What are people thinking as they hear the Senate arguments?

I just listened to the Senate Trial Presentations and have a few thoughts. Others will disagree, even violently. Listen to my thoughts, and then I’ll listen to yours...

The “House Managers” just refuted what I thought were preposterous Republican arguments that the Constitution won’t even allow for a trial of impeached ex-president Trump. I come away more than ever impressed with the Constitutional importance of what is now at stake.

This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex, or a hearing over the tragedy in Benghazi. This is about taking a stand against an out-of-control lame-duck President who tried to keep himself in office. This trial is about dealing with an attack on our whole democratic electoral system, on the Capitol itself. It is about re-asserting the power of Congress to stand against a mad President.

I personally have sometimes dreamt of seeing the impeachment and conviction of Presidents (of both parties) who lied and led us into murderous and totally unnecessary overseas military adventures. Of course these impeachments never happened. Yet now in D.C., in the heartland of our Republic and “empire,” political marketing and “America First” demagogy has succeeded ... in dividing the minds and hearts of Americans ... rather than Iraqis, Russians or Chinese.

Many of our own obsessions as a nation led to Jan. 6th, and its shadow will lie over our Republic for a long time. I think if this Senate doesn’t make an example of our most dangerous and outrageous recent demagogue we will be guaranteeing further more serious political mob action and even coup adventures in the future.

This is not a “show trial.” Well, just perhaps it will go down in history as a “show trial” ... if our people and politicians treat it as one. If few Republicans rise to the occasion and do their duty, if Donald Trump is not repudiated in the most severe Constitutional manner possible, then we are “showing” that we treat our great Republic and its institutions as crap.

It’s our Republic ... if we can keep it.

It looks like a show trial because it is a show trial. The Congress has no authority to bar a private citizen from running for office. This is most unconstitutional. What's worse, is Plan B is to use the 14th Amendment, which would be even more unconstitutional.
The 14th Amendment? Are we going to take his citizenship away?

They want to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment:

"No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."
Thank you, Bill!
There's that 2/3 problem again, though. Wonder if they can cut a backroom deal--okay, don't vote to convict, but agree to vote yes on the 14th. We'll be friends.

It would still be unconstitutional.
It's already been decided by the senate that the trial is constitutional. Let's move on. There are much more important matters to consider.

Most Senators, especially the Dimm ones usually are anti-Constitution. Duhhh...!
Try to turn yourself into an an American Citizen again. Citizenship in Trumpworld aint worth a damn anymore since you guys tried to overthrow the real American Government.
These people are not affected in the least by the events of Jan 6 or this trial. They don't give a shit.

Like Trump, they just ignore all of it because it could damage him. So they just brush it all off. Dismiss it.

And like Trump, they are anti-American sociopaths.
Try to turn yourself into an an American Citizen again. Citizenship in Trumpworld aint worth a damn anymore since you guys tried to overthrow the real American Government.
These people are not affected in the least by the events of Jan 6 or this trial. They don't give a shit.

Like Trump, they just ignore all of it because it could damage him. So they just brush it all off. Dismiss it.

And like Trump, they are anti-American sociopaths.

So, the unconstitutionality of this impeachment trial doesn't concern you?
Try to turn yourself into an an American Citizen again. Citizenship in Trumpworld aint worth a damn anymore since you guys tried to overthrow the real American Government.
These people are not affected in the least by the events of Jan 6 or this trial. They don't give a shit.

Like Trump, they just ignore all of it because it could damage him. So they just brush it all off. Dismiss it.

And like Trump, they are anti-American sociopaths.

Are you still comparing this riot to Omaha Beach on D-Day? :itsok:
I just listened to the Senate Trial Presentations and have a few thoughts. Others will disagree, even violently. Listen to my thoughts, and then I’ll listen to yours...

The “House Managers” just refuted what I thought were preposterous Republican arguments that the Constitution won’t even allow for a trial of impeached ex-president Trump. I come away more than ever impressed with the Constitutional importance of what is now at stake.

