What are you reading?

I recently read "Promise Me Darkness" by Paige Weaver, which was one of the stupidest books I've ever read. Apparently it was written for adults based on the explicit sex, and a warning that the book was for readers 17 years and older, but the mentality of the characters was about like 12-year-olds. Well, the mentality of the author is that of a 12-year-old.

Now I am reading "Silver Linings Playbook" by Matthew Quick (his first book!). I'm really enjoying it, it's quite different from anything I've read lately.

And then...I go in WalMart this morning to pick up somethings and there it is...a movie!! They made movie of the book I'm reading, so when I get done with the book I can watch the movie! I love when that happens. : )

(I don't care if they ever make a movie of "Promise Me Darkness." Oh, and there is a sequel called "Promise me Light" coming out soon! I won't be reading it.)

Oh I just watched the movie Silver Linings, Saturday. It was so good. Just if your emotional make sure you have a box of tissues handy for the end. I love movies that makes you laugh, think and cry. I gotta read the book now. Didn't know it was a book.

I just picked up the book Jose Biaz wrote the other week but I haven't been able to get into it really. It's called Presumed Guilty.
Chris Carter - The Crucifix Killer

Has a good storyline, but goodness me, what a terrible writer he is! He needs a lesson in where to put his punctuation.
Just finished reading the first two installments of the Empire series by Anthony Riches, Wounds of Honour and Arrows of Fury. The series, thus far, is about a young nobleman in ancient Rome during the reign of Commodus whose father has fallen out of favour with the emperor. He's forced to flee to Roman Britain and join an auxillary cohort guarding Hadrian's Wall under an assumed identity.

I've enjoyed both books immensely and look forward to begin reading the third installment, Forest of Spears, in a few days' time.

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