What An Honorable President Would Say

President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

So an honorable president would lie and say that the Russians hacked the election, waste tax money investigating that lie, and completely unrelated release his taxes...
You had no problem wasting taxpayers money with dozens of useless Clinton investigations

So those investigations into actual wrongdoing you think were useless but investigations into the conspiracies with no evidence is going to provide proof of wrong doing regardless of reality
My link is proof moron. Do you want me to conduct my own investigation? Interview trump and Putin?
I claimed intelligence agencies colluded to lie about Trump? You didn't really say that.
You need professional help.

Sure, an article that claims 17 agencies said it....and yet none of them has showed you a thing , not one shred of evidence. You are a bright one, aren't you?
You obviously know nothing about how intelligence works. They can't betray their sources or the technology used to discover Russia was behind the hacking. I'll take the word of our nonpartisan heroes in the intelligence community. You take the word of a confirmed pathological liar.
Has anyone commented on just how shabbily Trump himself has treated our intelligence community. Once again, what would the righties have said if Obama had done this.
\Good lord dumbass, you don't remember what you guys did to Comey?
The guy who saved your ass one week before the election with garbage about Clinton
Clinton IS garbage. Both of them. Let's not overlook the fact the left lost and has nowhere else to go. They are feigning outrage over their corruption being leaked, all the while claiming at the time there was nothing to it but now the corruption cost them the election and somehow that makes it illegitimate? The right cannot reason with the left's corrupt minds. Our values are polar opposite.
I'm still not sure what we're investigating. 16 intelligence/IT agencies agree Russians hacked into the DNC and Podesta e-mails and gave the spoils to Wikileaks. Even the President seems to have grudgingly accepted it. It's done. We imposed sanctions. But that wasn't enough. Flynn has already been thrown under the bus -- for what, I'm not sure, but I'm sure not buying the "official" story out there. Now we're going after Sessions for WHAT? Meeting with an ambassador as a member of the Armed Service Committee and then answering a question in the confirmation hearings with the wrong understanding of what they were asking?
Will people try to get a grip here? It is worse than a witch hunt!
I could be wrong, but as much as I dislike Trump, this is not sound thinking, imo.
Lady. You really need to pick up a newspaper.
I've read it. I'm not buying it, yet.
So it's not the least bit suspicious to you how Trump throws wet kisses to a murderous thug?
No critical thinking skills?
Oh, plenty of critical thinking skills. I even wonder if Trump's vanity and his pride keep him justifying a couple of his narcissistic remarks way back in the campaign about being buddies with Putin. Trump admires some unusual leaders, but it's their strong-man style he likes more than anything else. I am watching that, fyi.

I quite clearly remember back last summer that someone had looked into it and Trump had no current business dealings with Russia. People have ignored that and keep going with this Russian ties stuff. It might be partly to get his tax returns. Yes, Russia helped him win the election with the Wikileaks, but does that mean Trump was necessarily in cahoots? Putin hates Clinton's guts and he's a KGB agent, so as soon as foolish Trump started bragging that he and Putin were buds, Putin knew how to "handle" him. Throw him a few compliments, a little attention, suddenly the new Pres of the USA is not giving you the cold stare, the hairy eyeball.

All of that being what it is, I don't see any evidence whatsoever that Trump or his campaign was involved in a quid pro quo arrangement with Russia. It's been a lot of innuendo and unconfirmed suspicions by the left, and they've been pretty fevered. If he or folks in his campaign are guilty, great--get the evidence and hang them.
Now we'll hopefully have our investigation and get this cleared up once and for all. It's a lot of time, effort and money, so let's not squander it.
Thanks for your thoughtful response. When you start a puzzle you always start around the straight edges and then fill it in from there.
We know the framework that Russia hacked our election. We don't know yet why the Trump aides were in " constant contact" with Russian officials. What the hell is that about ?
Plus Trump'sown demeanor regarding Putin's highly suspicious.
The unhinged one attacks everyone but talks sweet nothings into Putin's ear
Give me a break.
This whole Russian matter stinks to high heaven and I hope the spineless GOP congress carries thru with the investigations.
Trump aides were in " constant contact" with Russian officials.
Who? When? Where? Is there a link to any of the information on this? I've heard the accusation but no particulars.
Plus Trump'sown demeanor regarding Putin's highly suspicious.
The unhinged one attacks everyone but talks sweet nothings into Putin's ear

