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What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
That's because you don't have any of your own children. If you did, your perspective would change in a nanosecond. If you did, you would instantly see how the entire social matrix around your child was a classroom, and not just the drab walls and chain link of the schoolyard. You think learning stops once they step out of there?

Promoting gay marriage is exactly the same thing as promoting homosexuality. Surely you cannot be that dense. Marriage is the top tier, the acme, the apex of adult human achievement as far as social bonding goes and sexuality. It is the mooring to which all the crazy ships in this weird sea try to get to and tie up. Or at least it used to be. It's rusted, needs welding and some new links in the chain to its anchor, but promoting gay marriage is the final blow to its withering integrity.

Then all those ships will bash against each other willy nilly until there's nothing left in the harbor but splintered wood. What vessel will the children sail on then? You're a pirate as well as a crow. I thought you'd like the analogy.

Rather clever analogy, I'll give you that. But I still disagree with your claim. Marriage for gays does not mean they have "Holy Matrimony". And I'll teach any children I might have in the future that.

Specifically addressing your analogy, why does gay marriage have to interfere with the mooring heterosexual marriage is? If heterosexual marriage is considered separate from homosexual marriage, the blow need not fall on it.

Your influence over your theoretical children unfortunately would be like pissing in the wind over the greater influence over ALL children in our culture that the potent message via marriage that "gay is OK" would have. You can't be everywhere.

And hence the reason the concept and social embracing of gay marriage is the real concern and not how each individual apart from others handles it. It's the overall influence it will have on the greater culture we live in. Not in your house. Broaden the scope of your lens a bit.

The thing is that legally and from an observer's point of view, gay marriage will be one and the same as hetero. Our legal system cannot discriminate once they ascend to that privelege. So they'll get the same access to orphaned kids to adopt, the same "what they do is normal" curriculum forced into school sex ed classes. And this presents problems given their spoken and public affiliation with and defensive regard for a man who preyed sexually on teen boys. [see my signature].

Yes, put a new lens on that scope you're looking through. Widen your range a bit beyond just how gay marriage affects you or your theoretical children. Then you'll see where we are coming from.

If I had a child who later claimed to be gay, I wouldn't force him/her to be straight. I would be fine with it.

What if you had a gay kid?
Define "tolerate".

Do you and the other bigots like you engage in coordinated campaigns of slander and libel against anyone who dares hold an opinion contrary to your own?

We know you do.

Pointing out bigotry isn't being intolerant.

The bigot is you, the one who attacks any that do not conform to your views is you.

If someone made an openly racist public statement, you'd ignore it so as to appear "tolerant"?

Homosexuality is a behavior, not a race. The only way anyone even knows your sexual activities is if you tell them or perform them in front of them.

Your attempt to equate behavior with race is patently dishonest, but then, bigots are not ofter worried about integrity...
Really now? So now you don't have sex with women because you're attracted to them, but you always Knew you to have sex with them since birth because you were attracted to females?

You make no sense, Wytchy. None whatsoever.

Seawytch asked:
Do you believe you weren't straight until you had

Answer: No, I believe I was Born normal & healthy. I suppose that would technically mean I was born straight...I've told you quite a few times that I believe that sexuality can be influenced by enviromental & social causes, meaning you couldve been born just as I was, normal & healthy & "straight". Something you may not even be conciously aware of couldve influenced your brain to start thinking you were a lesbian at a young age. Understand? If I wouldve experienced something similiar at a young age, perhaps I would be gay today.
But it didn't, thank God!
I actually had a friend from church in 7th grade who thought he was gay because he could tell when a man would be attractive to women...I told him, No I can do that too, discern between a man that looks like crap & one who could get the chicks and told him to get some counseling if he seriously couldn't tell the difference between that and wanting to actually sleep with men. He got over it overnight it seemed.

So All I am trying to say is that sexuality is a poorly understood thing & it does not neccesarilly HAVE to be a CONCIOUS choice or an genetic influenced thing.

I think that is fair & I would think you would too.

The Brain plasticity findings from research into what causes homosexuality supports what I am saying. They found homosexuality changes the brain, skin texture, and even the scent of the practicing homosexual. So it is possible that something happening to you early in life you aren't aware of made you a lesbian.
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Really now? So now you don't have sex with women because you're attracted to them, but you always Knew you to have sex with them since birth because you were attracted to females?

You make no sense, Wytchy. None whatsoever.

Do you believe you weren't straight until you had sex?

