What are you doing here?

I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.

I truly feel sorry for you and people like you. You see racists everywhere. You see oppression everywhere. You live in a twisted fantasy world. It's 2017. You're stuck in 1917.

I hope one day you will liberate yourself. In the real world, the vast majority of us get along great. I trust my entire investment portfolio to a very talented young man. I don't give a rat's ass what color he is. I chose to put him in this position of trust because of his qualifications and the "content of his character." His black skin is totally insignificant. His brain is what I respect about him and why I trust him with my finances.

The racist world you've created in your head doesn't exist. But you seem to be here in attempt to make it real.
You're full of shit. Just because you, one poster, has a black investment portfolio manager, doesn't mean there are no racists posting in this forum or on this board. There are a lot of them. Yesterday really was bad.
This board is not a true microcosm of the country but more representative of the minority extremist factions within the country, each one loud and proud.
Well, let's hope so. The OP was about the threads/posts in the Race/Racism Forum and we all know exactly what type of posts she's talking about. So I was limiting my comments to the posters on the board.
The only reason the board has become somewhat more racist is the demise of two specific online boards and our unfortunate acquisition of some of their flotsam and jetsam......... God willing this too shall pass like a bad case of diarrhea.........
You're full of shit. Just because you, one poster, has a black investment portfolio manager, doesn't mean there are no racists posting in this forum or on this board. There are a lot of them. Yesterday really was bad.

My, my. Such language from such a sweet ole Lady.

I hear what you're saying. My point was/is that the level of racism in our society just doesn't exist to the extent some constantly wear on about. Especially here.

In the world I live in, people of all colors and religions get along. I live in a very friendly, polite, diverse part of the country where people have and use manners. I live in a polite CULTURE.

Our Lord only created one race, the human race. Pigmentation does not make the man. Are there urban rat holes with dysfunctional CULTURES? Of course. But let's call that behavior-driven prejudice what it is. And it's not race. It's culture.

This web site does not reflect reality. When I read a lib rattle on here, I just roll my eyes and remind myself how polite and tolerant my lib friends are as I am tolerant of them. This place is a circus. Some corners of this place are freak shows. And then there's Ignore Island.
The only reason the board has become somewhat more racist is the demise of two specific online boards and our unfortunate acquisition of some of their flotsam and jetsam......... God willing this too shall pass like a bad case of diarrhea.........

I've never been a member of either of the two sites you are referencing. The race relations forum has hundreds of pages going back years. Racist black supremacist Asslips joined back in 2013, and he is but one of several of his ilk I've come into contact with during my short time on this forum. Do you harass them like you do me? Of course not. Because as I've already said, there's a massive hypocritical double standard when it comes to white people.
The only reason the board has become somewhat more racist is the demise of two specific online boards and our unfortunate acquisition of some of their flotsam and jetsam......... God willing this too shall pass like a bad case of diarrhea.........

I've never been a member of either of the two sites you are referencing. The race relations forum has hundreds of pages going back years. Racist black supremacist Asslips joined back in 2013, and he is but one of several of his ilk I've come into contact with during my short time on this forum. Do you harass them like you do me? Of course not. Because as I've already said, there's a massive hypocritical double standard when it comes to white people.
Why don't you ask asslips how many times I've given him similar treatment then work on treating your persecution complex..........
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
I'm posting here to get the truth out and not lies--as we see in your thread here, the lie that whites are the ONLY evil race
it is undeniable that the MSM portrays mostly whites as haters/commit hate crimes/racists/etc
hardly ever is there an article on black hate crimes and blacks murdering whites/blacks
when the TRUTH is blacks commit more hate crimes than whites per capita
and blacks murder at over SEVEN times the rate of whites--and most of their victims are BLACK
since 1995, white extremist have murdered a WHOPPING 77 people
blacks murdered over 3000 just last year

so we see blacks are much, much more deadly and dangerous than whites and white extremist
they graduate at lower levels
commit hate crimes at over TWICE the rate of whites
but people like YOU, think the blacks are angels--would never commit a hate crime
AND when people like me give you FACTS--as I did above--YOU call us HATERS-RACISTS
when in reality YOU are the hater--WHITE HATER
According to "The Myth of Race," which I've been reading, these things are regurgetations of propaganda for racism and racial hatred which have bee put out there for many, many years. They have no scientific validity or value to anthropologists and scientists who have studied and debunked such efforts. Many things that reputable publishing houses have always refused to print because of their bogus claims, are now easily published on the internet. Does not make them true.

