What can whites do to heal race relations?

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Where do whites go to cash in on this 'white privilege', Purpleowl? I need to know so I can tell all the white people living in poverty that they need to go there and sign up so they can become privileged and rich.
Whites such as yourself in poverty only need to get off their ass, take a bath, and apply for a job. Your high school diploma will give you the same chance for a job a college educated Black person would get.

A Black Male With A Degree And A White High School Grad Have The Same Chances Of Getting A Job | Huffington Post

"Several studies have pointed out the evident racial achievement gap but recent research has revealed a sad truth — an African-American male with an associate degree has the same chances of getting a job as a white male with a high school diploma."
As a race its pretty apparent that whites hate non whites and especially Blacks. How much more proof do you need dude? :laugh:

If that's the case then how do you explain the success of Asians in this country? As a whole we are doing better than whites.

Additionally, what about the Jews? Nobody has been persecuted throughout history as much as those people have and they fucking own everything

Asians are generally more compliant with whites while outworking them. Whites don't perceive them as a threat.

"Jew" is not a race and most modern day "Jews" are just white people that practice Judaism. Thats why they are able to just change their names and blend in with other whites..
So asians get along with people that like to get along vs people that feel beaten upon even though they have no valid reason to feel that way.

never realized what a racist dog you are.
How you got that out of what I said is a mystery. Its not hard. Asians know and believe they are smarter than whites. Since whites control the country they remain in the background and outwork you and pretend to like you if necessary.

Its none of my business if you think I am a racist. Just repeating what countless Asians have told me.
countless asians have spoken to you.

How you got that out of what I said is a mystery. Its not hard. Asians know and believe they are smarter than whites. Since whites control the country they remain in the background and outwork you and pretend to like you if necessary.

Its none of my business if you think I am a racist. Just repeating what countless Asians have told me.

Well, in that case, on behalf of all Asian-Americans, thank you for explaining to us what we all think of the rest of you.
How you got that out of what I said is a mystery. Its not hard. Asians know and believe they are smarter than whites. Since whites control the country they remain in the background and outwork you and pretend to like you if necessary.

Its none of my business if you think I am a racist. Just repeating what countless Asians have told me.

Well, in that case, on behalf of all Asian-Americans, thank you for explaining to us what we all think of the rest of you.
As a race its pretty apparent that whites hate non whites and especially Blacks. How much more proof do you need dude? :laugh:

If that's the case then how do you explain the success of Asians in this country? As a whole we are doing better than whites.

Additionally, what about the Jews? Nobody has been persecuted throughout history as much as those people have and they fucking own everything

Asians are generally more compliant with whites while outworking them. Whites don't perceive them as a threat.

"Jew" is not a race and most modern day "Jews" are just white people that practice Judaism. Thats why they are able to just change their names and blend in with other whites..
So asians get along with people that like to get along vs people that feel beaten upon even though they have no valid reason to feel that way.

never realized what a racist dog you are.
How you got that out of what I said is a mystery. Its not hard. Asians know and believe they are smarter than whites. Since whites control the country they remain in the background and outwork you and pretend to like you if necessary.

Its none of my business if you think I am a racist. Just repeating what countless Asians have told me.
countless asians have spoken to you.

I know one thing, a lot of black men obsess about Asian women, because they are the least likely to give the brothers the time of day. A knuckle dragging pavement ape like Ass-Clap could never get an Asian chick. When I have seen an Asian woman with a black man, the black guy is obviously successful, not some gutter snipe with his pants hanging off his ass screaming about the days when blacks were kangz.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I do acknowledge my head start and perhaps I do have a bit of an inferiority complex but I have nothing against blacks. I just want to know, from a black person's perspective, what concrete actions I should take to improve conditions for blacks and other minorities.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I do acknowledge my head start and perhaps I do have a bit of an inferiority complex but I have nothing against blacks. I just want to know, from a black person's perspective, what concrete actions I should take to improve conditions for blacks and other minorities.
You cannot help them, they have to help themselves. The government has set up countless social programs to help them and it hasn't helped them a bit.

