What are libertarians?

Kaz, face it, you are a...

  • ...conservative because only money matters and your fiscallly conservative

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • ...liberal, you're against morality laws and for smaller, defense only military

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

I've explained to you before, page numbers are user-set here. What is "page 2" for you is not "page 2" for me. Your links take me to pages that have no relevance to anything. The first one goes to the OP. I already know where that is.

Again if you have a specific post (or posts) -- link to those posts or better yet quote them. "Page numbers" are meaningless.

Not an excuse. You can no less review the events that took place. Whatever page it is does not change the fact you started this pissing contest. I trust you have the ability to read? Then go through the posts and look at them yourself. Deflecting is doing you no favors.

I already did go through the posts. How the fuck could I quote them all if I didn't??

Look, once again your page 5 is not my page 5. Whatever you refer to on "page 5" doesn't show up for me. Those are references for your user profile only. I can't respond to what you won't tell me.

The question of "who started the pissing contest" has been settled, posted, quoted and slam dunked. If you have a dispute on it, then do what I did and quote something to make your case. Empty hyperbole walks.
You have me confused with someone else. I've never quoted anything from any Nazi website. The fact that Lincoln was a white supremacist is well documented. Even liberal state historians admit he made racist statements. Of course, they make excuses for it, like claiming he was just being folksy so the dumb masses would vote for him. The libturd historians like to pretend they have some kind of special insight that allows them to know what Lincoln really thought despite what he said. However, Lincoln's statements regarding black equality remained consistent over his lifetime.

Lincoln was a racist, by any measure of the term.

Pogo is referring to when I caught her plagiarizing. Here is the post she plagiarized. Follow the events as they unfold and I link to a Nazi website where she cribbed her commentary.

See what I mean? Liars abound.
That post isn't "plagiariazed", dumbass. It's copied from my own previous post elsewhere. And I said so right at the start of it, which to the illiterate must look like Sanskrit.

Give it a rest old lady. The first post was plagiarized. You DIDN'T WRITE IT. You stole it from the Nazi website.

Wrong. I've never even been to a Nazi website. Obviously you have.

If the text of your comment matches the text on the Nazi website, then maybe you wrote the text for the Nazi website. The text you claim is yours, by your writing, is word for word identical on the Nazi website and I'm not talking about the translated text, I'm talking about the commentary surrounding the translated text. Stolen. Plagiarized.

Yammer yammer yammer plagiarized yammer yammer Nazi yammer yammer...

This is what I said in the first place -- you're a troll.
Everything was and still is duly linked. Everybody here knows I link meticulously and deride those who fail to, the only exception being other message boards, which we can't, but in this case the books were, and remain, duly linked. I don't know what the fuck you think you found somewhere else that matches but it doesn't matter; the citations are linked; the citations are fully credited, and the links work. So suck it.

Lying by misdirection is still lying. All your commentary is plagiarized and not one link you supplied had the commentary text. Keep spinning your stories. I've given the link and people go there and read about your unmasking as it played out, comment by comment.

"Not one link supplied had the commentary text" -- NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's because I wrote it that night.
I believe capitalism is the best economic model, but there is no "magic", "invisible hand", "religion of laissez-faire" that makes ANY sense, UNLESS you totally ignore some key parts of civil libertarian beliefs. I will highlight them for you.
What is really funny here is that YOU are the one that actually belies in the fairytale hand guiding the market - you like to call it government.

What is really not funny is you edited out my qualifiers. So tell me, should the market operate without any rules or laws? Should it be a free for all? Many corporations could maximize their profits by dumping their waste into nearby rivers, or into the air. Is THAT acceptable?
Since in the free market that would violate private property rights, no.

The problem with those who condemn the likes of Bachmann, Levin, Palin, Beck et al are that they buy into the idea that such people are extreme and a bit looney tunes--that certainly IS the drum beat mantra of the Left--but in fact, they have a difficult time coming up with any specifics to make that case. I don't know of any social or political views that any of those people hold that would disqualify them from being libertarian (little "L") Now do some have a different perspective of history or interpret things differently than other people do or have some ideas that might be considered fringe? Yes some do, but then pretty much everybody does. Sometimes I agree with them on the sociopolitical stuff and sometimes I don't. I have a tougher time catching Levin in a factual error though--in fact I'm not sure I ever have. And trust, me I try with everybody. But all of them qualify in every way as libertarian (little "L")

Ron Paul or Gary Johnson--Libertarians with a capital "L"? I am quite fond of both individuals--know Gary personally in fact--but I have a lot more problem with their point of view about several sociopolitical stances than I do Bachmann, Levin, Palin, or Beck. But all of them are good people.

But getting back to the point Kaz made in the OP, libertarians (little "L") are not opposed to government. Every single one, including those I've named here, know that some government is necessary to hold the 50 states together as one nation and that some laws and regulation are necessary to secure the unalienable rights of the individual and to prevent those in the 50 states from doing physical, economic, environmental, or cultural violence to each other.

