What are the benefits of the wall Trump wishes to build?

Show me a thirty foot high wall and I'll show you a thirty one foot tall ladder.

The wall is a grand pandering exercise aimed squarely at paranoid xenophobes, otherwise know as Trump's base constituents.
The wall in Israel works.

By the time someone setups up their 30 foot ladder on the wall, the border guards will be on him. Furthermore, who is going to jump down from the top of a 30 foot wall?
The same people stupid enough to bring only one ladder.

Or a rope.

I wish people would go back and look at the tunnels built under the fences and walls currently at the southern border.

For that matter, look at the tunnel Chapo's people built over what? more than a mile. With AC and furniture for resting, couches to put your feet up. And Chapo was under 24 hour guard and his cell was video taped 24/7.

There are actually two issues at the southern border: labor and drugs.

Both are the fault of the US.

We invite them here. We need their labor and we buy their drugs.

Until those two facts are effectively addressed, this will never change.
You're a moron, of course. Walls and fences work. That's why you're opposed to it.

Today, Henry is assistant chief of the Border Patrol's San Diego sector. He says apprehensions here are down 95 percent, from 100,000 a year to 5,000 a year, largely because the single strand of cable marking the border was replaced by double — and in some places, triple — fencing.

The first fence, 10 feet high, is made of welded metal panels. The second fence, 15 feet high, consists of steel mesh, and the top is angled inward to make it harder to climb over. Finally, in high-traffic areas, there's also a smaller chain-link fence. In between the two main fences is 150 feet of "no man's land," an area that the Border Patrol sweeps with flood lights and trucks, and soon, surveillance cameras.

"Here in San Diego, we have proven that the border infrastructure system does indeed work," Henry says. "It is highly effective."
I wish to know all the possible benefits of the wall.
Dead animals and destruction of natural habitats..

That is my only concern with the border wall.
The only solution I can think of is to leave openings for wildlife and heavily guard them.
Just turn them into live traps for humans, then occasionally have someone collect the bones..

Yeah.....are you saying turkey and deer are smarter than mexicans?

If you look back at our history, Mexicans are a lot smarter than RW racists.
I'm sure they are smarter than you, at least.
The wall in Israel works.

By the time someone setups up their 30 foot ladder on the wall, the border guards will be on him. Furthermore, who is going to jump down from the top of a 30 foot wall?

Actually, you ignoramous, the wall may work, but Hamas don't go over the wall, they dig tunnels. In fact, Israel is a prime example of how a wall DOESN'T work..

Wrong. Israeli records show the wall works. When is the last time you heard about some suicide bomber blowing up a restaurant in Israel? It was before the wall was built.

They did tunnels, but the Israelis find them all. Tunnel digging is easy to detect.

You would know all this stuff if you weren't such a fucking moron. You have to be brain damaged to be a snowflake. That's all you proved.
It looks to me like that jeep is high centered on the wall. It's stuck and the owners abandoned it. Not a good example for your case, shit for brains.

It's sad watching these bozos pretend that the wall wouldn't work. The evidence that it will is practically irrefutable, but what else can they do? If they admit it will work, then they have no argument against it, and then they'll just have to admit they support flooding the country with illegal aliens.
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An unforeseen result of NAFTA happened when the US flooded Mexico with US tax payer subsidized imported corn and wiped out Mexican farmers. (Prime example of corporate welfare.) Entire villages and cities were destroyed.

Povertized Mexican population flooded north, with those already in poverty in Mexico. (Providing cheap desperate labor for illegal employers, again, corporate welfare for business.)

Immigrant labor sends a whole lot of money back to their home country, called remittances. https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

And so Mexico, to protect the inbound billions coming from their workforce in the US, is going to spend $50M to fight deporting of their illegally present citizens. https://www.yahoo.com/news/...

You can see how business and nations are going to fight to keep it going. At the expense of the 99%, known as "income inequality".
Because citizens cannot compete with free/near free labor, known as wage theft, and have legal protections from other abuses perpetrated by illegal employers. https://www.bostonglobe.com... https://www.buzzfeed.com/je...

So it's a lose/lose for citizens and illegal immigrants, but a boon for foreign countries and business here, part of the boon known as "record profits". You can see how industry and foreign nations have angst about Trump tinkering with their gravy train, and will fight him every step of the way.

Unresolved, how does it end? I don't think this slide's data shows a good outcome. From the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics: https://en.wikipedia.org/wi...

So are you supporting illegal immigration or opposing it? You can't seem to make up your mind.
Show me a thirty foot high wall and I'll show you a thirty one foot tall ladder.

The wall is a grand pandering exercise aimed squarely at paranoid xenophobes, otherwise know as Trump's base constituents.
The wall in Israel works.

By the time someone setups up their 30 foot ladder on the wall, the border guards will be on him. Furthermore, who is going to jump down from the top of a 30 foot wall?

You know why you fools NEVER get this right?

You've never been there. You have no clue what you're talking about.

Obama hired addition Border Patrol agents to a total of more than 18,500 for well under the total 2000 mile border.

Take off your shoes and do the math. There are now so many BP agents on our southern border that they can just about hold hands.

No terrorists, no Muslims have ever come across from the south.

