What can whites do to heal race relations?

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I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I do acknowledge my head start and perhaps I do have a bit of an inferiority complex but I have nothing against blacks. I just want to know, from a black person's perspective, what concrete actions I should take to improve conditions for blacks and other minorities.
Sounds to me like you have done all you can regarding yourself and thats what matters. If you want to take it further you can educate other whites that harbor racist assumptions and beliefs.
How you got that out of what I said is a mystery. Its not hard. Asians know and believe they are smarter than whites. Since whites control the country they remain in the background and outwork you and pretend to like you if necessary.

Its none of my business if you think I am a racist. Just repeating what countless Asians have told me.

Well, in that case, on behalf of all Asian-Americans, thank you for explaining to us what we all think of the rest of you.
Youre only half Asian. You even said so yourself.

Yep. And?
There is no way to make us equal, we are different and therefore can never be equal. Can we be treated equally under the law? Yes. Can we expect blacks, who have the lowest average IQs of all the races to ever be equal in living conditions? Nope. Why? Because blacks are not as smart as white people.

There is a reason the highest paid blacks do things physically, playing professional sports. They are not usually academic material.

Aren't you late for your Klan meeting?
Nope. Fuck the KKK. Science is racist?

Domestic violence is very high amongst interracial couples.

My parents are an interracial couple and they have never been violent towards each other.

And you are half white and half Asian, Asians aren't high testerone, they do not have a high propensity for violence when compared to blacks. That's why those couplings work out better and whites don't have as much of a problem with mixing with Asians.

You see, you need to do some studying up before you just assume things.

Pot meet kettle
You totally ignored the fact I was not talking about Asians. I was addressing whites and blacks. Come on man, hate my beliefs all you want, but don't pretend I won't notice when you are strawmanning me.

(Other answers inside quote box)
You were talking about Blacks and whites because you know your white women lust after Black men. Its approaching the pandemic stage and that pains you. Thats probably at the root of your inferiority complex. You have a itsy bitsy root.
How you got that out of what I said is a mystery. Its not hard. Asians know and believe they are smarter than whites. Since whites control the country they remain in the background and outwork you and pretend to like you if necessary.

Its none of my business if you think I am a racist. Just repeating what countless Asians have told me.

Well, in that case, on behalf of all Asian-Americans, thank you for explaining to us what we all think of the rest of you.
Youre only half Asian. You even said so yourself.

Yep. And?
So you cant speak on behalf of all Asians because you know good and well there are lots of Asians that hate their children marrying whites or any other race.
How you got that out of what I said is a mystery. Its not hard. Asians know and believe they are smarter than whites. Since whites control the country they remain in the background and outwork you and pretend to like you if necessary.

Its none of my business if you think I am a racist. Just repeating what countless Asians have told me.

Well, in that case, on behalf of all Asian-Americans, thank you for explaining to us what we all think of the rest of you.
Youre only half Asian. You even said so yourself.

Yep. And?
So you cant speak on behalf of all Asians because you know good and well there are lots of Asians that hate their children marrying whites or any other race.

According to the federal government I am Asian/Pacific Islander and Barack Obama is black, not half black, half white
How you got that out of what I said is a mystery. Its not hard. Asians know and believe they are smarter than whites. Since whites control the country they remain in the background and outwork you and pretend to like you if necessary.

Its none of my business if you think I am a racist. Just repeating what countless Asians have told me.

Well, in that case, on behalf of all Asian-Americans, thank you for explaining to us what we all think of the rest of you.
Youre only half Asian. You even said so yourself.

Yep. And?
So you cant speak on behalf of all Asians because you know good and well there are lots of Asians that hate their children marrying whites or any other race.

According to the federal government I am Asian/Pacific Islander and Barack Obama is black, not half black, half white
You shouldnt listen to the federal government. Youre all Asian then. I thought you said you had some white in you?
There is no way to make us equal, we are different and therefore can never be equal. Can we be treated equally under the law? Yes. Can we expect blacks, who have the lowest average IQs of all the races to ever be equal in living conditions? Nope. Why? Because blacks are not as smart as white people.

