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What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

What are your attitudes about Homosexuals?

  • I hate them all

    Votes: 1 1.0%
  • Homosexuals should be jailed or exiled

    Votes: 2 1.9%
  • They should have no special protections

    Votes: 31 29.5%
  • They should be protected under Civil Rights laws

    Votes: 28 26.7%
  • They should be allowed to have Civil Unions only

    Votes: 16 15.2%
  • They should be allowed to marry

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • They should be protected from any discrimination

    Votes: 27 25.7%
  • Who cares?

    Votes: 30 28.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
WTF? How did Peach change what I quoted her saying on my account? Is she a mod or something. She said "Its up in the air"...now it's not in a quote box like I typed it out? Glitch or what?

Don't be hacking my account, Peach!

Finally you admit it's still up in the air, no definitive proof...you still had to attack the source, which you mustve not read because they call the attempt to find the cause in epigenetics as "promising". And who knows, maybe they will prove to be right. I'm just tired of your side of the argument intentionally lying about it being PROVEN when it's not. Damn near been arguing this for a week & noone on your side really has even made the attempt to challenge their uninformed or intentionally lie filled stance that it has been proven.

Props for being honest, Peach.

That is one of my links Locked, study funded connected with by Rice University, an excerpt:

Most human sexuality researchers who are not religious conservatives regard homosexual orientation as a genetically caused trait like left-handedness.

Correct! The words are attributed to you, I POSTED THEM.
So who are the "Christian bigots" The Robertson family and Chik Filet?

That is correct. People that use their religion to justify bigotry...like segregation, anti miscegenation and anti gay bigotry.

Yet, when the Robertson family and Chik Filet were attacked people decided to support them and they prospered even more. Sounds like God is on their side. Does that make you angry at God?

Why should it. God has nothing to do with the haters. Do you believe god sided with the team that won a game?
Bump for SeaWytch's Reality Check.
Liberal's "Epigenetic Cause For HomoSexuality Proven" Myth DeBunked! Bump

No, this was a study I posted, you might want to read it:

f an epi-mark inverts the gender to which the fetus will be attracted later in life, then a gay. lesbian or bisexual newborn may result. Similarly, if an epi-mark inverts the gender with which the fetus will identify themselves later in life, then a transgender baby many be born.

Co-author of the study, Sergey Gavrilets, said that this relatively rare:

"Transmission of sexually antagonistic epi-marks between generations is the most plausible evolutionary mechanism of the phenomenon of human homosexuality."

The report's abstract says in part:

"Our model predicts that homosexuality is part of a wider phenomenon in which recently evolved androgen-influenced traits commonly display gonad-trait discordances at substantial frequency, and that the molecular feature underlying most homosexuality is not DNA polymorphism(s), but epi-marks that evolved to canalize sexual dimorphic development that sometimes carryover across generations and contribute to gonad-trait discordances in opposite-sex descendants." 3[/QUOTE]

I posted this, not LockedJaw.
I hope you don't mind me not really trusting you right now. If you admit that you did say what you said....That'd help a lot because this REALLY looks bad on your part right now...I do WANT to believe this is a glitch in the system & not you being dishonest because even though we disagree on some things...I still like you as a person.

Finally you admit it's still up in the air, no definitive proof...you still had to attack the source, which you mustve not read because they call the attempt to find the cause in epigenetics as "promising". And who knows, maybe they will prove to be right. I'm just tired of your side of the argument intentionally lying about it being PROVEN when it's not. Damn near been arguing this for a week & noone on your side really has even made the attempt to challenge their uninformed or intentionally lie filled stance that it has been proven.

Props for being honest, Peach.

That is one of my links Locked, study funded connected with by Rice University, an excerpt:

Most human sexuality researchers who are not religious conservatives regard homosexual orientation as a genetically caused trait like left-handedness.

Somehow, I can now EDIT your posts! Not my computer skills. I see what I wrote listed as something from YOU. Though a part is missing. [/QUOTE]
I don't think the laws are odious. Queers are odious, though. Healthy society is not odious.

Laws that deprive people of their liberty and pursuit of happiness for expressing support of gays are not odious according to you? Laws that imprison people because they upset those with homophobic religious beliefs are not odious either?

Sounds like you are even worse than LJ in this regard. But at least he can take comfort in having the company of someone like you who hates American's constitutional freedoms and rights too.

Queers are nasty perverts. We need to return to a healthy society and remove the homosexual agenda from our culture and society. You're confusing impressionable minds with lies. Nothing to do with the Constitution. Queers can live their lives within the constitution. Save the false premises and rhetoric for some naive college kids. This country did very well for 200 years by keeping the nasty filth in the shadows where they belong. Those Americans were good people and so am I. Go back to the shadows and stop calling good people bigots.

Gay Americans aren't going back in the closet no matter how repressed and frustrated it makes you feel. The oppression of your gay brothers and sisters in the US is over. Uganda and Russia are fertile grounds for your brand of hate I hear.
It's not for me, but to each his own. I only have a problem with PDA (gay and straight;get a room) and when gays try to force those who don't believe in their way of life to accept it. If someone's religion or personal convictions don't approve, that's their right as long as they are not hurting anyone physically. Just ignore them and move on. Baker doesn't want to bake you a wedding cake because you're gay,move on to one who will. Just like blacks in the 60's, time will improve gay civil rights.

