What are the odds Hillary becomes president?

What are her chances in your opinion?

  • 100-90%

  • 90-80%

  • 80-70%

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  • 40-30%

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Keep in mind this thread is not about how you personally feel but rather what you think her odds of success are.
Once she gets past the damage done by the phony email scandal she has enough time to rebuild her popularity. If everything goes according to plan, and the debates are successful, she should knock the silly shit out of any Republican who faces her.
Two liberal posts, no liberal votes. I know the directions were complicated for yall but you all have proven yourselves to be professionals at "gathering" votes so give it a try here
Binary system; 50/50.

80/20 if you go by logic and whom is best for the job....
I give her a 30% chance of the nomination and a 10% of making it to the WH.
Well, 60-70%...Republicans odds of winning Florida, Virgina, Ohio and either iowa or co = is low + her chances of getting the nomination.
Once she gets past the damage done by the phony email scandal she has enough time to rebuild her popularity. If everything goes according to plan, and the debates are successful, she should knock the silly shit out of any Republican who faces her.

She'll still have that distrust issue.
Once she gets past the damage done by the phony email scandal she has enough time to rebuild her popularity. If everything goes according to plan, and the debates are successful, she should knock the silly shit out of any Republican who faces her.

If they run on cut, slash and burn of infrastructure, science and 80% of the rest of our government like they talk about over on freerepublic...Well, there's no question she'll be our next president...Cutting and sitting pretty isn't what the American people want in a president.
If she's still on the ticket instead of prison, and the republicrats nominate another RINO she will be the next president and possibly the last because I'm not sure the empire could sustain such a morally bankrupt criminally insane imbecile at the top.

At this point I think it's gonna be Biden vs Trump. But if she gets the nomination, Democrats will vote for her even though most of them can't stand the bitch.
It all depends on who Soros wants for president. He elected an event planner last time, so the ability to lead, or credibility has nothing to do with it. Putting his global initiative in control has everything to do with it. He said he backing Hillary, but is just fine with getting Biden or Sanders in the White House. He depends on the stupidity of Americans to fall for his media blitzes.
SO you republicans think you can win Florida, Va, Co and Ohio with 80% of the hispanic population hating your front runner and with only 35-38% of the female vote. lol

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