Certainly the central government should do what has to be done and that the various states CANNOT do without assuming improper authority over each other.

But the central government should do nothing that the states, local communities, and/or private sector CAN do whether they do it or not.
Don't tell Mark Levin you think he's a libertarian. He may get violent.

Mark Levin is no libertarian. I listen to him all the time, but he despises libertarians. He's a drug warrior and a neocon on defense issues - hardly anything libertarian about that.

I've explained to you before, page numbers are user-set here. What is "page 2" for you is not "page 2" for me. Your links take me to pages that have no relevance to anything. The first one goes to the OP. I already know where that is.

Again if you have a specific post (or posts) -- link to those posts or better yet quote them. "Page numbers" are meaningless.

Not an excuse. You can no less review the events that took place. Whatever page it is does not change the fact you started this pissing contest. I trust you have the ability to read? Then go through the posts and look at them yourself. Deflecting is doing you no favors.

I already did go through the posts. How the fuck could I quote them all if I didn't??

Look, once again your page 5 is not my page 5. Whatever you refer to on "page 5" doesn't show up for me. Those are references for your user profile only. I can't respond to what you won't tell me.

The question of "who started the pissing contest" has been settled, posted, quoted and slam dunked. If you have a dispute on it, then do what I did and quote something to make your case. Empty hyperbole walks.

Funny, you dismiss it by saying it's already settled. I'm sorry, but don't delude yourself. You dug the hole. You were the one caught with the shovel in hand. You prove my point, and you prove that you did in fact start it by calling others names and antagonizing them as can be seen in the last few pages (regardless of the post per page) of commentary... And for the record, you selectively quoted those posts. If the reader goes through those posts chronologically, your argument is destroyed.
You have me confused with someone else. I've never quoted anything from any Nazi website. The fact that Lincoln was a white supremacist is well documented. Even liberal state historians admit he made racist statements. Of course, they make excuses for it, like claiming he was just being folksy so the dumb masses would vote for him. The libturd historians like to pretend they have some kind of special insight that allows them to know what Lincoln really thought despite what he said. However, Lincoln's statements regarding black equality remained consistent over his lifetime.

Lincoln was a racist, by any measure of the term.

Pogo is referring to when I caught her plagiarizing. Here is the post she plagiarized. Follow the events as they unfold and I link to a Nazi website where she cribbed her commentary.

See what I mean? Liars abound.
That post isn't "plagiariazed", dumbass. It's copied from my own previous post elsewhere. And I said so right at the start of it, which to the illiterate must look like Sanskrit.

Give it a rest old lady. The first post was plagiarized. You DIDN'T WRITE IT. You stole it from the Nazi website.

Wrong. I've never even been to a Nazi website. Obviously you have.

If the text of your comment matches the text on the Nazi website, then maybe you wrote the text for the Nazi website. The text you claim is yours, by your writing, is word for word identical on the Nazi website and I'm not talking about the translated text, I'm talking about the commentary surrounding the translated text. Stolen. Plagiarized.

Yammer yammer yammer plagiarized yammer yammer Nazi yammer yammer...

This is what I said in the first place -- you're a troll.
Everything was and still is duly linked. Everybody here knows I link meticulously and deride those who fail to, the only exception being other message boards, which we can't, but in this case the books were, and remain, duly linked. I don't know what the fuck you think you found somewhere else that matches but it doesn't matter; the citations are linked; the citations are fully credited, and the links work. So suck it.

Lying by misdirection is still lying. All your commentary is plagiarized and not one link you supplied had the commentary text. Keep spinning your stories. I've given the link and people go there and read about your unmasking as it played out, comment by comment.

"Not one link supplied had the commentary text" -- NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's because I wrote it that night.

So you posted a blog on a Nazi website? Is this what we are to derive from this post? Why then is it on a Nazi website? Can you explain why?

You've painted yourself into a corner.
So you posted a blog on a Nazi website? Is this what we are to derive from this post? Why then is it on a Nazi website? Can you explain why?

You've painted yourself into a corner.

You know what they say, the coverup is always worse than the crime. I have no problem with people going to the link to see for themselves. The more sunshine on her plagiarism the better.
I believe capitalism is the best economic model, but there is no "magic", "invisible hand", "religion of laissez-faire" that makes ANY sense, UNLESS you totally ignore some key parts of civil libertarian beliefs. I will highlight them for you.
What is really funny here is that YOU are the one that actually belies in the fairytale hand guiding the market - you like to call it government.

What is really not funny is you edited out my qualifiers. So tell me, should the market operate without any rules or laws? Should it be a free for all? Many corporations could maximize their profits by dumping their waste into nearby rivers, or into the air. Is THAT acceptable?
Since in the free market that would violate private property rights, no.

