What are the Democrat House priorities?

Not what you desire, but what their words and actions would imply. Be honest. So far I see:

A. Impeach Trump. They don't have a reason to, but it sounds cool and makes them happy. I guess that's what they're paid for.

B. Oppose the wall, which is code for opposing illegal immigration. They can't bring themselves to do the right thing, due to political posturing and the less some one speaks English, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. Suddenly walls don't work, just cuz.

C. Concentrate on racism and feminism to create diversion.

D. Bring attention onto themselves as if they're movie stars. Many of the newly elected Democrats are doing just that.

You could have simply looked it up instead of postig retarded nonsese.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi

You should check your spelling when challenging a retard.

Here's straight from your link. The retard OP was a bit more honest. Apparently Nancy's first priority is for creating a toxic atmosphere between congress and Trump, right out of the gate. Imagine if Nancy had a real job, she'd have already been canned.

On Priorities in the 116th Congress

“For The People. Lower health care costs by reducing the cost of prescription drugs and preserving preexisting condition benefit, building bigger paychecks by building the infrastructure of America.”

On Working with President Trump

“What matters to me is that he recognize that the Congress of the United States is the first branch of government. That we’re a co-equal branch of government, and that we are, in this, represent the people. And that when we go to the table to speak with him, we’re respectful of the branch that he represents, the Office of the President, and we want him to be respectful of the branch of government we represent. Co-equal.”

“It isn’t so much about him. It’s about the office that he holds. The Presidency of the United States. Sometimes I think that I respect the office he holds more than he does.”

What's your point?
Not what you desire, but what their words and actions would imply. Be honest. So far I see:

A. Impeach Trump. They don't have a reason to, but it sounds cool and makes them happy. I guess that's what they're paid for.

B. Oppose the wall, which is code for opposing illegal immigration. They can't bring themselves to do the right thing, due to political posturing and the less some one speaks English, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. Suddenly walls don't work, just cuz.

C. Concentrate on racism and feminism to create diversion.

D. Bring attention onto themselves as if they're movie stars. Many of the newly elected Democrats are doing just that.

You could have simply looked it up instead of postig retarded nonsese.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi

You should check your spelling when challenging a retard.

Here's straight from your link. The retard OP was a bit more honest. Apparently Nancy's first priority is for creating a toxic atmosphere between congress and Trump, right out of the gate. Imagine if Nancy had a real job, she'd have already been canned.

On Priorities in the 116th Congress

“For The People. Lower health care costs by reducing the cost of prescription drugs and preserving preexisting condition benefit, building bigger paychecks by building the infrastructure of America.”

On Working with President Trump

“What matters to me is that he recognize that the Congress of the United States is the first branch of government. That we’re a co-equal branch of government, and that we are, in this, represent the people. And that when we go to the table to speak with him, we’re respectful of the branch that he represents, the Office of the President, and we want him to be respectful of the branch of government we represent. Co-equal.”

“It isn’t so much about him. It’s about the office that he holds. The Presidency of the United States. Sometimes I think that I respect the office he holds more than he does.”

What's your point?

Thought I made some. You sure you're not tarded dude? I suppose you could flash the race card with equal effect.
Trump will probably not be impeached but he will be investigated for the things the republican house refused to even look at. Trump has enjoyed an almost total lack of oversight from congress. It will be interesting to see republicans attempt to make the case that the house has no right to poke it's nose into executive branch business after launching dozens of probes into the Obama WH.

That's already accounted for by the OP. You figure that's all they've got? How about raising taxes? I'm sure they're raising taxes.

Pelosi already said that was one of the first things she was going to try to do if the Dems took the House.

Guess she doesn't realize they get more money in with lower taxes then they do raising taxes.
The Dems plan to bring back slavery and put those blacks on real plantations instead of the made up ones republicans talk about all the time...

Time for the Dems to bring back the Confederacy like they have been promising all this time
Not what you desire, but what their words and actions would imply. Be honest. So far I see:

A. Impeach Trump. They don't have a reason to, but it sounds cool and makes them happy. I guess that's what they're paid for.

B. Oppose the wall, which is code for opposing illegal immigration. They can't bring themselves to do the right thing, due to political posturing and the less some one speaks English, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. Suddenly walls don't work, just cuz.

C. Concentrate on racism and feminism to create diversion.

D. Bring attention onto themselves as if they're movie stars. Many of the newly elected Democrats are doing just that.
If Trump doesn't hire you to write his speeches he is missing a good bet. You speak his hit jobs better then he does.

Sure there's impeach talk by the newbies, but there's not a tittle of action. I believe there is a published agenda though. Restore government services unrelated to the wall is #1 I think. There is also talk of making review of Presidential Tax Returns a law and also reviewing some of the issues the previous ethics committee refused to follow up. I'm sure you can find them easily. Oh, yeah...drop the 'democrats want open borders' codswallop. It makes you sound like a flunkie..little Nunez!
The Dems plan to bring back slavery and put those blacks on real plantations instead of the made up ones republicans talk about all the time...

Time for the Dems to bring back the Confederacy like they have been promising all this time
Thanks for the belly laugh, Biff. Reminds me of when LBGTQ discrimination was vetoed by the courts. The word then was that none of our marriages are safe, we would probably all divorce our wives and re-decorate, or something like that. Sorry Biff, but you know that a comedy carried on too long becomes a tragedy and a tragedy carried on too long becomes a comedy. The boogy-man issue of restoring a caste system by color and a Republican effort to squash voting rights has been carried out too long and is beyond tragedy and now a comedy worthy of Senator Claghorn Leghorn.
Not what you desire, but what their words and actions would imply. Be honest. So far I see:

A. Impeach Trump. They don't have a reason to, but it sounds cool and makes them happy. I guess that's what they're paid for.

