What are you doing here?

According to "The Myth of Race," which I've been reading, these things are regurgetations of propaganda for racism and racial hatred which have bee put out there for many, many years. They have no scientific validity or value to anthropologists and scientists who have studied and debunked such efforts. Many things that reputable publishing houses have always refused to print because of their bogus claims, are now easily published on the internet. Does not make them true.

Race is not a myth. That book you're reading is commie propaganda.
The book was suggested to me by Jane Elliott and it basically says that there is only one race, and that is the human race. This is the finding of an international panel of anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists and psychologists.
A finding found in political correctness and not reality.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
The question is....again...what are YOU doing here?
I come "here" mainly for the entertainment. I usually don't get too involved in the discussions because the discussions here are usually divisive and lead more to (racial) discontent rather than leading to harmony between people of various races and backgrounds.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
After reading that screed, I am wondering WHAT YOU are doing here. Racism is sort of like a mirage, or a mass delusion, it scares me because people use "racism" the same way McCarty used "Communism".
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing ...

This is why I am here.

Similar messages are constantly peppered in our culture, by vile propagandists and normally there is no chance to tell the assholes off.

By coming here, I find lefties who are happy to say the same stupid shit, but in a venue where I have a chance to call them on their stupid, vile shit.
(((The tribe))) has already targetted several sites for exposing the truth. Who is who and who is jew? Will this site be "raided" for questioning the "hollowco$t" as well?
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.

Feel better?
Actually, I was feeling fine before and after I wrote this. How about you?
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
The question is....again...what are YOU doing here?
Sharing things I have experienced and things I have learned.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
The question is....again...what are YOU doing here?
Sharing things I have experienced and things I have learned.
And doing a shitload of damage as well.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
The question is....again...what are YOU doing here?
Sharing things I have experienced and things I have learned.
And doing a shitload of damage as well.
Damage? How so?
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
You post more racial hatred than anyone on this board.
I honestly wonder what some people are doing here. Are you using this place to declare your hatred for black people and post every possible negative thing you can locate on the internet to somehow "prove" your position that they are morally and intellectually inferior to you? Do you hope, by doing so, that others will be convinced of your point of view and jump onto your badly broken bandwagon? Anyone with love and compassion in their hearts for others will not suddenly become haters because of what you choose to post.

Oh,but maybe you do all of this not to convince others, but to feed your egos, to feed your need to feel superior, or to feed your exaggerated sense of your own importance as masters of the universe. Sorry, God's already got that position taken.
I'm gonna guess I'm here for the same reasons you are.
Asclpias (if I spelled it right. I think he chose that name just to be ornery, lol) reaches me more with his "in yer face" opinions and commentary than you do. That's saying something. He doesn't turn me off. You do.
Your fingerwaggling and fishing for white guilt.
I do not consider myself fishing for white guilt at all. I am, after all, white. What I do believe is that we should be truthful about our collective past and listen to black people when they express their feelings about their experiences without putting them down or belittling them.
According to "The Myth of Race," which I've been reading, these things are regurgetations of propaganda for racism and racial hatred which have bee put out there for many, many years. They have no scientific validity or value to anthropologists and scientists who have studied and debunked such efforts. Many things that reputable publishing houses have always refused to print because of their bogus claims, are now easily published on the internet. Does not make them true.

Race is not a myth. That book you're reading is commie propaganda.
The book was suggested to me by Jane Elliott and it basically says that there is only one race, and that is the human race. This is the finding of an international panel of anthropologists, geneticists, sociologists and psychologists.

If race doesn't exist, how come these experts who tell us race doesn't exist, like anthropologists, and geneticists, can in fact tell the race of an individual by close examination?
Asclpias (if I spelled it right. I think he chose that name just to be ornery, lol) reaches me more with his "in yer face" opinions and commentary than you do. That's saying something. He doesn't turn me off. You do.
Well and good. I am who I am and he is who he is and we all have our ways.

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