What are people thinking as they hear the Senate arguments?

No, I think I will blame you and people like you.

You gonna join the TrumpQ white side.

On the other hand I’m letting my black brothers sand sisters know that there’s way more white Americans with them than there are against them in the Trump white supremacy militia.
The fact that this entire forum is very quiet shows that the Trumpers have zero case.
No, we have better things to do than listen to what is a foregone conclusion. Meaning that you lose again.

Isn't it your political cult that lost? You sound like a salty loser projecting his insecurities upon everybody else. What else is new?
1. FBI agents conspired to prevent Trump's presidency after his election.

2. Obama had Trump spied on, based on bullshit.

3. FBI agents lied to a federal judge to permission for an investigation that was NOT justified and was NOT conducted in a fair or ethical manner.

Your top three are all not true , pathetic rightwing bullshit - you suck for picking lies as your top three and go downhill from there.,
Since he's a private citizen and if someone thinks the evidence is strong enough, he should be brought before a grand jury.
That is exactly what will happen AFTER his second impeachment "trial" finishes.

Trump’s New Criminal Problem

"The federal criminal code (18 USC 373) makes it a crime to solicit, command, induce or 'endeavor to persuade' another person to commit a felony that includes the threat or use of physical force.

"Simply put, it is a crime to persuade another person, or a mob of several thousand, to commit a violent felony."

Good. I was worried you guys would wait until I was too old, before you kicked off the civil war.

Nice to see you are putting the pedal to the medal.
I would think that after the disaster on Jan. 6th carried out by lunatics talking about “civil war” to “take back the country” (some carrying Confederate flags), you would have learned a lesson. Wild accusations about “the other side” provoking civil war while your own side gins up its thugs for a “trial by combat” won’t fly anymore.

We’ve heard this talk all year long, before, during and after Trump was defeated. Hearing it now when what is necessary is fulsome denunciation of lunatic attempts at violent insurrection and domestic terrorism ... only makes you look like a hardcore Trump fanatic. Talk like this will only succeed in encouraging the “Security State” to pass draconian new domestic security legislation, and bring down more state repression ... on everyone.
Since he's a private citizen and if someone thinks the evidence is strong enough, he should be brought before a grand jury.
That is exactly what will happen AFTER his second impeachment "trial" finishes.

Trump’s New Criminal Problem

"The federal criminal code (18 USC 373) makes it a crime to solicit, command, induce or 'endeavor to persuade' another person to commit a felony that includes the threat or use of physical force.

"Simply put, it is a crime to persuade another person, or a mob of several thousand, to commit a violent felony."

Good. I was worried you guys would wait until I was too old, before you kicked off the civil war.

Nice to see you are putting the pedal to the medal.
I would think that after the disaster on Jan. 6th carried out by lunatics talking about “civil war” to “take back the country” (some carrying Confederate flags), you would have learned a lesson. Wild accusations about “the other side” provoking civil war while your own side gins up its thugs for a “trial by combat” won’t fly anymore.

We’ve heard this talk all year long, before, during and after Trump was defeated. Hearing it now when what is necessary is fulsome denunciation of lunatic attempts at violent insurrection and domestic terrorism ... only makes you look like a hardcore Trump fanatic. Talk like this will only succeed in encouraging the “Security State” to pass draconian new domestic security legislation, and bring down more state repression ... on everyone.

Your willingness to allow Congress to grossly violate the Constitution will pave the way for such draconian measures.
Since he's a private citizen and if someone thinks the evidence is strong enough, he should be brought before a grand jury.
That is exactly what will happen AFTER his second impeachment "trial" finishes.

Trump’s New Criminal Problem

"The federal criminal code (18 USC 373) makes it a crime to solicit, command, induce or 'endeavor to persuade' another person to commit a felony that includes the threat or use of physical force.

"Simply put, it is a crime to persuade another person, or a mob of several thousand, to commit a violent felony."

Good. I was worried you guys would wait until I was too old, before you kicked off the civil war.

Nice to see you are putting the pedal to the medal.
Since he's a private citizen and if someone thinks the evidence is strong enough, he should be brought before a grand jury.
That is exactly what will happen AFTER his second impeachment "trial" finishes.

Trump’s New Criminal Problem

"The federal criminal code (18 USC 373) makes it a crime to solicit, command, induce or 'endeavor to persuade' another person to commit a felony that includes the threat or use of physical force.

"Simply put, it is a crime to persuade another person, or a mob of several thousand, to commit a violent felony."