P.S. Please dress conservatively for Gay pride parades ,nobody wants to see people dressed like strippers walking down the street grinding on eachother.
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Christian businesses are being targeted, but the queer trash will never admit it.

What a silly comment. You have homosexuals in your congregation, I bet.

The great majority of American homosexuals are Christian.

You seem as obsessive as Pop23.

Jake, quit bringing me up, I'm straight. Your obsession with me is a waste of time.

So you say. When did you choose to be straight? Were you equally attracted to both men and women but "chose" only one?
It's not for me, but to each his own. I only have a problem with PDA (gay and straight;get a room) and when gays try to force those who don't believe in their way of life to accept it. If someone's religion or personal convictions don't approve, that's their right as long as they are not hurting anyone physically. Just ignore them and move on. Baker doesn't want to bake you a wedding cake because you're gay,move on to one who will. Just like blacks in the 60's, time will improve gay civil rights.

Blacks didn't "move on", they got the Civil Rights Act passed which prohibits discrimination based on race, religion, country of origin, etc. When I don't have to serve a Christian, then they don't have to serve me.
Why should it. God has nothing to do with the haters. Do you believe god sided with the team that won a game?

Aren't the "haters" you, and other bigots like you? Those who will not tolerate any view save your own, and seek to destroy those who dare hold opinions you didn't approve for them?

Define "tolerate". Pointing out bigotry isn't being intolerant. If someone made an openly racist public statement, you'd ignore it so as to appear "tolerant"?
Twenty years ago you would have laughed at the idea of Queers getting Married at all - Progress is not always good progress - Hitler made a lot of progress in the 20s and 30s -he was considered a progressive - The progess for LGBT is degenrative Progress.

Who says that a Baker has to bake a Cake for a Gay Wedding when he is oppossed to homosexuality ????


Couple of questions.
1. Does a democrat or republican business owner have the right to refuse service to someone of the opposite party?

That's a loaded question - If I printed tee shirts lets say, and a nazi came in and ordered 1,000 shirts that said "Kill the Jews" - Yes- I should have the right to refuse service. Because it's something I find highly objectional .

If a Queer walked in and ordered shirts that said "I Suck Dick" I'd throw his ass out in half a heart beat and I would have every right to do so.

If a Queer Nazi walked in and ordered shirts that said "Eat at Joes" - with no objectional or vile content - then he should be given service .

If a Democrat walked in and ordered shirts that said "Vote forMe" it would be pretty stupid to turn down his business -simply because I am gonna vote for the other guy - Do I have a right to tell him NO ? You Betcha -but I'd be a very foolish businessman to do so.

Do you believe a gay baker has the right to refuse service to a heterosexual couple?

it would be pretty stupid to turn down their business -simply because your a pervert and their not - Does he have a right to tell him NO ? You Betcha -but he'd be a very foolish businessman to do so.

The queers involved in the Bakery Case were engaged in something the baker found detestable, and chances are thats why they chose him - to create an issue. They came and asked for a cake that basically said "WE suck Dick" and yes he had every right torefuse them.

First of all, I was not aware the Bakery thing was legit, I thought it was hypothetical. But it depends, if the gay couple asks for a cake and is paying for it, and asks for nothing special or unique about it, why does it matter? Sorry as I've never been married before, but do toppers come as individual pieces or as a pair?

Second, a shirt that says "I suck dick" is clearly objectionable. A regular cake is not. It does not have vile or objectionable content.

Third, if a gay couple was trying to cause a scene, they should not be helped. If they seriously wanted a cake, then they are not at fault.
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What a silly comment. You have homosexuals in your congregation, I bet.

The great majority of American homosexuals are Christian.

You seem as obsessive as Pop23.

Jake, quit bringing me up, I'm straight. Your obsession with me is a waste of time.

So you say. When did you choose to be straight? Were you equally attracted to both men and women but "chose" only one?

Nature made me straight, your mental disorder allowed you to choose irrational behavior.

Any more nonsense like you had sexual thoughts at the age of 5?

Laws that deprive people of their liberty and pursuit of happiness for expressing support of gays are not odious according to you? Laws that imprison people because they upset those with homophobic religious beliefs are not odious either?

Sounds like you are even worse than LJ in this regard. But at least he can take comfort in having the company of someone like you who hates American's constitutional freedoms and rights too.

Queers are nasty perverts. We need to return to a healthy society and remove the homosexual agenda from our culture and society. You're confusing impressionable minds with lies. Nothing to do with the Constitution. Queers can live their lives within the constitution. Save the false premises and rhetoric for some naive college kids. This country did very well for 200 years by keeping the nasty filth in the shadows where they belong. Those Americans were good people and so am I. Go back to the shadows and stop calling good people bigots.

Gay Americans aren't going back in the closet no matter how repressed and frustrated it makes you feel. The oppression of your gay brothers and sisters in the US is over. Uganda and Russia are fertile grounds for your brand of hate I hear.

Oh pshaw. More false rhetoric. You're not going to tell us how to think.
Why should it. God has nothing to do with the haters. Do you believe god sided with the team that won a game?

Aren't the "haters" you, and other bigots like you? Those who will not tolerate any view save your own, and seek to destroy those who dare hold opinions you didn't approve for them?

Define "tolerate". Pointing out bigotry isn't being intolerant. If someone made an openly racist public statement, you'd ignore it so as to appear "tolerant"?

I'm going to stop being a homophobic bigot when you stop being a Christophobic bigot. Deal?

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