What are the democrats going to do now?

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

Do not hold your breath waiting for an answer on that one, I have asked about 100 times on this board and still have not gotten an answer

You don't know the difference between a regulation and legislation. :itsok:

Yes, actually I do. Let's see if you can break the streak of non-answer. Give us a list of regulations that are gone that are helping the economy. Should be easy if there are so many of them
Hey at least it is Friday afternoon, it is perfectly acceptable to be drunk already!
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

They can just let republicans continue to fix nothing. It must be tee time for trump.

And you can continue to lie to yourself.

He's playing a lot of golf and nothing is getting fixed. Fact.

No, that isn’t even close to a fact. As we have clearly seen over and over, reality disagrees with your made up version of it.

List all the accomplishments.
Demands facts he will then ignore and deny. Classic liberal fail.
The economy is booming, the stock market is booming, the US Military loves president Trump, scores of filthy liberal pukes exposed as serial abusers of women...losing to Trump was only the beginning its actually gone downhill for the left since. :eusa_dance:

It has them seriously unhinged. But like the madmen they are, they won’t stop. I’m just speculating on what they might try next.

Yup, the wheels are falling off of their tricycles. They're stuck in stages 1 and 2 of the 5 stages of grief: "Denial" and "anger".

But eventually they'll have to move on stage 5, which is "acceptance".

Maybe when thanks to Trump's economy they can afford to buy new tricycles, they'll finally become accepting of him.
you mean get out of the 1940s? yep
Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

Do not hold your breath waiting for an answer on that one, I have asked about 100 times on this board and still have not gotten an answer

You don't know the difference between a regulation and legislation. :itsok:

Yes, actually I do. Let's see if you can break the streak of non-answer. Give us a list of regulations that are gone that are helping the economy. Should be easy if there are so many of them
Demand facts he will spin and deny.
Hey at least it is Friday afternoon, it is perfectly acceptable to be drunk already!

Whatever makes you happy. Drink up.

I have a lot of work to do if I am going to catch up to you based off that rambling pile of shit you called a post
Offbase? You're a pathetic liar, his post is right on the money. You idiots keep digging your own holes and then falling into them.

Remember the Dem recounts and Dem's marching in the streets after the election FAIL :laugh:
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

We are going to continue to point out the obvious, that trump is the worst president ever and work to build on the Virginia election results.

James Buchanan continues to hold the honor of worst president. Though Obama did try to challenge that claim

Buchanan worse than Wilson?

Time has proven those two to be very bad, we will see that the best thing 0bama did was usher in the Trump years. I think he will be proven to be the worst of all time.
Republican Blake Farenthold: Used $84k of taxpayer money to settle a sexual harassment claim

Republican Trent Franks: Resigned from Congress after being exposed for trying to donate sperm to staffers

Republican Roy Moore: Pedophile, pro-slavery, in love with Putin

“Republican” Donnie Trump: Pussy grabber

Go Republicans! :lol:
Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

Do not hold your breath waiting for an answer on that one, I have asked about 100 times on this board and still have not gotten an answer

You don't know the difference between a regulation and legislation. :itsok:

Name one significant regulation that was repealed.

The streak remains alive, still no answer from any of them. I guess they have not gotten those talking points in their email yet.
Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

Do not hold your breath waiting for an answer on that one, I have asked about 100 times on this board and still have not gotten an answer

You don't know the difference between a regulation and legislation. :itsok:

Name one significant regulation that was repealed.

The streak remains alive, still no answer from any of them. I guess they have not gotten those talking points in their email yet.

It seems they are impressed by nothing being done. I'm not surprised.
All they can do now is alternate between the "He's not fit" narrative and the "He grabbed a pussy" tactic.

The latter is the main reason the Democrats are having a circular firing squad over the "sexual harassment" issue. Like I said, their entire playbook comes from Saul Alinsky's rules, number 4 being "Make the enemy live up to it's own book of rules."

