What did Desantis mean?

Sounds like you're dwelling on the past. DeSantis is right. Stop focusing on the stolen election of 2020 and look forward to stopping any future coups. Hopefully, future conservatives will pass laws making Biden/Demwit election tactics illegal and make them fair in the future. Of course, if the Dems “naturalize” all the illegal aliens they're ushering in, then it may be too late to save the Republic.
Wrong. Keep the stolen election of 2020 firmly in the headlights. Take your eye off this massive fraud only opens the door for it to be repeated. Which is exactly what enemy democrats want. That's why they keep demanding we forget about it.
Yesterday Ron Desantis in Iowa sharply criticized the Republicans for their "culture of losing,"
Historically even when Republicans won they act like they lost and cave to Democrats. Why? Because they feared being attacked in the Dem run so called news media. Trump didn't give a shit. Trump called those bastards Fake News right to their face and rightfully so. Trump gave the GOP a spine if only for 4 years.
Historically even when Republicans won they act like they lost and cave to Democrats. Why? Because they feared being attacked in the Dem run so called news media. Trump didn't give a shit. Trump called those bastards Fake News right to their face and rightfully so. Trump gave the GOP a spine if only for 4 years.

Trump counter-punched when Demwitted loons always attacked first. Be it non-stop MSM attacks or filthy Congress leaking or lying 24-7. The only punishment to date is lost viewers or a few firings. Please Hit them harder.

ONLY. President Trump fought back for us. #NeverForget. Trump did it right.
Wrong. Keep the stolen election of 2020 firmly in the headlights. Take your eye off this massive fraud only opens the door for it to be repeated. Which is exactly what enemy democrats want. That's why they keep demanding we forget about it.
You are delusional.

There will be no repeat of the surprise Trump victory of 2016.

Trump is now un-electable.

The nation will be greatly harmed if the Democrats get another four years beyond 2024.

You idiots running Trump again would
ENSURE that the Democrats get four more years.

Trump is now un-electable.


January 6, 2021.


Fer Crissakes...

If you still can...

You are delusional.

The nation will be greatly harmed if the Democrats get another four years beyond 2024.

You idiots running Trump again would ENSURE that the Democrats get four more years.

It doesn't matter. Democrats wrote the book. They are fully prepared to give the Trump treatment to ANYONE running as a Republican. They know exactly what to do.
It doesn't matter. Democrats wrote the book. They are fully prepared to give the Trump treatment to ANYONE running as a Republican. They know exactly what to do.
You have drunk far too deeply of the Orange Kool-Aid. You are condemning the nation to four more years of Democrat rule if you run Trump. Don't.

Run somebody younger and with more vision and less baggage who can advance the MAGA agenda without mental health and boorishness getting in the way.
You have drunk far too deeply of the Orange Kool-Aid. You are condemning the nation to four more years of Democrat rule if you run Trump. Don't.

Run somebody younger and with more vision and less baggage who can advance the MAGA agenda without mental health and boorishness getting in the way.
So it will be Trump's fault if the democrats fix another election for Biden? Nice to know. SMFH.
Abbot is controlled opposition, and DeSantis is getting infiltrated with squish normies.
I suggest you pick one of those and start shoring-up the weak spots, 'cause if you run Trump again you guarantee that you will lose in November 2024.
So it will be Trump's fault if the democrats fix another election for Biden? Nice to know. SMFH.

1. there was no Stolen Election in 2020

2. it will be YOUR (collective) fault for being stupid enough to run the traitorous fat bastard who summoned, incited and aimed the assault on Congress on January 6, 2021.

January 6, 2021 rendered him un-electable.

Not within the universe of GOP primaries.

But within the much broader universe of the entire American electorate.
Run somebody younger and with more vision and less baggage who can advance the MAGA agenda without mental health and boorishness getting in the way.

Thats what the VP will be for. With Trump on top (what he is owed) maybe some punishment & Truth will be advanced. Russian collusion hoax went unpunished.
I think if they debate they should have to wear tights and masks like proper pro wrestlers.

1. there was no Stolen Election in 2020

2. it will be YOUR (collective) fault for being stupid enough to run the traitorous fat bastard who summoned, incited and aimed the assault on Congress on January 6, 2021.

January 6, 2021 rendered him un-electable.

Not within the universe of GOP primaries.

But within the much broader universe of the entire American electorate.
Is it your fault that the economy is in the toilet? That fuel prices are the highest in history? That children are being indoctrinated to be degenerates in primary grades? Certainly it is -- you fixed an election for Biden.
I'd rather lose again (errr. Stolen) with a FIGHTER (Trump) than play along with the disgusting criminal kabal in place now. Hasten the end game, then wipe the commie vermin out permanently. A 90 day purge is preferable to letting them get away with what they have done to all of us.
Fucking morons. Fighter? What did that pussy ever win?

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