What Are The Expectations With The Proposed Super Collider?


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2020
I thought the large Hadron Collider was the answer to finding the God particle? Now a proposed 21 billion Euro dollar Super Collider is being talked about. That's a LOT of $$$$$ for a "IF" project. I remember the large Hadron Collider cost some heavy cash but from what I am understanding the large Hadron Collider did not pan out?
I thought the large Hadron Collider was the answer to finding the God particle? Now a proposed 21 billion Euro dollar Super Collider is being talked about. That's a LOT of $$$$$ for a "IF" project. I remember the large Hadron Collider cost some heavy cash but from what I am understanding the large Hadron Collider did not pan out?
Quantum properties are being prodded in the quest for fusion research and to discover how the aliens beam in and out of spacetime. They are also trying to create a wormhole in space, nothing that you read about. The Nazis began this research with the bell a long time ago
I thought the large Hadron Collider was the answer to finding the God particle? Now a proposed 21 billion Euro dollar Super Collider is being talked about. That's a LOT of $$$$$ for a "IF" project. I remember the large Hadron Collider cost some heavy cash but from what I am understanding the large Hadron Collider did not pan out?
Quantum properties are being prodded in the quest for fusion research and to discover how the aliens beam in and out of spacetime. They are also trying to create a wormhole in space, nothing that you read about. The Nazis began this research with the bell a long time ago

@ esalla, yeah, when I was attending EWU 90' thru 91' I communicated with physicist students & that very subject came up. In the coarse of dialoging they were explaining to me how a warp drive would(should/may) work using then current theory. Their theories were fairly complicated to me back then & they really complicated it up when they introduced a new(another of many) theory to me & that was called the Parallel Dimension theory. At the same time professor Hawking was making news with his own theories about time which just added to the interest of the subject. I viewed a youtube vid on the "bell". From what I remember from talking with those physicist students there was something to do with molecular alteration/change(?) like mass to pure energy & pure energy back to mass(?) not sure here I may have became confused. They communicate differently like they can envision things/scenarios(4th dimension for example) or whatever that, even when simplified as much as they knew how to simplify it for me was still simply mind boggling to me. Some of the words they use I would not even know how to spell let alone what they mean. I remember the subject of light being discussed as it's own dimension or something to do with a dimension(neither pure matter nor pure energy?) About the only subject I could understand in reasonable depth was the three & a half dimensional continuum we humans live in. All I know for sure is there is precious little if any @ all overlap between the field of sociology & the field of physics like two different worlds completely.
I thought the large Hadron Collider was the answer to finding the God particle? Now a proposed 21 billion Euro dollar Super Collider is being talked about. That's a LOT of $$$$$ for a "IF" project. I remember the large Hadron Collider cost some heavy cash but from what I am understanding the large Hadron Collider did not pan out?
It’s very limited and lacks the power of future smashers
It did it’s job but it’s not powerful enough
I thought the large Hadron Collider was the answer to finding the God particle? Now a proposed 21 billion Euro dollar Super Collider is being talked about. That's a LOT of $$$$$ for a "IF" project. I remember the large Hadron Collider cost some heavy cash but from what I am understanding the large Hadron Collider did not pan out?
Quantum properties are being prodded in the quest for fusion research and to discover how the aliens beam in and out of spacetime. They are also trying to create a wormhole in space, nothing that you read about. The Nazis began this research with the bell a long time ago

@ esalla, yeah, when I was attending EWU 90' thru 91' I communicated with physicist students & that very subject came up. In the coarse of dialoging they were explaining to me how a warp drive would(should/may) work using then current theory. Their theories were fairly complicated to me back then & they really complicated it up when they introduced a new(another of many) theory to me & that was called the Parallel Dimension theory. At the same time professor Hawking was making news with his own theories about time which just added to the interest of the subject. I viewed a youtube vid on the "bell". From what I remember from talking with those physicist students there was something to do with molecular alteration/change(?) like mass to pure energy & pure energy back to mass(?) not sure here I may have became confused. They communicate differently like they can envision things/scenarios(4th dimension for example) or whatever that, even when simplified as much as they knew how to simplify it for me was still simply mind boggling to me. Some of the words they use I would not even know how to spell let alone what they mean. I remember the subject of light being discussed as it's own dimension or something to do with a dimension(neither pure matter nor pure energy?) About the only subject I could understand in reasonable depth was the three & a half dimensional continuum we humans live in. All I know for sure is there is precious little if any @ all overlap between the field of sociology & the field of physics like two different worlds completely.
Physics is directly connected to sociology as the government brands everyone who is aware and says something coherent to be wearing a foil hat...............................

So if we put the foil hat wearers into the same room together some real progress could be made on any or every subject

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