OTOH, how many have come into the US across other (wide open) borders?
Yeah, let's do the math: The border has to be guarded 24 hours a day, so that means three shifts of 8 hours each. The also have to give gaurds weekends off, so let's say an average of 4 shifts per day. 18,500/4 = 4624 guards on the border at any given instant. Divide that by 2000 and you get about 2.3 guards per mile. That's what you call "practically holding hands."

At midnight when there's no moon, how difficult would it be for illegals to slip past these guards?
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Build the wall and bring that number to zero. We want the wall there in case another democrat gets voted in. There's no chance the dems will ever vote against funding the wall once their new voter base is eliminated.

lol, since almost half of undocumented Mexicans come into the US via means other than crossing the border where the wall is supposed to go,

your math is fucked up.

Fabricated BULLSHIT!
The low grade beaners we get from Mexico, Central and South America can't afford airfare and don't have the iQ to file proper paperwork for temporary entry. Nobody gives two shits about the illegals that flew in here from New Zealand. Nice try bud...back to the drawing board huh?
I wish to know all the possible benefits of the wall.
It keeps Wetbacks and other disease ridden third world people out of the country. It provides safety for law abiding citizens of the United States. It creates jobs too.
If your "job creator" class did not want them here never would have been.
The right wing is probably invested in "wall options".
Has Nieto's check arrived yet?

Haven't you heard?

The cheeto is forcing Mexico to pay for it by raising taxes on working class Americans.
End the drug war to lower taxes, right wingers!
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Does it offend you criminals alien are being stopped in far greater numbers than obastard ever allowed?

Does it offend you that you're lying?

President Obama deported more undocumented than any previous president. Especially criminals.

Ask yourself why the Rs always refuse to even discuss an immigration bill.
Big fat lie. Obama change the definition of "deportation" to make his numbers look better.

Why do we need a so-called "immigration bill?" All we need to do is enforce the laws on the books.
10USC246 is federal law, already on the books.
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Does it offend you criminals alien are being stopped in far greater numbers than obastard ever allowed?
Do we need walls for the criminal citizens who refuse to acknowledge, 10USC246?

We really blew it when the RWNJs objected to driver's licenses and official IDs for undocumented. That was our chance to get a much closer actual number of undocumented in the US.

Their thinking seemed to be that driving is a privilege and well, everyone knows that no one would ever drive without a valid driver's license.

Same with your point.
Free ID to Vote!, right wingers.

Capitalism does not Care about immigration status, only national socialists care about that.
Dead animals and destruction of natural habitats..
That's NYC, LA and Detroit.
Then the animals will enjoy the wall keeping the humans out..

Jaguars will go extinct pretty quickly.

They're already on the T&E.
There are no jaguars living near the US/Mexican border, dumbass.

Yes. there are. Albeit, many fewer than just a very few years ago.

And other wild cats and wildlife as well.

Return of the Jaguar? | Science | Smithsonian
Proposed US-Mexico Border Wall Will Have Impacts on Wild Cats and Other Wildlife

Rare jaguar sighting in Arizona, 60 miles north of Mexican border

Trump’s Wall Threatens Last Jaguars in the U.S.

I thought you were talking about the car. I think there are more Jaguars in Bankok than Mexico City; coincidence or conspiracy?
Show me a thirty foot high wall and I'll show you a thirty one foot tall ladder.

The wall is a grand pandering exercise aimed squarely at paranoid xenophobes, otherwise know as Trump's base constituents.
The wall in Israel works.

By the time someone setups up their 30 foot ladder on the wall, the border guards will be on him. Furthermore, who is going to jump down from the top of a 30 foot wall?

You know why you fools NEVER get this right?

You've never been there. You have no clue what you're talking about.

Obama hired addition Border Patrol agents to a total of more than 18,500 for well under the total 2000 mile border.

Take off your shoes and do the math. There are now so many BP agents on our southern border that they can just about hold hands.

No terrorists, no Muslims have ever come across from the south.

OTOH, how many have come into the US across other (wide open) borders?
Yeah, let's do the math: The border has to be guarded 24 hours a day, so that means three shifts of 8 hours each. The also have to give gaurds weekends off, so let's say an average of 4 shifts per day. 18,500/4 = 4624 guards on the border at any given instant. Divide that by 2000 and you get about 2.3 guards per mile. That's what you call "practically holding hands."

At midnight when there's no moon, how difficult would it be for illegals to slip past these guards?

Nope. You're not even close.

This is the same problem I mentioned earlier - you nutters have no idea what the border really consists of.

Take a look at how much of that 2000 miles must actually be "manned" by guards.
Since the Trumptards can't stop crowing about how much illegal immigration is DOWN this year,

seems to me that's the best argument not to waste hundreds of billions on this pork project.
Build the wall and bring that number to zero. We want the wall there in case another democrat gets voted in. There's no chance the dems will ever vote against funding the wall once their new voter base is eliminated.

lol, since almost half of undocumented Mexicans come into the US via means other than crossing the border where the wall is supposed to go,

your math is fucked up.

Fabricated BULLSHIT!
The low grade beaners we get from Mexico, Central and South America can't afford airfare and don't have the iQ to file proper paperwork for temporary entry. Nobody gives two shits about the illegals that flew in here from New Zealand. Nice try bud...back to the drawing board huh?

They don't have to. Their tickets are bought for them by the UUUge corporations that advertise in Mexico and other countyries for workers.

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