What are the benefits of the wall Trump wishes to build?

Show me a thirty foot high wall and I'll show you a thirty one foot tall ladder.

The wall is a grand pandering exercise aimed squarely at paranoid xenophobes, otherwise know as Trump's base constituents.
The wall in Israel works.

By the time someone setups up their 30 foot ladder on the wall, the border guards will be on him. Furthermore, who is going to jump down from the top of a 30 foot wall?

You know why you fools NEVER get this right?

You've never been there. You have no clue what you're talking about.

Obama hired addition Border Patrol agents to a total of more than 18,500 for well under the total 2000 mile border.

Take off your shoes and do the math. There are now so many BP agents on our southern border that they can just about hold hands.

No terrorists, no Muslims have ever come across from the south.

OTOH, how many have come into the US across other (wide open) borders?
Yeah, let's do the math: The border has to be guarded 24 hours a day, so that means three shifts of 8 hours each. The also have to give gaurds weekends off, so let's say an average of 4 shifts per day. 18,500/4 = 4624 guards on the border at any given instant. Divide that by 2000 and you get about 2.3 guards per mile. That's what you call "practically holding hands."

At midnight when there's no moon, how difficult would it be for illegals to slip past these guards?

Nope. You're not even close.

This is the same problem I mentioned earlier - you nutters have no idea what the border really consists of.

Take a look at how much of that 2000 miles must actually be "manned" by guards.
I did the math, moron, and ti demolishes your idiotic claim.
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Build the wall and bring that number to zero. We want the wall there in case another democrat gets voted in. There's no chance the dems will ever vote against funding the wall once their new voter base is eliminated.

lol, since almost half of undocumented Mexicans come into the US via means other than crossing the border where the wall is supposed to go,

your math is fucked up.

Fabricated BULLSHIT!
The low grade beaners we get from Mexico, Central and South America can't afford airfare and don't have the iQ to file proper paperwork for temporary entry. Nobody gives two shits about the illegals that flew in here from New Zealand. Nice try bud...back to the drawing board huh?

They don't have to. Their tickets are bought for them by the UUUge corporations that advertise in Mexico and other countyries for workers.

You telling me the 20-50 million illegal cockroaches here already aren't enough to supply your alleged "demand"?
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Build the wall and bring that number to zero. We want the wall there in case another democrat gets voted in. There's no chance the dems will ever vote against funding the wall once their new voter base is eliminated.

lol, since almost half of undocumented Mexicans come into the US via means other than crossing the border where the wall is supposed to go,

your math is fucked up.

Fabricated BULLSHIT!
The low grade beaners we get from Mexico, Central and South America can't afford airfare and don't have the iQ to file proper paperwork for temporary entry. Nobody gives two shits about the illegals that flew in here from New Zealand. Nice try bud...back to the drawing board huh?

They don't have to. Their tickets are bought for them by the UUUge corporations that advertise in Mexico and other countyries for workers.

You telling me the 20-50 million illegal cockroaches here already aren't enough to supply your alleged "demand"?
The right wing prefers to, "ditch capitalism" for their socialism on a national basis, at every opportunity.

A market friendly visa with work authorization could solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis. The right wing prefers to "ditch capitalism", and come up with socialism on a national basis.
What are the benefits of the wall Trump wishes to build?

sending every libtard into conniption fits
We are already seeing them. Add some solar panels, put some welfare recipients to work building it, and tax dollars spent fighting Mexican Drugs, and Illegals as well as some entitlements can be cut, and income will rise, more jobs will be created and we get a safer and more prosperous America!
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See anything wrong here?