Imo, Trump is defending Trump, not Putin. See thread Debate Now - Is it reasonable to think Trump suffers from mental illness? NPD, dementia, something else?
Trump is a narcissist; he cannot be wrong. When he started bragging about being Putin's buddy and got heavily criticized for it, he started justifying that stance in his mind. It's become part of his posture from being picked at for so long about it. He hasn't done anything yet to indicate a softer stance on Russia. It's all just comments to defend his own goofy words.

You may be right. I don't think I'd really count on Republicans in Congress to get to the bottom of it, though. LOL Good luck!
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

An honorable Reasonable would say,

"Look, the truth is that no matter what the facts are, and no matter what Trump says or does, I will attack and smear him, because doing so serves my partisan agenda, so please ignore me, for nothing I say or do has any credibility even to myself."
Sure, an article that claims 17 agencies said it....and yet none of them has showed you a thing , not one shred of evidence. You are a bright one, aren't you?
You obviously know nothing about how intelligence works. They can't betray their sources or the technology used to discover Russia was behind the hacking. I'll take the word of our nonpartisan heroes in the intelligence community. You take the word of a confirmed pathological liar.
Has anyone commented on just how shabbily Trump himself has treated our intelligence community. Once again, what would the righties have said if Obama had done this.
\Good lord dumbass, you don't remember what you guys did to Comey?
The guy who saved your ass one week before the election with garbage about Clinton
Clinton IS garbage. Both of them. Let's not overlook the fact the left lost and has nowhere else to go. They are feigning outrage over their corruption being leaked, all the while claiming at the time there was nothing to it but now the corruption cost them the election and somehow that makes it illegitimate? The right cannot reason with the left's corrupt minds. Our values are polar opposite.
You had a problem with Bill Clinton lying to Congress, so why not Jeff Sessions? More of your hypocritical BS!
You obviously know nothing about how intelligence works. They can't betray their sources or the technology used to discover Russia was behind the hacking. I'll take the word of our nonpartisan heroes in the intelligence community. You take the word of a confirmed pathological liar.
Has anyone commented on just how shabbily Trump himself has treated our intelligence community. Once again, what would the righties have said if Obama had done this.
\Good lord dumbass, you don't remember what you guys did to Comey?
The guy who saved your ass one week before the election with garbage about Clinton
Clinton IS garbage. Both of them. Let's not overlook the fact the left lost and has nowhere else to go. They are feigning outrage over their corruption being leaked, all the while claiming at the time there was nothing to it but now the corruption cost them the election and somehow that makes it illegitimate? The right cannot reason with the left's corrupt minds. Our values are polar opposite.
You had a problem with Bill Clinton lying to Congress, so why not Jeff Sessions? More of your hypocritical BS!
What lie? You don't even know what the question he answered was. It's you who is two faced.
Has anyone commented on just how shabbily Trump himself has treated our intelligence community. Once again, what would the righties have said if Obama had done this.
\Good lord dumbass, you don't remember what you guys did to Comey?
The guy who saved your ass one week before the election with garbage about Clinton
Clinton IS garbage. Both of them. Let's not overlook the fact the left lost and has nowhere else to go. They are feigning outrage over their corruption being leaked, all the while claiming at the time there was nothing to it but now the corruption cost them the election and somehow that makes it illegitimate? The right cannot reason with the left's corrupt minds. Our values are polar opposite.
You had a problem with Bill Clinton lying to Congress, so why not Jeff Sessions? More of your hypocritical BS!
What lie? You don't even know what the question he answered was. It's you who is two faced.
Spin, spin, spin, in the next few weeks Sessions will be gone also, while you still defend him. That will make two senior administration members fired under disgrace in 60days. I am sure this isn't the end of the story
LOL, this is atypical, albeit unintelligent tactic of the Left, make a statement and then try and control the narrative. Sorry punk, intelligent people want to see proof before deciding on guilt or innocence. Notice I said "intelligent", not Liberal.
So you can't address the Op and what an honorable president would do. Noted. You're scared shitless.

