what are you going to do?????

No, taxes are not going to skyrocket, and you represent just one vote. And I will vote for President Obama.

Sure it will increase taxes..... For the ones that actually PAY federal income taxes that is.

The amount of outright uninformed people on this issue is staggering. You can not like the bill, but at least not like it for reasons that are actually factual.

It's all free! won't cost a dime...
Income tax will only effect the rich on the north eastern states ... No way such a tax would effect everyone in the country .... Opps

Sure it will increase taxes..... For the ones that actually PAY federal income taxes that is.

The amount of outright uninformed people on this issue is staggering. You can not like the bill, but at least not like it for reasons that are actually factual.

It's all free! won't cost a dime...

You're use to that..since you pay no taxes and receive government healthcare. Get a job you communist.
The smart people will vote him out. Those who's mentality is low will continue to defend obama. Anyone that would believe anything coming out of obama's mouth is a fool. Yes, obamacare is a tax and we will see huge taxes. And those still clinging to obama's coattails will also be paying high taxes. Its is the peolple who elected this muslim that should struggle the most, but unfortunately they are causing us all to suffer for their ignorance.
The smart people will vote him out. Those who's mentality is low will continue to defend obama. Anyone that would believe anything coming out of obama's mouth is a fool. Yes, obamacare is a tax and we will see huge taxes. And those still clinging to obama's coattails will also be paying high taxes. Its is the peolple who elected this muslim that should struggle the most, but unfortunately they are causing us all to suffer for their ignorance.

I'm going to take a stab and say that your job requires a name tag. Am I right?
Okay, now that they passed Obamacare, and taxes on you will skyrocket what are you goingi to do? Are you going to vote Obama back in or vote him out???????

I damn sure am voting him out.

It will have zero negative impact on me; I have health insurance and part of the cost of my insurance goes to treating the uninsured. If all Americans were insured the cost of health insurance might even go down or at least stop growing as it has for the past decades.

The sad fact is the American people are too lazy or too stupid to think about the issue of health care until they need it; most simply adopt and parrot the comments of the talking heads on TV.

1. No one is immune from death and dying.

2. An ounce of prevention is less costly than pounds of cure.

3. Prevention includes education and proactive personal health care.

4. Denial can be fatal.

5, Stupidity too.

that's right, the AMerican people are stupid. well half of em anyway, the voted for obamatax.

Damn, reading comprehension and writing are skills you may want to develop, WT.

Some Americans are stupid, those who don't have medical insurance, smoke, eat fried foods often, and eat mostly junk food, don't exercise, are overweight and don't have see a personal physician on a regular basis. These are the ones who have diabetes and don't know it and cost all of us as they lose toes and feet and legs over time; the ones who develop cancers too late or have a compromised immue system and catch and transmit disease to others in theaters, stores and public transportaton.
Well, I hope they tell you "Fuck You!" and walk out the door.

Insurance already costs me a fortune and I cannot afford to pay more. And we all know that premiums will be going up.

Until you have to meet a bottom line and keep a business open you can piss off.

What percentage of your insurance costs go to health care?

I pay right now for my employees an average of 48K a year for health insurance.

I cannot justify paying more. I cannot raise prices right now because the fucking economy sucks and isn't getting better and most of my clients are hurting.

We all know that premiums are going to rise.
The smart people will vote him out. Those who's mentality is low will continue to defend obama. Anyone that would believe anything coming out of obama's mouth is a fool. Yes, obamacare is a tax and we will see huge taxes. And those still clinging to obama's coattails will also be paying high taxes. Its is the peolple who elected this muslim that should struggle the most, but unfortunately they are causing us all to suffer for their ignorance.

Do you know why the right refer to universities as liberal elites? That is because, in general, the more educated someone is the less likely they are to be on the right. The same goes with reporters, there are more on the left than the right - because reporters tend to be more informed than the average citizen. So I will take your "their a bunch of stupid heads" argument with a grain of salt.
It will have zero negative impact on me; I have health insurance and part of the cost of my insurance goes to treating the uninsured. If all Americans were insured the cost of health insurance might even go down or at least stop growing as it has for the past decades.

The sad fact is the American people are too lazy or too stupid to think about the issue of health care until they need it; most simply adopt and parrot the comments of the talking heads on TV.

1. No one is immune from death and dying.

2. An ounce of prevention is less costly than pounds of cure.

3. Prevention includes education and proactive personal health care.

4. Denial can be fatal.

5, Stupidity too.

that's right, the AMerican people are stupid. well half of em anyway, the voted for obamatax.

Damn, reading comprehension and writing are skills you may want to develop, WT.

Some Americans are stupid, those who don't have medical insurance, smoke, eat fried foods often, and eat mostly junk food, don't exercise, are overweight and don't have see a personal physician on a regular basis. These are the ones who have diabetes and don't know it and cost all of us as they lose toes and feet and legs over time; the ones who develop cancers too late or have a compromised immue system and catch and transmit disease to others in theaters, stores and public transportaton.

