What crime did Eric Garner commit, that made the NYPD go after him?

I wonder if the feds had killed a few dozen of those armed thugs at the Bundy ranch all the RWnuts here would be saying it was the thugs' fault they got killed?

I'm guessing that approximately 0% of you would have that opinion.
again, you have shown your stupidness once again. Learn something would you please.

I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?
Look at the liberals ducking and dodging in this thread, desperately trying to ignore the fact that Garner was killed over a law that the liberals had no business making. Raising taxes to ridiculous levels, simply to "help" their poor, beknighted subjects. It's "for their own good", you know.

And so government could collect more money, of course.

These are the same liberals who constantly blast "big business" for being "too greedy", for "doing things for the almighty dollar".

This is the result of big-government liberalism, every time.

Especially in a country with a heritage of freedom, where people have always done what it took to overcome problems themselves and make their own way.

That heritage clashes directly with the agenda of the big-government liberals. Their subjects must bow down and accept the "better judgement" of the liberals, They must do what the liberals want them to do. Rights be damned.

And by God, the liberals will apply whatever force they have to, to defeat that heritage.
What a load of crap.

If he hadn't been illegally selling cigarettes,he would have been engaged in some other criminal enterprise.
The liberals are slowing down today.

It took five posts before one of them said, "But... but... but... well, if he hadn't commited the crime of evading our ridiculous taxes, I'm SURE he would have committed some other crime, eventually!"

Completely missing the point that the liberals are making so many laws, regulations, and restrictions on so many subjects, that's its' nearly impossible to live without violating at least one of them.

The fault is government's subjects, not government, right?
Eric Garner was selling cigarettes.

And not even packs of them. Individual cigarettes. ("Loosies")

WTF? Why was he even doing that? And why was it a crime?

Answer: Because New York City had hugely increased TAXES on cigarettes. So much that the city had nearly tripled the price on them.

In a low-tax state like North Carolina, cigarettes can be bought for $5 a pack.

In New York City, the same cigarettes are anywhere from $11 to $15 a pack.

Garner's "crime"? He hadn't paid those extra taxes.

Unsurprisingly, NYC's crushing taxes created a huge black market. People like Eric Garner regularly drive down to North Carolina, load up on $5/pack cigarettes, come back to NYC, and sell them for "only" $8 or $9.

NYC's government had driven prices so artificially high, that Eric Garner even sold individual cigarettes. Because many people couldn't afford even a single, whole pack. Or he did, until NYC's police killed him.

Used to be, that government only made laws to protect people's rights. That was their whole job.

But more recently, big-government liberals have decided that government's job was to save people from their own mistakes, whether they were violating anybody else's rights or not. Places like New York City have gone so far off the rails, they even made laws against selling soft drinks that were "too large".

And they have a law that you are forbidden to sell a pack of cigarettes for under $10.50.

NYC Mayor DiBlasio issued an edict not long ago, telling NYPD cops to crack down on those terrifying hardened criminals who were selling individual cigarettes. The memo didn't mention exactly how those sellers were violating people's rights, or which rights were being violated. But the local government was missing out on some tax revenue (the taxes that tripled the price of cigarettes). And that could not be tolerated.

Garner had been busted for doing this, a number of times before. Of course, if the govt hadn't hiked taxes to such ridiculous levels, he probably would have never been busted for it at all. Nobody would have bothered to buy North Carolina cigarettes from him, so he never would have gone into business selling them in the first place.

An Obama official once remarked, "If you want to make an omelet, you have to crack a few eggs." The "eggs" that got "cracked" in that case were U.S. Border Patrol agents who were killed by Mexican drug cartels with gun illegally sold to them by the Obama administration.

Looks like another egg got cracked, this time in response to New York City government raising taxes on cigarettes, creating a whole new group of criminals who tried to evade those taxes. This "egg" was named Eric Garner.

Oops. Oh, well.

The NYC govt wanted to make an omelet, protecting people from their own faults (smoking cigarettes). Hope they enjoy it.
I wonder if the feds had killed a few dozen of those armed thugs at the Bundy ranch all the RWnuts here would be saying it was the thugs' fault they got killed?

I'm guessing that approximately 0% of you would have that opinion.
again, you have shown your stupidness once again. Learn something would you please.

I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?

He died because the police used excessive unnecessary and inappropriate force.
Look at the liberals ducking and dodging in this thread, desperately trying to ignore the fact that Garner was killed over a law that the liberals had no business making. Raising taxes to ridiculous levels, simply to "help" their poor, beknighted subjects. It's "for their own good", you know.

And so government could collect more money, of course.

These are the same liberals who constantly blast "big business" for being "too greedy", for "doing things for the almighty dollar".

This is the result of big-government liberalism, every time.

Especially in a country with a heritage of freedom, where people have always done what it took to overcome problems themselves and make their own way.

That heritage clashes directly with the agenda of the big-government liberals. Their subjects must bow down and accept the "better judgement" of the liberals, They must do what the liberals want them to do. Rights be damned.

And by God, the liberals will apply whatever force they have to, to defeat that heritage.
Actually, he was killed for resisting arrest, and actually, he died do to health reasons triggered by the resisting arrest. All he had to do was to move on, or go with them. He would be back today selling loosies if he only followed the directions of the cops. I'm sorry, but I just can't go where you went with this post. The man had a choice and he chose the outcome he received. Same with the kid from Ferguson.