Race is not a myth. That book you're reading is commie propaganda.
The book was suggested to me by Jane Elliott and it basically says that there is only one race, and that is the human race. This is the finding of an international panel of anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists and psychologists.

If race doesn't exist, how come these experts who tell us race doesn't exist, like anthropologists, and geneticists, can in fact tell the race of an individual by close examination?
What they are able to tell is physical characteristics and since most have been taught to categorize humans into races, that is what they continue to do. Evidently some refute recent findings because they contradict their long held beliefs. I've been re-reading The Myth of Race to get a better understanding, and I also found this article:

From The Origin of the Idea of Race by Audrey Smedley, in the Anthropology Newsletter 1997:

Contemporary scholars agree that race was a recent invention and that it was essentially a folk idea and not a product of scientific research and discovery. This is not new to anthropologists. Since the 1940’s when Ashley Montagu argued against the use of the term “race” in science, a growing number of scholars in many disciplines have declared that the real meaning of race in American society has to do with social realities, quite distinct from physical variations in the human species. I argue that race was institutionalized in the beginning of the 18th century as a world view, a set of culturally created attitudes and beliefs about human group differences.

Race and its ideology about human differences arose out of the context of African slavery. Until the 18th century the image of Africans was generally positive. They were farmers, cattle-breeders, they had industries, arts and crafts, governments and commerce.

Towards the end of the 18th century, the image of Africans began to change. As a consequence of a powerful anti-slavery movement, pro-slavery forces found it necessary to develop new arguments defending the institution. Focusing on physical differences, they turned to the notion of the natural inferiority of Africans and thus, their God-given suitability for slavery. Such arguments became more frequent and more strident from the end of the 18th century on, and the characterizations of Africans became more negative. All anthropologists should understand that race has no intrinsic relationship to human biological diversity, that such diversity is a natural product of primarily evolutionary forces while “race” is a social invention.

Educator Jane Elliott said this to me in an e-mail: “Race is a myth made up after the Spanish Inquisition for the purpose of establishing dominance and power over groups, depending on the color of their skin. It was, and is, just as ridiculous as the Greek myth that said the sun was a god in a golden chariot that flew across the sky every morning.” She told me that it is time for us to unlearn what we have been taught.
According to "The Myth of Race," which I've been reading, these things are regurgetations of propaganda for racism and racial hatred which have bee put out there for many, many years. They have no scientific validity or value to anthropologists and scientists who have studied and debunked such efforts. Many things that reputable publishing houses have always refused to print because of their bogus claims, are now easily published on the internet. Does not make them true.

Race is not a myth. That book you're reading is commie propaganda.
The book was suggested to me by Jane Elliott and it basically says that there is only one race, and that is the human race. This is the finding of an international panel of anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists and psychologists.

If race doesn't exist, how come these experts who tell us race doesn't exist, like anthropologists, and geneticists, can in fact tell the race of an individual by close examination?
What they are able to tell is physical characteristics and since most have been taught to categorize humans into races, that is what they continue to do. Evidently some refute recent findings because they contradict their long held beliefs. I've been re-reading The Myth of Race to get a better understanding, and I also found this article:

From The Origin of the Idea of Race by Audrey Smedley, in the Anthropology Newsletter 1997:

Contemporary scholars agree that race was a recent invention and that it was essentially a folk idea and not a product of scientific research and discovery. This is not new to anthropologists. Since the 1940’s when Ashley Montagu argued against the use of the term “race” in science, a growing number of scholars in many disciplines have declared that the real meaning of race in American society has to do with social realities, quite distinct from physical variations in the human species. I argue that race was institutionalized in the beginning of the 18th century as a world view, a set of culturally created attitudes and beliefs about human group differences.

Race and its ideology about human differences arose out of the context of African slavery. Until the 18th century the image of Africans was generally positive. They were farmers, cattle-breeders, they had industries, arts and crafts, governments and commerce.

Towards the end of the 18th century, the image of Africans began to change. As a consequence of a powerful anti-slavery movement, pro-slavery forces found it necessary to develop new arguments defending the institution. Focusing on physical differences, they turned to the notion of the natural inferiority of Africans and thus, their God-given suitability for slavery. Such arguments became more frequent and more strident from the end of the 18th century on, and the characterizations of Africans became more negative. All anthropologists should understand that race has no intrinsic relationship to human biological diversity, that such diversity is a natural product of primarily evolutionary forces while “race” is a social invention.

Educator Jane Elliott said this to me in an e-mail: “Race is a myth made up after the Spanish Inquisition for the purpose of establishing dominance and power over groups, depending on the color of their skin. It was, and is, just as ridiculous as the Greek myth that said the sun was a god in a golden chariot that flew across the sky every morning.” She told me that it is time for us to unlearn what we have been taught.