Only 2?
Not enough.
We are already seeing them. Add some solar panels, put some welfare recipients to work building it, and tax dollars spent fighting Mexican Drugs, and Illegals as well as some entitlements can be cut, and income will rise, more jobs will be created and we get a safer and more prosperous America!
A market friendly visa program would generate revenue.
We are already seeing them. Add some solar panels, put some welfare recipients to work building it, and tax dollars spent fighting Mexican Drugs, and Illegals as well as some entitlements can be cut, and income will rise, more jobs will be created and we get a safer and more prosperous America!
A market friendly visa program would generate revenue.
We already have that and it has rendered over 3,000,000 Americans with advanced degrees relegated to serving fries.
You must really love your portfolio like a good Conservative.
Either that or you're a bleeding heart retard who has no unemployed friends with advanced science degrees.
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We are already seeing them. Add some solar panels, put some welfare recipients to work building it, and tax dollars spent fighting Mexican Drugs, and Illegals as well as some entitlements can be cut, and income will rise, more jobs will be created and we get a safer and more prosperous America!
A market friendly visa program would generate revenue.
We already have that and it has rendered over 3,000,000 Americans with advanced degrees relegated to serving fries.
You must really love you portfolio like a good Conservative.
Either that or you're a bleeding heart retard who has no unemployed friends with advanced science degrees.
No, we don't. We have lousy social policy that does nothing but "aid and abet" capitalists.

A market friendly visa would mean, we have no illegal problem.
We are already seeing them. Add some solar panels, put some welfare recipients to work building it, and tax dollars spent fighting Mexican Drugs, and Illegals as well as some entitlements can be cut, and income will rise, more jobs will be created and we get a safer and more prosperous America!
A market friendly visa program would generate revenue.
We already have that and it has rendered over 3,000,000 Americans with advanced degrees relegated to serving fries.
You must really love you portfolio like a good Conservative.
Either that or you're a bleeding heart retard who has no unemployed friends with advanced science degrees.
I really don't care if you Welfare Leaches work or not or flip Hamburgers.

Here is my advice to you. Tax the Phuck out of Corporate America. Mandate $15 an hour minimum wage, then Open our borders and watch any jobs you may want to work just to get off of the phucking couch disappear and be replaced by KIOSKS and Immigrants working under the table for $2.00 an hour which is a good deal for them.

Here is your competition Moron.
We are already seeing them. Add some solar panels, put some welfare recipients to work building it, and tax dollars spent fighting Mexican Drugs, and Illegals as well as some entitlements can be cut, and income will rise, more jobs will be created and we get a safer and more prosperous America!
A market friendly visa program would generate revenue.
We already have that and it has rendered over 3,000,000 Americans with advanced degrees relegated to serving fries.
You must really love you portfolio like a good Conservative.
Either that or you're a bleeding heart retard who has no unemployed friends with advanced science degrees.
I really don't care if you Welfare Leaches work or not or flip Hamburgers.

Here is my advice to you. Tax the Phuck out of Corporate America. Mandate $15 an hour minimum wage, then Open our borders and watch any jobs you may want to work just to get off of the phucking couch disappear and be replaced by KIOSKS and Immigrants working under the table for $2.00 an hour which is a good deal for them.

Here is your competition Moron.
Only illegals, do that.
We are already seeing them. Add some solar panels, put some welfare recipients to work building it, and tax dollars spent fighting Mexican Drugs, and Illegals as well as some entitlements can be cut, and income will rise, more jobs will be created and we get a safer and more prosperous America!
A market friendly visa program would generate revenue.
We already have that and it has rendered over 3,000,000 Americans with advanced degrees relegated to serving fries.
You must really love you portfolio like a good Conservative.
Either that or you're a bleeding heart retard who has no unemployed friends with advanced science degrees.
No, we don't. We have lousy social policy that does nothing but "aid and abet" capitalists.

A market friendly visa would mean, we have no illegal problem.
Wow! You really are ignorant of our Business Visa Program.
Go study and come back when you actually know that we already have a "Market Friendly Visa" program, voted on enthusiastically by both parties, and sponsored by our MNCs.
I'm starting to believe you're an ideological idiot or you own a business or you're living off of your portfolio.
When I connect your dots, you're not coming off like a good Democrat who is concerned about the fate of his fellow Americans.
We are already seeing them. Add some solar panels, put some welfare recipients to work building it, and tax dollars spent fighting Mexican Drugs, and Illegals as well as some entitlements can be cut, and income will rise, more jobs will be created and we get a safer and more prosperous America!
A market friendly visa program would generate revenue.
We already have that and it has rendered over 3,000,000 Americans with advanced degrees relegated to serving fries.
You must really love you portfolio like a good Conservative.
Either that or you're a bleeding heart retard who has no unemployed friends with advanced science degrees.
No, we don't. We have lousy social policy that does nothing but "aid and abet" capitalists.