And by the way, blacks are doing much better here than anywhere else, if you want to find some blacks to pity and prostrate yourself in front of....go to sub Saharan Africa...at least they'll appreciate the help instead of calling you racist for giving your tax dollars to help them along.
I respect men who respect themselves, not white guilt ridden wimpy men like you.
who told you i was white?
Only white liberal cucks say the things you say. No black man, Indian, Latino or Asian man would be as much of a self hating loser as you.
why is that? is it because black guys are so strong and powerful? and muscular and covered in babyoil
Sounds like he is afraid if blacks gain true equality and are able to reach their full potential, his woman will dump him for a superior black man. Numerous Scientific studies have shown that blacks are physically superior.
I respect men who respect themselves, not white guilt ridden wimpy men like you.
who told you i was white?
Only white liberal cucks say the things you say. No black man, Indian, Latino or Asian man would be as much of a self hating loser as you.
why is that? is it because black guys are so strong and powerful? and muscular and covered in babyoil
Sounds like he is afraid if blacks gain true equality and are able to reach their full potential, his woman will dump him for a superior black man. Numerous Scientific studies have shown that blacks are physically superior.
What is 'true equality'?
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
The reasons are simple: whites perceive Black men as physically superior. This is intimidating to most white men and attractive to many white women. white men fear that, if it becomes more socially acceptable, white women will persue Black men. Since Black genes tend to be of the dominant variety, white traits will be lost . IF this is true, im ok with it. Its just the natural order of things.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
The reasons are simple: whites perceive Black men as physically superior. This is intimidating to most white men and attractive to many white women. white men fear that, if it becomes more socially acceptable, white women will persue Black men. Since Black genes tend to be of the dominant variety, white traits will be lost . IF this is true, im ok with it. Its just the natural order of things.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.

You are a liar.

YOu are a far left wacko who is trying to start a conversation that you think needs to happen.

It is the standard old bullshit that racism in this country is about whites being racist.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
The reasons are simple: whites perceive Black men as physically superior. This is intimidating to most white men and attractive to many white women. white men fear that, if it becomes more socially acceptable, white women will persue Black men. Since Black genes tend to be of the dominant variety, white traits will be lost . IF this is true, im ok with it. Its just the natural order of things.
Firstly, that perception is largely true. On average, black people are physically superior to whites. Watch any physical sport like football or boxing and that becomes abundantly clear. Conversely, Whites are intellectually superior to blacks and you can see that manifest in being more educated on average, higher income on average, their families are more intact on average, etc...

There is no way to make us equal, we are different and therefore can never be equal. Can we be treated equally under the law? Yes. Can we expect blacks, who have the lowest average IQs of all the races to ever be equal in living conditions? Nope. Why? Because blacks are not as smart as white people.

There is a reason the highest paid blacks do things physically, playing professional sports. They are not usually academic material.

White fathers don't want to dumb down their future generation's genetics, have their daughter with a man that cannot provide financially for them, and that's not even mentioning the reality that along with their average low IQ of 85 while whites average 100, they also have a higher propensity for violence due to their higher testosterone levels... White fathers don't want their daughters to be a victim of domestic violence.

Domestic violence is very high amongst interracial couples.

You see, you need to do some studying up before you just assume things.
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I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.

You are a liar.

YOu are a far left wacko who is trying to start a conversation that you think needs to happen.

It is the standard old bullshit that racism in this country is about whites being racist.
Exactly. Just another phony Social Justice Warrior.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.

Don't assume (like many here do) that all black people think alike and act alike.
There is no way to make us equal, we are different and therefore can never be equal. Can we be treated equally under the law? Yes. Can we expect blacks, who have the lowest average IQs of all the races to ever be equal in living conditions? Nope. Why? Because blacks are not as smart as white people.

There is a reason the highest paid blacks do things physically, playing professional sports. They are not usually academic material.

Aren't you late for your Klan meeting?

Domestic violence is very high amongst interracial couples.

My parents are an interracial couple and they have never been violent towards each other.

You see, you need to do some studying up before you just assume things.

Pot meet kettle
There is no way to make us equal, we are different and therefore can never be equal. Can we be treated equally under the law? Yes. Can we expect blacks, who have the lowest average IQs of all the races to ever be equal in living conditions? Nope. Why? Because blacks are not as smart as white people.

There is a reason the highest paid blacks do things physically, playing professional sports. They are not usually academic material.