Haha, as if there's no difference.
Oh those delusional Whites just invented some myth of race.
I mean if you can tell a Chinese person from a Nigerian, you must be a racist retard.

Let me tell you something, genetic tests can tell race, forensic experts, and anthropologists can tell a race by skeletal remains.

There's not a single genetic study I've seen that's ever shown that all races have equal genes.

In some cases not only are genes widely skewed, like take lactose tolerance which is dominantly European, in some cases even genes like HIV Resistance genes are just European, and who's mixed with them, and then there's genes only found in a single ethnicity like the genes the mutation on DAB1 which is only found in Chinese causing larger, and more developed brains.

There's genes for intelligence, and no their not uniform among the races, and neither are genes for criminality.
Particularly like the 2 repeating allele of MAO-A which increases delinquency, including sta bbings, and shootings, and is found in much higher amounts in Blacks, than Whites, a nd is virtua ly absent in Asians?

To say this has no meaning is BS, even mega BS.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
The question is....again...what are YOU doing here?
Sharing things I have experienced and things I have learned.

Like the "non-existence" of human races? I'm awfully damn sympathetic to a LOT of your causes. Especially getting better "customer service" from the City Govts and Judicial process. But I got to ask you...

There are at least 10 species of just sparrows.. Some you can hardly tell apart. That's how science catalogues life on the Planet. So how scientific can it REALLY BE -- to toss all that rigor and just declare ONE human race.

Make sense to have a neck feather difference change a BIRD species -- But to ignore the historical categorization of human races??
The book I'm reading and research I'm doing do not deny varieties of species, just the term "race" as it has been used to label people and create divisions among the human family. Of course there are visible differences, but "race" is used to assign importance and superiority of one group of humans over another. It's interesting to see how, why and by whom the historical categorization of humans began. Jane Elliott, the educator of Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes fame says that it started as a means of establishing dominance and power over groups, depending on the color of their skin. The documentary "Race: The Power of an Illusion" also addresses the beginning of the use of the term. Fascinating to watch.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
The question is....again...what are YOU doing here?
Sharing things I have experienced and things I have learned.

Like the "non-existence" of human races? I'm awfully damn sympathetic to a LOT of your causes. Especially getting better "customer service" from the City Govts and Judicial process. But I got to ask you...

There are at least 10 species of just sparrows.. Some you can hardly tell apart. That's how science catalogues life on the Planet. So how scientific can it REALLY BE -- to toss all that rigor and just declare ONE human race.

Make sense to have a neck feather difference change a BIRD species -- But to ignore the historical categorization of human races??
The book I'm reading and research I'm doing do not deny varieties of species, just the term "race" as it has been used to label people and create divisions among the human family. Of course there are visible differences, but "race" is used to assign importance and superiority of one group of humans over another. It's interesting to see how, why and by whom the historical categorization of humans began. Jane Elliott, the educator of Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes fame says that it started as a means of establishing dominance and power over groups, depending on the color of their skin. The documentary "Race: The Power of an Illusion" also addresses the beginning of the use of the term. Fascinating to watch.
Race is used to assign superiority? Maybe at one time, but I doubt that too. We are all the same species, but how do you suggest defining people of difference "races"?
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
The question is....again...what are YOU doing here?
Sharing things I have experienced and things I have learned.

Like the "non-existence" of human races? I'm awfully damn sympathetic to a LOT of your causes. Especially getting better "customer service" from the City Govts and Judicial process. But I got to ask you...

There are at least 10 species of just sparrows.. Some you can hardly tell apart. That's how science catalogues life on the Planet. So how scientific can it REALLY BE -- to toss all that rigor and just declare ONE human race.

Make sense to have a neck feather difference change a BIRD species -- But to ignore the historical categorization of human races??
The book I'm reading and research I'm doing do not deny varieties of species, just the term "race" as it has been used to label people and create divisions among the human family. Of course there are visible differences, but "race" is used to assign importance and superiority of one group of humans over another. It's interesting to see how, why and by whom the historical categorization of humans began. Jane Elliott, the educator of Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes fame says that it started as a means of establishing dominance and power over groups, depending on the color of their skin. The documentary "Race: The Power of an Illusion" also addresses the beginning of the use of the term. Fascinating to watch.

