What are people thinking as they hear the Senate arguments?

we aren't playing by the rules while you cheat.
what rule are you breaking exactly?

Beating a Capitol Police officer with a TtumpQ flag??? Yeah bet you are real proud of that one TrumpQ coward. Don’t you have to prove cheating before assembling a mob to go beat up unarmed Capitol police officers, and killing one?
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I can see a time when impeachment almost inevitably occurs when one party holds the two Houses of Congress, but the other party holds the Presidency.. Sort of like in parliamentary systems in most of Europe, we may de facto institute a clumsy sort of “vote of no-confidence” recall procedure. That by itself doesn’t bother me, though party ultra-partisanship is of course very unfortunate.

That would be the congress completely violating it's oath, and abusing it's power, every time.

By itself that would be the end of our system of Constitutional Government.
We do? I proudly voted for Biden. So did 80 million more. We don’t want a civil war. We wanted the normal civil transfer of power based on elections that we’ve had since George handed the reins to John.

i was talking to an individual. A very radical and hate filled individual who is a marxist and is deeply anti-American.

The bit where you cut out the part of who I was talking to, and just pretended that I was making a blanket statement about all dems?

That was you being a dishonest hack.

TBC. I think Biden and his supporters are useful dupes of the Far Left and their anti-American goals.
1. I'm not justify anything. I'm disagreeing that Trump incited violence.

There is no question that TrumoQ incited violence. If Trump did not instruct the mob to stop the steal there was no reason for Trump’s forces to invade the Capitol at the exact moment in which members were certifying Joe Biden’s win.

So, you are basing your blaming of Trump on the unstated premise that mobs do not ever get out of control.

So, if I show ONE case of a mob, getting out of control, and spontaneously committing violence, you will admit that the chain

of logic you used to put the blame on Trump is proven false?
Talk like this will only succeed in encouraging the “Security State” to pass draconian new domestic security legislation, and bring down more state repression ... on everyone.
Certainly one of the ironies of this ignorant, tribal, simplistic movement. They want us to believe they're civil libertarians, yet they go out of their way to invite repression, with which ALL of us will have to deal.

They have demonstrated over and over that, instead of using intellect and reason to solve an issue, they'd much rather beat on it with a stick.

If only there was something your side could do to reverse the cycle....
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we aren't playing by the rules while you cheat.
what rule are you breaking exactly?

Beating a Capitol Police officer with a TtumpQ flag??? Yeah bet you are real proud of that one TrumpQ coward. Don’t you have to prove cheating before assembling a mob to go beat up unarmed Capitol police officers, and killing one?

No, I am not "proud" of the riot.

I am just pointing out that when your side stopped respecting the peaceful transfer of power and started a period of political violence,

that that ended the rules that we used to play by.

That is what happens when you end a game.

That you whine about it now, is pathetic and weak of you.

BUT, you are missing the bigger point.
i was talking to an individual. A very radical and hate filled individual who is a marxist and is deeply anti-American.

which radical deeply anti-American Marxist were you talking to?

Dude. You are the one that cut my post down to nothing. If you want to know what I said before you cut it down to nothing, or who I was talking to, go back and read it.

Or why bother. YOu are just going to talk shit anyways. Why pretend that you care who I was talking to?
he top three have all been documented and/or admitted.

No they have not. You are a liar.

Nikki Haley dumped the lying fascist TrumpQ finally I think she has the best plan for rendering the insurrectionist goon harmless to the deep state Republicans going forward to give a Trumpless Party s shot at success in 2022 mid-terns.

Haley insisted that she was proud of the work she had done for the former president, and claimed that something fundamentally changed in him after he lost the election. 'We shouldn't have followed him': Nikki Haley turns on Trump after MAGA riots

Of course that’s if she can keep from being hanged.

I can see Mitch coming up with a talking point like that and getting 16 Senators to vote for conviction.

I think Repubs just my see the slight advanrange to getting the word out that TrumpQ was a great President until he lost. Then he lost it mentally and became someone that can no longer support and get away with inciting a riot even if he was mentally unstable when he did it.,
he top three have all been documented and/or admitted.

No they have not. You are a liar.

Nikki Haley dumped the ....

The bit where you make a strong claim, and then immediately throw out another accusation, completely unrelated?

That is a tell that you know your strong claim was actually a lie.

YOur intend is to make the strong claim, and then immediately sidetrack the conversation, in the hopes that you can avoid being called on to support your claim.

It is telling that you did not challenge me to support my claim.

Specifically for the slow kids in the class, it is because you know that my claims are true and can be supported.

THis is teh bit where if you are smart, you stop responding to this thread and instead hope that other posts quickly bury this and you can focus on forgetting about how badly you were schooled.
Dude. You are the one that cut my post down to nothing. If you want to know what I said before you cut it down to nothing, or who I was talking to, go back and read it.

I did scroll back and checked the two posters you responded too. I don’t see either one as anti-Anerican.m

Your statement was direct to them - sounds like another lie and dodge it.
Now you are whining like faggots because we aren't playing by the rules while you cheat.
Well, at least you now admit your side is not playing by the rules!

The thugs who tried to stop the transfer of power to the newly elected, certified, Constitutional president at the request of their cult leader and lame duck President, were not playing by the established and institutionalized rules of democracy. The anti-Trump side was. Trump was attacking the very heart of our Republic, our Congress, our courts, his own Vice President.

