less. You are an idiot.

Once again we already have enough evidence to find proof. Evidence comes first in order to find proof. A 5th grader knows that. You don't.

Again kid, you posted an article that SAYS 17 Agencies have stated that they did it, but you've seen a shred of proof. You are quite the intelligent one child.
Proof will soon come from Congressional and independent investigations. Hang on, its going to be a bumpy ride

So you admit there is no proof of anything. So why should we expect an investigation to change that when there is nothing to even suggest that an investigation will change something?

You realize you need more than wishes and fantasies for evidence to exist, right?

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