What can we all agree on?

That the GOP can go to hell so freedom, liberty, and the constitution can once again be honored like the founding fathers wanted.
That the GOP can go to hell so freedom, liberty, and the constitution can once again be honored like the founding fathers wanted.

You haven't a fucking clue about the Constitution OR what the FF wanted.

We are here to tell people like to simply fuck off, no free ride Philly....we don't owe you shit.
Whatever our political preferences are, don't we all care about every American having healthcare and living a decent life? Perhaps the ACA isn't the best solution, but neither is refusing to help. Thoughts?

There are those who believe refusing to help is the best ‘solution.’

There are those who believe that humans are motivated solely by fear and greed, and without the specter of having no access to affordable healthcare, one won’t feel compelled to work hard and strive for success so that he can indeed afford healthcare.

There are a number of problems with this, of course.

First, humans are far more complex and are motivated by far more than just fear and greed.

It’s no longer the 18th Century, when people lived to be 40 and there was no healthcare to not afford anyway.

In a modern, industrialized, market-driven capitalist society such as ours, there will always be a large, static population of the working poor who will never be able to afford any type of healthcare. And this population will always be far too large to be served solely by private, non-profit charitable entities.

Allowing a large, static population of the working poor to go without access to affordable healthcare is bad economics.

And to allow a large, static population of the working poor to go without access to affordable healthcare is morally reprehensible – we as a Nation are better than that.

Last, no one takes issue with repealing the ACA provided it’s replaced with something that will allow all Americans access to affordable healthcare. The problem isn’t the ACA, the problem is with those who seek to repeal the Act and replace it with nothing.
Whatever our political preferences are, don't we all care about every American having healthcare and living a decent life? Perhaps the ACA isn't the best solution, but neither is refusing to help. Thoughts?

Yes we care but "providing a decent life" is not the job of government. It's an individual's job...with society, in the form of charitable groups and religious organizations, supporting those who cannot make it. Those who refuse to make it can go pound sand.
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Whatever our political preferences are, don't we all care about every American having healthcare and living a decent life? Perhaps the ACA isn't the best solution, but neither is refusing to help. Thoughts?

The US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments never list healthcare as a right.
The ACA does nothing to make health care affordable, it is merely a mandate to have insurance and for the government to subsidize insurance.
If I am being forced (via taxes) to pay for health insurance for another person, that effectively makes me a slave to that person because the fruits of my labor are being denied of me and given to another.

You speak of a "decent living", should every person be provided clothing? Should every person be provided a house? What about in that house, should they be provided a comfortable bed and bedding, electricity, gas, cookware, dinnerware, etc?
Where do you draw the line for providing for others at your own personal expense?
The great majority of Americans want a government that works.

The great majority of Americans want an up and down clean vote.

The great majority of Americans want a negotiated budget every year.
Whatever our political preferences are, don't we all care about every American having healthcare and living a decent life? Perhaps the ACA isn't the best solution, but neither is refusing to help. Thoughts?
You are an ideolouge - get real.
There are many issues that we can agree upon. Example:

Take the financial incentive out of politics.

Every person I have ever asked about this is in agreement. We should make sure that our elected officials are never beholden to monied interests.

But.....that shit does not get headlines.

Your point...regarding our collective ( dirty word in some circles ) NEED to have a healthy populace....is stymied by the concern that many nutters have for the thickness of their master's wallets.
The great majority of Americans want a government that works.

The great majority of Americans want an up and down clean vote.

The great majority of Americans want a negotiated budget every year.

Why does Bammy have sucha hard time gettng his own people to vote for his budgets?
Whatever our political preferences are, don't we all care about every American having healthcare and living a decent life? Perhaps the ACA isn't the best solution, but neither is refusing to help. Thoughts?

The US Constitution, Bill of Rights and Amendments never list healthcare as a right.
The ACA does nothing to make health care affordable, it is merely a mandate to have insurance and for the government to subsidize insurance.
If I am being forced (via taxes) to pay for health insurance for another person, that effectively makes me a slave to that person because the fruits of my labor are being denied of me and given to another.

You speak of a "decent living", should every person be provided clothing? Should every person be provided a house? What about in that house, should they be provided a comfortable bed and bedding, electricity, gas, cookware, dinnerware, etc?
Where do you draw the line for providing for others at your own personal expense?

They don't list that the government should have control over reproduction or whether or not you can marry whomever you please, either.

How about the definition of "equal"? Or, "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"?
The great majority of Americans want a government that works.

The great majority of Americans want an up and down clean vote.

The great majority of Americans want a negotiated budget every year.

Why does Bammy have sucha hard time gettng his own people to vote for his budgets?

How many times does this have to be explained?

Until it makes sense and not the stupid excuses idiots like you make up.
To those who think that the federal government does not have the constitutional authority to provide a national healthcare program:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to... promote the general Welfare...do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
When polled Americans believe we are heading down the wrong path...............

When polled Americans rate our current Congress very very low. I even saw one poll that compared them to lice. And some polled said they could get rid of lice, but not Gov't.

The country has simply had it with our own Gov't. All of them. They now longer trust any of them and go to the polls hoping to elect the one that will do the least damage.
You haven't a fucking clue about the Constitution OR what the FF wanted.

We are here to tell people like to simply fuck off, no free ride Philly....we don't owe you shit.
Especially people like General Dynamics, Lockeed-Martin and Halliburton.
To those who think that the federal government does not have the constitutional authority to provide a national healthcare program:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to... promote the general Welfare...do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Sure, then why didn't Adams et al just spell it out.....FREE HC for all?
To those who think that the federal government does not have the constitutional authority to provide a national healthcare program:

"We the People of the United States, in Order to... promote the general Welfare...do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

Promote, not Provide. Big difference. Read your dictionary if you need clarification.

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