What are the chances of a Trump re-election WITHOUT a wall?

Of course, the thread's title doesn't even cover the barrage of fuckups that will have the orange clown going into constant shit-fits........

But, as even the most radical conservatives are openly stating, without a wall, Trump is dead.....

So, Trump cult members, what do you think???

Will the likely ZERO chances of a wall being built with a Dem. led House prevent another disaster of a Trump re-election???

As long as he’s trying to get the wall done, he has my vote.
What are the chances of a Trump re-election WITHOUT a wall?
I dunno.

Ask Rush Limbaugh or Ann Coulter...

They're runnin' the country at the moment anyway...

True Conservatism is about Proper Government not necessarily small Government. The tax cut was exactly what this nation needs... to ensure we go bankrupt and end up having to completely rebuild a new nation from the ashes of this one.

The fact that you HATE Trump so much that you are willing to support traitors who are against our nation's sovereignty, are for open borders, who facilitate illegal immigration and violation if existing US immigration law, and who aid, support, and protect federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect illegal murderers, thieves, and sexual deviants is evidence that you are a f*ing traitor, too, insane as hell and consumed by hate.

The poorly educated and ignorant morons.....like you....and loved by Trump, have made illegal immigration the WORST of this country's problems.

How fucked up is that???

Never mind all the much more pressing problems facing this nation.....Fox and Trump told you to believe such shit.....and like the cult members that you are....you PARROT this bullshit.

STAY FUCKING DUMB......Soon you'll be squealing like stuck pigs......LOL.
The fact that you HATE Trump so much that you are willing to support traitors who are against our nation's sovereignty, are for open borders, who facilitate illegal immigration and violation if existing US immigration law, and who aid, support, and protect federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect illegal murderers, thieves, and sexual deviants is evidence that you are a f*ing traitor, too, insane as hell and consumed by hate.

What is going on is simple:

The President of the United States, charged with Upholding the Constitution, with enforcing US laws, protecting the sovereignty of the US, and with protecting US citizens is refusing to sign a budget that does not including funding to secure our borders, directly opposing the political party that successfully altered the 2016 election and the political party that advocates illegal immigration, non-enforcement of existing US immigration law, and who support and protect violent criminal illegal Sanctuary Cities.

Democrats are forcing the shutdown of the US govt in support of criminal illegals and out of extreme hatred for the President.

They can SAY anything they want, try to spin it any way they want, but that is the bottom line.

True Conservatism is about Right and Wrong; nothing more. Unfortunately since very few people can or do choose to live life Properly, the Government becomes necessary to ensure those individuals are properly punished and don’t infect the rest of society with their disease.
Trump: I really mean it this time.

I will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it

His minions pee themselves

True Conservatism is about Right and Wrong; nothing more. Unfortunately since very few people can or do choose to live life Properly, the Government becomes necessary to ensure those individuals are properly punished and don’t infect the rest of society with their disease.
So the new Trump "meme" is crashing and burn for the country ??

Ya gotta love Trumpers folks
The fact that you HATE Trump so much that you are willing to support traitors who are against our nation's sovereignty, are for open borders, who facilitate illegal immigration and violation if existing US immigration law, and who aid, support, and protect federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect illegal murderers, thieves, and sexual deviants is evidence that you are a f*ing traitor, too, insane as hell and consumed by hate.

The poorly educated and ignorant morons.....like you....and loved by Trump, have made illegal immigration the WORST of this country's problems.

How fucked up is that???

Never mind all the much more pressing problems facing this nation.....Fox and Trump told you to believe such shit.....and like the cult members that you are....you PARROT this bullshit.

STAY FUCKING DUMB......Soon you'll be squealing like stuck pigs......LOL.
The fact that you HATE Trump so much that you are willing to support traitors who are against our nation's sovereignty, are for open borders, who facilitate illegal immigration and violation if existing US immigration law, and who aid, support, and protect federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect illegal murderers, thieves, and sexual deviants is evidence that you are a f*ing traitor, too, insane as hell and consumed by hate.

What is going on is simple:

The President of the United States, charged with Upholding the Constitution, with enforcing US laws, protecting the sovereignty of the US, and with protecting US citizens is refusing to sign a budget that does not including funding to secure our borders, directly opposing the political party that successfully altered the 2016 election and the political party that advocates illegal immigration, non-enforcement of existing US immigration law, and who support and protect violent criminal illegal Sanctuary Cities.

Democrats are forcing the shutdown of the US govt in support of criminal illegals and out of extreme hatred for the President.

They can SAY anything they want, try to spin it any way they want, but that is the bottom line.
Trump OWNS this shut down. He BRAGGED about it
Trump is prepared to pay that price. It's worth it. That's the entire point of his Presidency.