You can't "scare" me kid. As I said, intelligent people wait for the proof, lying partisan hacks make up their minds before they see any, and then try and control the narrative. Your cognitive abilities leave much to be desired son.
Your cowardice in not addressing what Trump should do is noted again.
My thread is about how Trump should call for investigations to find the whole truth but since he won't makes him look guilty.
Do you need a hooked on phonics course?

Trump should do whatever to remedy whatever problems the PROOF shows, nothing more, nothing less. You are an idiot.

Once again we already have enough evidence to find proof. Evidence comes first in order to find proof. A 5th grader knows that. You don't.

Then post the evidence for everyone to see.
I am an American and I am not afraid in the least if Trump was forced to release his tax records. There are millions just like me that consider his tax records irrelevant.
One question, would tax records be irrelevant if Bill Clintonn Or Obama, or Hillary would have refused to release them? We are entitled to know EVERYTHING we can about a candidate for the presidency

The election is over, you lost, get over it.
No, it was a conclusion based on what they thought, No hard evidence was ever presented. It was politically motivated, the CIA doesn't typically make press releases.
The problem with your attempt at logic is that it is stupid...lol.
The intelligence agencies based their assessments on multiple sources of information both human and data...
yet without any sources you claim that all 17 agencies colluded to lie on trump and that it is politically motivated...
Don't worry, no one will ask for proof of your lunacy...
My link is proof moron. Do you want me to conduct my own investigation? Interview trump and Putin?
I claimed intelligence agencies colluded to lie about Trump? You didn't really say that.
You need professional help.

I don't consider politifacts a completely reliable source. Did you miss this?

"While the agencies all issued the statement together, Trump spokesman Steven Cheung told Politifact he took Clinton to be implying each agency came to the conclusion independently, a situation Cheung finds "unlikely."
Why isn't politifact reliable, yet every Rump lie you just overlook

Rachel Maddow To Politifact: 'You Are Terrible' And Someone Should 'Sue You' (VIDEO) | The Huffington Post :badgrin:

When a leftist says you're crappy, because you're showing bias, you're probably pretty crappy.
\Good lord dumbass, you don't remember what you guys did to Comey?
The guy who saved your ass one week before the election with garbage about Clinton
Clinton IS garbage. Both of them. Let's not overlook the fact the left lost and has nowhere else to go. They are feigning outrage over their corruption being leaked, all the while claiming at the time there was nothing to it but now the corruption cost them the election and somehow that makes it illegitimate? The right cannot reason with the left's corrupt minds. Our values are polar opposite.
You had a problem with Bill Clinton lying to Congress, so why not Jeff Sessions? More of your hypocritical BS!
What lie? You don't even know what the question he answered was. It's you who is two faced.
Spin, spin, spin, in the next few weeks Sessions will be gone also, while you still defend him. That will make two senior administration members fired under disgrace in 60days. I am sure this isn't the end of the story
The spinning is between your ears. You clearly don't understand what was asked. Nor care to.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

You mean like your hero? Here conspiring with pootins envoy? We KNOW who the russki pawn is dude. And it ain't the trumpster.

President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

Seems the orange one is up to his eyeballs in it so I don't expect him to do the honorable thing. I DO expect the GOP to start protecting this country. They seem to be disinclined to do that.

Can't say it's a big shock
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

You mean like your hero? Here conspiring with pootins envoy? We KNOW who the russki pawn is dude. And it ain't the trumpster.

You seem to have issues distinguishing between doing government business and conspiring to hand the givernment to Putin.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

You mean like your hero? Here conspiring with pootins envoy? We KNOW who the russki pawn is dude. And it ain't the trumpster.

You seem to have issues distinguishing between doing government business and conspiring to hand the givernment to Putin.

