What are REPUBLICANS going to do to clean up Trump's 7 trillion debt?

OK, let's be fair here. The number is 1.2 trillion. The remaining number is because of the pandemic.
And that 7 trillion number, is about to get bigger. No avoiding it.
It will have to be made up later. My guess, tax increases on corporations and the wealthy.
I think Biden's already intimated that.
It will all be forgotten after the cost of The Green Deal, free healthcare, free college, covid relief for an 8 week lockdown, and free money for illegals.
After four years of liberal spending, Trump will look like a penny pincher.
The national debt almost doubled during President Obama’s eight years in office. It went from $7.5 trillion in 2009 to $14.1 trillion in 2016. Obama didn't even have a global pandemic he had to deal with.
Now dammit to hell, that's different! Black jesus is untouchable! Unless he's in the bath house...
They seem to have no answers and let him make this mess.
We're going to round up all you traitors and air drop you into a volcano.

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They are going to use their magic wands and make the Wuhan Virus disappear and ask all the citizens and businesses who received benefit due to their state governments shutting them down, against their own survival instincts.

Maybe they will be like me and call out Communist China and ask those responsible to repay for all the damages to so many lives and nations economies.

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