What are you reading?

I'm reading two books of fiction right now. This is VERY unusual since I don't usually read two books at once. But when I do, it's usually one book of fiction and one nonfiction. But the books are really very different.

One is "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" by Mark Twain (which I never read while in school).

And the other book is "The Bell" by Iris Murdoch published in 1958
I'm reading 'Fear' by Michael Grant. Its the fifth book in the 'FAYZ' series. Basically, its about a group of kids, who found themselves trapped inside this massive dome like structure. Everyone over the age of fifteen vanished and the rest found themselves in this huge dome, which was created, unintentionally, by a five year old boy with strange powers, connected to the nuclear power plant in town.

In the dome, the kids develop powers, coyotes evolve and start to speak, and there is an unseen evil, hiding in the bowels of the earth...

Sounds corny, but I'm addicted. I can't believe I have to wait another 12 months for the final installment.
Finished three Cormac McCarthy novels, like Faulkner only darker and more evil, but beautifully done if you love words and writing. Always wanted to read 'The Road' after seeing it. His books are better than the movies.

Started 'Rising Up and Rising Down : Some Thoughts on Violence, Freedom and Urgent Means' by William T. Vollmann - not for the feint of heart.
"When all hell breaks loose -- Stuff you need to survive when disaster strikes." by Cody Lundin.

In the words of BackHome magazine, “When All Hell Breaks Loose – Stuff You Need to Survive When Disaster Strikes is aimed toward educating and preparing you and your family for change and the unknown. Despite the serious nature of the subject, Cody Lundin approaches it in a matter of fact, frequently entertaining manner, without the doomsday approach of typical “survivalist” tomes.” That statement pretty much sums up the whole book. It is one of those non-fiction books that you can read like a novel.

When All Hell Breaks Loose by Cody Lundin – Book Review
Just finished Killing Lincoln. Also reading The Panther by Nelson DeMille and No Easy Day.

Someone mentioned English history upthread, and I particularly like books on early British history.
Recently finished Keith Richards and Tony Iommi's books.
Now reading;
Gary Allen "None Dare Call It Conspiracy".
Pat Shannan "Everything They Ever Told Me Was A Lie".
Dan Erlewine "How To Make Your Electric Guitar Play Great!"
The Hot Zone.

I've read it a few times, still love it

I just finished one of his brother's books, Gideon's Corpse.

I've enjoyed many of Richard Preston's books, including The Hot Zone. Have you read The Wild Trees? Very interesting, as is The Demon in the Freezer.

He just finished writing Michael Crichton's last novel, Micro. I may pick it up just to see if he did justice to Crichton and his unfinished manusrcipt...
Oooh no I don't think i've read those, and now I know what to look for. I love Richard Preston. I remember reading another of his books (article? i can't remember...) about people who have some weird condition that causes the to cannibalize themselves. It was fascinating....and The Mountains of Pi is a great read, too...
Listening to 1984 by George Orwell on my daily walk.

I was somewhat Big Brother's government began as an English Socialist revolution (IngSoc in Newspeak).

For some reason I always thought it was a fascist oligarchy or military junta coup...and it may still be, I am only on chapter 3.

It could be a Nazi type of socialism, that had little to do with Socialist proper...we'll see.

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