There is a reason the highest paid blacks do things physically, playing professional sports. They are not usually academic material.

Aren't you late for your Klan meeting?
Nope. Fuck the KKK. Science is racist?

Domestic violence is very high amongst interracial couples.

My parents are an interracial couple and they have never been violent towards each other.

And you are half white and half Asian, Asians aren't high testerone, they do not have a high propensity for violence when compared to blacks. That's why those couplings work out better and whites don't have as much of a problem with mixing with Asians.

You see, you need to do some studying up before you just assume things.

Pot meet kettle
You totally ignored the fact I was not talking about Asians. I was addressing whites and blacks. Come on man, hate my beliefs all you want, but don't pretend I won't notice when you are strawmanning me.

(Other answers inside quote box)
You were talking about Blacks and whites because you know your white women lust after Black men. Its approaching the pandemic stage and that pains you. Thats probably at the root of your inferiority complex. You have a itsy bitsy root.
Lol....no it is not hitting pandemic levels. Ultimately, it's the individuals choice to decide whether they want to punish their baby with a high probability of being barely over the IQ of functional retards in subsaharan Africa. I don't feel inferior to blacks in any way. By the way, if you forgot...I'm half mestizo myself..my mother is a brown Hispanic and my father is a white Hispanic. I don't date all-white women, so really I couldn't give a fuck less how many fat gut mudsharks you sleep with. I stick with my own because I like what I am, I'm not some dindu that feels so weak and powerless that I have to get me a white 'bitch' to fuck and slap around for a status upgrade.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I do acknowledge my head start and perhaps I do have a bit of an inferiority complex but I have nothing against blacks. I just want to know, from a black person's perspective, what concrete actions I should take to improve conditions for blacks and other minorities.
Sounds to me like you have done all you can regarding yourself and thats what matters. If you want to take it further you can educate other whites that harbor racist assumptions and beliefs.
What are you supposed to be, the fucking Dr.Drew of Cucky white libtards?
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I do acknowledge my head start and perhaps I do have a bit of an inferiority complex but I have nothing against blacks. I just want to know, from a black person's perspective, what concrete actions I should take to improve conditions for blacks and other minorities.
Sounds to me like you have done all you can regarding yourself and thats what matters. If you want to take it further you can educate other whites that harbor racist assumptions and beliefs.
What are you supposed to be, the fucking Dr.Drew of Cucky white libtards?
I have no idea who Dr Drew is and I dont know what a cucky is.
There is no way to make us equal, we are different and therefore can never be equal. Can we be treated equally under the law? Yes. Can we expect blacks, who have the lowest average IQs of all the races to ever be equal in living conditions? Nope. Why? Because blacks are not as smart as white people.

There is a reason the highest paid blacks do things physically, playing professional sports. They are not usually academic material.

Aren't you late for your Klan meeting?
Nope. Fuck the KKK. Science is racist?

Domestic violence is very high amongst interracial couples.

My parents are an interracial couple and they have never been violent towards each other.

And you are half white and half Asian, Asians aren't high testerone, they do not have a high propensity for violence when compared to blacks. That's why those couplings work out better and whites don't have as much of a problem with mixing with Asians.

You see, you need to do some studying up before you just assume things.

Pot meet kettle
You totally ignored the fact I was not talking about Asians. I was addressing whites and blacks. Come on man, hate my beliefs all you want, but don't pretend I won't notice when you are strawmanning me.

(Other answers inside quote box)
You were talking about Blacks and whites because you know your white women lust after Black men. Its approaching the pandemic stage and that pains you. Thats probably at the root of your inferiority complex. You have a itsy bitsy root.
Lol....no it is not hitting pandemic levels. Ultimately, it's the individuals choice to decide whether they want to punish their baby with a high probability of being barely over the IQ of functional retards in subsaharan Africa. I don't feel inferior to blacks in any way. By the way, if you forgot...I'm half mestizo myself..my mother is a brown Hispanic and my father is a white Hispanic. I don't date all-white women, so really I couldn't give a fuck less how many fat gut mudsharks you sleep with. I stick with my own because I like what I am, I'm not some dindu that feels so weak and powerless that I have to get me a white 'bitch' to fuck and slap around for a status upgrade.
Of course you feel inferior. It permeates everything you post that I have read. I know all to well about white boys like you from white women. Your little roots dont do the job and you feel inferior when your women leave you to get a Black man to satisfy her in ways you simply cant.
There is no way to make us equal, we are different and therefore can never be equal. Can we be treated equally under the law? Yes. Can we expect blacks, who have the lowest average IQs of all the races to ever be equal in living conditions? Nope. Why? Because blacks are not as smart as white people.