His suicidal wish can't come fast enough......Good riddance to orange trash.
But we'll get the wall, and that was why people voted for Trump. You lose.
Any chance youre working for Russian Steel?
Written by an admitted Democrat activist at CNN. Really? Time for your nap, kid.
So the new Trump "meme" is crashing and burn for the country?

When the locals refuse to let you drain the swamp, never mind help you with it; the only other option is blowing up the levy and watching them all drown in the deluge of water
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The fact that you HATE Trump so much that you are willing to support traitors who are against our nation's sovereignty, are for open borders, who facilitate illegal immigration and violation if existing US immigration law, and who aid, support, and protect federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect illegal murderers, thieves, and sexual deviants is evidence that you are a f*ing traitor, too, insane as hell and consumed by hate.

The poorly educated and ignorant morons.....like you....and loved by Trump, have made illegal immigration the WORST of this country's problems.

How fucked up is that???

Never mind all the much more pressing problems facing this nation.....Fox and Trump told you to believe such shit.....and like the cult members that you are....you PARROT this bullshit.

STAY FUCKING DUMB......Soon you'll be squealing like stuck pigs......LOL.
The fact that you HATE Trump so much that you are willing to support traitors who are against our nation's sovereignty, are for open borders, who facilitate illegal immigration and violation if existing US immigration law, and who aid, support, and protect federal law-violating sanctuary cities that protect illegal murderers, thieves, and sexual deviants is evidence that you are a f*ing traitor, too, insane as hell and consumed by hate.

What is going on is simple:

The President of the United States, charged with Upholding the Constitution, with enforcing US laws, protecting the sovereignty of the US, and with protecting US citizens is refusing to sign a budget that does not including funding to secure our borders, directly opposing the political party that successfully altered the 2016 election and the political party that advocates illegal immigration, non-enforcement of existing US immigration law, and who support and protect violent criminal illegal Sanctuary Cities.

Democrats are forcing the shutdown of the US govt in support of criminal illegals and out of extreme hatred for the President.

They can SAY anything they want, try to spin it any way they want, but that is the bottom line.
Bad, bad, bad Democrats... bad, bad...

Take a break Tinker Bell, or you are going to have another one of your anxiety attacks, you fluffy widdle Snowflake.
Trump OWNS this shut down. He BRAGGED about it
The Democrats declared they are against ensuring our sovereignty, are for illegal immigration, are for open borders, and choose to aid and abet violent criminal law-violating illegals instead of choosing to protect Americans.

Trump declared he is proud to NOT sign the illegal immigration-supporting budget the Democrats are trying to impose on American citizens.
The Trump legion will believe whatever he tells them

But it won’t matter......he is not taking Penn, Michigan and Wisconsin

They don’t give a shit about the wall
Of course, the thread's title doesn't even cover the barrage of fuckups that will have the orange clown going into constant shit-fits........

But, as even the most radical conservatives are openly stating, without a wall, Trump is dead.....

So, Trump cult members, what do you think???

Will the likely ZERO chances of a wall being built with a Dem. led House prevent another disaster of a Trump re-election???
I think if Trump does get his wall he won't run.
You bunch of dumb asses underestimate Trump's willingness to burn congress to the ground to secure our border. Go ahead test him dummies.
Ah, how fascinating. Here you are openly embracing fascism yet you are apparently too stupid to know it is fascism.
You bunch of dumb asses underestimate Trump's willingness to burn congress to the ground to secure our border. Go ahead test him dummies.

Come on....admit it....You'd LOVE a dictator to take over and to fuck over our democracy.....Your head is so far up Trump's ass that you'd willingly screw over the constitutionally assured separation of power, just to have your orange lips preserved. LOL

The House just approved $5.7 billion for building the wall, the will of the American people is being ignored by dictator Dem's in the Senate. And you have the nerve to project :anj_stfu:
Dictator Dems? Lol you just said that Trump needs to burn congress to the ground to get his way.

Did your half brain ever wonder why Trump told his rich friends after the tax scam was passed, "I just made you guys a LOT richer"....???

I have no problem giving money to the rich. It’s the poor I don’t want my money going to.

When you give your money to the rich, it's usually in exchange for products or services. When you give your money to the poor, it's by force and and you get nothing in return.
Did your half brain ever wonder why Trump told his rich friends after the tax scam was passed, "I just made you guys a LOT richer"....???

I have no problem giving money to the rich. It’s the poor I don’t want my money going to.

When you give your money to the rich, it's usually in exchange for products or services. When you give your money to the poor, it's by force and and you get nothing in return.

Boy are you a sucker

When you give money to the rich.....they keep it
There will be so many Big Deals in the next two years that the wall built or unbuilt will fade & become a minor deal.

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