The problem with those who condemn the likes of Bachmann, Levin, Palin, Beck et al are that they buy into the idea that such people are extreme and a bit looney tunes--that certainly IS the drum beat mantra of the Left--but in fact, they have a difficult time coming up with any specifics to make that case. I don't know of any social or political views that any of those people hold that would disqualify them from being libertarian (little "L") Now do some have a different perspective of history or interpret things differently than other people do or have some ideas that might be considered fringe? Yes some do, but then pretty much everybody does. Sometimes I agree with them on the sociopolitical stuff and sometimes I don't. I have a tougher time catching Levin in a factual error though--in fact I'm not sure I ever have. And trust, me I try with everybody. But all of them qualify in every way as libertarian (little "L")

Ron Paul or Gary Johnson--Libertarians with a capital "L"? I am quite fond of both individuals--know Gary personally in fact--but I have a lot more problem with their point of view about several sociopolitical stances than I do Bachmann, Levin, Palin, or Beck. But all of them are good people.

But getting back to the point Kaz made in the OP, libertarians (little "L") are not opposed to government. Every single one, including those I've named here, know that some government is necessary to hold the 50 states together as one nation and that some laws and regulation are necessary to secure the unalienable rights of the individual and to prevent those in the 50 states from doing physical, economic, environmental, or cultural violence to each other.

Certainly the central government should do what has to be done and that the various states CANNOT do without assuming improper authority over each other.

But the central government should do nothing that the states, local communities, and/or private sector CAN do whether they do it or not.
Don't tell Mark Levin you think he's a libertarian. He may get violent.

Mark Levin is no libertarian. I listen to him all the time, but he despises libertarians. He's a drug warrior and a neocon on defense issues - hardly anything libertarian about that.
Could say the same of Beck and Palin, but Levin is the only one who would get upset at being labeled a libertarian, I think.

I've explained to you before, page numbers are user-set here. What is "page 2" for you is not "page 2" for me. Your links take me to pages that have no relevance to anything. The first one goes to the OP. I already know where that is.

Again if you have a specific post (or posts) -- link to those posts or better yet quote them. "Page numbers" are meaningless.

Not an excuse. You can no less review the events that took place. Whatever page it is does not change the fact you started this pissing contest. I trust you have the ability to read? Then go through the posts and look at them yourself. Deflecting is doing you no favors.

I already did go through the posts. How the fuck could I quote them all if I didn't??

Look, once again your page 5 is not my page 5. Whatever you refer to on "page 5" doesn't show up for me. Those are references for your user profile only. I can't respond to what you won't tell me.

The question of "who started the pissing contest" has been settled, posted, quoted and slam dunked. If you have a dispute on it, then do what I did and quote something to make your case. Empty hyperbole walks.

Funny, you dismiss it by saying it's already settled. I'm sorry, but don't delude yourself. You dug the hole. You were the one caught with the shovel in hand. You prove my point, and you prove that you did in fact start it by calling others names and antagonizing them as can be seen in the last few pages (regardless of the post per page) of commentary... And for the record, you selectively quoted those posts. If the reader goes through those posts chronologically, your argument is destroyed.

So you have nothing. Several hours went by and you can't document jack shit. I documented exactly the point where it started, and six more subsequent entries. You posted a bunch of page numbers that relate to absolutely nothing. A lot of hot air but when it comes to show it -- hot air.

You have me confused with someone else. I've never quoted anything from any Nazi website. The fact that Lincoln was a white supremacist is well documented. Even liberal state historians admit he made racist statements. Of course, they make excuses for it, like claiming he was just being folksy so the dumb masses would vote for him. The libturd historians like to pretend they have some kind of special insight that allows them to know what Lincoln really thought despite what he said. However, Lincoln's statements regarding black equality remained consistent over his lifetime.

Lincoln was a racist, by any measure of the term.

Pogo is referring to when I caught her plagiarizing. Here is the post she plagiarized. Follow the events as they unfold and I link to a Nazi website where she cribbed her commentary.

See what I mean? Liars abound.
That post isn't "plagiariazed", dumbass. It's copied from my own previous post elsewhere. And I said so right at the start of it, which to the illiterate must look like Sanskrit.

Give it a rest old lady. The first post was plagiarized. You DIDN'T WRITE IT. You stole it from the Nazi website.

Wrong. I've never even been to a Nazi website. Obviously you have.

If the text of your comment matches the text on the Nazi website, then maybe you wrote the text for the Nazi website. The text you claim is yours, by your writing, is word for word identical on the Nazi website and I'm not talking about the translated text, I'm talking about the commentary surrounding the translated text. Stolen. Plagiarized.

Yammer yammer yammer plagiarized yammer yammer Nazi yammer yammer...

This is what I said in the first place -- you're a troll.
Everything was and still is duly linked. Everybody here knows I link meticulously and deride those who fail to, the only exception being other message boards, which we can't, but in this case the books were, and remain, duly linked. I don't know what the fuck you think you found somewhere else that matches but it doesn't matter; the citations are linked; the citations are fully credited, and the links work. So suck it.

Lying by misdirection is still lying. All your commentary is plagiarized and not one link you supplied had the commentary text. Keep spinning your stories. I've given the link and people go there and read about your unmasking as it played out, comment by comment.

"Not one link supplied had the commentary text" -- NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's because I wrote it that night.