No worry,, we have nazi's like you now to tell us what we need and what we will do, and what we will buy.. thanks for your nazi services, I hope the taxes aren't too high.
Insurance already costs me a fortune and I cannot afford to pay more. And we all know that premiums will be going up.

Until you have to meet a bottom line and keep a business open you can piss off.

What percentage of your insurance costs go to health care?

I pay right now for my employees an average of 48K a year for health insurance.

I cannot justify paying more. I cannot raise prices right now because the fucking economy sucks and isn't getting better and most of my clients are hurting.

We all know that premiums are going to rise.

Do you mean as opposed to what the premiums have been doing over the last 20 years?
Skull Pilot,

Without divulging your industry or anything that will blow your anonymity, would you kindly give us some details about your business so that we can determine whether or not you are full of shit?

Post your numbers.....and include the annual rate increases that you have had to endure for your health care plan in the years preceding ACA's becoming law.


My insurance costs have gone up every year and because I only have 10 employees getting insurance I do not qualify for the volume discounts that bigger businesses get.
The smart people will vote him out.

Hmm.... are there enough of them?

In any case, I have to ask again: How exactly do you suggest we 'vote him out'? Unfortunately, you can't vote to have a candidate removed - only replaced. Who are you suggesting we replace him with? Romney? Seriously? The one guy even MORE in bed with the insurance industry than Obama is?

Unless hell freezes over and all the idiots quit voting for Democrats and Republicans, we really have to concede that the presidency is a lost cause. The powers that be have ensured that the two major parties who control the elections have nominated tools friendly to their cause. The only political avenue left is electing reps who will fight for us (and against whoever is in the White House).

And that's a slim hope at best. Now that the Court has turned against us, there's really not much stopping the slide into corporatist totalitarianism.
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No, taxes are not going to skyrocket, and you represent just one vote. And I will vote for President Obama.

Sure it will increase taxes..... For the ones that actually PAY federal income taxes that is.

Tell us exactly where and when and by how much your income taxes are going up because of the healthcare bill.

ill let you know once the tax kicks in......

And just for shuck... where and when and how do you expect this to be paid for......by the ponzi health fairy?
democrats nazi's were pro choice just before they mandated your life.. don't ya just love it?
What percentage of your insurance costs go to health care?

I pay right now for my employees an average of 48K a year for health insurance.

I cannot justify paying more. I cannot raise prices right now because the fucking economy sucks and isn't getting better and most of my clients are hurting.

We all know that premiums are going to rise.

Do you mean as opposed to what the premiums have been doing over the last 20 years?

But al least I had the option of putting my employees in a high deductible plan with a health savings account.

I no longer have that option.

And as we saw in Assachusetts the mandate there caused premiums in that state to rise 20% faster than the national average.

So what was a slow steady increase that might have been dealt with we'll get a huge increase up front.
I pay right now for my employees an average of 48K a year for health insurance.

I cannot justify paying more. I cannot raise prices right now because the fucking economy sucks and isn't getting better and most of my clients are hurting.

We all know that premiums are going to rise.

Do you mean as opposed to what the premiums have been doing over the last 20 years?

But al least I had the option of putting my employees in a high deductible plan with a health savings account.

I no longer have that option.

And as we saw in Assachusetts the mandate there caused premiums in that state to rise 20% faster than the national average.

So what was a slow steady increase that might have been dealt with we'll get a huge increase up front.

How weird that they really like it then...:eusa_whistle:

Survey: Massachusetts Residents Like Their Healthcare Coverage
But al least I had the option of putting my employees in a high deductible plan with a health savings account.

I no longer have that option.

Are you sure about that? I'd really like to know that status of these plans as PPACA steamrolls forward. I've heard, and read, lots of conflicting information and I'd like to know, because these are the only insurance policies that make any sense to me.

I suspect the status of these, and any other policies we're "allowed" to purchase will be subject to endless lobbying (invariably to favor insurance industry interests).

Seriously, you people who supported this mess - How did you ever imagine selling us out like this would be a good thing? Do you all have stock in insurance companies or something?
I pay right now for my employees an average of 48K a year for health insurance.

I cannot justify paying more. I cannot raise prices right now because the fucking economy sucks and isn't getting better and most of my clients are hurting.

We all know that premiums are going to rise.

Do you mean as opposed to what the premiums have been doing over the last 20 years?

But al least I had the option of putting my employees in a high deductible plan with a health savings account.

I no longer have that option.

And as we saw in Assachusetts the mandate there caused premiums in that state to rise 20% faster than the national average.

So what was a slow steady increase that might have been dealt with we'll get a huge increase up front.

We shall see what happens. Frankly, I think this particular compromise was not a good one with no one getting what they wanted. But there are really only three alternatives here. 1) We just don't give a damn whether or not people can get medical care. 2) We have nationalized medicine that covers everyone. 3) We have a compromise, like this one.

I think option 2 is the logical choice. Which way do you think we should go?

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