what are you going to do?????


70% of all businesses in Canada offer a private plan as a perk.

I wonder why ?
Oh.... The children... Sniffle... Sniffle... Why is it should I should be forced to pay Healthcare for other people's children again?

If I have to explain that to you, you wouldn't understand. So I shall simply say you should be forced to because you deserve to be forced to.

Spoken like a true elitist Liberal snob, who professes to know exactly what others should, or should not do. Thank you enlightened one.:badgrin:

You're welcome. But I got that from the teachings of Jesus, so I guess I can't take all of the credit. I guess you should hope you don't have to explain your comment to a higher power. eh?
We should help pay for other people children because those children didn't choose their parents, or the situation they were born in to. They had no say in the matter and making them suffer without healthcare is not something that is fitting for a first world nation.

Your turn to answer now.

Finally... A response... Thank You! But by all means, provide the parents of those children a free cellphone, and encourage those parents to do nothing but take the handouts that they are given without placing any responsibility on them whatsoever. Without ever motivating them to do something better for themselves, or their children. Yes... Welfare is such a fine and morally upstanding program. I'd argue that a first world nation should be placing more responsibility on people to succeed in life, rather than oppressing them into mediocre existences by stringing them along with finite handouts for the sake of votes... At the expense of those who do contribute. As for my stance on Abortion, I disagree with it, but have never made it a personal vendetta, if people want to kill unborn babies... I guess they had better hope they don't ever have to answer to a higher power for it... Personally, I avoid the issue, because I believe my opinions of abortion are nobody's business but my own. See, that wasn't so hard. Thanks again for answering my question.

Senseless yammering aside way to deflect!

Please explain how i deflected.
Finally... A response... Thank You! But by all means, provide the parents of those children a free cellphone, and encourage those parents to do nothing but take the handouts that they are given without placing any responsibility on them whatsoever. Without ever motivating them to do something better for themselves, or their children. Yes... Welfare is such a fine and morally upstanding program. I'd argue that a first world nation should be placing more responsibility on people to succeed in life, rather than oppressing them into mediocre existences by stringing them along with finite handouts for the sake of votes... At the expense of those who do contribute. As for my stance on Abortion, I disagree with it, but have never made it a personal vendetta, if people want to kill unborn babies... I guess they had better hope they don't ever have to answer to a higher power for it... Personally, I avoid the issue, because I believe my opinions of abortion are nobody's business but my own. See, that wasn't so hard. Thanks again for answering my question.

Senseless yammering aside way to deflect!

Please explain how i deflected.

You tried to sound as if you were not being a hypocritical schmuck when plainly you are just that.

But hey like I said, way to try to deflect from that reality! Great job.:clap2:
If I have to explain that to you, you wouldn't understand. So I shall simply say you should be forced to because you deserve to be forced to.

Spoken like a true elitist Liberal snob, who professes to know exactly what others should, or should not do. Thank you enlightened one.:badgrin:

You're welcome. But I got that from the teachings of Jesus, so I guess I can't take all of the credit. I guess you should hope you don't have to explain your comment to a higher power. eh?

The teachings of Jesus taught you that it is OK to project your will over others... I don't think so.
Okay, now that they passed Obamacare, and taxes on you will skyrocket what are you goingi to do? Are you going to vote Obama back in or vote him out???????

I damn sure am voting him out.

I'm going to tell my employees that they have to get their own insurance now.

Well, I hope they tell you "Fuck You!" and walk out the door.

oh well if they do...you all are wanting people to be RESPONSIBLE for their own health care, that's why you are cheering ObamaCare...so here it comes
go get your own damn insurance
Senseless yammering aside way to deflect!

Please explain how i deflected.

You tried to sound as if you were not being a hypocritical schmuck when plainly you are just that.

But hey like I said, way to try to deflect from that reality! Great job.:clap2:

What I said was not a deflection. I have not been hypocritical in the least. You still never answered my question, but feel free to "cut and paste" RDD's response... At least RDD had the backbone to respond, you... Not so much. At least coherently. And I respect RDD's opinion, and was glad to hear it. It's what makes these boards interesting. And the fact RDD and I agree, or disagree is irrelevant... That is the nature of political discussion. You are nothing more than a toe the line Obamabot, with nothing to offer in the way of intellectual originality. I hope your not wasting too much on that education, there are plenty of "shovel ready" jobs awaiting you, and your shovel.
My taxes aren't going to skyrocket. I have insurance. If you're worried about it, you must be one of the freeloaders. It's funny how conservatives deplore welfare, but are giving their imprimatur to stealth welfare for those that know if they go to an ER, they won't be turned away.