So you posted a blog on a Nazi website? Is this what we are to derive from this post? Why then is it on a Nazi website? Can you explain why?

You've painted yourself into a corner.

I have never written a blog for anybody except myself. What this "Nazi website" the troll thinks he has is about, I really don't know. His link doesn't even work so I can't jump there, nor is it my problem. I'm not the one making a claim here -- burden of proof is on the accuser.

And no I can't explain where other people's websites get their stuff. I'm not fucking responsible for that. Are you?
You have me confused with someone else. I've never quoted anything from any Nazi website. The fact that Lincoln was a white supremacist is well documented. Even liberal state historians admit he made racist statements. Of course, they make excuses for it, like claiming he was just being folksy so the dumb masses would vote for him. The libturd historians like to pretend they have some kind of special insight that allows them to know what Lincoln really thought despite what he said. However, Lincoln's statements regarding black equality remained consistent over his lifetime.

Lincoln was a racist, by any measure of the term.

Pogo is referring to when I caught her plagiarizing. Here is the post she plagiarized. Follow the events as they unfold and I link to a Nazi website where she cribbed her commentary.

See what I mean? Liars abound.
That post isn't "plagiariazed", dumbass. It's copied from my own previous post elsewhere. And I said so right at the start of it, which to the illiterate must look like Sanskrit.

Give it a rest old lady. The first post was plagiarized. You DIDN'T WRITE IT. You stole it from the Nazi website.

Wrong. I've never even been to a Nazi website. Obviously you have.

If the text of your comment matches the text on the Nazi website, then maybe you wrote the text for the Nazi website. The text you claim is yours, by your writing, is word for word identical on the Nazi website and I'm not talking about the translated text, I'm talking about the commentary surrounding the translated text. Stolen. Plagiarized.

Yammer yammer yammer plagiarized yammer yammer Nazi yammer yammer...

This is what I said in the first place -- you're a troll.
Everything was and still is duly linked. Everybody here knows I link meticulously and deride those who fail to, the only exception being other message boards, which we can't, but in this case the books were, and remain, duly linked. I don't know what the fuck you think you found somewhere else that matches but it doesn't matter; the citations are linked; the citations are fully credited, and the links work. So suck it.

Lying by misdirection is still lying. All your commentary is plagiarized and not one link you supplied had the commentary text. Keep spinning your stories. I've given the link and people go there and read about your unmasking as it played out, comment by comment.

"Not one link supplied had the commentary text" -- NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's because I wrote it that night.

So you posted a blog on a Nazi website? Is this what we are to derive from this post? Why then is it on a Nazi website? Can you explain why?

You've painted yourself into a corner.

I have never written a blog for anybody except myself. What this "Nazi website" the troll thinks he has is about, I really don't know. His link doesn't even work so I can't jump there, nor is it my problem. I'm not the one making a claim here -- burden of proof is on the accuser.

And no I can't explain where other people's websites get their stuff. I'm not fucking responsible for that. Are you?

Well, then why does your post match one on a Nazi website? You refuse to answer the question.

At any rate. The onus is on you, not the accuser. They provided evidence, you did not.

You have me confused with someone else. I've never quoted anything from any Nazi website. The fact that Lincoln was a white supremacist is well documented. Even liberal state historians admit he made racist statements. Of course, they make excuses for it, like claiming he was just being folksy so the dumb masses would vote for him. The libturd historians like to pretend they have some kind of special insight that allows them to know what Lincoln really thought despite what he said. However, Lincoln's statements regarding black equality remained consistent over his lifetime.

Lincoln was a racist, by any measure of the term.

Pogo is referring to when I caught her plagiarizing. Here is the post she plagiarized. Follow the events as they unfold and I link to a Nazi website where she cribbed her commentary.

See what I mean? Liars abound.
That post isn't "plagiariazed", dumbass. It's copied from my own previous post elsewhere. And I said so right at the start of it, which to the illiterate must look like Sanskrit.

Give it a rest old lady. The first post was plagiarized. You DIDN'T WRITE IT. You stole it from the Nazi website.

Wrong. I've never even been to a Nazi website. Obviously you have.

If the text of your comment matches the text on the Nazi website, then maybe you wrote the text for the Nazi website. The text you claim is yours, by your writing, is word for word identical on the Nazi website and I'm not talking about the translated text, I'm talking about the commentary surrounding the translated text. Stolen. Plagiarized.

Yammer yammer yammer plagiarized yammer yammer Nazi yammer yammer...

This is what I said in the first place -- you're a troll.
Everything was and still is duly linked. Everybody here knows I link meticulously and deride those who fail to, the only exception being other message boards, which we can't, but in this case the books were, and remain, duly linked. I don't know what the fuck you think you found somewhere else that matches but it doesn't matter; the citations are linked; the citations are fully credited, and the links work. So suck it.

Lying by misdirection is still lying. All your commentary is plagiarized and not one link you supplied had the commentary text. Keep spinning your stories. I've given the link and people go there and read about your unmasking as it played out, comment by comment.

