What are the dimensions of heaven and hell?


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
If heaven and hell are both real, and our souls can get there when freed from our bodies, they must occupy time-space coordinates. So a) where are they, and b) how big are they?
They're both 24 feet 7 and a half inches by 31 feet 11 inches by 8 feet 3 inches, and contrary to popular conceptions, each is painted monkey vomit yellow and infected scab russet. (Humor Delta, everybody; poor sod's mad as a hatter.)
If you pee in one corner and the do a ninja roll all the way to the other side of hell the room starts to tilt and you can make your pee go corner to corner like one of those little plastic maze thingies with the mtal ball in them
Souls don't seem to be required to have mass, energy or occupy space. Why should heaven and hell?
If I ever met satan I'd gladly tell him how big of a pussy he is.

Arnold Schwartz style:

This is Arnold, talking to the Devil

Souls don't seem to be required to have mass, energy or occupy space. Why should heaven and hell?

Both heaven and hell are often described in various religions. Like firey hell. If Hell has fire it must have oxygen so that starts to put restrictions on where it could be. And if heaven has sex slaves, food, plants, etc. then it too must occupy somewhere real that those things are there. But if they exist why wouyld they be anywhere close to Earth? Big universe and if every other soul in the universe winds up in either one shouldn't they be ina more centralized location? :)
you can see ashtara in the winds if you run as fast as you can towards an oncoming 18 wheeler in the snow in Minn.
you can see ashtara in the winds if you run as fast as you can towards an oncoming 18 wheeler in the snow in Minn.
That is one sick puppy!


If heaven and hell are both real, and our souls can get there when freed from our bodies, they must occupy time-space coordinates. So a) where are they, and b) how big are they?
Had a crazy friend of a friend on Facebook that would always post "proof" that Hell really existed and that if you went deep down into mines you could here the cries of the tormented. :cuckoo:
If heaven and hell are both real, and our souls can get there when freed from our bodies, they must occupy time-space coordinates. So a) where are they, and b) how big are they?

Are you familiar with the mathematical expression of the ratio of the circumference of a circle to it's diameter?

'pi' is a very real, transcendental number which continues to infinity. There are no limits to the number of decimal places. The number 'pi' is as real as a circle.

So, to answer your questions; a) they are part of a circle, and b) they are as big as infinity.

Hope that helps you out a bit.

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Souls don't seem to be required to have mass, energy or occupy space. Why should heaven and hell?

Both heaven and hell are often described in various religions. Like firey hell. If Hell has fire it must have oxygen so that starts to put restrictions on where it could be. And if heaven has sex slaves, food, plants, etc. then it too must occupy somewhere real that those things are there. But if they exist why wouyld they be anywhere close to Earth? Big universe and if every other soul in the universe winds up in either one shouldn't they be ina more centralized location? :)
"...described in various religions."

'Nuff sed. Man-mentioned voodoo at its finest.

The consciousness of all living things is ultimately dispersed equally and without judgement among the ether of the cosmos. No 72 virgins, no winged angels resting on clouds, no Pearly Gates. No man-mentioned voodoo.

Just the natural progression of things.

The existence of our planet, its billions of years of history, homo sapiens' tens of thousands of years of history... are but a minute speck in the time of the cosmos.

Humans are such a self-righteous lot. Conceited and self-righteous things with the same life-force as a toadstool's spore.

Get the fuck over yourselves.

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