There is a reason the highest paid blacks do things physically, playing professional sports. They are not usually academic material.

Aren't you late for your Klan meeting?
Nope. Fuck the KKK. Science is racist?

Domestic violence is very high amongst interracial couples.

My parents are an interracial couple and they have never been violent towards each other.

And you are half white and half Asian, Asians aren't high testerone, they do not have a high propensity for violence when compared to blacks. That's why those couplings work out better and whites don't have as much of a problem with mixing with Asians.

You see, you need to do some studying up before you just assume things.

Pot meet kettle
You totally ignored the fact I was not talking about Asians. I was addressing whites and blacks. Come on man, hate my beliefs all you want, but don't pretend I won't notice when you are strawmanning me.

(Other answers inside quote box)
You were talking about Blacks and whites because you know your white women lust after Black men. Its approaching the pandemic stage and that pains you. Thats probably at the root of your inferiority complex. You have a itsy bitsy root.
Lol....no it is not hitting pandemic levels. Ultimately, it's the individuals choice to decide whether they want to punish their baby with a high probability of being barely over the IQ of functional retards in subsaharan Africa. I don't feel inferior to blacks in any way. By the way, if you forgot...I'm half mestizo myself..my mother is a brown Hispanic and my father is a white Hispanic. I don't date all-white women, so really I couldn't give a fuck less how many fat gut mudsharks you sleep with. I stick with my own because I like what I am, I'm not some dindu that feels so weak and powerless that I have to get me a white 'bitch' to fuck and slap around for a status upgrade.
Of course you feel inferior. It permeates everything you post that I have read. I know all to well about white boys like you from white women. Your little roots dont do the job and you feel inferior when your women leave you to get a Black man to satisfy her in ways you simply cant.
You keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to ignore the fact your people are the world's most underachieving, physically unattractive, unintelligent race. You want white girls because your women look like men in dresses and make up. My golden brown women are the most beautiful in the world. Even in Africa, the lighter blacks are higher up in the caste system than the dark ones.

So I'll just say have fun fucking white trash slags in the hopes you produce a mulatto baby....but unfortunately for you..you'll never be even half white. Lmao!
Aren't you late for your Klan meeting?
Nope. Fuck the KKK. Science is racist?

My parents are an interracial couple and they have never been violent towards each other.

And you are half white and half Asian, Asians aren't high testerone, they do not have a high propensity for violence when compared to blacks. That's why those couplings work out better and whites don't have as much of a problem with mixing with Asians.

Pot meet kettle
You totally ignored the fact I was not talking about Asians. I was addressing whites and blacks. Come on man, hate my beliefs all you want, but don't pretend I won't notice when you are strawmanning me.

(Other answers inside quote box)
You were talking about Blacks and whites because you know your white women lust after Black men. Its approaching the pandemic stage and that pains you. Thats probably at the root of your inferiority complex. You have a itsy bitsy root.
Lol....no it is not hitting pandemic levels. Ultimately, it's the individuals choice to decide whether they want to punish their baby with a high probability of being barely over the IQ of functional retards in subsaharan Africa. I don't feel inferior to blacks in any way. By the way, if you forgot...I'm half mestizo myself..my mother is a brown Hispanic and my father is a white Hispanic. I don't date all-white women, so really I couldn't give a fuck less how many fat gut mudsharks you sleep with. I stick with my own because I like what I am, I'm not some dindu that feels so weak and powerless that I have to get me a white 'bitch' to fuck and slap around for a status upgrade.
Of course you feel inferior. It permeates everything you post that I have read. I know all to well about white boys like you from white women. Your little roots dont do the job and you feel inferior when your women leave you to get a Black man to satisfy her in ways you simply cant.
You keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to ignore the fact your people are the world's most underachieving, physically unattractive, unintelligent race. You want white girls because your women look like men in dresses and make up. My golden brown women are the most beautiful in the world. Even in Africa, the lighter blacks are higher up in the caste system than the dark ones.