B. Oppose the wall, which is code for opposing illegal immigration. They can't bring themselves to do the right thing, due to political posturing and the less some one speaks English, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. Suddenly walls don't work, just cuz.

C. Concentrate on racism and feminism to create diversion.

D. Bring attention onto themselves as if they're movie stars. Many of the newly elected Democrats are doing just that.

You could have simply looked it up instead of postig retarded nonsese.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi

You should check your spelling when challenging a retard.

Here's straight from your link. The retard OP was a bit more honest. Apparently Nancy's first priority is for creating a toxic atmosphere between congress and Trump, right out of the gate. Imagine if Nancy had a real job, she'd have already been canned.

On Priorities in the 116th Congress

“For The People. Lower health care costs by reducing the cost of prescription drugs and preserving preexisting condition benefit, building bigger paychecks by building the infrastructure of America.”

On Working with President Trump

“What matters to me is that he recognize that the Congress of the United States is the first branch of government. That we’re a co-equal branch of government, and that we are, in this, represent the people. And that when we go to the table to speak with him, we’re respectful of the branch that he represents, the Office of the President, and we want him to be respectful of the branch of government we represent. Co-equal.”

“It isn’t so much about him. It’s about the office that he holds. The Presidency of the United States. Sometimes I think that I respect the office he holds more than he does.”

What's your point?

Thought I made some. You sure you're not tarded dude? I suppose you could flash the race card with equal effect.

Or you could simply just state your point.
Trump will probably not be impeached but he will be investigated for the things the republican house refused to even look at. Trump has enjoyed an almost total lack of oversight from congress. It will be interesting to see republicans attempt to make the case that the house has no right to poke it's nose into executive branch business after launching dozens of probes into the Obama WH.

That's already accounted for by the OP. You figure that's all they've got? How about raising taxes? I'm sure they're raising taxes.

Pelosi already said that was one of the first things she was going to try to do if the Dems took the House.

Guess she doesn't realize they get more money in with lower taxes then they do raising taxes.

Give us a link, liar.
Not what you desire, but what their words and actions would imply. Be honest. So far I see:

A. Impeach Trump. They don't have a reason to, but it sounds cool and makes them happy. I guess that's what they're paid for.

B. Oppose the wall, which is code for opposing illegal immigration. They can't bring themselves to do the right thing, due to political posturing and the less some one speaks English, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. Suddenly walls don't work, just cuz.

C. Concentrate on racism and feminism to create diversion.

D. Bring attention onto themselves as if they're movie stars. Many of the newly elected Democrats are doing just that.
If Trump doesn't hire you to write his speeches he is missing a good bet. You speak his hit jobs better then he does.

Sure there's impeach talk by the newbies, but there's not a tittle of action. I believe there is a published agenda though. Restore government services unrelated to the wall is #1 I think. There is also talk of making review of Presidential Tax Returns a law and also reviewing some of the issues the previous ethics committee refused to follow up. I'm sure you can find them easily. Oh, yeah...drop the 'democrats want open borders' codswallop. It makes you sound like a flunkie..little Nunez!

Democrat LEADERS want open borders. At best they want to apply band aids on the border A wall is effective, but due to political posturing, walls have since become immoral. Progs often just do as they're told, thus walls are immoral, Trump is racist, and same with his supporters. Anytime, all the time progs speak with forked mother-fucking tongues they pull a wild card of some type, and apply it to race, women, puppies or some other crutch. So progs have become very easy to read. Anyone who pulls a card it's code for they're full of shit.
Not what you desire, but what their words and actions would imply. Be honest. So far I see:

A. Impeach Trump. They don't have a reason to, but it sounds cool and makes them happy. I guess that's what they're paid for.

B. Oppose the wall, which is code for opposing illegal immigration. They can't bring themselves to do the right thing, due to political posturing and the less some one speaks English, the more likely they are to vote Democrat. Suddenly walls don't work, just cuz.

C. Concentrate on racism and feminism to create diversion.

D. Bring attention onto themselves as if they're movie stars. Many of the newly elected Democrats are doing just that.
If Trump doesn't hire you to write his speeches he is missing a good bet. You speak his hit jobs better then he does.

Sure there's impeach talk by the newbies, but there's not a tittle of action. I believe there is a published agenda though. Restore government services unrelated to the wall is #1 I think. There is also talk of making review of Presidential Tax Returns a law and also reviewing some of the issues the previous ethics committee refused to follow up. I'm sure you can find them easily. Oh, yeah...drop the 'democrats want open borders' codswallop. It makes you sound like a flunkie..little Nunez!

Democrat LEADERS want open borders. At best they want to apply band aids on the border A wall is effective, but due to political posturing, walls have since become immoral. Progs often just do as they're told, thus walls are immoral, Trump is racist, and same with his supporters. Anytime, all the time progs speak with forked mother-fucking tongues they pull a wild card of some type, and apply it to race, women, puppies or some other crutch. So progs have become very easy to read. Anyone who pulls a card it's code for they're full of shit.
You sure love that kool-aid, dontcha?

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