None of that is accepted science. I understand clearly that in past 2 decades, our DNA capabilities have made it clear that these "differences" are far smaller than we assumed. But a lot of that can be misinterpreted. Such as -- when you make the factually correctly, but scientifically unsound that "race only accounts for 1% (or 0.5% or several other #s I've seen tossed out) of the entire human genome. It's unsound, because we share 98% with chimpanzees -- and MOST of that is "repetition, junk, not activated).

Whether there WERE racial classifications or not would not have really changed the racial tensions between groups.

You need to be extra careful with this "feeling". Because in the absence of RACE -- determining AAction or Reparations becomes a rather boring legal qualification. NOT a "group benefit"..

And it could literally KILL the concept of biodiversity in ecology. Because if the same argument were made for every OTHER PART of the taxonomical Kingdom of Nature -- we'd start believing that we don't NEED 11 species of Trout or Daisies.

Now I KNOW the differences between the definition of species and "race". But we can no more DECLARE race to be gone as a classification of Origin, as we can deny results of geneological result from DNA.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
The question is....again...what are YOU doing here?
Sharing things I have experienced and things I have learned.

Like the "non-existence" of human races? I'm awfully damn sympathetic to a LOT of your causes. Especially getting better "customer service" from the City Govts and Judicial process. But I got to ask you...

There are at least 10 species of just sparrows.. Some you can hardly tell apart. That's how science catalogues life on the Planet. So how scientific can it REALLY BE -- to toss all that rigor and just declare ONE human race.

Make sense to have a neck feather difference change a BIRD species -- But to ignore the historical categorization of human races??
The book I'm reading and research I'm doing do not deny varieties of species, just the term "race" as it has been used to label people and create divisions among the human family. Of course there are visible differences, but "race" is used to assign importance and superiority of one group of humans over another. It's interesting to see how, why and by whom the historical categorization of humans began. Jane Elliott, the educator of Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes fame says that it started as a means of establishing dominance and power over groups, depending on the color of their skin. The documentary "Race: The Power of an Illusion" also addresses the beginning of the use of the term. Fascinating to watch.
Race is used to assign superiority? Maybe at one time, but I doubt that too. We are all the same species, but how do you suggest defining people of difference "races"?

What is really amounts to is a "statement of origin". No more significant than finding 5% Seminole heritage in your DNA test. At some future time -- it will LESS of measurement of race, and just part of larger statistics of your country of birth. But it is scientifically measurable. You can close your mind and IGNORE IT -- but as I said above -- that has negative effects on your pride of heritage, culture and maybe even LEGAL standing.

Those seeking to declare ONE race --- are really asking to NULLIFY the entire body of LAW that currently PROTECTS by race. That's seems pretty self-defeating to me.. :coffee:
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
The question is....again...what are YOU doing here?
Sharing things I have experienced and things I have learned.

Like the "non-existence" of human races? I'm awfully damn sympathetic to a LOT of your causes. Especially getting better "customer service" from the City Govts and Judicial process. But I got to ask you...

There are at least 10 species of just sparrows.. Some you can hardly tell apart. That's how science catalogues life on the Planet. So how scientific can it REALLY BE -- to toss all that rigor and just declare ONE human race.

Make sense to have a neck feather difference change a BIRD species -- But to ignore the historical categorization of human races??
The book I'm reading and research I'm doing do not deny varieties of species, just the term "race" as it has been used to label people and create divisions among the human family. Of course there are visible differences, but "race" is used to assign importance and superiority of one group of humans over another. It's interesting to see how, why and by whom the historical categorization of humans began. Jane Elliott, the educator of Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes fame says that it started as a means of establishing dominance and power over groups, depending on the color of their skin. The documentary "Race: The Power of an Illusion" also addresses the beginning of the use of the term. Fascinating to watch.

None of that is accepted science. I understand clearly that in past 2 decades, our DNA capabilities have made it clear that these "differences" are far smaller than we assumed. But a lot of that can be misinterpreted. Such as -- when you make the factually correctly, but scientifically unsound that "race only accounts for 1% (or 0.5% or several other #s I've seen tossed out) of the entire human genome. It's unsound, because we share 98% with chimpanzees -- and MOST of that is "repetition, junk, not activated).

Whether there WERE racial classifications or not would not have really changed the racial tensions between groups.

You need to be extra careful with this "feeling". Because in the absence of RACE -- determining AAction or Reparations becomes a rather boring legal qualification. NOT a "group benefit"..

And it could literally KILL the concept of biodiversity in ecology. Because if the same argument were made for every OTHER PART of the taxonomical Kingdom of Nature -- we'd start believing that we don't NEED 11 species of Trout or Daisies.

Now I KNOW the differences between the definition of species and "race". But we can no more DECLARE race to be gone as a classification of Origin, as we can deny results of geneological result from DNA.