"Not one link supplied had the commentary text" -- NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's because I wrote it that night.

So you posted a blog on a Nazi website? Is this what we are to derive from this post? Why then is it on a Nazi website? Can you explain why?

You've painted yourself into a corner.

I have never written a blog for anybody except myself. What this "Nazi website" the troll thinks he has is about, I really don't know. His link doesn't even work so I can't jump there, nor is it my problem. I'm not the one making a claim here -- burden of proof is on the accuser.

And no I can't explain where other people's websites get their stuff. I'm not fucking responsible for that. Are you?

Well, then why does your post match one on a Nazi website? You refuse to answer the question.

At any rate. The onus is on you, not the accuser. They provided evidence, you did not.


It's NOT MY CLAIM, TK. On what planet is an accusee required to prove a negative?? How in the wide world of fuck can I "provide evidence" of NOT HAVING DONE SOMETHING??? :banghead:

Are you asking why he tried to hijack that thread? That's a fair question -- I presume something in the post, which I thought was just a side note on semantics, was dangerous to his agenda. I never did figure that out. But then again he's trying to hijack this thread as well, so maybe he's just a damn troll. Which is what I said in the first place.

I like your graphic. It reminds us to ask, since the thread in question wasn't about Naziism, what's the significance of something being on a "Nazi website"? Does it somehow change the character of the information posted? What's the point there? Seems to me I put this question to the troll and he ignored it. Do these perfectly legitimate French books suddenly change their words and meanings because some Nazi website posted them? Howzat work?

And btw as I recall the three citations, which were a historical etymology, were from something like 1894, 1902 and 1906, all of which way preceded Naziism. They even precede WW1, let alone WW2. So what the fuck are we talking about besides trollism?
Last edited:
Are you asking why he tried to hijack that thread?

You old battleaxe, is your memory really slipping so badly or are you just so comfortable with being a bold-faced liar? You jumped into this thread and slammed me, remember. Here is the link.

That's a fair question -- I presume something in the post, which I thought was just a side note on semantics, was dangerous to his agenda. I never did figure that out. But then again he's trying to hijack this thread as well, so maybe he's just a damn troll. Which is what I said in the first place.

Twisting the truth again. Discussions in this thread were rolling along nicely until you came in, lifted your skirt, dropped your drawers, and took a big dump on it.
You have me confused with someone else. I've never quoted anything from any Nazi website. The fact that Lincoln was a white supremacist is well documented. Even liberal state historians admit he made racist statements. Of course, they make excuses for it, like claiming he was just being folksy so the dumb masses would vote for him. The libturd historians like to pretend they have some kind of special insight that allows them to know what Lincoln really thought despite what he said. However, Lincoln's statements regarding black equality remained consistent over his lifetime.

Lincoln was a racist, by any measure of the term.

Pogo is referring to when I caught her plagiarizing. Here is the post she plagiarized. Follow the events as they unfold and I link to a Nazi website where she cribbed her commentary.

See what I mean? Liars abound.
That post isn't "plagiariazed", dumbass. It's copied from my own previous post elsewhere. And I said so right at the start of it, which to the illiterate must look like Sanskrit.

Give it a rest old lady. The first post was plagiarized. You DIDN'T WRITE IT. You stole it from the Nazi website.

Wrong. I've never even been to a Nazi website. Obviously you have.

If the text of your comment matches the text on the Nazi website, then maybe you wrote the text for the Nazi website. The text you claim is yours, by your writing, is word for word identical on the Nazi website and I'm not talking about the translated text, I'm talking about the commentary surrounding the translated text. Stolen. Plagiarized.

Yammer yammer yammer plagiarized yammer yammer Nazi yammer yammer...

This is what I said in the first place -- you're a troll.
Everything was and still is duly linked. Everybody here knows I link meticulously and deride those who fail to, the only exception being other message boards, which we can't, but in this case the books were, and remain, duly linked. I don't know what the fuck you think you found somewhere else that matches but it doesn't matter; the citations are linked; the citations are fully credited, and the links work. So suck it.

Lying by misdirection is still lying. All your commentary is plagiarized and not one link you supplied had the commentary text. Keep spinning your stories. I've given the link and people go there and read about your unmasking as it played out, comment by comment.

"Not one link supplied had the commentary text" -- NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's because I wrote it that night.

So you posted a blog on a Nazi website? Is this what we are to derive from this post? Why then is it on a Nazi website? Can you explain why?

You've painted yourself into a corner.

I have never written a blog for anybody except myself. What this "Nazi website" the troll thinks he has is about, I really don't know. His link doesn't even work so I can't jump there, nor is it my problem. I'm not the one making a claim here -- burden of proof is on the accuser.

And no I can't explain where other people's websites get their stuff. I'm not fucking responsible for that. Are you?

Well, then why does your post match one on a Nazi website? You refuse to answer the question.

At any rate. The onus is on you, not the accuser. They provided evidence, you did not.


