What are you prepared to do?

You gotta laugh at people who claim they are willing to die for their guns.

Yep. Knee slapping hilarious. Take for example this comedic excerpt from the comedy movie April Morning. It depicts a group of comedians on Lexington Green who refused to lay down their arms. As you remember from school, this went down in history as the "standup comedy routine heard round the world".

It's hilarious. And what's more funny, in real life these comedians went on to create their own country.

Dream on.

This is not the 18th century and you fools wouldn’t last five minutes against a modern SWAT team much less the National Guard or the army.

You were thinking the SWAT team would be on your side? Now that is FUNNY!

You think they will be on the side of some nit firing at them?

No, they just won’t show

AR normal = 5 rounds per second and accurate
AR with bump stock = 7 rounds per second and not accurate
Fully auto = 15 rounds per second

And this by an expert, I would expect a slower rate in all but the fully auto by a non expert.

The bump stock is no where near the fully auto, not even close.

500 rpm

Max, with a bump stock would actually be 420, but that is if you had a magazine that held that many rounds, and if the barrel didn't melt down, or a bullet jam.

You don’t need 420 rounds to fire at 420 rpm

You do if the thing cant actually complete a minute. Too funny

So if a cop pulls you over for going 80 mph you say you couldn’t be speeding because you haven’t driven 80 miles yet

If he pulls me over doing 45 but gives me a ticket because I could potentially do 80, then yes, we have a problem.
The way I look at it, bump stocks should have never been legal. DOJ or whoever let us down on that from the beginning. They passed the buck and it fell on the floor. No one picked it up until that a-hole in Vegas used one.
So to me it 's more like house cleaning.
No, it won't prevent mass shootings, but it's a by-the-way thing that needs to be done, now that we are aware of it.

You don't know much about guns, do you? The AR is much more accurate without the bump stock. If the shooter had used aimed fire, we'd have more deaths. The bump stock was simply a novelty item.

Bump stocks made the firearm LESS accurate; therefore, many lives were probably saved in Las Vegas. Besides, the gun controllers don't care about stocks. They just want CONTROL.
Bump stocks make a semi automatic fire as rapidly as an automatic. You have conveniently ignored that in your reply saying I'm ignorant about guns. Therefore, it should never have been legal to begin with. You can throw whatever silly arguments out there that you want--bump stocks save lives, all I want is to control your life--but you missed the important part right from the get go.
An attachment like that should never have been allowed on the market to begin with.

Bump stocks are garbage. I’m shocked the Vegas dude was even able to make it work. A finger works just as good as a bump stock and is 5 times as accurate.
No, the average guy's finger doesn't shoot that fast, or people wouldn't pay $200 for one of the things. However, since they're a worthless piece of plastic, I don't understand why anyone cares if they become illegal. I've never heard anyone say they're great and they would really miss it if they had to give it up. Zero. Nada.

Do you know why the military tells our soldiers not to shoot in full auto mode?
I have no intention on wasting time legislating something rarely used in criminal activity. I am sure somewhere a baseball bat was used to kill another human being, I oppose a ban on baseball bats. Your argument is disingenuous as it does not take into account that the killer, and lets be clear here, he was a millionaire, had the resources to do far more destruction if bump stocks and AR rifles were not available to him. Speculating that he might have killed far more had he ran into a ban on these items is just as valid as speculating the death toll would have been less. And neither should be used when creating good law.
The way I look at it, bump stocks should have never been legal. DOJ or whoever let us down on that from the beginning. They passed the buck and it fell on the floor. No one picked it up until that a-hole in Vegas used one.
So to me it 's more like house cleaning.
No, it won't prevent mass shootings, but it's a by-the-way thing that needs to be done, now that we are aware of it.

You don't know much about guns, do you? The AR is much more accurate without the bump stock. If the shooter had used aimed fire, we'd have more deaths. The bump stock was simply a novelty item.

Bump stocks made the firearm LESS accurate; therefore, many lives were probably saved in Las Vegas. Besides, the gun controllers don't care about stocks. They just want CONTROL.
Bump stocks make a semi automatic fire as rapidly as an automatic. You have conveniently ignored that in your reply saying I'm ignorant about guns. Therefore, it should never have been legal to begin with. You can throw whatever silly arguments out there that you want--bump stocks save lives, all I want is to control your life--but you missed the important part right from the get go.
An attachment like that should never have been allowed on the market to begin with.

Bump stocks are garbage. I’m shocked the Vegas dude was even able to make it work. A finger works just as good as a bump stock and is 5 times as accurate.
No, the average guy's finger doesn't shoot that fast, or people wouldn't pay $200 for one of the things. However, since they're a worthless piece of plastic, I don't understand why anyone cares if they become illegal. I've never heard anyone say they're great and they would really miss it if they had to give it up. Zero. Nada.

I can put an AR15 in your hands and in 30 minutes doing a mag dump at a 50 gallon drum and you will hit it more then you miss. And people pay 200 bucks to buy fake money in video games, people spend $300 bucks on ripped up jeans made to look dirty. People spend thousands on cars they will never drive. Yeah, a person would spend 200 bucks on a bump stock, use it once then toss it on top of their fridge and not even think about it. Most don’t give two shits that bump stocks are banned. As I said, a semi important AR owner will dump a magazine fast and accurate without a bump stock. No one will miss it because they can do what a bump stock does with a rubber band.
A question I could not answer and not a position I ever held.

