What crazy shit will Democrats ‘get behind’ next? Your predictions please.


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
To recap, in short....we’ve seen them support degenerate men in dresses shitting next to little girls, gender choice, illegal aliens above real Americans, free shit for the world, legalization of drugs, baby killing....etc
You gotta wonder where they’re headed.
To recap, in short....we’ve seen them support degenerate men in dresses shitting next to little girls, gender choice, illegal aliens above real Americans, free shit for the world, legalization of drugs, baby killing....etc
You gotta wonder where they’re headed.

We already know they support higher taxes, fewer jobs, free college, free housing, free money, WWIII with Russia or North Korea, equal opportunity nukes for Iran and North Korea….damn, the list goes on and on. Really have to stretch the imagination at to what they could possibly come up with next.
Anything and everything which benefits Establishment, War Party = The Swamp and potentially decreases the population in USA and the whole wold. The liberal audience has been already "warmed up" and demonstrated it is ready for all kinds of insanity even if the next insanity contradicts the previous.
Anything and everything which benefits Establishment, War Party = The Swamp and potentially decreases the population in USA and the whole wold. The liberal audience has been already "warmed up" and demonstrated it is ready for all kinds of craziness even if the next craziness contradicts the previous.
Free surplus Abrams tanks for Ukraine!
To recap, in short....we’ve seen them support degenerate men in dresses shitting next to little girls, gender choice, illegal aliens above real Americans, free shit for the world, legalization of drugs, baby killing....etc
You gotta wonder where they’re headed.

Wait five minutes . . .I'll get back to you. Wait thirty seconds . . . I'll get back to you. Wait . . . there's no time to get back to you! So much craziness so often I cannot refresh my browser windows fast enough. Wait . . .!
Ooh, I got another good one!

Trying to ensure all Americans have healthcare coverage. Fucking nuts!
And how about this one I heard the other day, I don't believe it personally but people are telling me this is true.....

Democrats want to figure out how to prevent kids from being shot and murdered in school.

Where do they come up with this nonsense??!?
And just to prove how communist they are, Democrats even want to prevent Russia from being able to interfere with any of our elections. Yes, seriously!
And just to prove how communist they are, Democrats even want to prevent Russia from being able to interfere with any of our elections. Yes, seriously!

Democrats were OK with the leader of the Ukraine trying to help Hillary win by saying they thought Trump was unstable.

Obama was also OK with it when he learned about it as he did nothing.
Oh and this is icing on the cake, but for some reason Democrats don't want government or big business being able to decide what sites we can visit on the internet. Who the hell are they to try to allow us total access to the internet?!
Full normalization of pedophilia as a sexual orientation. You can already see the beginning of it.
Using facts to build out their positions. Crazy, I know!
Facts, you mean like the fact that there are only 2 sexes and that you are born one or the other? Or the fact that Russia did not actually change any votes in the election and spent about 100k on a few ads? You mean like those facts?
I think they will continue and broaden their platform of “If we lose...you cheated”

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