No, I believe I was Born normal & healthy. I suppose that would technically mean I was born straight...I've told you quite a few times that I believe that sexuality can be influenced by enviromental & social causes, meaning you couldve been born just as I was, normal & healthy & "straight". Something you may not even be conciously aware of couldve influenced your brain to start thinking you were a lesbian at a young age. Understand? If I wouldve experienced something similiar at a young age, perhaps I would be gay today.
But it didn't, thank God!
I actually had a friend from church in 7th grade who thought he was gay because he could tell when a man would be attractive to women...I told him, No I can do that too, discern between a man that looks like crap & one who could get the chicks and told him to get some counseling if he seriously couldn't tell the difference between that and wanting to actually sleep with men. He got over it overnight it seemed.

So All I am trying to say is that sexuality is a poorly understood thing & it does not neccesarilly HAVE to be a CONCIOUS choice or an genetic influenced thing.

I think that is fair & I would think you would too.

PEACH: TESTING, do I delete the post in error?
Homosexuality is a mental/emotional disorder.

Homosexuality is a termination clause, natures way of stopping an unwanted genetic stream.

IF a gene is ever isolated as the cause of homosexuality, 90% of homosexuals will be aborted. It is a genetic dead end, that is the natural purpose of homosexuality - to weed out the genetic material that is adverse to the survival of the species.
WTF is going on with this damn forum. I just wrote out a real sincere post to seawytch & it gets chopped in half...whole parts of it gone.

I edited it, because I missed some points...those points are there, the original unedited post is gone!
WTF is going on with this damn forum. I just wrote out a real sincere post to seawytch & it gets chopped in half...whole parts of it gone.

I edited it, because I missed some points...those points are there, the original unedited post is gone!

Nobody knows anymore, Lockey.:lol:
Thanks for quoting the whole post prior to me editing it and it getting chopped in half . But please stop.
Do you believe you weren't straight until you had sex?

No, I believe I was Born normal & healthy. I suppose that would technically mean I was born straight...I've told you quite a few times that I believe that sexuality can be influenced by enviromental & social causes, meaning you couldve been born just as I was, normal & healthy & "straight". Something you may not even be conciously aware of couldve influenced your brain to start thinking you were a lesbian at a young age. Understand? If I wouldve experienced something similiar at a young age, perhaps I would be gay today.
But it didn't, thank God!
I actually had a friend from church in 7th grade who thought he was gay because he could tell when a man would be attractive to women...I told him, No I can do that too, discern between a man that looks like crap & one who could get the chicks and told him to get some counseling if he seriously couldn't tell the difference between that and wanting to actually sleep with men. He got over it overnight it seemed.

So All I am trying to say is that sexuality is a poorly understood thing & it does not neccesarilly HAVE to be a CONCIOUS choice or an genetic influenced thing.

I think that is fair & I would think you would too.

PEACH: TESTING, do I delete the post in error?
WTF is going on with this damn forum. I just wrote out a real sincere post to seawytch & it gets chopped in half...whole parts of it gone.

I edited it, because I missed some points...those points are there, the original unedited post is gone!

And I posted under your name. How I am still trying to understand. PEACH THIS ONE LOOKED ODD WHEN I RESPONDED.

hope this posts right...Yeesh!

Really now? So now you don't have sex with women because you're attracted to them, but you always Knew you to have sex with them since birth because you were attracted to females?

You make no sense, Wytchy. None whatsoever.

Seawytch asked:
Do you believe you weren't straight until you had sex?

Answer: No, I believe I was Born normal & healthy. I suppose that would technically mean I was born straight...I've told you quite a few times that I believe that sexuality can be influenced by enviromental & social causes, meaning you couldve been born just as I was, normal & healthy & "straight". Something you may not even be conciously aware of couldve influenced your brain to start thinking you were a lesbian at a young age. Understand? If I wouldve experienced something similiar at a young age, perhaps I would be gay today.
But it didn't, thank God!
I actually had a friend from church in 7th grade who thought he was gay because he could tell when a man would be attractive to women...I told him, No I can do that too, discern between a man that looks like crap & one who could get the chicks and told him to get some counseling if he seriously couldn't tell the difference between that and wanting to actually sleep with men. He got over it overnight it seemed.

So All I am trying to say is that sexuality is a poorly understood thing & it does not neccesarilly HAVE to be a CONCIOUS choice or an genetic influenced thing.

I think that is fair & I would think you would too.