Alinsky's rules have been the strategy used for ever major Democrat campaign for the last 50 years. That's all they have to go on and by shoving some of their own off the cliff, they think Trump will respond by jumping too.

But he won't. Trump is much smarter than they are: The left has tried everything imaginable and nothing seems to stick. That is also the reason they lost the election: The left keeps trying to use the same old routines they've used against Republican politicians. But they can't seem to understand that Trump is not a politician and the same rules of engagement simply don't work against him.

It's really pretty damned hilarious when you stand back and watch the Democrat's shit show, their posturing, and the cheesy Kabuki theater they're putting on.

The problem with the he isn't fit argument is the past year shows otherwise. He is accomplishing quite a bit of his agenda. Is he perfect? No but clearly knows what he is doing and can do it.

It's pretty obvious that Trump does know what he's doing. The jobs report came out today:

+228,000 NOVEMBER
2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election...
Record low unemployment rate for manufacturing...
Hispanic unemployment rate drops to 4.7% - LOWEST in history of USA

Of course, some Obama-lover will be along to give the Purple-lipped Messiah all the credit in 3...2...1...

Republicans haven't passed anything to change the economy...

They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

The economy under Obama was stagnated. There wasn't any serious growth in 8 years. Trump takes over and the economy explodes. We are supposed to believe this is a coincidence?

And there doesn't have to be a major regulation repealed. Thousands of minor ones slowing business growth being repealed will let businesses act
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

All they can do now is alternate between the "He's not fit" narrative and the "He grabbed a pussy" tactic.

The latter is the main reason the Democrats are having a circular firing squad over the "sexual harassment" issue. Like I said, their entire playbook comes from Saul Alinsky's rules, number 4 being "Make the enemy live up to it's own book of rules."

Alinsky's rules have been the strategy used for ever major Democrat campaign for the last 50 years. That's all they have to go on and by shoving some of their own off the cliff, they think Trump will respond by jumping too.

But he won't. Trump is much smarter than they are: The left has tried everything imaginable and nothing seems to stick. That is also the reason they lost the election: The left keeps trying to use the same old routines they've used against Republican politicians. But they can't seem to understand that Trump is not a politician and the same rules of engagement simply don't work against him.

It's really pretty damned hilarious when you stand back and watch the Democrat's shit show, their posturing, and the cheesy Kabuki theater they're putting on. What's even funnier, is that they'll most likely try to emulate Trump by running some rich white guy in 2020. Or they'll just triple down on their stupidity, and continue pandering to the fringe element of society, like they usually do. We'll see.

Trump did his homework for years and understands how the left works.....and surrounded himself with experts in the trade like Roger Stone and Paul Manafort. Democrats should concede 2020 now and get it over with or face another epic fail.
Hey at least it is Friday afternoon, it is perfectly acceptable to be drunk already!

Whatever makes you happy. Drink up.

I have a lot of work to do if I am going to catch up to you based off that rambling pile of shit you called a post
Offbase? You're a pathetic liar, his post is right on the money. You idiots keep digging your own holes and then falling into them.

Remember the Dem recounts and Dem's marching in the streets after the election FAIL :laugh:
and they found the detroit bullshit? oops.
i mean besides scream helplessly at the sky and piss their panties?

The Russian Collusion angle is dead, the Obstruction angle is all but dead, the sexual harassment plan to paint themselves as good and virtuous has been dealt a mortal blow......now what?

Are they going to try the “He’s insane” ploy? Are they going to try to paint him as unhealthy and near death?

Reality just can’t seem to square with the left’s made up world can it?

All they can do now is alternate between the "He's not fit" narrative and the "He grabbed a pussy" tactic.

The latter is the main reason the Democrats are having a circular firing squad over the "sexual harassment" issue. Like I said, their entire playbook comes from Saul Alinsky's rules, number 4 being "Make the enemy live up to it's own book of rules."

Alinsky's rules have been the strategy used for ever major Democrat campaign for the last 50 years. That's all they have to go on and by shoving some of their own off the cliff, they think Trump will respond by jumping too.

