Zone1 What are some things we can do/not do?


Gold Member
Jun 7, 2015
It is very likely that a common demographic here on USMessageBoard are white Americans. Some of them want to be racist or at least more racist. Some of them want to be less racist or stop being racist altogether. Let’s work together as a team to help these white Americans with their dilemmas by answering these two questions.

What kind of things can white Americans do to be racist or more racist?

What kind of things can white Americans do to be non racist or at least less racist?

Many white people (including myself) are very confused and flustered by racist accusations. It would be great if these white Americans knew how to garner more racist accusations or how to avoid them altogether. Any tips would mean the world to some of us.
It is very likely that a common demographic here on USMessageBoard are white Americans. Some of them want to be racist or at least more racist. Some of them want to be less racist or stop being racist altogether. Let’s work together as a team to help these white Americans with their dilemmas by answering these two questions.

What kind of things can white Americans do to be racist or more racist?

What kind of things can white Americans do to be non racist or at least less racist?

Many white people (including myself) are very confused and flustered by racist accusations. It would be great if these white Americans knew how to garner more racist accusations or how to avoid them altogether. Any tips would mean the world to some of us.
If you arent being accused of racism by democrats, then you probably arent making any good points.
Could you elaborate?

Or perhaps explain the convoluted reasoning that you used to come to your stupid conclusion. Are you intelligent enough to do that?

Or are you too vodka soaked?
Just being a part of one particular political party or the other doesn’t make someone racist or nonracist. If that’s all someone has to do to be racist then there are tens of millions of racists in the United States. You are just making fun of my question and don’t really want to help out. There are hurting white people out there than need to know where they stand as a racist or non racist so they can sleep better at night knowing they can improve their standing.
Just being a part of one particular political party or the other doesn’t make someone racist or nonracist. If that’s all someone has to do to be racist then there are tens of millions of racists in the United States. You are just making fun of my question and don’t really want to help out. There are hurting white people out there than need to know where they stand as a racist or non racist so they can sleep better at night knowing they can improve their standing.
Nice word salad.

Take a few more English lessons, commie bitch +=~
Racism is a hustle used by hucksters to soak money from the wealthy gullible who live isolated in their ivory towers.

The idea of Race belongs in the Tabloids along with Flying Saucers and Big Foot.
Never acknowledge a false accusation of !RACIST! at all. They rely on you being defensive and apologetic. It's a silly, divisive game that needs to end.

I just say, “Yes. I am racist. Ignore that for now and make your point. There are no need for distractions.”
More racist ?

What can white Americans do to blk ppl that they have not done already ?
Not as a whole but as an individual. What can a white person do to be racist or at least more racist than they already are? Not all white Americans want to be more racist but some do.
Stop lying.
A question cannot be a lie. My whole OP is leading to two questions. What lie are you accusing me of telling? Nevermind. You don’t have to answer.
Ok, whatever works for you. :113:

It works so far. I haven’t been arrested or murdered for being racist. I just like to make sure that I accept all negative labels that I possibly can. That way the discussion can stay on track. If they want to make it about me then I fully surrender and declare them 100% correct whether they are correct or not. I was discussing a topic other than me. I don’t like getting distracted from the topic at hand so I accept all negative labels eagerly and immediately. I don’t know if it makes sense or not.
So that’s it? Just win political debates and register to vote as a Democrat?

That’s dumb that only address those who want to be more racist. What can white people do or not do to be less racist?

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