I never suggested it was a position you held ...
Just that perhaps you could prove there was a contradiction to what the poster you were responding to had to suggested.

And ... As far as I can tell ... There is no disclaimer in the Bill of Rights that indicates the rights therein are subject to your approval or ability to negotiate.
There is a process for changing the Constitution should you disagree with any of it ... But you can stop trying to weasel your way around the protections that actually exist.
Here is the original quote:
people like US have kept your stupid liberal ass free, shame that happened, because you sure do want to be a slave of the government...

I asked for an example and andaronjim gave his military bio. What he didn't provide was how the 2nd amendment kept my "stupid liberal ass free". If you have any examples I'm all ears.
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
I spent a career in the military, my house is paid for, my wife died, my one kid is grown and I'd rather die by gunfire than wither away for months with cancer, so I will physically defend my right to bear arms if they come for the weapons that I have legally purchased.
I see that Deerfield, Illinois banned the ownership of semi-automatic firearms coupled with a fine of $1,000 per day to those who do not turn them in, yet I have not heard of anyone in that community rising up against the gun-grabbing establishment of that region.
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
I spent a career in the military, my house is paid for, my wife died, my one kid is grown and I'd rather die by gunfire than wither away for months with cancer, so I will physically defend my right to bear arms if they come for the weapons that I have legally purchased.
I see that Deerfield, Illinois banned the ownership of semi-automatic firearms coupled with a fine of $1,000 per day to those who do not turn them in, yet I have not heard of anyone in that community rising up against the gun-grabbing establishment of that region.
Will you fight to the death for your First Amendment Rights?

The First Amendment keeps us free
Will you fight to the death for your First Amendment Rights?

The First Amendment keeps us free
Of course...who wants to live under someones thumb? Free speech is paramount in a free nation...property rights and gun rights support your 1st amendment rights...there are men and women fighting and risking death right now for us...so we can be free...
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
I feel much like you, and I know there are many more. There are under cover police who feel the same. I am not sure but the Progressive will use Federal Agents under their control
All it would take is an extreme left-wing shift in the political structure combined with the existing (substantial) percentage of anti-gun Tories who would support a forcible seizure policy. With those components in place all it would take is another sensational shooting incident to "trigger" a demand for voluntary surrender followed by warrantless searches up to and including 3AM, door-busting S.W.A.T. raids.

For what purpose would the 'powers that be' seek to disarm a populace at war with itself Mike?>
I'm sorry if i missed the memo
is this
someDem/Rep or Left/Right civil war we're talking about, or some 'rouge governannce?

Either/Or, its all buhhsh*t

Let me forward this idea to you

If there's any sort of culvert plan to tank America, it's going to be having us off each other, which is happening more than any terrorist wet dream of late

I'd wager they're more than happy to have us own all the firearms, wallyworld ammo and spanki'n new flags we could possibly acquire

I don't know how old you are but I can remember a time when I would not have believed the kind of gun laws we have today could be enacted -- nor would I believe we Americans would ever witness such an outrageous exercise of federal police power as the massacre at Waco

Waco was a training mission at best

All the gun laws that exist ,as well as the 2nd are moot under the PA

we lost, they won

get over it

and fwiw, i can remember Cronkite announcing JFK's assasination

Mom brushed me off, now she thinks this country is every bit as 'effed as i do


All artwork aside ... You cannot protect someone's particular freedom by removing that freedom ... :thup:


Will you fight to the death for your First Amendment Rights?

The First Amendment keeps us free
Of course...who wants to live under someones thumb? Free speech is paramount in a free nation...property rights and gun rights support your 1st amendment rights...there are men and women fighting and risking death right now for us...so we can be free...
So if someone isn’t deployed 8000 miles from here, I won’t be free?
The gun butt hurt conservatives are truly a bunch of dopes.

No one is coming collecting your guns.

If you go out in public with a restricted weapon and you are seen, it will be taken from you. THEN the LEO will visit your home to inspect your arsenal.
i ask all of my brothers and sisters this famous question from The Untouchables:

“What are you prepared to do?

View attachment 191687

I have heard a lot of talk here and elsewhere from 2nd Amendment supporters like me. How theywont turn in their guns, how it will be the next Civil War if they try to take them, I see hats with Mulon Labe on them and I see Gadson Flags flying.

But what are you REALLY prepared to do when they come? You have jobs, you have a family, a mortgage, are you ready to become an outlaw?

I have given this a lot of real thought. I have personally decided that yes, I am prepared to be an outlaw. I have a mortgage, I have a family but they are all grown and on their own now. I have a job that I love but will put in jeopardy. But I am willing.

The key I think is to defy the laws and not get caught. To have my guns and everything else too. I am making plans to that end.

This guy WILL

What are YOU prepared to do?
I am prepared not to act like a hysterical nutter.
The gun butt hurt conservatives are truly a bunch of dopes.

No one is coming collecting your guns.

If you go out in public with a restricted weapon and you are seen, it will be taken from you. THEN the LEO will visit your home to inspect your arsenal.
And the vast majority of weapons are not restricted.
Gun nuts, listen to Coyote, for your own sake.

If you resist the law and are convicted, you will lose your guns.

So, if AR15s are 'banned', just leave them in your gun locker, ok?

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