What are you reading?

Chris Christie's biography...the more I read the more he reminds me of Willard Romney,for gun control,was for abortion,dispute between whether he offered to switch to democrats and run or democrats asked him to do so...
Bought a whole box of books from a girl on Facebook. Carla Neggers (what a name, right?), all romance novels.

I am trying to make my way through them all, and the first one I am reading is called 'The Rapids'.
Plato's Symposium. Can't believe it. It's written in praise of pedophilia, going even further to say that the best society is one run by pairs of adults with their teenage boytoys. The acadummies try to say that Plato's richkid fruitcakes have to be judged in the context of their time. But homosexuality and pedophilia are against human nature and rotten for any time. This is really why Ancient Greece collapsed. And Socrates was condemned to death not because he tried to teach wisdom to the younger generation, but because he ran a ring of pedophiles.

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