what are you going to do?????

Okay, now that they passed Obamacare, and taxes on you will skyrocket what are you going to do? Are you going to vote Obama back in or vote him out???????

I damn sure am voting him out.

My taxes aren't going to skyrocket. I have insurance. If you're worried about it, you must be one of the freeloaders. It's funny how conservatives deplore welfare, but are giving their imprimatur to stealth welfare for those that know if they go to an ER, they won't be turned away.

Conservatives do not deplore welfare.
I am getting sick and tired of the left, who belive the political spin talking points, that are not true.
We don't like people who are on it right now, who are able to work.
We want to change welfare so that married couples can get assistance and not promote men to leave the mother of their children.
We want them to do some type of work while getting those checks. We also want them to be trained and educated so that they can enter the work force.We want to lift them up out of poverty.

Would be nice if both parties were not so hepped up on free trade that they ship jobs out of the country
Okay, now that they passed Obamacare, and taxes on you will skyrocket what are you going to do? Are you going to vote Obama back in or vote him out???????

I damn sure am voting him out.

My taxes aren't going to skyrocket. I have insurance. If you're worried about it, you must be one of the freeloaders. It's funny how conservatives deplore welfare, but are giving their imprimatur to stealth welfare for those that know if they go to an ER, they won't be turned away.

Conservatives do not deplore welfare.
I am getting sick and tired of the left, who belive the political spin talking points, that are not true.
We don't like people who are on it right now, who are able to work.
We want to change welfare so that married couples can get assistance and not promote men to leave the mother of their children.
We want them to do some type of work while getting those checks. We also want them to be trained and educated so that they can enter the work force.
We want to lift them up out of poverty.

How many of these people are there? Do you have any idea? And....how much of our tax dollars goes to fund these people's laziness? Do you know?

Less importantly...........

How much work will they do for the checks? Will it amount to at least minimum wage?
Who pays for the staff needed to oversee the work?
Who pays for the transportation?
Who pays for the training and education?
How will you increase demand so that there are jobs available after they get trained?
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Oh.... The children... Sniffle... Sniffle... Why is it should I should be forced to pay Healthcare for other people's children again?

You are already forced to pay for other people's elderly.

May I ask, Are you pro choice?

Pro choice? wtf is that. we now live in nazi mandate land.

Go live in Costa Rica, see how that works out. You will probably like it, especially if you don't like smokers and drugs. And if you get a job after one year you will be forced to take a two week vacation, along with being made to have government or private insurance.
You are already forced to pay for other people's elderly.

May I ask, Are you pro choice?

No, you may answer my question, without defecting. It's a very simple question.

Your premiss if defective on its own.

Because most maladies are cheaper to treat if caught in the early stages and so letting them get no care or emergency care cost more in the long run.

Your premiss if deflective on its own??? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'll repeat the question: "Please tell my why it should be my responsibility to pay for the healthcare of OTHER people's children?
Ok, let's accept that number for the sake of the discussion. We have a population of 300 million but let us be conservative and say that only half of those actually pay taxes. Do the math. It comes to about $450 per year in tax increase. $37.50 per month. What is it worth to you to see that a child receives adequate health care?

Oh.... The children... Sniffle... Sniffle... Why is it should I should be forced to pay Healthcare for other people's children again?

Why should I be forced to pay for the uninsured with higher premiums?

Why should I be forced to pay for the uninsured with higher taxes?
No, you may answer my question, without defecting. It's a very simple question.

Your premiss if defective on its own.

Because most maladies are cheaper to treat if caught in the early stages and so letting them get no care or emergency care cost more in the long run.

Your premiss if deflective on its own??? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'll repeat the question: "Please tell my why it should be my responsibility to pay for the healthcare of OTHER people's children?

Alright for 1 I already told you.

For two, you are the one who said defecting. Not sure why you are getting your panties in a twist.:confused:
The middle class are to be slaves to "the poor". The poor are household pets. They must be fed, clothed, cared for, housed. Someone has to pay for the upkeep of the poor. They must be "maintained" in style, with the same dignity as if they were working. They have to be coddled and protected.

Sure it will increase taxes..... For the ones that actually PAY federal income taxes that is.

The amount of outright uninformed people on this issue is staggering. You can not like the bill, but at least not like it for reasons that are actually factual.

Have you read the fucking bill asshole? No, like Nancy and barack himself and most of congress, you haven't read the bullshit 2500 pages of legalese garbage, so what do you know? I know the dimwit party and I know that everything they do is to try to buy votes from the lowest forms of life in this country so I have no doubt that this is a law that will work towards destroying wealth and bringing us all down to the same shit level while they stay where they are......flying private jets and eating caviar and laughing at you and all of the other maroons that bought into the hope/change joke.

As a matter of fact, I have. At least the parts I have questions about. Woops, there goes your entire rant. Shame.
The high court’s ruling leaves in place 21 tax increases in the health care law costing more than $675 billion over the next 10 years, according to the House Ways and Means Committee. Of those, 12 tax hikes would affect families earning less than $250,000 per year, the panel said, including a “Cadillac tax” on high-cost insurance plans, a tax on insurance providers and an excise tax on medical-device manufacturers.
Obama hails ruling as win for 'middle class'; justices hand tax issue to GOP - Washington Times

a tax on insurance providers
So when has any business NOT passed on their tax increases to the consumers?????

