What did Desantis mean?

How can you be so sure?
Trump lost big-time BEFORE January 6, 2021.

AFTER January 6, 2021 he has no chance of being elected again.


You and some of your see this quite differently, but vast legions of American voters now equate your boy with Benedict Arnold, as of that date.

Internal to the MAGA base that's an easy Juicy Rationalization but that Rationalization will not play well beyond those relatively narrow boundaries.

The MAGA base has long-since lost sight of that or talked themselves into ignoring it but if Trump runs again the MAGA folk will regret it on Nov 6, 2024.
Trump lost big-time BEFORE January 6, 2021.

AFTER January 6, 2021 he has no chance of being elected again.


You and some of your see this quite differently, but vast legions of American voters now equate your boy with Benedict Arnold, as of that date.
Please, Trump isn't "my boy". Not in the slightest.
Internal to the MAGA base that's an easy Juicy Rationalization but that Rationalization will not play well beyond those relatively narrow boundaries.
Democrats failed to learn from Trump's first upset. They haven't changed course. I see no reason to believe it can't happen again.
Bottom line: in 2020 they rigged the Election (using 5 big counties) to pick their own boss. Trump made them all look stupid like i always knew they were. They could not have that again.

Again, big spikes in vote counts after midnight NOV03. Yet CA CT etc. did not record D vote spikes upwards of 95% over 100K? You'd have to be a complete imbecile (or in on it) to ignore what happened. MSM wont report it, Courts block aby meaningfull look, now 3 yrs later.

We all like to pick our own boss. But almost no one resorts to criminal activities to do it.
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You made a claim. You show a link.

The burden of proof is the responsibility of the person making the claim. If someone makes a claim, they must provide evidence to support it. If they can’t provide evidence, then their claim is not considered valid.
You said gas prices are at a record hig and you provided no proof.
You are Pinocchio.
That's right moron. You falsely claimed I lied -- it is incumbent on you to prove the lie. You can't. But I can prove the truth, it is easy and I feel magnanimous today so here you go dumb ass. From one of your msm outlets too. May 8, 2022. Now STFU and run along troll. Gas prices are the most expensive in US history, breaking record from 2008
That's from early 2022. You claimed they were at a record now. Busted. Irrelevant link.
Read it again moron. On top of being stupid, you're a liar too. From my post #74
Please link me to ANY site that shows that fuel prices were EVER higher than they were during the Biden admin. I'll wait.
Now run your little feeble ass down the road and grasp at some more straws.
January 6, 2021, had not yet happened, in 2016.

Also, the American People had not yet witnessed the ignorant, arrogant, autocratic, open-mouth-before-thinking nature of the Orange Joke.

You boy is now un-electable.

Consider running somebody who has a serious chance of winning this time around.
Sorry bout that,

1. Our boy will win with ease.
2. And I know the liberals will do their collective best to steal this coming election.
3. But they will fail, kinda like Biden's doing.

Yesterday Ron Desantis in Iowa sharply criticized the Republicans for their "culture of losing," Warning that if they keep focusing on past elections Democrats will "beat us again":

"We must reject the culture of losing that has impacted our party in recent years. The time for excuses is over," DeSantis said during his speech. "If we get distracted, if we focus the election on the past or on other side issues, then I think the Democrats are going to beat us again."

Who is this person that in Desantis' view is dwelling on the past and who might lose "again" if he/she continues?
Republicans are losng elections because their po
Yes, more fraudulent ones....and won fraudulently!
Your MAGA fantasies didn't put Trump in the W.H. after the loss, nice try but a big ole FAIL.
Yesterday Ron Desantis in Iowa sharply criticized the Republicans for their "culture of losing," Warning that if they keep focusing on past elections Democrats will "beat us again":

"We must reject the culture of losing that has impacted our party in recent years. The time for excuses is over," DeSantis said during his speech. "If we get distracted, if we focus the election on the past or on other side issues, then I think the Democrats are going to beat us again."

Who is this person that in Desantis' view is dwelling on the past and who might lose "again" if he/she continues?
They've won one popular vote since 1988.

Laugh all you want to, it's the truth. Laughing does not negate truth.
Please, Trump isn't "my boy". Not in the slightest.

Democrats failed to learn from Trump's first upset. They haven't changed course. I see no reason to believe it can't happen again.
The difference is that Trump made an upset as a blank candidate. Having no time in politics he was counting on his star power. Since he took office he has spent each and every single second trying to alienate the entirety of the center and building up enormous hate from the left. I cannot see him winning after squeaking by in 2016, getting his ass handed to him in 2020 and seriously damaging the republicans in 2022. Trump was at his most popular the day he took office. Every day since then has been nothing but a steady stream of losing everything other than his core supporters. Also, there is no better get out the vote effort in existence for the left as effective as Trump. They did not show for Hillary because they were jaded and Trump was not tormenting them in their nightmares. Neither of those things are true now. They may have not learned how not to be crazy but they did learn they cant stay home when Trump is on the ballot. They will not make that mistake again.
Incorrect. Trump has been harping on the past since he got his a$$ kicked in the November 2020 general election.

You saying that he is not looking in the rear-view mirror is hilarious... not only laugh-worthy... but belly-laugh-worthy. :laughing0301:

You only read what you want to read and are blind to anything else. I clearly stated that he only speaks of the past because he is constantly asked about it. That fact was clearly evident in the CNN Townhall. You are like a laughing hyena without the intelligence.
The difference is that Trump made an upset as a blank candidate. Having no time in politics he was counting on his star power. Since he took office he has spent each and every single second trying to alienate the entirety of the center and building up enormous hate from the left. I cannot see him winning after squeaking by in 2016, getting his ass handed to him in 2020 and seriously damaging the republicans in 2022. Trump was at his most popular the day he took office. Every day since then has been nothing but a steady stream of losing everything other than his core supporters. Also, there is no better get out the vote effort in existence for the left as effective as Trump. They did not show for Hillary because they were jaded and Trump was not tormenting them in their nightmares. Neither of those things are true now. They may have not learned how not to be crazy but they did learn they cant stay home when Trump is on the ballot. They will not make that mistake again.
Maybe. Not that it matters much. My interest is in provoking both parties to run better candidates. But I recognize that is, sadly, not likely.
Maybe. Not that it matters much. My interest is in provoking both parties to run better candidates. But I recognize that is, sadly, not likely.
Yes, it is unlikely. IMHO, the problem is going to get a lot worse as Trump's tantrums may just destroy the republicans and allow the democrats to elect whatever trash they want to and still gain control over the government as a whole.

And the right will never even see how they caused it.

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