Delores plagiarizes her comments from other sources, just so you know.
Might be racist..and I frankly don't give a shit what anyone thinks of me...but from what I see and hear and witness, the black culture is the most violent in THIS day and age. We all see it on a daily basis. The head snake thing, the killing of each other, the fights, the barbaric treatment of other peoples INCLUDING their own regardless of age or sex, the prisons full of blacks...and the dismissal of those who choose to remove themselves from that culture by being called Uncle Toms.


Now Delores can come in here and blame Whitey again while ignoring what is right in front of her face.
The question is....again...what are YOU doing here?
Sharing things I have experienced and things I have learned.

Like the "non-existence" of human races? I'm awfully damn sympathetic to a LOT of your causes. Especially getting better "customer service" from the City Govts and Judicial process. But I got to ask you...

There are at least 10 species of just sparrows.. Some you can hardly tell apart. That's how science catalogues life on the Planet. So how scientific can it REALLY BE -- to toss all that rigor and just declare ONE human race.

Make sense to have a neck feather difference change a BIRD species -- But to ignore the historical categorization of human races??
The book I'm reading and research I'm doing do not deny varieties of species, just the term "race" as it has been used to label people and create divisions among the human family. Of course there are visible differences, but "race" is used to assign importance and superiority of one group of humans over another. It's interesting to see how, why and by whom the historical categorization of humans began. Jane Elliott, the educator of Brown Eyes, Blue Eyes fame says that it started as a means of establishing dominance and power over groups, depending on the color of their skin. The documentary "Race: The Power of an Illusion" also addresses the beginning of the use of the term. Fascinating to watch.

None of that is accepted science. I understand clearly that in past 2 decades, our DNA capabilities have made it clear that these "differences" are far smaller than we assumed. But a lot of that can be misinterpreted. Such as -- when you make the factually correctly, but scientifically unsound that "race only accounts for 1% (or 0.5% or several other #s I've seen tossed out) of the entire human genome. It's unsound, because we share 98% with chimpanzees -- and MOST of that is "repetition, junk, not activated).

Whether there WERE racial classifications or not would not have really changed the racial tensions between groups.

You need to be extra careful with this "feeling". Because in the absence of RACE -- determining AAction or Reparations becomes a rather boring legal qualification. NOT a "group benefit"..

And it could literally KILL the concept of biodiversity in ecology. Because if the same argument were made for every OTHER PART of the taxonomical Kingdom of Nature -- we'd start believing that we don't NEED 11 species of Trout or Daisies.

Now I KNOW the differences between the definition of species and "race". But we can no more DECLARE race to be gone as a classification of Origin, as we can deny results of geneological result from DNA.

Delores plagiarizes her comments from other sources, just so you know.

:biggrin: Have we sunk that far that anyone that actually READS A LOT and writes her own unique material is "plagiarizing" when they discuss? USED to be -- people quoting actual THINKERS was cool.

I appreciate it when folks discuss other people's ideas. Sometimes they are better than what springs from MOST message board dwellers. :funnyface: I'm very interested in folks spending a lot of time trying to remove the concept of race totally by declaration. EVEN IF --- it's contrary to their own legal best interests and culture/herittage. That's why I'm here in thread. Maybe trying to stop them before they damage themselves.

:biggrin: Have we sunk that far that anyone that actually READS A LOT and writes her own unique material is "plagiarizing" when they discuss? USED to be -- people quoting actual THINKERS was cool.

I appreciate it when folks discuss other people's ideas. Sometimes they are better than what springs from MOST message board dwellers. :funnyface: I'm very interested in folks spending a lot of time trying to remove the concept of race totally by declaration. EVEN IF --- it's contrary to their own legal best interests and culture/herittage. That's why I'm here in thread. Maybe trying to stop them before they damage themselves.


She doesn't just borrow ideas and phrases, she copy/pastes them and tries to pass them off as her own.
:biggrin: Have we sunk that far that anyone that actually READS A LOT and writes her own unique material is "plagiarizing" when they discuss? USED to be -- people quoting actual THINKERS was cool.

I appreciate it when folks discuss other people's ideas. Sometimes they are better than what springs from MOST message board dwellers. :funnyface: I'm very interested in folks spending a lot of time trying to remove the concept of race totally by declaration. EVEN IF --- it's contrary to their own legal best interests and culture/herittage. That's why I'm here in thread. Maybe trying to stop them before they damage themselves.


She doesn't just borrow ideas and phrases, she copy/pastes them and tries to pass them off as her own.

PM me -- we'll discuss this.

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