No, I have that well in hand. obummer was clearly doing pootins bidding by sitting on his hands and not calling pootin out for invading the Crimea. Twitter assaults don't cut it in the real world jillian. Add to that the shrilary's business dealings with the ruskis on the uranium mine deals and it is plain to anyone with a brain who still desires to think that it was the obummer admin who was neck deep in russian slime.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

You mean like your hero? Here conspiring with pootins envoy? We KNOW who the russki pawn is dude. And it ain't the trumpster.

You seem to have issues distinguishing between doing government business and conspiring to hand the givernment to Putin.

You seem to be an idiot who cares nothing about evidence or proof.
President Trump: WE need to get to the bottom of this Russia hacking our election. I'm calling for extensive investigations to find the truth.
Since the allegations against me are untrue, im going to release my tax returns to show I have no business with Moscow.
Now I'll take your questions.

Sooooo obvious we don't have an honorable president and the fact he won't say ANY of this makes him look very very suspicious.

You mean like your hero? Here conspiring with pootins envoy? We KNOW who the russki pawn is dude. And it ain't the trumpster.

You seem to have issues distinguishing between doing government business and conspiring to hand the givernment to Putin.

Your "Boi" LET Putin have Crimea, suddenly you care?
You obviously know nothing about how intelligence works. They can't betray their sources or the technology used to discover Russia was behind the hacking. I'll take the word of our nonpartisan heroes in the intelligence community. You take the word of a confirmed pathological liar.
Has anyone commented on just how shabbily Trump himself has treated our intelligence community. Once again, what would the righties have said if Obama had done this.
\Good lord dumbass, you don't remember what you guys did to Comey?
The guy who saved your ass one week before the election with garbage about Clinton
Clinton IS garbage. Both of them. Let's not overlook the fact the left lost and has nowhere else to go. They are feigning outrage over their corruption being leaked, all the while claiming at the time there was nothing to it but now the corruption cost them the election and somehow that makes it illegitimate? The right cannot reason with the left's corrupt minds. Our values are polar opposite.
You had a problem with Bill Clinton lying to Congress, so why not Jeff Sessions? More of your hypocritical BS!

I had a problem with Ole Willly lying to congress, look trough the TV and lying to the American people, and finally committing perjury. I also have problems with partisan idiots like you.
Has anyone commented on just how shabbily Trump himself has treated our intelligence community. Once again, what would the righties have said if Obama had done this.
\Good lord dumbass, you don't remember what you guys did to Comey?
The guy who saved your ass one week before the election with garbage about Clinton
Clinton IS garbage. Both of them. Let's not overlook the fact the left lost and has nowhere else to go. They are feigning outrage over their corruption being leaked, all the while claiming at the time there was nothing to it but now the corruption cost them the election and somehow that makes it illegitimate? The right cannot reason with the left's corrupt minds. Our values are polar opposite.
You had a problem with Bill Clinton lying to Congress, so why not Jeff Sessions? More of your hypocritical BS!

I had a problem with Ole Willly lying to congress, look trough the TV and lying to the American people, and finally committing perjury. I also have problems with partisan idiots like you.
Do you have a problem with Sessions doing the exact same think, lying to Congress?
\Good lord dumbass, you don't remember what you guys did to Comey?
The guy who saved your ass one week before the election with garbage about Clinton
Clinton IS garbage. Both of them. Let's not overlook the fact the left lost and has nowhere else to go. They are feigning outrage over their corruption being leaked, all the while claiming at the time there was nothing to it but now the corruption cost them the election and somehow that makes it illegitimate? The right cannot reason with the left's corrupt minds. Our values are polar opposite.
You had a problem with Bill Clinton lying to Congress, so why not Jeff Sessions? More of your hypocritical BS!

I had a problem with Ole Willly lying to congress, look trough the TV and lying to the American people, and finally committing perjury. I also have problems with partisan idiots like you.
Do you have a problem with Sessions doing the exact same think, lying to Congress?

Unlike yourself (as I said last night), I'll wait to see the evidence. Would you support a revolution to stop Trump?

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