This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex, or a hearing over the tragedy in Benghazi. This is about taking a stand against an out-of-control lame-duck President who tried to keep himself in office. This trial is about dealing with an attack on our whole democratic electoral system, on the Capitol itself. It is about re-asserting the power of Congress to stand against a mad President.

I personally have sometimes dreamt of seeing the impeachment and conviction of Presidents (of both parties) who lied and led us into murderous and totally unnecessary overseas military adventures. Of course these impeachments never happened. Yet now in D.C., in the heartland of our Republic and “empire,” political marketing and “America First” demagogy has succeeded ... in dividing the minds and hearts of Americans ... rather than Iraqis, Russians or Chinese.

Many of our own obsessions as a nation led to Jan. 6th, and its shadow will lie over our Republic for a long time. I think if this Senate doesn’t make an example of our most dangerous and outrageous recent demagogue we will be guaranteeing further more serious political mob action and even coup adventures in the future.

This is not a “show trial.” Well, just perhaps it will go down in history as a “show trial” ... if our people and politicians treat it as one. If few Republicans rise to the occasion and do their duty, if Donald Trump is not repudiated in the most severe Constitutional manner possible, then we are “showing” that we treat our great Republic and its institutions as crap.

It’s our Republic ... if we can keep it.

It looks like a show trial because it is a show trial. The Congress has no authority to bar a private citizen from running for office. This is most unconstitutional. What's worse, is Plan B is to use the 14th Amendment, which would be even more unconstitutional.
The 14th Amendment? Are we going to take his citizenship away?

They want to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment:

"No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."
Thank you, Bill!
There's that 2/3 problem again, though. Wonder if they can cut a backroom deal--okay, don't vote to convict, but agree to vote yes on the 14th. We'll be friends.

It would still be unconstitutional.
It's already been decided by the senate that the trial is constitutional. Let's move on. There are much more important matters to consider.

More important than the fact that the Senate is clearly violating the constitution?
I just listened to the Senate Trial Presentations and have a few thoughts. Others will disagree, even violently. Listen to my thoughts, and then I’ll listen to yours...

The “House Managers” just refuted what I thought were preposterous Republican arguments that the Constitution won’t even allow for a trial of impeached ex-president Trump. I come away more than ever impressed with the Constitutional importance of what is now at stake.

This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex, or a hearing over the tragedy in Benghazi. This is about taking a stand against an out-of-control lame-duck President who tried to keep himself in office. This trial is about dealing with an attack on our whole democratic electoral system, on the Capitol itself. It is about re-asserting the power of Congress to stand against a mad President.

I personally have sometimes dreamt of seeing the impeachment and conviction of Presidents (of both parties) who lied and led us into murderous and totally unnecessary overseas military adventures. Of course these impeachments never happened. Yet now in D.C., in the heartland of our Republic and “empire,” political marketing and “America First” demagogy has succeeded ... in dividing the minds and hearts of Americans ... rather than Iraqis, Russians or Chinese.

Many of our own obsessions as a nation led to Jan. 6th, and its shadow will lie over our Republic for a long time. I think if this Senate doesn’t make an example of our most dangerous and outrageous recent demagogue we will be guaranteeing further more serious political mob action and even coup adventures in the future.

This is not a “show trial.” Well, just perhaps it will go down in history as a “show trial” ... if our people and politicians treat it as one. If few Republicans rise to the occasion and do their duty, if Donald Trump is not repudiated in the most severe Constitutional manner possible, then we are “showing” that we treat our great Republic and its institutions as crap.

It’s our Republic ... if we can keep it.

It looks like a show trial because it is a show trial. The Congress has no authority to bar a private citizen from running for office. This is most unconstitutional. What's worse, is Plan B is to use the 14th Amendment, which would be even more unconstitutional.
The 14th Amendment? Are we going to take his citizenship away?

They want to use Section 3 of the 14th Amendment:

"No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."
Thank you, Bill!
There's that 2/3 problem again, though. Wonder if they can cut a backroom deal--okay, don't vote to convict, but agree to vote yes on the 14th. We'll be friends.

It would still be unconstitutional.
It's already been decided by the senate that the trial is constitutional. Let's move on. There are much more important matters to consider.