Conservatives do not deplore welfare.
I am getting sick and tired of the left, who belive the political spin talking points, that are not true.
We don't like people who are on it right now, who are able to work.
We want to change welfare so that married couples can get assistance and not promote men to leave the mother of their children.
We want them to do some type of work while getting those checks. We also want them to be trained and educated so that they can enter the work force.We want to lift them up out of poverty.

Would be nice if both parties were not so hepped up on free trade that they ship jobs out of the country

It would be nice if the middle class would buy American made products.

70% of all businesses in Canada offer a private plan as a perk.

I wonder why ?

So with a universal health care system in place, 70% of businesses can afford to offer even more coverage as a perk. How can that be if such a system bankrupts everyone?

And yet those that want better health care come here........ watch how many doctors retire...... you'll be getting worked on by doctors that can't speak english.
Supply and demand, the demand will become greater than the supply, therefore causing the quality of healthcare and even the quantity to suffer. Unless we have learned how to grow money trees

Look what happened in the UK

NHS intentionally kills off at least 130,000 elderly patients every year

And with the US being so much larger than the UK, I could see this happening in even larger numbers, not now maybe, but indeed in our very bleak future

Why can't congress regulate the cost of healthcare and leave it at that. Let private charities raise money for research and other scientific data as needed. We need to get back to basics and stop trying to be little gods
Supply and demand, the demand will become greater than the supply, therefore causing the quality of healthcare and even the quantity to suffer. Unless we have learned how to grow money trees

Look what happened in the UK

NHS intentionally kills off at least 130,000 elderly patients every year

And with the US being so much larger than the UK, I could see this happening in even larger numbers, not now maybe, but indeed in our very bleak future

Why can't congress regulate the cost of healthcare and leave it at that. Let private charities raise money for research and other scientific data as needed. We need to get back to basics and stop trying to be little gods

O look; dead man walking.
Spoken like a true elitist Liberal snob, who professes to know exactly what others should, or should not do. Thank you enlightened one.:badgrin:

You're welcome. But I got that from the teachings of Jesus, so I guess I can't take all of the credit. I guess you should hope you don't have to explain your comment to a higher power. eh?

The teachings of Jesus taught you that it is OK to project your will over others... I don't think so.

I'm not projecting my will, I just said you deserve to be forced. You take advantage of all of the benefits of living in this society but have not the moral capacity to understand it is a two way street. You wish the benefits but consider yourself put upon when you must give something back. Without that society you are not a grand pioneer standing on your own, you are a slightly brighter ape eating termites off a stick.

No society - or human being for that matter - can call itself civilized if it does not care about the welfare of its people.
Supply and demand, the demand will become greater than the supply, therefore causing the quality of healthcare and even the quantity to suffer. Unless we have learned how to grow money trees

Look what happened in the UK

NHS intentionally kills off at least 130,000 elderly patients every year

And with the US being so much larger than the UK, I could see this happening in even larger numbers, not now maybe, but indeed in our very bleak future

Why can't congress regulate the cost of healthcare and leave it at that. Let private charities raise money for research and other scientific data as needed. We need to get back to basics and stop trying to be little gods

O look; dead man walking.

Making light if the ramifications of the healthcare bill, does not negate our bleak future
Supply and demand, the demand will become greater than the supply, therefore causing the quality of healthcare and even the quantity to suffer. Unless we have learned how to grow money trees

Look what happened in the UK

NHS intentionally kills off at least 130,000 elderly patients every year

And with the US being so much larger than the UK, I could see this happening in even larger numbers, not now maybe, but indeed in our very bleak future

Why can't congress regulate the cost of healthcare and leave it at that. Let private charities raise money for research and other scientific data as needed. We need to get back to basics and stop trying to be little gods

O look; dead man walking.

Wow! I missed this one. Thanks for quoting it. I can't wait to try out that hair growth herbal thing.
Supply and demand, the demand will become greater than the supply, therefore causing the quality of healthcare and even the quantity to suffer. Unless we have learned how to grow money trees

Look what happened in the UK

NHS intentionally kills off at least 130,000 elderly patients every year

And with the US being so much larger than the UK, I could see this happening in even larger numbers, not now maybe, but indeed in our very bleak future

Why can't congress regulate the cost of healthcare and leave it at that. Let private charities raise money for research and other scientific data as needed. We need to get back to basics and stop trying to be little gods

O look; dead man walking.

Making light if the ramifications of the healthcare bill, does not negate our bleak future

I meant your presence back on the ranch.

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