So I'll just say have fun fucking white trash slags in the hopes you produce a mulatto baby....but unfortunately for you..you'll never be even half white. Lmao!
Your white women and women the world over tell us different than your fragile inferiority complex and rationalization process assumes. Everyone reading your posts know you have to refer to white women as trashy slags because it hurts you that they reject your recessive genes and tiny root. Basically you protest too strenuously which is a dead giveaway that I have hit the nail on the head. Your little root and recessive genes have failed on more than one occasion obviously and you lost those women to a Black guy.or multiple Black guys. Like the other white guys that flip out and commit mass murder, i am sure you have a manifesto somewhere whining about how the Black guys take all the women you want. :laugh:
You totally ignored the fact I was not talking about Asians. I was addressing whites and blacks. Come on man, hate my beliefs all you want, but don't pretend I won't notice when you are strawmanning me.

(Other answers inside quote box)
You were talking about Blacks and whites because you know your white women lust after Black men. Its approaching the pandemic stage and that pains you. Thats probably at the root of your inferiority complex. You have a itsy bitsy root.
Lol....no it is not hitting pandemic levels. Ultimately, it's the individuals choice to decide whether they want to punish their baby with a high probability of being barely over the IQ of functional retards in subsaharan Africa. I don't feel inferior to blacks in any way. By the way, if you forgot...I'm half mestizo myself..my mother is a brown Hispanic and my father is a white Hispanic. I don't date all-white women, so really I couldn't give a fuck less how many fat gut mudsharks you sleep with. I stick with my own because I like what I am, I'm not some dindu that feels so weak and powerless that I have to get me a white 'bitch' to fuck and slap around for a status upgrade.
Of course you feel inferior. It permeates everything you post that I have read. I know all to well about white boys like you from white women. Your little roots dont do the job and you feel inferior when your women leave you to get a Black man to satisfy her in ways you simply cant.
You keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to ignore the fact your people are the world's most underachieving, physically unattractive, unintelligent race. You want white girls because your women look like men in dresses and make up. My golden brown women are the most beautiful in the world. Even in Africa, the lighter blacks are higher up in the caste system than the dark ones.

So I'll just say have fun fucking white trash slags in the hopes you produce a mulatto baby....but unfortunately for you..you'll never be even half white. Lmao!
Your white women and women the world over tell us different than your fragile inferiority complex and rationalization process assumes. Everyone reading your posts know you have to refer to white women as trashy slags because it hurts you that they reject your recessive genes and tiny root. Basically you protest too strenuously which is a dead giveaway that I have hit the nail on the head. Your little root and recessive genes have failed on more than one occasion obviously and you lost those women to a Black guy.or multiple Black guys. Like the other white guys that flip out and commit mass murder, i am sure you have a manifesto somewhere whining about how the Black guys take all the women you want. :laugh:
99% of the white women I see with black guys, no white man would want. I wouldn't touch any race woman that has slept with a nappy headed pavement ape...you guys have so many diseases and AIDS from fucking each other in the joint on the 'down low'. You could never hit a nail on the head, your lazy black ass would need a job first!
You were talking about Blacks and whites because you know your white women lust after Black men. Its approaching the pandemic stage and that pains you. Thats probably at the root of your inferiority complex. You have a itsy bitsy root.
Lol....no it is not hitting pandemic levels. Ultimately, it's the individuals choice to decide whether they want to punish their baby with a high probability of being barely over the IQ of functional retards in subsaharan Africa. I don't feel inferior to blacks in any way. By the way, if you forgot...I'm half mestizo myself..my mother is a brown Hispanic and my father is a white Hispanic. I don't date all-white women, so really I couldn't give a fuck less how many fat gut mudsharks you sleep with. I stick with my own because I like what I am, I'm not some dindu that feels so weak and powerless that I have to get me a white 'bitch' to fuck and slap around for a status upgrade.
Of course you feel inferior. It permeates everything you post that I have read. I know all to well about white boys like you from white women. Your little roots dont do the job and you feel inferior when your women leave you to get a Black man to satisfy her in ways you simply cant.
You keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to ignore the fact your people are the world's most underachieving, physically unattractive, unintelligent race. You want white girls because your women look like men in dresses and make up. My golden brown women are the most beautiful in the world. Even in Africa, the lighter blacks are higher up in the caste system than the dark ones.