The Senate doesn't have the authority to make that decision. Only the Judicial Branch has that power.
Or you, I gather.
1. FBI agents conspired to prevent Trump's presidency after his election.

2. Obama had Trump spied on, based on bullshit.
Trump's campaign manager colluded with Russian intelligence during the 2016 campaign. Once elected Trump used executive privilege to prevent testimony and prevent witness testimony about those events.

After Manafort's conviction for financial crimes Trump pardoned him, essentially rewarding Manafort for his treachery.

All of this will be reinvestigated now that Trump no longer controls the Executive Branch, and you will not like the outcome unless you think America needs a dictator.


Senate Report: Former Trump Aide Paul Manafort Shared Campaign Info With Russia

"Former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort passed internal Trump campaign information to a Russian intelligence officer during the 2016 election, a new bipartisan Senate report concludes.

"The findings draw a direct line between the president's former campaign chairman and Russian intelligence during the 2016 campaign."
I just listened to the Senate Trial Presentations and have a few thoughts. Others will disagree, even violently. Listen to my thoughts, and then I’ll listen to yours...

The “House Managers” just refuted what I thought were preposterous Republican arguments that the Constitution won’t even allow for a trial of impeached ex-president Trump. I come away more than ever impressed with the Constitutional importance of what is now at stake.

This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex, or a hearing over the tragedy in Benghazi. This is about taking a stand against an out-of-control lame-duck President who tried to keep himself in office. This trial is about dealing with an attack on our whole democratic electoral system, on the Capitol itself. It is about re-asserting the power of Congress to stand against a mad President.

I personally have sometimes dreamt of seeing the impeachment and conviction of Presidents (of both parties) who lied and led us into murderous and totally unnecessary overseas military adventures. Of course these impeachments never happened. Yet now in D.C., in the heartland of our Republic and “empire,” political marketing and “America First” demagogy has succeeded ... in dividing the minds and hearts of Americans ... rather than Iraqis, Russians or Chinese.

Many of our own obsessions as a nation led to Jan. 6th, and its shadow will lie over our Republic for a long time. I think if this Senate doesn’t make an example of our most dangerous and outrageous recent demagogue we will be guaranteeing further more serious political mob action and even coup adventures in the future.

This is not a “show trial.” Well, just perhaps it will go down in history as a “show trial” ... if our people and politicians treat it as one. If few Republicans rise to the occasion and do their duty, if Donald Trump is not repudiated in the most severe Constitutional manner possible, then we are “showing” that we treat our great Republic and its institutions as crap.

It’s our Republic ... if we can keep it.


I once respected you.

You have been really brainwashed, haven't you?

. . and frankly? I don't even give a shit about Trump, or the DNC. I only care about free and fair elections, and folks not interferring in the electorate. Now, the oligarchs control everything. You are either one of them, or too dumb to understand what is going on.

Let me give you a little direction about where the real crime is, who admitted to it, and the Federal Law the will never be applied, because the folks in charge of applying it, are the ones that violated it.

3. FBI agents lied to a federal judge to permission for an investigation that was NOT justified and was NOT conducted in a fair or ethical manner.

4. Congress used the results of that investigation for a political impeachment, in violation of their oaths of office.
Trump was and likely still is a Russian pawn. If he has been laundering money for corrupt Russian gangsters for the last twenty years, that information will become public now that he no longer has the power to prevent testimony and deny subpoenas. Your Dear Leader will die in prison and no scumbag in US History has ever deserved it more.

Senate Report: Former Trump Aide Paul Manafort Shared Campaign Info With Russia

"Manafort's connection with Kilimnik was a 'grave counterintelligence threat,' the report reads, adding that it found evidence the Russian intelligence officer may have been linked to the Russian government's efforts to hack and leak Democratic Party emails.

"The findings are part of the Senate Intelligence Committee's fifth and final bipartisan report investigating Russian efforts to interfere in the 2016 election.

"This volume is primarily focused on counterintelligence threats and the wide range of Russian attempts to influence both the Trump campaign and the election.

"The report builds on special counsel Robert Mueller's investigation — and while it was consistent with the Mueller Report, it in fact goes further."
6. Mayor violating their citizens rights by ordering the police to stand down or even help the rioters looting and killing.

