What did Desantis mean?

if you clowns are dumb enough to run Trump again - and you are - you will get your a$$e$ kicked in November 2024 - Bigly.
Trump received more votes in 2020 than any other presidential candidate in history, except for the extra 10 million unverified ballots that were counted for Biden under cover of the Covid pandemic. But thank$ for your juvenile alliteration.
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Yesterday Ron Desantis in Iowa sharply criticized the Republicans for their "culture of losing," Warning that if they keep focusing on past elections Democrats will "beat us again":

"We must reject the culture of losing that has impacted our party in recent years. The time for excuses is over," DeSantis said during his speech. "If we get distracted, if we focus the election on the past or on other side issues, then I think the Democrats are going to beat us again."

Who is this person that in Desantis' view is dwelling on the past and who might lose "again" if he/she continues?
With your comprehension problems, you wouldn't understand the plain English that someone might use to explain it to you.
Trump received more votes in 2020 than any other presidential candidate in history
That was before January 6, 2021.
, except for the extra 10 million unverified ballots that were counted for Biden under cover of the Covid pandemic. But thank$ for your juvenile alliteration.
The only juvenile thinking at-issue here is the grotesquely delusional position that Trump can win a general election after January 6, 2021. Not gonna happen.

The nation will suffer greatly if the Democrats get another four years beginning in 2024. I do not want to see that happen. But it will, if you run Trump again.
It's not a "person" but "persons" specifically, the GOP. Their culture of losing is the Bush/McCain style where we aim for the middle road, compromise our principles, and try not to piss people off. It's the lily-livered, spineless, stupidity of playing the game so that the media isn't mean to us. All that "rise above it" and "turn the other cheek" bullshit that allowed to Democrats to fuck everything up, while we sat around and did nothing but bitch and moan. The rejection of that style is why Trump, DeSantis, and Abbot are so popular right now.
Wouldn't it make more sense that Desantis is talking about Trump?.
1) Bush/McCain types aren't focusing on past elections.
2) Trump is fixated on the 2020 election.
3) DeSantis

It's not a "person" but "persons" specifically, the GOP. Their culture of losing is the Bush/McCain style where we aim for the middle road, compromise our principles, and try not to piss people off. It's the lily-livered, spineless, stupidity of playing the game so that the media isn't mean to us. All that "rise above it" and "turn the other cheek" bullshit that allowed to Democrats to fuck everything up, while we sat around and did nothing but bitch and moan. The rejection of that style is why Trump, DeSantis, and Abbot are so popular right now.
Wouldn't it make more sense that Desantis is talking about Trump?.
1) Bush/McCain types aren't focusing on past elections

. 2) Trump is fixated on the 2020 election. 3) DeSantis is in Iowa to compete against Trump.
Wouldn't it make more sense that Desantis is talking about Trump?.
1) Bush/McCain types aren't focusing on past elections.
2) Trump is fixated on the 2020 election.
3) DeSantis

Wouldn't it make more sense that Desantis is talking about Trump?.
1) Bush/McCain types aren't focusing on past elections

. 2) Trump is fixated on the 2020 election. 3) DeSantis is in Iowa to compete against Trump.

I suppose you could read it like that, but I don't. DeSantis said what more and more conservatives have been saying for years. I held my nose and voted for Bush twice, then I held my nose and voted for McCain. they both were the kind of republicans that DeSantis is talking about. Trump isn't focusing on past elections but he always answers the questions about it, and the left constantly asks those questions.
I saw a headline stating ronnie is happy J6 are locked up? Is he OK with torture for "tresspassers" let in & led by Capitol Police? Hey home O MAC, whars' da video?

What Ron DeSantis Has Said About Jan. 6​

In the aftermath of the attack, DeSantis issued a statement condemning the violence which occurred that day while praising law enforcement's attempts to protect the Capitol building from the mob.

"Violence or rioting of any kind is unacceptable and the perpetrators must face the full weight of the law," DeSantis said in a statement. "The Capitol Police do an admirable job and I thank them for their hard work."

On January 7, 2021, DeSantis repeated his condensation of the rioters during a press conference regarding the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is other articles you can look up.

What Ron DeSantis Has Said About Jan. 6​

In the aftermath of the attack, DeSantis issued a statement condemning the violence which occurred that day while praising law enforcement's attempts to protect the Capitol building from the mob.

"Violence or rioting of any kind is unacceptable and the perpetrators must face the full weight of the law," DeSantis said in a statement. "The Capitol Police do an admirable job and I thank them for their hard work."

On January 7, 2021, DeSantis repeated his condensation of the rioters during a press conference regarding the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is other articles you can look up.

Donald Trump has said much the same. He has never ever condoned the violence and damage that happened that day. DeSantis isn't saying anything new.
A party that could offer better than Biden/Harris would win. The duopoly will not have better, so it may be Trump again.
Sounds like you're dwelling on the past. DeSantis is right. Stop focusing on the stolen election of 2020 and look forward to stopping any future coups. Hopefully, future conservatives will pass laws making Biden/Demwit election tactics illegal and make them fair in the future. Of course, if the Dems “naturalize” all the illegal aliens they're ushering in, then it may be too late to save the Republic.
What bothers me is that Republicans already knew what was happening. Every race in 2024 needs to e followed. And where the Republicans put their money. When we see some of their races it's like watching a horse race where the jockey purposely slows the horse down. Each election cycle pushes us closer to Prog capitulation.

What Ron DeSantis Has Said About Jan. 6​

In the aftermath of the attack, DeSantis issued a statement condemning the violence which occurred that day while praising law enforcement's attempts to protect the Capitol building from the mob.

"Violence or rioting of any kind is unacceptable and the perpetrators must face the full weight of the law," DeSantis said in a statement. "The Capitol Police do an admirable job and I thank them for their hard work."

On January 7, 2021, DeSantis repeated his condensation of the rioters during a press conference regarding the response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

There is other articles you can look up.

THX, but I dont watch listen or read MSM LW BS since NOV04 2020. I go to this message board or GP headlines. Maybe Finance pages to understand my account flucuations.
Donald Trump has said much the same. He has never ever condoned the violence and damage that happened that day. DeSantis isn't saying anything new.

Whats he say about those locked up or lives destroyed for only being on Capitol grounds? Silence? Like all the Congress R?
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What bothers me is that Republicans already knew what was happening. Every race in 2024 needs to e followed. And where the Republicans put their money. When we see some of their races it's like watching a horse race where the jockey purposely slows the horse down. Each election cycle pushes us closer to Prog capitulation.
Turncoat McConnell purposely supported RINOs over conservative Republicans. He's a disgrace and a disgusting pretender.
2020 2022 State R are not even pushing for Signature(s) audit of any sort? Huh? Thats the easy one. FANN thiught it nit important i suppose?

Can't wait to vote for more of them EH?
I don't have the answers but ronnie seems out of touch, like a GWB? Voting no longer works at all.

Nationwide truckers strike? All stay home from work? Those that go are in on the fraud. Its not an easy problem to solve. Apparently its already too late? 2020 was not fixed right away.
...Trump isn't focusing on past elections...

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