It's NOT MY CLAIM, TK. On what planet is an accusee required to prove a negative?? How in the wide world of fuck can I "provide evidence" of NOT HAVING DONE SOMETHING??? :banghead:

Are you asking why he tried to hijack that thread? That's a fair question -- I presume something in the post, which I thought was just a side note on semantics, was dangerous to his agenda. I never did figure that out. But then again he's trying to hijack this thread as well, so maybe he's just a damn troll. Which is what I said in the first place.

I like your graphic. It reminds us to ask, since the thread in question wasn't about Naziism, what's the significance of something being on a "Nazi website"? Does it somehow change the character of the information posted? What's the point there? Seems to me I put this question to the troll and he ignored it. Do these perfectly legitimate French books suddenly change their words and meanings because some Nazi website posted them? Howzat work?

And btw as I recall the three citations, which were a historical etymology, were from something like 1894, 1902 and 1906, all of which way preceded Naziism. They even precede WW1, let alone WW2. So what the fuck are we talking about besides trollism?

Your post matched the one on the Nazi website, your essay notwithstanding. You know, I have a different theory, you chose to quote that post and not link to it, since citing anything from a Nazi website would instantaneously discredit your argument. But, however, you still never answered my question, why is that post on a Nazi website?

I've explained to you before, page numbers are user-set here. What is "page 2" for you is not "page 2" for me. Your links take me to pages that have no relevance to anything. The first one goes to the OP. I already know where that is.

Again if you have a specific post (or posts) -- link to those posts or better yet quote them. "Page numbers" are meaningless.

Not an excuse. You can no less review the events that took place. Whatever page it is does not change the fact you started this pissing contest. I trust you have the ability to read? Then go through the posts and look at them yourself. Deflecting is doing you no favors.

I already did go through the posts. How the fuck could I quote them all if I didn't??

Look, once again your page 5 is not my page 5. Whatever you refer to on "page 5" doesn't show up for me. Those are references for your user profile only. I can't respond to what you won't tell me.

The question of "who started the pissing contest" has been settled, posted, quoted and slam dunked. If you have a dispute on it, then do what I did and quote something to make your case. Empty hyperbole walks.

Funny, you dismiss it by saying it's already settled. I'm sorry, but don't delude yourself. You dug the hole. You were the one caught with the shovel in hand. You prove my point, and you prove that you did in fact start it by calling others names and antagonizing them as can be seen in the last few pages (regardless of the post per page) of commentary... And for the record, you selectively quoted those posts. If the reader goes through those posts chronologically, your argument is destroyed.

So you have nothing. Several hours went by and you can't document jack shit. I documented exactly the point where it started, and six more subsequent entries. You posted a bunch of page numbers that relate to absolutely nothing. A lot of hot air but when it comes to show it -- hot air.


Dismissed? This isn't boot camp Pogo. In actuality there is no hot air since I am typing not speaking. I posted where this took place. You use the pages to dismiss my argument, when in reality you want to be lazy and not read the posts. In a way you are admitting your own defeat.
You have me confused with someone else. I've never quoted anything from any Nazi website. The fact that Lincoln was a white supremacist is well documented. Even liberal state historians admit he made racist statements. Of course, they make excuses for it, like claiming he was just being folksy so the dumb masses would vote for him. The libturd historians like to pretend they have some kind of special insight that allows them to know what Lincoln really thought despite what he said. However, Lincoln's statements regarding black equality remained consistent over his lifetime.

Lincoln was a racist, by any measure of the term.

Pogo is referring to when I caught her plagiarizing. Here is the post she plagiarized. Follow the events as they unfold and I link to a Nazi website where she cribbed her commentary.

See what I mean? Liars abound.
That post isn't "plagiariazed", dumbass. It's copied from my own previous post elsewhere. And I said so right at the start of it, which to the illiterate must look like Sanskrit.

Give it a rest old lady. The first post was plagiarized. You DIDN'T WRITE IT. You stole it from the Nazi website.

Wrong. I've never even been to a Nazi website. Obviously you have.

If the text of your comment matches the text on the Nazi website, then maybe you wrote the text for the Nazi website. The text you claim is yours, by your writing, is word for word identical on the Nazi website and I'm not talking about the translated text, I'm talking about the commentary surrounding the translated text. Stolen. Plagiarized.

Yammer yammer yammer plagiarized yammer yammer Nazi yammer yammer...

This is what I said in the first place -- you're a troll.
Everything was and still is duly linked. Everybody here knows I link meticulously and deride those who fail to, the only exception being other message boards, which we can't, but in this case the books were, and remain, duly linked. I don't know what the fuck you think you found somewhere else that matches but it doesn't matter; the citations are linked; the citations are fully credited, and the links work. So suck it.

Lying by misdirection is still lying. All your commentary is plagiarized and not one link you supplied had the commentary text. Keep spinning your stories. I've given the link and people go there and read about your unmasking as it played out, comment by comment.

"Not one link supplied had the commentary text" -- NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's because I wrote it that night.

So you posted a blog on a Nazi website? Is this what we are to derive from this post? Why then is it on a Nazi website? Can you explain why?

