Zone1 What baffles you most about this Religion forum (posters say----whatever)?


Platinum Member
Apr 22, 2024
I personally find it very baffling how closed minded people can get whne it comes to religion!

Now, if you have found the Church Christ established on Earth, you can afford to be "closed-minded" as many think Catholics are.

But if you don't REALLY 1000% believe that your "church" is the exact one Christ founded, and refuse to seek out the truth on this matter, I say Jesus will ask you Why when you die and go to meet Him...

and of course only God knows how that will end...!

But I think that Christians who don't care about which Church is the ONE... The Original, well, you won't want to hear this but I tend to think they are not sincerely Christian
Truth be told I'm just tired of the active topics list being overly cluttered-up by the Zone 1 religious types.
This baffles:

How people pass themselves off as being an expert on Catholicism (which gives them a license to reject it, they think) but when you read their posts, it's almost comical what they believe Catholicism teaches!
To find the church Christ started, through Peter, you have to travel to Jerusalem, not Rome. The Catholic church was started 300 years after the churches that Peter, Paul and the many others the disciples started, including the ones Christ acknowledged in Revelation.
We are Christ's church, regardless of what building we express that love for Him in:

Romans 16:5 Greet also the church in their house. Greet my beloved Epaenetus, who was the first convert to Christ in Asia.​

The word “church” is a translation of the Greek word ekklesia, which is defined as “an assembly” or “called-out ones.” The root meaning of church is not that of a building, but of people.
To find the church Christ started, through Peter, you have to travel to Jerusalem, not Rome. The Catholic church was started 300 years after the churches that Peter, Paul and the many others the disciples started,
That is just what someone told you. It is NOT true. The Catholic religion began at thevery beginning, when Christ ascended and then sent the Holy Spirit on the 12 and Mary
What I find baffling, is ignorant Catholics who babble on about the, "the one church that Christ founded," . . . relating an epistemological narrative about that church, but are in fact, completely ignorant about the history of that church.

I mean, it is right there in the name. . "ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH." The lord Jesus didn't name it that, neither did Peter, so why is it named that? Eh?

It is like these folks have only learned that history from their priests, but never really studied it in any academic manner.

So. . . to come on this forum, and tell others what they bleev is the "truth," is just lunacy.

What I find baffling, is ignorant Catholics who babble on about the, "the one church that Christ founded," . . . relating an epistemological narrative about that church, but are in fact, completely ignorant about the history of that church.

I mean, it is right there in the name.]
blah blah blah

You're just another one who has no clue about Christian history and doesn't want to grab one

ho hum... :bigbed:
That is just what someone told you. It is NOT true. The Catholic religion began at thevery beginning, when Christ ascended and then sent the Holy Spirit on the 12 and Mary
The Bible told me:

Acts 2:14 Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd, “Listen carefully, all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem! Make no mistake about this...

Acts 2:41 Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and
added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.
Peter preached there, in Jerusalem, for 15 years until his arrest, according to my denomination. according to the Bible...
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The Bible told me:

Acts 2:14 Then Peter stepped forward with the eleven other apostles and shouted to the crowd, “Listen carefully, all of you, fellow Jews and residents of Jerusalem! Make no mistake about this...

Acts 2:41 Those who believed what Peter said were baptized and
added to the church that day—about 3,000 in all.
Peter preached there, in Jerusalem, for 15 years until his arrest, according to my denomination. according to the Bible...
There is evidence Peter was in Rome even b4 he was crucified there.

There is 500 years btwn any given denomination and the time when the True Church was the only Church

But the True Church is still the only Church because there is only one. God doesn't need thousands of "churches" God is not the author of confusion
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View attachment 952035

those pictures/captions are BOGUS

francis has never, that I know of, claimed that the RCC is the Original (as a pope should) . HE is not Catholic
Peter fled to Rome when he escaped from prison. He was crucified there.
300 years later, Constantine started the Catholic church over the burial catacombs that may have had the bones of Peter in them.

If God cared about buildings, the Temple would still be standing...
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forked/misery thinks Francis is a heretic. She believes in the Borgia Pope and the Medici Pope of yore, and those other "lots more holy guys" in the old church... :uhoh3:

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