Everything else you say is b.s., and your insults about us “whining like faggots” and “encouraging civil war” reminds me of nothing so much as the attitude of the South before the Civil War — when most Southern newspapers supported or made light of the caning almost to death of radical Republican Charles Sumner on the Senate floor, by three slave-owning Southern politicians. Well, it only mobilized national opposition, just like the violence of marauding “tough-guy” Southerners in Kansas and elsewhere. Then my side were the radical Republicans. Your side’s domestic terrorists — will get what they deserve.

But as I said, this is bad for the country. Very bad. You and your hysteria are part of it. You cannot beat, you haven’t even any program to reform, corporate power or crony capitalism. You will only excite the security services to become more active. If your side’s cowardly Republican politicians should beat the Democrats in the future, you can try to put whatever “program” you have to “fix” our country. Hopefully it won’t be a fascist or military dictatorship!
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Now you are whining like faggots because we aren't playing by the rules while you cheat.
Well, at least you now admit your side is not playing by the rules!

Of course storming the Capitol was "not playing by the rules".

I've never said otherwise.

My point is, that if you liked the old rules so much, you should not have thrown them out the window.

Now, political violence is the new normal.

YOu seem to be missing the real point here.
Well, at least you now admit your side (“we”) is not playing by the rules!

and Correll has yet to tell what rules he is breaking personally.

Personally I think he is lying again about himself, but he is condoning and justifying the violent ‘rule breaking’ behavior of the January 6 insurrectionists.

Because TrumoQ told them different rules apply to get the wild stuff started for the mob revolt that day:

Trump told the crowd that ‘very different rules’ applied.
“When you catch somebody in a fraud, you are allowed to go by very different rules. So I hope Mike has the courage to do what he has to do, and I hope he doesn’t listen to the RINOs and the stupid people that he’s listening to.” Incitement to Riot? What Trump Told Supporters Before Mob Stormed Capitol

It is amazing what a dumb ass Correll is. Posting one of the the many reasons why Trump should be convicted of inciting a riot.
So, you are basing your blaming of Trump on the unstated premise that mobs do not ever get out of control.

nope, you are wrong again.

I am blaming Trump for assembling a mob to stop the steal by fighting. The next few hours presented the last chance to put Trump in the White House with that stirred up mob being the only way to stop the steal

There is no way in a million years that a peaceful demonstration standing behind the police barriers would have been considered by the mob to be “stopping the steal” or “fighting like hell”

So the mob understood their patriotic duty and loyalty to TrumpQ and moved to fight their way in , get to the Senate chamber and “Stop the Steal” .

All based upon TrumpQ’s incendiary grand lie that Biden stole the election from him.

IF TrumP doesn’t shout for two months there’s a fire in the theater when there is none and tell an assembled mob to extinguish a fire that never existed if they don’t we all die, and the mob has to knock heads and commit felonies to get to the fire - None of January 6 2021 happens.

Without Trump no insurrection that killed five Americans. Lucky it wasn’t more.

Why you delivered that piece of shit is beyond all reason decency and the American ideal.
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I am not respecting the peaceful transfer of power either. I do not consider BIden's election to be legitimate nor do I consider him to be a legitimate President.

you don’t have to. who cares. 70% of Americans do not agree. And that includes the highest ranking Republican in the nation Mitch McConnel. The entire judicial system, and Vladimir Putin and the rest of the world’s leaders. The US military too. And my dog. The world does not care that you are stupid. Just don’t join a fucking insurrection and try to overturn Biden’s win. Something Q-ish us coming March 4 . We only care that you don’t do any violent stuff like that.

Now that Trump is a civilian if he thinks the election was stolen he should be suing who he thinks stole it from him.

You can thank me some day when you realize (like theQAnon Shaman) what a duped fool you’ve been staying loyal to that incompetent lying insurrectionist fascist jackass.
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My point is, that if you liked the old rules so much, you should not have thrown them out the window....

I am not respecting the peaceful transfer of power either.
Who changed the old rules?

These same rules have been around for generations!

Big money in politics, corporate corruption, these were there since the Gilded Age! The Military Industrial Complex has been there from WWII at least! We had more and more successful elite “manufacturing of consent” in the past than we do today!

Few Americans objected to global U.S. corporarations — until relatively recently. Your people in particular wrap yourself in the flag, and for generations supported “democratic” U.S. imperialism and even U.S.-supported coups everywhere. Many on your side still celebrate the “Pinochets of the world” and their “helicopter” treatment of opponents.

Domestically, for well over a hundred years Jim Crow was layered on top of oligarchic and demagogic populist politics in the pre-Civil Rights Movement South. Now you complain “the rules have been thrown out the window.” Why? Because African-Americans and liberals and centrist Democrats finally out-organized you in places like Georgia. “Fraud!” you scream and lie.

The old rules were never very pretty. But fortunately “democracy” doesn’t guarantee that your side’s lunatic, incompetent amoral conman will always beat their side’s corporate Establishment “liberal.”

So suck it up. Or don’t. Keep talking about “civil war” and how you are “not respecting the peaceful transfer of power.” How you “do not consider BIden's election to be legitimate.” Try to overthrow him violently if you want!

You are damn lucky this remains a “bourgeois democratic” Republican system where you are free to vote — for your local, state and Federal representatives. Our rural voters already get special representative privileges! Maybe next time don’t pick a megalomaniacal narcissist as your candidate?

If you do choose to “overthrow the system” or our elected President by acting like Trump’s domestic terrorists, thugs and QAnons did on Jan. 6th — you belong in prison, with common criminals.

They also — or didn’t you know? — object to “the system.”
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