BTW, I would still like to hear if the larynx was damaged.
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wtf NYC charges $58.50 tax alone on a carton of smokes? On top of whatever the selling price is? No wonder he was selling loosies and no wonder they took him down. He was cheating the state out of paying his fair share of taxes.
I wonder if the feds had killed a few dozen of those armed thugs at the Bundy ranch all the RWnuts here would be saying it was the thugs' fault they got killed?

I'm guessing that approximately 0% of you would have that opinion.
again, you have shown your stupidness once again. Learn something would you please.

I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?

He died because the police used excessive unnecessary and inappropriate force.
I wonder if the feds had killed a few dozen of those armed thugs at the Bundy ranch all the RWnuts here would be saying it was the thugs' fault they got killed?

I'm guessing that approximately 0% of you would have that opinion.
again, you have shown your stupidness once again. Learn something would you please.

I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?

He died because the police used excessive unnecessary and inappropriate force.

You'll then have to add obesity to that list, cuz if he wasn't the size of a small hippo........

Just saying

Can't wait until the anti smoking nazi's classify his death as being from second hand smoke!
I wonder if the feds had killed a few dozen of those armed thugs at the Bundy ranch all the RWnuts here would be saying it was the thugs' fault they got killed?

I'm guessing that approximately 0% of you would have that opinion.
again, you have shown your stupidness once again. Learn something would you please.

I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?

He died because the police used excessive unnecessary and inappropriate force.

You'll then have to add obesity to that list, cuz if he wasn't the size of a small hippo........

Just saying

Can't wait until the anti smoking nazi's classify his death as being from second hand smoke!
The officers should sue the city for exposing them to such an unhealthy atmosphere.
I wonder if the feds had killed a few dozen of those armed thugs at the Bundy ranch all the RWnuts here would be saying it was the thugs' fault they got killed?

I'm guessing that approximately 0% of you would have that opinion.
again, you have shown your stupidness once again. Learn something would you please.

You're saying it's Garner's fault he was killed because he was resisting arrest.

The armed gangs at the Bundy ranch were obstructing justice at the very least.

That means it would have been their fault if they'd been killed, using the RWnut reasoning.
I wonder if the feds had killed a few dozen of those armed thugs at the Bundy ranch all the RWnuts here would be saying it was the thugs' fault they got killed?

I'm guessing that approximately 0% of you would have that opinion.
again, you have shown your stupidness once again. Learn something would you please.

I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?

He died because the police used excessive unnecessary and inappropriate force.
Why did they do that again?
I wonder if the feds had killed a few dozen of those armed thugs at the Bundy ranch all the RWnuts here would be saying it was the thugs' fault they got killed?

I'm guessing that approximately 0% of you would have that opinion.
again, you have shown your stupidness once again. Learn something would you please.

I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?

He died because the police used excessive unnecessary and inappropriate force.
Why did they do that again?
you're gonna have to wait for an answer, because he needs to find an answer from his handlers.
again, you have shown your stupidness once again. Learn something would you please.

I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?

He died because the police used excessive unnecessary and inappropriate force.
Why did they do that again?
you're gonna have to wait for an answer, because he needs to find an answer from his handlers.
It shouldn't take long, media matters is were he gets his talking points.
I wonder if the feds had killed a few dozen of those armed thugs at the Bundy ranch all the RWnuts here would be saying it was the thugs' fault they got killed?

I'm guessing that approximately 0% of you would have that opinion.
again, you have shown your stupidness once again. Learn something would you please.

I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?

He died because the police used excessive unnecessary and inappropriate force.
Why did they do that again?

Why does any policeman fail to follow the rules?


I would have been fine if the GJ went the other way, the cop went too far.

But it would not have happened had Garner not resisted arrest. Same as Brown.


Yes, the cops went too far. Why don't you just stop there instead of trying to trash the victim?

You're implying that all Americans should treat the police as if the police are above the law in every regard
again, you have shown your stupidness once again. Learn something would you please.

I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?

He died because the police used excessive unnecessary and inappropriate force.
Why did they do that again?

Why does any policeman fail to follow the rules?
Maybe because the criminal NEVER does.
I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?

He died because the police used excessive unnecessary and inappropriate force.
Why did they do that again?

Why does any policeman fail to follow the rules?
Maybe because the criminal NEVER does.

Do you agree that the feds should have just opened up on the armed gangs trying to protect the lawbreaker Clive Bundy, and wiped them out,

so they could perform their legally authorized duties unimpeded?
I at least know the topic of this thread, 'wit. That's a big step above where you're at.
you asked for and received the title as you asked. What about it? Still doesn't answer my question why did he die?

He died because the police used excessive unnecessary and inappropriate force.
Why did they do that again?
you're gonna have to wait for an answer, because he needs to find an answer from his handlers.


I would have been fine if the GJ went the other way, the cop went too far.

But it would not have happened had Garner not resisted arrest. Same as Brown.


Yes, the cops went too far. Why don't you just stop there instead of trying to trash the victim?

You're implying that all Americans should treat the police as if the police are above the law in every regard


So, I'm still waiting to hear what the cops were supposed to do to resolve the issue that he Garner started. BTW, the cops walking away isn't a resolution, since the law abiding owners wanted Garner gone. So now, know what you know from the video what would you have done to get Garner to come with you the cop?

Please, I am truly interested in this.

For me, the only other way would have resulted in another Rodney King thing. Just saying.

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