Aren't you late for your Klan meeting?
Nope. Fuck the KKK. Science is racist?

Domestic violence is very high amongst interracial couples.

My parents are an interracial couple and they have never been violent towards each other.

And you are half white and half Asian, Asians aren't high testerone, they do not have a high propensity for violence when compared to blacks. That's why those couplings work out better and whites don't have as much of a problem with mixing with Asians.

You see, you need to do some studying up before you just assume things.

Pot meet kettle
You totally ignored the fact I was not talking about Asians. I was addressing whites and blacks. Come on man, hate my beliefs all you want, but don't pretend I won't notice when you are strawmanning me.

(Other answers inside quote box)
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I do acknowledge my head start and perhaps I do have a bit of an inferiority complex but I have nothing against blacks. I just want to know, from a black person's perspective, what concrete actions I should take to improve conditions for blacks and other minorities.
do nothing for them
the nation has been doing for them for decades and they made their own lives worse

they need to improve themselves.

not you are anyone else can do a thing
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I am a middle aged white man living in a predominantly white region. I used to think I was not racist at all, but in light of recent black-white tensions in the US, I have taken a close look at myself. While I do not disparage black people, I have been in groups where racist things were said and not spoken out and denounced them. I have also been slow to admit the white priviledge that I have been able to take advantage of my whole life. I now acknowledge that institutional racism exists in this country. I guess I would say I am a recovering racist. I think that most white people fear loss of priviledge and harsh retaliation if blacks gain too much power in our society. Certainly white priviledge would be lost in a society ruled by blacks and other minorities, but that is the goal, a society that does not unfairly advantage whites. I would be more than willing to serve a more subordinate role in society if it meant being able to live in peace and I believe a society with more people of color in authority would be a better society. To hasten this inevitable paradigm shift, I would like to hear from black people what I can do on a daily basis.
The main thing is to acknowledge your automatic head start without feeling guilty about it even if its just to yourself. You hit the nail on the head when you said whites fear retaliation. One of your founding fathers said the same thing. Jefferson feared retaliation as well. Albert Einstein said racism was a disease of white people. My view point is that if whites didnt have an inferiority complex they would have never legislated themselves white only affirmative action for over 400 years then get upset when Blacks have partial affirmative action. If they discover and deal with the reasons for their inferiority complex they will be able to stop racism.
I do acknowledge my head start and perhaps I do have a bit of an inferiority complex but I have nothing against blacks. I just want to know, from a black person's perspective, what concrete actions I should take to improve conditions for blacks and other minorities.
do nothing for them
the nation has been doing for them for decades and they made their own lives worse

they need to improve themselves.

not you are anyone else can do a thing
Telling the blacks on welfare to fuck off and fend for themselves would either do one of two things: Get them off their asses and force them to improve their lot....or they'd die off slowly. I may be a racist prick, but I would much rather see blacks do better than die off. There are things I appreciate about blacks.
As a race its pretty apparent that whites hate non whites and especially Blacks. How much more proof do you need dude? :laugh:

If that's the case then how do you explain the success of Asians in this country? As a whole we are doing better than whites.

Additionally, what about the Jews? Nobody has been persecuted throughout history as much as those people have and they fucking own everything

Asians are generally more compliant with whites while outworking them. Whites don't perceive them as a threat.

"Jew" is not a race and most modern day "Jews" are just white people that practice Judaism. Thats why they are able to just change their names and blend in with other whites..
So asians get along with people that like to get along vs people that feel beaten upon even though they have no valid reason to feel that way.

never realized what a racist dog you are.
How you got that out of what I said is a mystery. Its not hard. Asians know and believe they are smarter than whites. Since whites control the country they remain in the background and outwork you and pretend to like you if necessary.

Its none of my business if you think I am a racist. Just repeating what countless Asians have told me.
countless asians have spoken to you.

Thats not including the ones I had for girlfriends and family members.
How you got that out of what I said is a mystery. Its not hard. Asians know and believe they are smarter than whites. Since whites control the country they remain in the background and outwork you and pretend to like you if necessary.

Its none of my business if you think I am a racist. Just repeating what countless Asians have told me.

Well, in that case, on behalf of all Asian-Americans, thank you for explaining to us what we all think of the rest of you.
Youre only half Asian. You even said so yourself.
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