So I'll just say have fun fucking white trash slags in the hopes you produce a mulatto baby....but unfortunately for you..you'll never be even half white. Lmao!
Your white women and women the world over tell us different than your fragile inferiority complex and rationalization process assumes. Everyone reading your posts know you have to refer to white women as trashy slags because it hurts you that they reject your recessive genes and tiny root. Basically you protest too strenuously which is a dead giveaway that I have hit the nail on the head. Your little root and recessive genes have failed on more than one occasion obviously and you lost those women to a Black guy.or multiple Black guys. Like the other white guys that flip out and commit mass murder, i am sure you have a manifesto somewhere whining about how the Black guys take all the women you want. :laugh:
99% of the white women I see with black guys, no white man would want. I wouldn't touch any race woman that has slept with a nappy headed pavement ape...you guys have so many diseases and AIDS from fucking each other in the joint on the 'down low'. You could never hit a nail on the head, your lazy black ass would need a job first!
Sounds like you are trying to convince me and yourself. Sorry but its not working. I know better from personal experience little root.
Lol....no it is not hitting pandemic levels. Ultimately, it's the individuals choice to decide whether they want to punish their baby with a high probability of being barely over the IQ of functional retards in subsaharan Africa. I don't feel inferior to blacks in any way. By the way, if you forgot...I'm half mestizo myself..my mother is a brown Hispanic and my father is a white Hispanic. I don't date all-white women, so really I couldn't give a fuck less how many fat gut mudsharks you sleep with. I stick with my own because I like what I am, I'm not some dindu that feels so weak and powerless that I have to get me a white 'bitch' to fuck and slap around for a status upgrade.
Of course you feel inferior. It permeates everything you post that I have read. I know all to well about white boys like you from white women. Your little roots dont do the job and you feel inferior when your women leave you to get a Black man to satisfy her in ways you simply cant.
You keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to ignore the fact your people are the world's most underachieving, physically unattractive, unintelligent race. You want white girls because your women look like men in dresses and make up. My golden brown women are the most beautiful in the world. Even in Africa, the lighter blacks are higher up in the caste system than the dark ones.

So I'll just say have fun fucking white trash slags in the hopes you produce a mulatto baby....but unfortunately for you..you'll never be even half white. Lmao!
Your white women and women the world over tell us different than your fragile inferiority complex and rationalization process assumes. Everyone reading your posts know you have to refer to white women as trashy slags because it hurts you that they reject your recessive genes and tiny root. Basically you protest too strenuously which is a dead giveaway that I have hit the nail on the head. Your little root and recessive genes have failed on more than one occasion obviously and you lost those women to a Black guy.or multiple Black guys. Like the other white guys that flip out and commit mass murder, i am sure you have a manifesto somewhere whining about how the Black guys take all the women you want. :laugh:
99% of the white women I see with black guys, no white man would want. I wouldn't touch any race woman that has slept with a nappy headed pavement ape...you guys have so many diseases and AIDS from fucking each other in the joint on the 'down low'. You could never hit a nail on the head, your lazy black ass would need a job first!
Sounds like you are trying to convince me and yourself. Sorry but its not working. I know better from personal experience little root.
No I don't, dumb jiggaboo. If that's the case, then you are doing that exact same thing. Like I said, I don't care how many white trash slags you stick your AIDS infected dick in...I'm not in danger of dealing with them anyway because the women I have been with are way above your pay scale and too classy to associate with basketball American males. You keep bragging on your 'muh dick', because that's all your musty shit-lock headed ass has.
Of course you feel inferior. It permeates everything you post that I have read. I know all to well about white boys like you from white women. Your little roots dont do the job and you feel inferior when your women leave you to get a Black man to satisfy her in ways you simply cant.
You keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to ignore the fact your people are the world's most underachieving, physically unattractive, unintelligent race. You want white girls because your women look like men in dresses and make up. My golden brown women are the most beautiful in the world. Even in Africa, the lighter blacks are higher up in the caste system than the dark ones.