But he won't. Trump is much smarter than they are: The left has tried everything imaginable and nothing seems to stick. That is also the reason they lost the election: The left keeps trying to use the same old routines they've used against Republican politicians. But they can't seem to understand that Trump is not a politician and the same rules of engagement simply don't work against him.

It's really pretty damned hilarious when you stand back and watch the Democrat's shit show, their posturing, and the cheesy Kabuki theater they're putting on. What's even funnier, is that they'll most likely try to emulate Trump by running some rich white guy in 2020. Or they'll just triple down on their stupidity, and continue pandering to the fringe element of society, like they usually do. We'll see.
It isn't that Trump is smarter, it's that he is amoral and shameless. His cult followers will support him no matter what.

Setting your immature butthurt aside, he’s smarter and more capable that any president in our lifetime.
His only accomplishment so far is a Supreme Court justice and misspelled twitter rants.
Robust economy and Obama legacy. It's a lot like Deng Xiaoping's legacy in Chairman Mao's legacy, except we do't have to pretend to respect his predecessor.

I doubt it means much to you.
The problem with the he isn't fit argument is the past year shows otherwise. He is accomplishing quite a bit of his agenda. Is he perfect? No but clearly knows what he is doing and can do it.

It's pretty obvious that Trump does know what he's doing. The jobs report came out today:

+228,000 NOVEMBER
2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election...
Record low unemployment rate for manufacturing...
Hispanic unemployment rate drops to 4.7% - LOWEST in history of USA

Of course, some Obama-lover will be along to give the Purple-lipped Messiah all the credit in 3...2...1...

Republicans haven't passed anything to change the economy...

They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

The economy under Obama was stagnated. There wasn't any serious growth in 8 years. Trump takes over and the economy explodes. We are supposed to believe this is a coincidence?

And there doesn't have to be a major regulation repealed. Thousands of minor ones slowing business growth being repealed will let businesses act
Economy is trending the same as obama.

So you can't name even one. Shocking.
With nothing changed it is practically the 3rd term of obama, and you guys love it.
His only accomplishment so far is a Supreme Court justice and misspelled twitter rants.
Robust economy and Obama legacy. It's a lot like Deng Xiaoping's legacy in Chairman Mao's legacy, except we do't have to pretend to respect his predecessor.

I doubt it means much to you.

Deng succeeded Mao?

Yeah, it doesn’t mean anything.
It's pretty obvious that Trump does know what he's doing. The jobs report came out today:

+228,000 NOVEMBER
2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election...
Record low unemployment rate for manufacturing...
Hispanic unemployment rate drops to 4.7% - LOWEST in history of USA

Of course, some Obama-lover will be along to give the Purple-lipped Messiah all the credit in 3...2...1...

Republicans haven't passed anything to change the economy...

They spent the first part of the year repealing regulations Obama slapped on at the end that hurt businesses

The tax cuts will benefit businesses.

The end of the Obamacare mandate, if it remains in the tax bill will help too.

The economy hasn't gotten your analysis.

Name one substantial regulation that was repealed.

The economy is trending the same as it was with Obama.

The economy under Obama was stagnated. There wasn't any serious growth in 8 years. Trump takes over and the economy explodes. We are supposed to believe this is a coincidence?

And there doesn't have to be a major regulation repealed. Thousands of minor ones slowing business growth being repealed will let businesses act
Economy is trending the same as obama.

So you can't name even one. Shocking.
We all know how the game is played:

1. Ask for examples or proof of a post that has upset you
2. When examples or proof are provided, deny that they're good enough
3. Demand explanation of the proof, knowing that you'll once again deny that it's good enough
4. When the person who provided the proof refuses to play along, claim some kind of victory, like you're in grade school.

son, we've been through this over the course of most of this thread. you don't like the answers you get. We know, why provide you anymore? hence, I now hear blah, blah, blah

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