A market friendly visa would mean, we have no illegal problem.
Wow! You really are ignorant of our Business Visa Program.
Go study and come back when you actually know that we already have a "Market Friendly Visa" program, voted on enthusiastically by both parties, and sponsored by our MNCs.
I'm starting to believe you're an ideological idiot or you own a business or you're living off of your portfolio.
When I connect your dots, you're not coming off like a good Democrat who is concerned about the fate of his fellow Americans.
You really are ignorant of our Business Visa Program.
We are already seeing them. Add some solar panels, put some welfare recipients to work building it, and tax dollars spent fighting Mexican Drugs, and Illegals as well as some entitlements can be cut, and income will rise, more jobs will be created and we get a safer and more prosperous America!
A market friendly visa program would generate revenue.
We already have that and it has rendered over 3,000,000 Americans with advanced degrees relegated to serving fries.
You must really love you portfolio like a good Conservative.
Either that or you're a bleeding heart retard who has no unemployed friends with advanced science degrees.
I really don't care if you Welfare Leaches work or not or flip Hamburgers.

Here is my advice to you. Tax the Phuck out of Corporate America. Mandate $15 an hour minimum wage, then Open our borders and watch any jobs you may want to work just to get off of the phucking couch disappear and be replaced by KIOSKS and Immigrants working under the table for $2.00 an hour which is a good deal for them.

Here is your competition Moron.
Only illegals, do that.
There are actually MIDGET ILLEGAL ALIENS inside of those four Kiosks.
So McDonald's has to pay them $2.00 an hour...but it's still a good deal than paying for actual technology to do it for free.

Who says building a border wall won't work? The Chinese built one over 2,000 years ago and they still don't have any Mexicans.

As always you post are nothing but worthless.
The Great Wall of china was built a long long time ago. Maybe you have forgotten there are no enemies or interest to cross that wall from either side today. There are no Mexicans in China.
Show me a thirty foot high wall and I'll show you a thirty one foot tall ladder.

The wall is a grand pandering exercise aimed squarely at paranoid xenophobes, otherwise know as Trump's base constituents.
The wall in Israel works.

By the time someone setups up their 30 foot ladder on the wall, the border guards will be on him. Furthermore, who is going to jump down from the top of a 30 foot wall?

You know why you fools NEVER get this right?

You've never been there. You have no clue what you're talking about.

Obama hired addition Border Patrol agents to a total of more than 18,500 for well under the total 2000 mile border.

Take off your shoes and do the math. There are now so many BP agents on our southern border that they can just about hold hands.

No terrorists, no Muslims have ever come across from the south.

OTOH, how many have come into the US across other (wide open) borders?

My Fellow conservatives, Luddly must be correct! How do we know this? Silly conservatives...........if he was NOT correct, why did ALL the border agent workers unions and ICE support Hillary!!!!!!!!!

What was that? I can barely hear you! Wait, wait......you mean they not only did NOT support her Thighness, but vociferously supported Trump! Well, I betch he bribed them, or they were in on the collusion thingy. Why, after all the deportations Obama did, along with the securing of the border so tightly, there would be "no way, Jose'" that they would NOT support Hillary being as she was the 3rd term of Obama-)
Is there a faction of liberals in the United States who don't understand the concept of secure borders even in the age of terrorism? Hard to believe.

The border is secure and we have not seen terrorist coming from the south.

If Terrorist wants to enter the US they will come from the north by the Canadian border.
The wall in Israel is working.

Yes it's working but you are missing something bigly.
Israeli Wall:
1. People living inside the wall are not interested with the people outside the wall.
2. People outside the wall only interest is to kill people living inside the wall.
3. People outside the wall has no interest or no economical benefits crossing that wall.

Trump Sexy Wall:
3. Both sides of the wall has millions and millions of customers and interest. Like $64 billions worth of drugs crossing annually. They can deliver the drugs with drones, dug mile of tunnels, and boats around the wall. Why do you want Americans to suffer?
4. People coming to US from all over the world wants to have a better life no matter what it takes.
5. Who is going to ------- cut your grass, work in those farms, clean you up in the home care or convalescence home, wash your car, clean your house etc etc etc? YOU?
Are you willing to pay for the higher cost of living than you are already paying now?

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