7. Increasing numbers of people imprisoned by unequal application of the law, a violation of their civil rights.

8. Mob attacks on federal buildings.

9 Murders.

Off the top of my head.
Sounds like white supremacy has you worried.
Is Trump a victim or perpetrator?
But, he's a private citizen now. The Constitution specifically refers to a sitting president.
No, it doesn't.
In fact it is deliberately vague on timing.

The Constitution's Option for Impeachment After a President Leaves Office

"The Constitution provides that the President 'shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,' but it says nothing about the timing of when the impeachment and trial may take place. That omission makes sense..."
But, he's a private citizen now. The Constitution specifically refers to a sitting president.
No, it doesn't.
In fact it is deliberately vague on timing.

The Constitution's Option for Impeachment After a President Leaves Office

"The Constitution provides that the President 'shall be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, treason, bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors,' but it says nothing about the timing of when the impeachment and trial may take place. That omission makes sense..."

He is already out of office.

It is quite a stretch to go though a process to remove him from office, if he is already out of office.
Since he's a private citizen and if someone thinks the evidence is strong enough, he should be brought before a grand jury.
That is exactly what will happen AFTER his second impeachment "trial" finishes.

Trump’s New Criminal Problem

"The federal criminal code (18 USC 373) makes it a crime to solicit, command, induce or 'endeavor to persuade' another person to commit a felony that includes the threat or use of physical force.

"Simply put, it is a crime to persuade another person, or a mob of several thousand, to commit a violent felony."
I just listened to the Senate Trial Presentations and have a few thoughts. Others will disagree, even violently. Listen to my thoughts, and then I’ll listen to yours...

The “House Managers” just refuted what I thought were preposterous Republican arguments that the Constitution won’t even allow for a trial of impeached ex-president Trump. I come away more than ever impressed with the Constitutional importance of what is now at stake.

This is not a ridiculous impeachment over lying about sex, or a hearing over the tragedy in Benghazi. This is about taking a stand against an out-of-control lame-duck President who tried to keep himself in office. This trial is about dealing with an attack on our whole democratic electoral system, on the Capitol itself. It is about re-asserting the power of Congress to stand against a mad President.

I personally have sometimes dreamt of seeing the impeachment and conviction of Presidents (of both parties) who lied and led us into murderous and totally unnecessary overseas military adventures. Of course these impeachments never happened. Yet now in D.C., in the heartland of our Republic and “empire,” political marketing and “America First” demagogy has succeeded ... in dividing the minds and hearts of Americans ... rather than Iraqis, Russians or Chinese.

Many of our own obsessions as a nation led to Jan. 6th, and its shadow will lie over our Republic for a long time. I think if this Senate doesn’t make an example of our most dangerous and outrageous recent demagogue we will be guaranteeing further more serious political mob action and even coup adventures in the future.

This is not a “show trial.” Well, just perhaps it will go down in history as a “show trial” ... if our people and politicians treat it as one. If few Republicans rise to the occasion and do their duty, if Donald Trump is not repudiated in the most severe Constitutional manner possible, then we are “showing” that we treat our great Republic and its institutions as crap.

It’s our Republic ... if we can keep it.
I agree with most of your comments, particular the need to make an example of this president or more politicians like Trump will rise. Once it is clear that showmanship, lies, and provoking anger and hostility is the path to pollical success, we will be seeing many more Trump like charlatans wrapping themselves in the flag and promising to make America great again.
Since he's a private citizen and if someone thinks the evidence is strong enough, he should be brought before a grand jury.
That is exactly what will happen AFTER his second impeachment "trial" finishes.

Trump’s New Criminal Problem

"The federal criminal code (18 USC 373) makes it a crime to solicit, command, induce or 'endeavor to persuade' another person to commit a felony that includes the threat or use of physical force.

"Simply put, it is a crime to persuade another person, or a mob of several thousand, to commit a violent felony."

Good. I was worried you guys would wait until I was too old, before you kicked off the civil war.

Nice to see you are putting the pedal to the medal.

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