What can whites do to heal race relations?

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Don't you know only white people can be racist, cuck boy?
black people can be racist
Uh oh! You just stepped in it! No they cannot. Only white people can be racist! Only white people have power in this white supremacist system, so therefore only whites can be racist. You are one lousy liberal if you didn't know that! Check your privilege!
Don't you know only white people can be racist, cuck boy?
black people can be racist
Uh oh! You just stepped in it! No they cannot. Only white people can be racist! Only white people have power in this white supremacist system, so therefore only whites can be racist. You are one lousy liberal if you didn't know that! Check your privilege!

like when christians say something racist about muslims, and then say islam isn't a race, so it cant be racist? like that?
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
There is no white privilege.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
There is no white privilege.
sure there is?
Don't you know only white people can be racist, cuck boy?
black people can be racist
Uh oh! You just stepped in it! No they cannot. Only white people can be racist! Only white people have power in this white supremacist system, so therefore only whites can be racist. You are one lousy liberal if you didn't know that! Check your privilege!

like when christians say something racist about muslims, and then say islam isn't a race, so it cant be racist? like that?
Muslims are not a racial group, dummy. Did you mean Arabs?
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
There is no white privilege.
sure there is?
Obama has Black President privilege... And that's more privilege than any white man alive has.
have more racist memes or are you done?
Don't you know only white people can be racist, cuck boy?
black people can be racist
Uh oh! You just stepped in it! No they cannot. Only white people can be racist! Only white people have power in this white supremacist system, so therefore only whites can be racist. You are one lousy liberal if you didn't know that! Check your privilege!

like when christians say something racist about muslims, and then say islam isn't a race, so it cant be racist? like that?
Muslims are not a racial group, dummy. Did you mean Arabs?
see your playing the same word games right now, so whats your problem?
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
There is no white privilege.
sure there is?
Obama has Black President privilege... And that's more privilege than any white man alive has.
ill give you that one
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
There is no white privilege.
sure there is?
Prove it.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
There is no white privilege.
sure there is?
Prove it.
prove what?
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
There is no white privilege.
sure there is?
Prove it.
prove what?
White privilege. Okay I'm done trolling you now....I am transforming into super serious OOM now. Okay good.

Now, where were we? Oh yes, does white privilege exist? No. If it did, how do you explain all those white people living in worse poverty in the Appalachian Mountains back east than any inner city ghetto or barrio? And they've been white and poor for a loooooooong time now, when is their white privilege going to kick in?
Where do whites go to cash in on this 'white privilege', Purpleowl? I need to know so I can tell all the white people living in poverty that they need to go there and sign up so they can become privileged and rich.
As a race its pretty apparent that whites hate non whites and especially Blacks. How much more proof do you need dude? :laugh:

If that's the case then how do you explain the success of Asians in this country? As a whole we are doing better than whites.

Additionally, what about the Jews? Nobody has been persecuted throughout history as much as those people have and they fucking own everything

Asians are generally more compliant with whites while outworking them. Whites don't perceive them as a threat.

"Jew" is not a race and most modern day "Jews" are just white people that practice Judaism. Thats why they are able to just change their names and blend in with other whites..
So asians get along with people that like to get along vs people that feel beaten upon even though they have no valid reason to feel that way.

never realized what a racist dog you are.
How you got that out of what I said is a mystery. Its not hard. Asians know and believe they are smarter than whites. Since whites control the country they remain in the background and outwork you and pretend to like you if necessary.

Its none of my business if you think I am a racist. Just repeating what countless Asians have told me.
The KKK sure is pissed off
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
Free Rice Krispy treats for life...
You're somewhat of a liberal, Moonglow...since I avoid libs IRL like the plague whenever possible..
What percentage of white liberals that you know personally are pathetic, groveling, white guilt ridden losers like the OP of this thread?
just because hes not a sick degenerate neo nazi like you? shouldn't you be hiding from black people in a hole somewhere?
Shut your mouth. I am no neo-nazi and you're a leftist so you don't get to call anyone 'degenerate'. You are the degenerate by definition...this guy is a major pussy and nobody should respect him...and when he takes his white guilt routine to the 'hood...he will be used and abused. And he will deserve it because he is a waste of flesh, groveling sissy with unwarranted white guilt.

It's one thing to say "Hey, maybe I ought to try to understand Black's and other minorities plights." Its another to say "Oh please forgive me for something I never even knew I did and I actually didn't do, and not picking fights with my friends if they tell racial jokes! Wahhh!".

This guy is pathetic, and if you agree with him, so are you. I can't imagine how someone could go through life being such a complete cuckold.

Have some respect for yourselves, white folks. It doesn't make you a neo-nazi. Unlike what morons like the OP and this Purplefaggot guy I'm responding to think and say.
Well youre obviously a degenerate. This cant be the first time you have heard this can it?
Whites like the OP just piss me off. As a minority of a minority...being half Latino and half white....I don't want your pity, your sympathy, or anything. You haven't oppressed anybody, especially white cucks like you....you're too weak to oppress anyone.
I'm sorry but you have my pity. Obviously you are inbred and those neanderthal genes are raging.
Don't you know only white people can be racist, cuck boy?
black people can be racist
Uh oh! You just stepped in it! No they cannot. Only white people can be racist! Only white people have power in this white supremacist system, so therefore only whites can be racist. You are one lousy liberal if you didn't know that! Check your privilege!
The ignorance is deep in you. Blacks can be racist.
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