So I'll just say have fun fucking white trash slags in the hopes you produce a mulatto baby....but unfortunately for you..you'll never be even half white. Lmao!
Your white women and women the world over tell us different than your fragile inferiority complex and rationalization process assumes. Everyone reading your posts know you have to refer to white women as trashy slags because it hurts you that they reject your recessive genes and tiny root. Basically you protest too strenuously which is a dead giveaway that I have hit the nail on the head. Your little root and recessive genes have failed on more than one occasion obviously and you lost those women to a Black guy.or multiple Black guys. Like the other white guys that flip out and commit mass murder, i am sure you have a manifesto somewhere whining about how the Black guys take all the women you want. :laugh:
99% of the white women I see with black guys, no white man would want. I wouldn't touch any race woman that has slept with a nappy headed pavement ape...you guys have so many diseases and AIDS from fucking each other in the joint on the 'down low'. You could never hit a nail on the head, your lazy black ass would need a job first!
Sounds like you are trying to convince me and yourself. Sorry but its not working. I know better from personal experience little root.
No I don't, dumb jiggaboo. If that's the case, then you are doing that exact same thing. Like I said, I don't care how many white trash slags you stick your AIDS infected dick in...I'm not in danger of dealing with them anyway because the women I have been with are way above your pay scale and too classy to associate with basketball American males. You keep bragging on your 'muh dick', because that's all your musty shit-lock headed ass has.
No you dont what? Are you confused or just emotional? I know. There there. All those bad white women having sex and fornicating with Black guys when they could be with you and your little root and recessive genes.
You keep telling yourself whatever you need to in order to ignore the fact your people are the world's most underachieving, physically unattractive, unintelligent race. You want white girls because your women look like men in dresses and make up. My golden brown women are the most beautiful in the world. Even in Africa, the lighter blacks are higher up in the caste system than the dark ones.

So I'll just say have fun fucking white trash slags in the hopes you produce a mulatto baby....but unfortunately for you..you'll never be even half white. Lmao!
Your white women and women the world over tell us different than your fragile inferiority complex and rationalization process assumes. Everyone reading your posts know you have to refer to white women as trashy slags because it hurts you that they reject your recessive genes and tiny root. Basically you protest too strenuously which is a dead giveaway that I have hit the nail on the head. Your little root and recessive genes have failed on more than one occasion obviously and you lost those women to a Black guy.or multiple Black guys. Like the other white guys that flip out and commit mass murder, i am sure you have a manifesto somewhere whining about how the Black guys take all the women you want. :laugh:
99% of the white women I see with black guys, no white man would want. I wouldn't touch any race woman that has slept with a nappy headed pavement ape...you guys have so many diseases and AIDS from fucking each other in the joint on the 'down low'. You could never hit a nail on the head, your lazy black ass would need a job first!
Sounds like you are trying to convince me and yourself. Sorry but its not working. I know better from personal experience little root.
No I don't, dumb jiggaboo. If that's the case, then you are doing that exact same thing. Like I said, I don't care how many white trash slags you stick your AIDS infected dick in...I'm not in danger of dealing with them anyway because the women I have been with are way above your pay scale and too classy to associate with basketball American males. You keep bragging on your 'muh dick', because that's all your musty shit-lock headed ass has.
No you dont what? Are you confused or just emotional? I know. There there. All those bad white women having sex and fornicating with Black guys when they could be with you and your little root and recessive genes.
You're one dumb Monkeyshine. What is the first thing you said? Damn jigg, you too stupid to remember statements you made?
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