You've painted yourself into a corner.

I have never written a blog for anybody except myself. What this "Nazi website" the troll thinks he has is about, I really don't know. His link doesn't even work so I can't jump there, nor is it my problem. I'm not the one making a claim here -- burden of proof is on the accuser.

And no I can't explain where other people's websites get their stuff. I'm not fucking responsible for that. Are you?

Well, then why does your post match one on a Nazi website? You refuse to answer the question.

At any rate. The onus is on you, not the accuser. They provided evidence, you did not.


It's NOT MY CLAIM, TK. On what planet is an accusee required to prove a negative?? How in the wide world of fuck can I "provide evidence" of NOT HAVING DONE SOMETHING??? :banghead:

Are you asking why he tried to hijack that thread? That's a fair question -- I presume something in the post, which I thought was just a side note on semantics, was dangerous to his agenda. I never did figure that out. But then again he's trying to hijack this thread as well, so maybe he's just a damn troll. Which is what I said in the first place.

I like your graphic. It reminds us to ask, since the thread in question wasn't about Naziism, what's the significance of something being on a "Nazi website"? Does it somehow change the character of the information posted? What's the point there? Seems to me I put this question to the troll and he ignored it. Do these perfectly legitimate French books suddenly change their words and meanings because some Nazi website posted them? Howzat work?

And btw as I recall the three citations, which were a historical etymology, were from something like 1894, 1902 and 1906, all of which way preceded Naziism. They even precede WW1, let alone WW2. So what the fuck are we talking about besides trollism?

Your post matched the one on the Nazi website, your essay notwithstanding. You know, I have a different theory, you chose to quote that post and not link to it, since citing anything from a Nazi website would instantaneously discredit your argument. But, however, you still never answered my question, why is that post on a Nazi website?

I wasn't even making an "argument"; I was examining the origins of a term (racism) via citations in some old books.

How the fuck do I know what's on a "Nazi website"? Am I somehow responsible for what everyone else puts on their websites? How? :lmao:

You do realize how fucking silly this has devolved by now, right? Good, let's carry on. I just want this one other question addressed, to wit --- exactly how does citing from a "Nazi website" --- or any particular kind of website -- "discredit" the argument I wasn't making? The links, again, go to Google Books. They go to images of the pages cited. Not to a fucking "Nazi website". I admit, I never went to his link to see his "evidence". I didn't need to. I know where the fuck my own links go. If you've never seen the same content posted across multiple sites, you must be new to the internets.

So what the fuck are you talking about here? Are we trying to deflect from your failure to find ad hom in this thread?
And Pogo, the roots of Nazism go as far back as 1834. In 1904 Hans Knirsch proposed that 'National Socialist' be added to the Austrian DAP name, however it was rejected by the Austrian Congress of conferees. By 1909 the first meeting of the Workers Party was convened in Prague. All these were precursors, and led to the foundation of the Nazi party in 1919. I hate to call you down on the historicity of Nazism, but you brought this on yourself.
You have me confused with someone else. I've never quoted anything from any Nazi website. The fact that Lincoln was a white supremacist is well documented. Even liberal state historians admit he made racist statements. Of course, they make excuses for it, like claiming he was just being folksy so the dumb masses would vote for him. The libturd historians like to pretend they have some kind of special insight that allows them to know what Lincoln really thought despite what he said. However, Lincoln's statements regarding black equality remained consistent over his lifetime.

Lincoln was a racist, by any measure of the term.

Pogo is referring to when I caught her plagiarizing. Here is the post she plagiarized. Follow the events as they unfold and I link to a Nazi website where she cribbed her commentary.

See what I mean? Liars abound.
That post isn't "plagiariazed", dumbass. It's copied from my own previous post elsewhere. And I said so right at the start of it, which to the illiterate must look like Sanskrit.

Give it a rest old lady. The first post was plagiarized. You DIDN'T WRITE IT. You stole it from the Nazi website.

Wrong. I've never even been to a Nazi website. Obviously you have.

If the text of your comment matches the text on the Nazi website, then maybe you wrote the text for the Nazi website. The text you claim is yours, by your writing, is word for word identical on the Nazi website and I'm not talking about the translated text, I'm talking about the commentary surrounding the translated text. Stolen. Plagiarized.

Yammer yammer yammer plagiarized yammer yammer Nazi yammer yammer...

This is what I said in the first place -- you're a troll.
Everything was and still is duly linked. Everybody here knows I link meticulously and deride those who fail to, the only exception being other message boards, which we can't, but in this case the books were, and remain, duly linked. I don't know what the fuck you think you found somewhere else that matches but it doesn't matter; the citations are linked; the citations are fully credited, and the links work. So suck it.

Lying by misdirection is still lying. All your commentary is plagiarized and not one link you supplied had the commentary text. Keep spinning your stories. I've given the link and people go there and read about your unmasking as it played out, comment by comment.

"Not one link supplied had the commentary text" -- NO SHIT SHERLOCK. That's because I wrote it that night.