The Brain plasticity findings from research into what causes homosexuality supports what I am saying. They found homosexuality changes the brain, skin texture, and even the scent of the practicing homosexual. So it is possible that something happening to you early in life you aren't aware of made you a lesbian.
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Gay Americans aren't going back in the closet no matter how repressed and frustrated it makes you feel. The oppression of your gay brothers and sisters in the US is over. Uganda and Russia are fertile grounds for your brand of hate I hear.

A. There is no such thing as a 'gay american" as if it were a race. There are Americans, some of which engage in homosexual behavior.

B. That's fine if you're out of the closet with your deviant sexual behavior. Just don't expect to your ilk to automatically be declared "a race" and thereby get access to the privelege of marriage...or for people to be forced to advocate for or enable your strange behaviors as a matter of law.

there is Zero concrete evidence of genetic causes of homosexuality, so your point is null & void.
You argument is a psychosis that develops from fear of the unknown, GreenBeanSnow.

All children are desirable. That you would think differently reveals much about you.

You would be one to abort a mongoloid fetus, wouldn't you?

You would abort a fetus genetically disposed to homosexuality.

BZZZT Wrong!

Epigenetics Is A Critical Factor In Homosexuality - Medical News Today

Epigenetics is a Key Player in Sexual Preference Epi-marks act as another layer of information fused to our genes that control their expression. Essentially, genes hold the directions, while epi-marks instruct how they are put into motion and completed.

Historically, epi-marks are eliminated and created anew with each generation, but new research shows that they can occasionally pass over between generations, causing similarities within families and appearing as shared genes.

Sex-specific epi-marks are made during early fetal development and serve as security against the considerable natural variation in testosterone that happens in late fetal development. For example, sex-specific epi-marks prevent female fetuses from becoming masculine when there are unusually high testosterone levels present, and vice versa for male fetuses.

Different kinds of epi-marks safeguard different sex-specific characteristics; some protect the genitals, others protect sexual identity, and this study suggests others keep safe sexual partner preference.

When these epi-marks are passed between generations from fathers to daughters or mothers to sons, they have the potential to result in reverse effects. The outcome is feminization of characteristics in sons or masculinization of some characteristics in daughters, occasionally affecting sexual preference.

This study provides an answer to the evolutionary mystery of homosexuality, suggesting that "sexually antagonistic" epi-marks can, at times, pass from generation to generation and result in homosexuality in opposite-sex children. The mathematical modeling shows that the coding of the genes for these epi-marks can spread in the population easily because they invariably raise the fitness of the parent, but are very rarely erased and do not reduce fitness in their children.

The study's co-author Sergey Gavrilets, NIMBioS' associate director for scientific activities and a professor at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, concluded, "Transmission of sexually antagonistic epi-marks between generations is the most plausible evolutionary mechanism of the phenomenon of human homosexuality."

Bravo ! Excellent article Derideo - well written and full of hope and wishful thinking. It deals with "Epi-Marks" . Epi-marks are eliminated and recreated with each suceeding generation, and were never considered to have been inherited

The study theorizes and suggests that what they term "sexually antagonistic" epi-marks can, at times, pass from generation to generation - if this is true it is extremely , I repeat extremely rare - although not impossible. The study is inconclusive allthough the theory is sound and plausible it is just that a THEORY - not proof positive .

Although I doapplaud your attempt - I believe youhave failed to debunk Lockejaws statement "there is Zero concrete evidence of genetic causes of homosexuality," allthough the study you cited is promising it is not concrete evidence - just a theory.
WTF is going on with this damn forum. I just wrote out a real sincere post to seawytch & it gets chopped in half...whole parts of it gone.

I edited it, because I missed some points...those points are there, the original unedited post is gone!

Nobody knows anymore, Lockey.:lol:

You probably hit preview post thinking you were hitting submit post - which I've done myself once or twice.
Homosexuality is a mental/emotional disorder.

Homosexuality is a termination clause, natures way of stopping an unwanted genetic stream.

IF a gene is ever isolated as the cause of homosexuality, 90% of homosexuals will be aborted. It is a genetic dead end, that is the natural purpose of homosexuality - to weed out the genetic material that is adverse to the survival of the species.

Sounds very plausible, alot more plausible than anything I hear coming out of the "other" camp - now if you could just find a very brave scientist - who is not afraid of losing his tenure, his job, his career and membership in the APA [If he has one] to put a rubber stamp on it - then perhaps it could fly.

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