Good. I was worried you guys would wait until I was too old, before you kicked off the civil war.

Nice to see you are putting the pedal to the medal.

Where did I say anything about a civil war?...lol
Since he's a private citizen and if someone thinks the evidence is strong enough, he should be brought before a grand jury.
That is exactly what will happen AFTER his second impeachment "trial" finishes.

Trump’s New Criminal Problem

"The federal criminal code (18 USC 373) makes it a crime to solicit, command, induce or 'endeavor to persuade' another person to commit a felony that includes the threat or use of physical force.

"Simply put, it is a crime to persuade another person, or a mob of several thousand, to commit a violent felony."

No it won't. In a criminal trial, it's illegal to present faslified evidence.
Since he's a private citizen and if someone thinks the evidence is strong enough, he should be brought before a grand jury.
That is exactly what will happen AFTER his second impeachment "trial" finishes.

Trump’s New Criminal Problem

"The federal criminal code (18 USC 373) makes it a crime to solicit, command, induce or 'endeavor to persuade' another person to commit a felony that includes the threat or use of physical force.

"Simply put, it is a crime to persuade another person, or a mob of several thousand, to commit a violent felony."

Good. I was worried you guys would wait until I was too old, before you kicked off the civil war.

Nice to see you are putting the pedal to the medal.
I would think that after the disaster on Jan. 6th carried out by lunatics talking about “civil war” to “take back the country” (some carrying Confederate flags), you would have learned a lesson. Wild accusations about “the other side” provoking civil war while your own side gins up its thugs for a “trial by combat” won’t fly anymore.

We’ve heard this talk all year long, before, during and after Trump was defeated. Hearing it now when what is necessary is fulsome denunciation of lunatic attempts at violent insurrection and domestic terrorism ... only makes you look like a hardcore Trump fanatic. Talk like this will only succeed in encouraging the “Security State” to pass draconian new domestic security legislation, and bring down more state repression ... on everyone.
Your willingness to allow Congress to grossly violate the Constitution will pave the way for such draconian measures.
To my mind there is absolutely no violation of the Constitution here. Impeachment is the bare minimum Trump deserves. There is nothing draconian whatever about this impeachment. It would be a betrayal of our Constitution not to impeach after Jan. 6th.

That aside, I believe impeachment is likely to play a bigger role in U.S. politics as our country’s social cohesion collapses under growing international competitive pressure. The chance of proxy wars with China and Russia is growing, and that too will divide our citizens.

I can see a time when impeachment almost inevitably occurs when one party holds the two Houses of Congress, but the other party holds the Presidency.. Sort of like in parliamentary systems in most of Europe, we may de facto institute a clumsy sort of “vote of no-confidence” recall procedure. That by itself doesn’t bother me, though party ultra-partisanship is of course very unfortunate.

Our Congress has been granting way too much power to “the imperial presidency” for decades. Of course neither party can “save us” from a mad and riotous voter base, big money domination of politics, or from a President gone berserk. The partisan deadlock in Congress indicates our Senators are not up to the job. It is simply not in the interest of the great corporations to allow real government “of the people, by the people, and for the people.”
Which makes sense, because you want a Civil War to help destroy America.

We do? I proudly voted for Biden. So did 80 million more. We don’t want a civil war. We wanted the normal civil transfer of power based on elections that we’ve had since George handed the reins to John.

What do you want? Throw out the majority black votes from cities in Michigan Wisconsin Michigan Pennsylvania Georgia Arizona and Nevada.

That’s what “stop the steal” meant to the white militant racist mob that stormed the Capitol on January 6th.

I don’t want civil war. I don’t want a racist fascist liar President staying in ithe White House after losing a bid for a second term because he can mobilize a violent mob to assault Congress to stop the transfer of power to the winner who was my choice.

My vote went to the winner. What the fuck do I need or want a civil war.. When my vote went to the loser in 2016 I didn’t storm the Capitol to put Hillary in . . I watched TrumpQ destroy the Republican Party and drive the final nail in the coffin on January 6 2021.
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1. I'm not justify anything. I'm disagreeing that Trump incited violence.

There is no question that TrumoQ incited violence. If Trump did not instruct the mob to stop the steal there was no reason for Trump’s forces to invade the Capitol at the exact moment in which members were certifying Joe Biden’s win.
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You gonna join the TrumpQ white side.

On the other hand I’m letting my black brothers sand sisters know that there’s way more white Americans with them than there are against them in the Trump white supremacy militia.