Ok, let's accept that number for the sake of the discussion. We have a population of 300 million but let us be conservative and say that only half of those actually pay taxes. Do the math. It comes to about $450 per year in tax increase. $37.50 per month. What is it worth to you to see that a child receives adequate health care?

Oh.... The children... Sniffle... Sniffle... Why is it should I should be forced to pay Healthcare for other people's children again?

Remind us about your stance on abortion.
Ok, let's accept that number for the sake of the discussion. We have a population of 300 million but let us be conservative and say that only half of those actually pay taxes. Do the math. It comes to about $450 per year in tax increase. $37.50 per month. What is it worth to you to see that a child receives adequate health care?

Oh.... The children... Sniffle... Sniffle... Why is it should I should be forced to pay Healthcare for other people's children again?

Because section 8 housing, welfare, food stamps and wic are not enough.......

Those people were already getting medicaid. What's your next excuse?
Your premiss if defective on its own.

Because most maladies are cheaper to treat if caught in the early stages and so letting them get no care or emergency care cost more in the long run.

Your premiss if deflective on its own??? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'll repeat the question: "Please tell my why it should be my responsibility to pay for the healthcare of OTHER people's children?

Alright for 1 I already told you.

For two, you are the one who said defecting. Not sure why you are getting your panties in a twist.:confused:

You said absolutely nothing. You need some rest. Get out of that coffee shop, and head right back to the park... Your "occupy" tent is waiting.
Your premiss if deflective on its own??? What the hell is that supposed to mean? I'll repeat the question: "Please tell my why it should be my responsibility to pay for the healthcare of OTHER people's children?

Alright for 1 I already told you.

For two, you are the one who said defecting. Not sure why you are getting your panties in a twist.:confused:

You said absolutely nothing. You need some rest. Get out of that coffee shop, and head right back to the park... Your "occupy" tent is waiting.

Swing and a miss.

Again, Untwist your knickers and read why you should pay for other's kids. It was there in plain english and phrased in simple enough terms that you should be able to understand it.
Alright for 1 I already told you.

For two, you are the one who said defecting. Not sure why you are getting your panties in a twist.:confused:

You said absolutely nothing. You need some rest. Get out of that coffee shop, and head right back to the park... Your "occupy" tent is waiting.

Swing and a miss.

Again, Untwist your knickers and read why you should pay for other's kids. It was there in plain english and phrased in simple enough terms that you should be able to understand it.

No it was not there at all.
You are already forced to pay for other people's elderly.

May I ask, Are you pro choice?

No, you may answer my question, without defecting. It's a very simple question.

Your premiss if defective on its own.

Because most maladies are cheaper to treat if caught in the early stages and so letting them get no care or emergency care cost more in the long run.

Ok dipshit I bolded it for you from the original post it was in.

Now untwist your knickers, remove them from your eyes and read.
Ok, let's accept that number for the sake of the discussion. We have a population of 300 million but let us be conservative and say that only half of those actually pay taxes. Do the math. It comes to about $450 per year in tax increase. $37.50 per month. What is it worth to you to see that a child receives adequate health care?

Oh.... The children... Sniffle... Sniffle... Why is it should I should be forced to pay Healthcare for other people's children again?

Remind us about your stance on abortion.

No answer? Another hypocrite exposed?! It seems to be the basis of the republican party now. Get in line sheep.
Ok, let's accept that number for the sake of the discussion. We have a population of 300 million but let us be conservative and say that only half of those actually pay taxes. Do the math. It comes to about $450 per year in tax increase. $37.50 per month. What is it worth to you to see that a child receives adequate health care?

Oh.... The children... Sniffle... Sniffle... Why is it should I should be forced to pay Healthcare for other people's children again?

Why should I be forced to pay for the uninsured with higher premiums?

I am very sure we are going to be ending up paying both. Just like they do in England.... both private and public medical.

Anyone who can afford BETTER service then the public medical buy that insurance too.... mainly becasue the public is medical service is shit.
There was another way to help defray the sky rocketing costs of medicine. Limiting malpractice suits and stop awarding amnesty to illegals is one way. Securing our borders which this administration has refused to do is another way.

This administration promised that taxes wopuld not raise under his leadership and again this has proven not to be true.
For those of you who still have not figured it out

If the supreme court says it is a tax, it is a tax. ObamaCare includes a NEW tax. So stop saying that taxes did not rise with Obamacare. Stop repeating the leftist propaganda that Obama did not raise taxes on the middle class.

He did, and that is why the economy is suffering. You raised taxes during a recession, Democrats. That is why "Big Brother Obama" and his team of jackasses are on the way out. Understand?
No, you may answer my question, without defecting. It's a very simple question.

Your premiss if defective on its own.

Because most maladies are cheaper to treat if caught in the early stages and so letting them get no care or emergency care cost more in the long run.

Ok dipshit I bolded it for you from the original post it was in.

Now untwist your knickers, remove them from your eyes and read.

That is your response as to "why should I have to pay for the healthcare of other people's children" ????? And you call me a dipshit?:badgrin:

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