What are you doing here?

I took your posts that way. From what I have seen..others have as well. Maybe its your delivery. I dunno.
Anyway...no need to be sorry. You are entitled to my opinion. LOL. Just kiddin'. You have your ways, I have mine. Sometimes things clash.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
There are a few racist, under rock, slime dwellers on the board and it's best just to make fun of them, you're not going to change what constitutes their "minds" with argument. Then there are those who think everyone who disagrees with them in the slightest degree is a racist as well as those who let perceived racial notions inculcate all their thinking. Most are just non-racist people with different and sometimes similar beliefs who like to espouse those beliefs, sometimes nicely sometimes with clubs sometimes both ways at the same time.
As for me I'm only here for the beer....... and I don't drink.........

To expose hypocrites. The very notion that white people have the right to exist is incredibly offensive to some people .....

To whom, exactly?
Oh my!!!! Look, four out of 323 million!!!!!! Must mean they constitute a majority.......... :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
All of those links represent ties to tens of thousands or millions of people.

You couldn't dream of finding equivalents to these against non-whites.
If you say so yet I'd be surprised if your ilk numbered a million but not even close to "millions", that's wishful thinking on your part. Besides on million is only .310 percent of the whole population, an obvious tiny minority.............
Hey but don't let me stop you from wishing you're relevant. :thup:
You definitely have severe reading comprehension problems.

I was clearly talking about the anti-white universities and media outlets that have millions of readers or students.

There are barely even millions of politically active people in this country btw. Most voters know next to nothing other than the occasional clip or ad they saw from a Democrat looney tune.
I'm not the one with the narrow focus there Sparkette.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
There are a few racist, under rock, slime dwellers on the board and it's best just to make fun of them, you're not going to change what constitutes their "minds" with argument. Then there are those who think everyone who disagrees with them in the slightest degree is a racist as well as those who let perceived racial notions inculcate all their thinking. Most are just non-racist people with different and sometimes similar beliefs who like to espouse those beliefs, sometimes nicely sometimes with clubs sometimes both ways at the same time.
As for me I'm only here for the beer....... and I don't drink.........

To expose hypocrites. The very notion that white people have the right to exist is incredibly offensive to some people .....

To whom, exactly?
Klingons? :dunno:
Your fingerwaggling and fishing for white guilt.
I do not consider myself fishing for white guilt at all. I am, after all, white. What I do believe is that we should be truthful about our collective past and listen to black people when they express their feelings about their experiences without putting them down or belittling them.
Truthful how? I don't see many whites denying the past, but a lot of blacks, and you, seem to think all or most whites are bad or racist, it isnt true. Do you ever think perhaps a black person isnt liked because of his behavior? There are whites i dislike for the same reason but can't blame it on race.

Both of you, for starters.
You keep tellin' yourself that Cletus if that's what helps you sleep at night...... :rofl:

Post a photo of yourself, let's see who's more cletus-like.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
The question is....again...what are YOU doing here?
Sharing things I have experienced and things I have learned.

Like the "non-existence" of human races? I'm awfully damn sympathetic to a LOT of your causes. Especially getting better "customer service" from the City Govts and Judicial process. But I got to ask you...

There are at least 10 species of just sparrows.. Some you can hardly tell apart. That's how science catalogues life on the Planet. So how scientific can it REALLY BE -- to toss all that rigor and just declare ONE human race.

Make sense to have a neck feather difference change a BIRD species -- But to ignore the historical categorization of human races??
Both of you guys are like clones of one another...
You really do need a shitload of self rationalization to exist on a daily basis, don'tcha.......... Maybe you should consider professional psychiatric help, or has that route already failed you? :thup:
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.

I truly feel sorry for you and people like you. You see racists everywhere. You see oppression everywhere. You live in a twisted fantasy world. It's 2017. You're stuck in 1917.

I hope one day you will liberate yourself. In the real world, the vast majority of us get along great. I trust my entire investment portfolio to a very talented young man. I don't give a rat's ass what color he is. I chose to put him in this position of trust because of his qualifications and the "content of his character." His black skin is totally insignificant. His brain is what I respect about him and why I trust him with my finances.

The racist world you've created in your head doesn't exist. But you seem to be here in attempt to make it real.
You're full of shit. Just because you, one poster, has a black investment portfolio manager, doesn't mean there are no racists posting in this forum or on this board. There are a lot of them. Yesterday really was bad.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.

I truly feel sorry for you and people like you. You see racists everywhere. You see oppression everywhere. You live in a twisted fantasy world. It's 2017. You're stuck in 1917.

I hope one day you will liberate yourself. In the real world, the vast majority of us get along great. I trust my entire investment portfolio to a very talented young man. I don't give a rat's ass what color he is. I chose to put him in this position of trust because of his qualifications and the "content of his character." His black skin is totally insignificant. His brain is what I respect about him and why I trust him with my finances.

The racist world you've created in your head doesn't exist. But you seem to be here in attempt to make it real.
You're full of shit. Just because you, one poster, has a black investment portfolio manager, doesn't mean there are no racists posting in this forum or on this board. There are a lot of them. Yesterday really was bad.
This board is not a true microcosm of the country but more representative of the minority extremist factions within the country, each one loud and proud.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.

I truly feel sorry for you and people like you. You see racists everywhere. You see oppression everywhere. You live in a twisted fantasy world. It's 2017. You're stuck in 1917.

I hope one day you will liberate yourself. In the real world, the vast majority of us get along great. I trust my entire investment portfolio to a very talented young man. I don't give a rat's ass what color he is. I chose to put him in this position of trust because of his qualifications and the "content of his character." His black skin is totally insignificant. His brain is what I respect about him and why I trust him with my finances.

The racist world you've created in your head doesn't exist. But you seem to be here in attempt to make it real.
You're full of shit. Just because you, one poster, has a black investment portfolio manager, doesn't mean there are no racists posting in this forum or on this board. There are a lot of them. Yesterday really was bad.
This board is not a true microcosm of the country but more representative of the minority extremist factions within the country, each one loud and proud.
Well, let's hope so. The OP was about the threads/posts in the Race/Racism Forum and we all know exactly what type of posts she's talking about. So I was limiting my comments to the posters on the board.

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