Do you even begin to understand how ridiculous you sound?
Do you even begin to understand how ridiculous you sound?

Actually there is nothing ridiculous about what I wrote. If you think there is, please explain what it is exactly.

Oh No! The globalists are coming! The globalists are coming!

because the actual oligarchs wanted Trump out. You don't have to worry about another Trump getting into office though. They've made sure that only globalists can enter office now.

Never mind.
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No, he didn't. Mueller investigated all that shit and found nothing.
Mueller's a life-long Republican fixer who didn't subpoena Trump's taxes. Upcoming investigations under Biden's DOJ won't be so charitable.

The BCCI Affair - 8 BCCI and Law Enforcement - The Justice Deparment and the US Customs Service

Muelller is Deep State and did his best to go fishing for ANYTHING to justify his massive investigation.

There was NOTHING.

The only people still touting the lies that he tried and failed to support, are people who are complete liars, or complete retards.
Talk like this will only succeed in encouraging the “Security State” to pass draconian new domestic security legislation, and bring down more state repression ... on everyone.
Certainly one of the ironies of this ignorant, tribal, simplistic movement. They want us to believe they're civil libertarians, yet they go out of their way to invite repression, with which ALL of us will have to deal.

They have demonstrated over and over that, instead of using intellect and reason to solve an issue, they'd much rather beat on it with a stick.
No, I think I will blame you and people like you.

You gonna join the TrumpQ white side.

On the other hand I’m letting my black brothers sand sisters know that there’s way more white Americans with them than there are against them in the Trump white supremacy militia.

THe majority of whites in this country, are not on your side. Trump won the white vote in both elections.

The Left's Plan to Rule, is based on the marginalization and oppression of the largest single ethnic group in the country.

That is not going to work out well for the nation as as whole or it's citizens.
1. FBI agents conspired to prevent Trump's presidency after his election.

2. Obama had Trump spied on, based on bullshit.

3. FBI agents lied to a federal judge to permission for an investigation that was NOT justified and was NOT conducted in a fair or ethical manner.

Your top three are all not true , pathetic rightwing bullshit - you suck for picking lies as your top three and go downhill from there.,

They have all been documented and/or admitted.

Your denial is a combination of stonewalling and gaslighting.
1. FBI agents conspired to prevent Trump's presidency after his election.

2. Obama had Trump spied on, based on bullshit.

3. FBI agents lied to a federal judge to permission for an investigation that was NOT justified and was NOT conducted in a fair or ethical manner.

Your top three are all not true , pathetic rightwing bullshit - you suck for picking lies as your top three and go downhill from there.,

The top three have all been documented and/or admitted.

Your denial of that is a combination of stonewalling and gaslighting.

My point stands. Your side ended the tradition of peaceful transfer of power, with your "Resistance" and your soft coup attempt and years of street violence.

Now you are whining like faggots because we aren't playing by the rules while you cheat.
Since he's a private citizen and if someone thinks the evidence is strong enough, he should be brought before a grand jury.
That is exactly what will happen AFTER his second impeachment "trial" finishes.

Trump’s New Criminal Problem

"The federal criminal code (18 USC 373) makes it a crime to solicit, command, induce or 'endeavor to persuade' another person to commit a felony that includes the threat or use of physical force.

"Simply put, it is a crime to persuade another person, or a mob of several thousand, to commit a violent felony."

Good. I was worried you guys would wait until I was too old, before you kicked off the civil war.

Nice to see you are putting the pedal to the medal.
I would think that after the disaster on Jan. 6th carried out by lunatics talking about “civil war” to “take back the country” (some carrying Confederate flags), you would have learned a lesson. Wild accusations about “the other side” provoking civil war while your own side gins up its thugs for a “trial by combat” won’t fly anymore.

We’ve heard this talk all year long, before, during and after Trump was defeated. Hearing it now when what is necessary is fulsome denunciation of lunatic attempts at violent insurrection and domestic terrorism ... only makes you look like a hardcore Trump fanatic. Talk like this will only succeed in encouraging the “Security State” to pass draconian new domestic security legislation, and bring down more state repression ... on everyone.

Dude. When you dehumanize your enemies, we see you doing it. We can see the path you are on, and where it is going.

We are reacting to your clear and obvious intent.

The bit where you blame us for the system of oppression your side is building,

is that meant to piss us off more, or is that you trying to rationalize to yourself how you are staying on the side of tyranny?

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