What are the chances of a Trump re-election WITHOUT a wall?

Trump will get re-elected based on what he fights for.


Trump ALSO ran on replacing the ACA, on balancing the budget, on eliminating the debt, on an infrastructure plan.........Should I go on listing his bullshit promises???
Yeah, and he promised us hope and change.
The fact that you HATE Trump so much that you are willing to support traitors who are against our nation's sovereignty,

OH.....now its us who hired Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Papadapolus, etc.........LOL

What did the DC judge just called Flynn???
nteresting. Seems like 83% of Americans need to be shit and dumped in the same mass graves as the DACA kids and the illegals crossing the border.

Your white sheet and pointed hood should be back from the cleaners......Is there some cross lighting event coming up in your trailer park?
Your white sheet and pointed hood should be back from the cleaners......Is there some cross lighting event coming up in your trailer park?

No good and sheet. No cross burning or trailer par either. My issues aren’t based on skin color (my wife is Puerro Rican and 11 members of her family live with us) but rather nationality and national loyalty.
The fact that you HATE Trump so much that you are willing to support traitors who are against our nation's sovereignty,

OH.....now its us who hired Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Papadapolus, etc.........LOL

What did the DC judge just called Flynn???
The fact that you HATE Trump so much that you are willing to support traitors who are against our nation's sovereignty, are for open borders, who facilitate illegal immigration and violation if existing US immigration law, and who aid, support, and protect federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect illegal murderers, thieves, and sexual deviants is evidence that you are a f*ing traitor, too, insane as hell and consumed by hate.
Of course, the thread's title doesn't even cover the barrage of fuckups that will have the orange clown going into constant shit-fits........

But, as even the most radical conservatives are openly stating, without a wall, Trump is dead.....

So, Trump cult members, what do you think???

Will the likely ZERO chances of a wall being built with a Dem. led House prevent another disaster of a Trump re-election???

The same as with the wall. All of these sheep saying they will not vote for Trump know they are full of shit. They will vote for anyone with an (R) by their name...no matter what they do or do not do
The same as with the wall. All of these sheep saying they will not vote for Trump know they are full of shit. They will vote for anyone with an (R) by their name...no matter what they do or do not do

I didn’t vote for him in 2016. Thst doesn’t mean I don’t support the Wall. It also doesn’t mean I won’t vote for Trump in 2020 IF he proves himself worthy of my support. It also doesn’t mean I will vote for him unless he acts in a Conservative manner.
The same as with the wall. All of these sheep saying they will not vote for Trump know they are full of shit. They will vote for anyone with an (R) by their name...no matter what they do or do not do

I didn’t vote for him in 2016. Thst doesn’t mean I don’t support the Wall. It also doesn’t mean I won’t vote for Trump in 2020 IF he proves himself worthy of my support. It also doesn’t mean I will vote for him unless he acts in a Conservative manner.

Too late for that...adding 1.3 trillion to the national in one year is not a Conservative manner...
Too late for that...adding 1.3 trillion to the national in one year is not a Conservative manner...

True Conservatism is about Proper Government not necessarily small Government. The tax cut was exactly what this nation needs... to ensure we go bankrupt and end up having to completely rebuild a new nation from the ashes of this one.
The fact that you HATE Trump so much that you are willing to support traitors who are against our nation's sovereignty, are for open borders, who facilitate illegal immigration and violation if existing US immigration law, and who aid, support, and protect federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect illegal murderers, thieves, and sexual deviants is evidence that you are a f*ing traitor, too, insane as hell and consumed by hate.

The poorly educated and ignorant morons.....like you....and loved by Trump, have made illegal immigration the WORST of this country's problems.

How fucked up is that???

Never mind all the much more pressing problems facing this nation.....Fox and Trump told you to believe such shit.....and like the cult members that you are....you PARROT this bullshit.

STAY FUCKING DUMB......Soon you'll be squealing like stuck pigs......LOL.
The same as with the wall. All of these sheep saying they will not vote for Trump know they are full of shit. They will vote for anyone with an (R) by their name...no matter what they do or do not do

Not only the fact that there are NOT enough "R"s to ever win an election without independents' help.....many of them have had enough of this charlatan infesting the oval office.....The emperor is being exposed.
The tax cut was exactly what this nation needs.

Did your half brain ever wonder why Trump told his rich friends after the tax scam was passed, "I just made you guys a LOT richer"....???
Of course, the thread's title doesn't even cover the barrage of fuckups that will have the orange clown going into constant shit-fits........

But, as even the most radical conservatives are openly stating, without a wall, Trump is dead.....

So, Trump cult members, what do you think???

Will the likely ZERO chances of a wall being built with a Dem. led House prevent another disaster of a Trump re-election???

The same as with the wall. All of these sheep saying they will not vote for Trump know they are full of shit. They will vote for anyone with an (R) by their name...no matter what they do or do not do

That holds true for both sides. However it's less about people switching parties on election day than it is getting your base out. In the last election, both parties had a surge in voters, however Democrats had more voters come out than Republicans due to the hate that was promoted by the MSM. Unfortunately in our country, hate and brainwashing works.

With no wall, I see the enthusiasm run out for Trump, so it's something he needs to do or at the very least, do whatever he can within his power.
Did your half brain ever wonder why Trump told his rich friends after the tax scam was passed, "I just made you guys a LOT richer"....???

I have no problem giving money to the rich. It’s the poor I don’t want my money going to.

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