So you posted a blog on a Nazi website? Is this what we are to derive from this post? Why then is it on a Nazi website? Can you explain why?

You've painted yourself into a corner.

I have never written a blog for anybody except myself. What this "Nazi website" the troll thinks he has is about, I really don't know. His link doesn't even work so I can't jump there, nor is it my problem. I'm not the one making a claim here -- burden of proof is on the accuser.

And no I can't explain where other people's websites get their stuff. I'm not fucking responsible for that. Are you?

Well, then why does your post match one on a Nazi website? You refuse to answer the question.

At any rate. The onus is on you, not the accuser. They provided evidence, you did not.


It's NOT MY CLAIM, TK. On what planet is an accusee required to prove a negative?? How in the wide world of fuck can I "provide evidence" of NOT HAVING DONE SOMETHING??? :banghead:

Are you asking why he tried to hijack that thread? That's a fair question -- I presume something in the post, which I thought was just a side note on semantics, was dangerous to his agenda. I never did figure that out. But then again he's trying to hijack this thread as well, so maybe he's just a damn troll. Which is what I said in the first place.

I like your graphic. It reminds us to ask, since the thread in question wasn't about Naziism, what's the significance of something being on a "Nazi website"? Does it somehow change the character of the information posted? What's the point there? Seems to me I put this question to the troll and he ignored it. Do these perfectly legitimate French books suddenly change their words and meanings because some Nazi website posted them? Howzat work?

And btw as I recall the three citations, which were a historical etymology, were from something like 1894, 1902 and 1906, all of which way preceded Naziism. They even precede WW1, let alone WW2. So what the fuck are we talking about besides trollism?

Your post matched the one on the Nazi website, your essay notwithstanding. You know, I have a different theory, you chose to quote that post and not link to it, since citing anything from a Nazi website would instantaneously discredit your argument. But, however, you still never answered my question, why is that post on a Nazi website?

I wasn't even making an "argument"; I was examining the origins of a term (racism) via citations in some old books.

How the fuck do I know what's on a "Nazi website"? Am I somehow responsible for what everyone else puts on their websites? How? :lmao:

You do realize how fucking silly this has devolved by now, right? Good, let's carry on. I just want this one other question addressed, to wit --- exactly how does citing from a "Nazi website" --- or any particular kind of website -- "discredit" the argument I wasn't making? The links, again, go to Google Books. They go to images of the pages cited. Not to a fucking "Nazi website".

So what the fuck are you talking about here? Are we trying to deflect from your failure to find ad hom in this thread?

Once again, why is that post on a Nazi website? Either the post was cited by the website, or you pulled it from there. I'll keep asking this question until you answer it, that or you choose to leave the thread. Either way, your argument is discredited when you have Neo-Nazis citing something you did. Unwittingly or otherwise.

I've explained to you before, page numbers are user-set here. What is "page 2" for you is not "page 2" for me. Your links take me to pages that have no relevance to anything. The first one goes to the OP. I already know where that is.

Again if you have a specific post (or posts) -- link to those posts or better yet quote them. "Page numbers" are meaningless.

Not an excuse. You can no less review the events that took place. Whatever page it is does not change the fact you started this pissing contest. I trust you have the ability to read? Then go through the posts and look at them yourself. Deflecting is doing you no favors.

I already did go through the posts. How the fuck could I quote them all if I didn't??

Look, once again your page 5 is not my page 5. Whatever you refer to on "page 5" doesn't show up for me. Those are references for your user profile only. I can't respond to what you won't tell me.

The question of "who started the pissing contest" has been settled, posted, quoted and slam dunked. If you have a dispute on it, then do what I did and quote something to make your case. Empty hyperbole walks.

Funny, you dismiss it by saying it's already settled. I'm sorry, but don't delude yourself. You dug the hole. You were the one caught with the shovel in hand. You prove my point, and you prove that you did in fact start it by calling others names and antagonizing them as can be seen in the last few pages (regardless of the post per page) of commentary... And for the record, you selectively quoted those posts. If the reader goes through those posts chronologically, your argument is destroyed.

So you have nothing. Several hours went by and you can't document jack shit. I documented exactly the point where it started, and six more subsequent entries. You posted a bunch of page numbers that relate to absolutely nothing. A lot of hot air but when it comes to show it -- hot air.


Dismissed? This isn't boot camp Pogo. In actuality there is no hot air since I am typing not speaking. I posted where this took place. You use the pages to dismiss my argument, when in reality you want to be lazy and not read the posts. In a way you are admitting your own defeat.

Good, back to this thread at least.
I don't see what is so damned cryptic about this -- you set your USMB account for X number of posts per page --- I set mine for Y number of posts per page. In this thread for example I am on page 38. That is not going to correspond to the page you're on. What you linked above are the first several pages of this thread. That has no relevance -- I'm not even IN those pages. And I know how to navigate pages.

I'll say this for the fourth time................ if you want a comment on a particular post, you have to link or quote the post. Page numers tell us NOTHING.

Got it? :banghead:

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